14 research outputs found

    Pronounced Shape Change Induced by Quasiparticle Alignment

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    Mean lifetimes of high-spin states of 74Kr have been determined using the Doppler-shift attenuation method. The high-spin states were studied using the 40Ca(40Ca,α2p) reaction at a beam energy of 160 MeV with the GASP γ-ray spectrometer. The ground-state band and negative parity side band show the presence of three different configurations in terms of transitional quadrupole deformations. A dramatic shape change was found along the ground-state band after the S-band crossing. The deduced quadrupole deformation changes are well reproduced by cranked Woods-Saxon Strutinsky calculations

    Education du patient et douleur chronique une approche sociopsychoéducative comme complément des stratégies multidisciplinaires de soins

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    Introduction : À partir d’une revue de littĂ©rature relative aux stratĂ©gies de prise en charge multidisciplinaire de la douleur chronique, cet article examine les aspects Ă©ducatifs des interventions destinĂ©es aux patients. MĂ©thode : Revue de littĂ©rature (1993–2010) de programmes de gestion de la douleur chronique et analyse dĂ©taillĂ©e des composantes Ă©ducatives de 31 programmes Ă©ducatifs. RĂ©sultats : La majoritĂ© des auteurs recommandent d’intĂ©grer un volet Ă©ducatif d’apprentissage dans les programmes, et la majoritĂ© des programmes dĂ©crits incluent de tels volets. Toutefois, il y a une rĂ©elle diversitĂ© dans la conception de l’éducation du patient et dans ses applications pratiques. Plusieurs programmes se fondent sur des visions monodisciplinaires, contrairement Ă  l’approche multidisciplinaire inhĂ©rente Ă  l’éducation du patient. Cela conduit Ă  des malentendus, des limites, des zones d’ombre oĂč tout le potentiel de l’éducation des patients n’est pas exploitĂ©. Conclusion : Peu de programmes utilisent toutes les richesses d’une approche combinĂ©e, Ă  la fois psychologique, socioanthropologique et pĂ©dagogique, qui constitue l’éducation du patient. Des recommandations d’objectifs Ă©ducatifs,de contenus et de mĂ©thodes sont proposĂ©e

    Effects of a psychoeducational program for chronic pain management Efectos de un programa psicoeducativo en el control del dolor crĂłnico Efeitos de um programa psicoeducativo no controle da dor crĂŽnica

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    AIMS: to evaluate the impact of an eight-week psychoeducational program focused on pain intensity, disability and depressive symptoms of patients with chronic pain. METHOD: 79 patients with chronic pain of different etiologies composed the sample. Patients were assessed before, at the end of the intervention and six months after the intervention. The program was developed by a nurse using cognitive-behavioral strategies and was conducted by a multidisciplinary team. The Wilcoxon test was used to compare repeated measures. RESULTS: the participants' mean age was 53 years old, most were female (91%), with an average of 9.5 years of schooling and an average pain duration of 9.9 years. Significant reduction in pain intensity (p<0.001), disability (p<0.001) and depressive symptoms (p<0.001) was found at the end of the program. CONCLUSIONS: the psychoeducational program was effective in reducing pain intensity, reducing disability and in controlling depressive symptoms in this sample.<br>OBJETIVOS: evaluar el impacto de un Programa psicoeducativo de ocho semanas en la intensidad del dolor, incapacidad y sĂ­ntomas depresivos de pacientes con dolor crĂłnico. MÉTODO: 79 pacientes con dolor crĂłnico de diferentes etiologĂ­as compusieron la muestra. Los participantes fueron evaluados antes y al final del Programa y seis meses despuĂ©s. El Programa fue desarrollado por una enfermera, utilizĂł estrategias cognoscitivo-comportamentales y fue aplicado por un equipo multidisciplinar. La prueba no paramĂ©trico de Wilcoxon fue utilizado para comparar medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: la mayorĂ­a de los participantes eran del sexo femenino (91%), con edad media de 53 años, escolaridad media de 9,5 años y duraciĂłn media del dolor de 9,9 años. Al final del Programa se observĂł reducciĂłn significativa en la intensidad del dolor (p<0.001), incapacidad (p<0.001) y sĂ­ntomas depresivos (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONES:el Programa psicoeducativo fue efectivo en el control del dolor, en la reducciĂłn de la incapacidad y en el control de los sĂ­ntomas depresivos en la muestra estudiada.<br>OBJETIVOS: avaliar o impacto de um programa programa psicoeducativo de oito semanas na intensidade da dor, incapacidade e sintomas depressivos de pacientes com dor crĂŽnica. MÉTODO: 79 setenta e nove pacientes com dor crĂŽnica de diferentes etiologias compuseram a amostra. Os participantes foram avaliados antes e ao final do pPrograma e seis meses apĂłs. O pPrograma foi desenvolvido por uma enfermeira, utilizou utilizaram-se estratĂ©gias cognitivo-comportamentais, e foi aplicadaso por equipe multidisciplinar. O teste nĂŁo paramĂ©trico de Wilcoxon foi utilizado para comparar medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: as maioria doas participantes eram do sexo feminino (91%), com idade mĂ©dia de 53 anos, escolaridade mĂ©dia de 9,5 anos e duração mĂ©dia da dor de 9,9 anos. Ao final do Programa, se observou-se redução significativa na intensidade da dor (p<0,001), incapacidade (p<0,001) e sintomas depressivos (p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: o pPrograma psicoeducativo foi efetivo no controle da dor, na redução da incapacidade e no controle dos sintomas depressivos na amostra estudada

    DASH Score and Subsequent Risk of Coronary Artery Disease: The Findings From Million Veteran Program

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    While adherence to healthful dietary patterns has been associated with a lower risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) in the general population, limited data are available among US veterans. We tested the hypothesis that adherence to Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) food pattern is associated with a lower risk of developing CAD among veterans. We analyzed data on 153&nbsp;802 participants of the Million Veteran Program enrolled between 2011 and 2016. Information on dietary habits was obtained using a food frequency questionnaire at enrollment. We used electronic health records to assess the development of CAD during follow-up. Of the 153&nbsp;802 veterans who provided information on diet and were free of CAD at baseline, the mean age was 64.0 (SD=11.8) years and 90.4% were men. During a mean follow-up of 2.8&nbsp;years, 5451 CAD cases occurred. The crude incidence rate of CAD was 14.0, 13.1, 12.6, 12.3, and 11.1 cases per 1000 person-years across consecutive quintiles of Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension score. Hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) for CAD were 1.0 (ref), 0.91 (0.84-0.99), 0.87 (0.80-0.95), 0.86 (0.79-0.94), and 0.80 (0.73-0.87) from the lowest to highest quintile of Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension score controlling for age, sex, body mass index, race, smoking, exercise, alcohol intake, and statin use (P linear trend, &lt;0.0001). Our data are consistent with an inverse association between Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension diet score and incidence of CAD among US veterans