1,190 research outputs found

    Genetic Algorithm for Epidemic Mitigation by Removing Relationships

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    Min-SEIS-Cluster is an optimization problem which aims at minimizing the infection spreading in networks. In this problem, nodes can be susceptible to an infection, exposed to an infection, or infectious. One of the main features of this problem is the fact that nodes have different dynamics when interacting with other nodes from the same community. Thus, the problem is characterized by distinct probabilities of infecting nodes from both the same and from different communities. This paper presents a new genetic algorithm that solves the Min-SEIS-Cluster problem. This genetic algorithm surpassed the current heuristic of this problem significantly, reducing the number of infected nodes during the simulation of the epidemics. The results therefore suggest that our new genetic algorithm is the state-of-the-art heuristic to solve this problem.Comment: GECCO '17 - Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conferenc

    modCHIMERA: A novel murine closed-head model of moderate traumatic brain injury

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    AbstractTraumatic brain injury is a major source of global disability and mortality. Preclinical TBI models are a crucial component of therapeutic investigation. We report a tunable, monitored model of murine non-surgical, diffuse closed-head injury—modCHIMERA—characterized by impact as well as linear and rotational acceleration. modCHIMERA is based on the Closed-Head Impact Model of Engineered Rotational Acceleration (CHIMERA) platform. We tested this model at 2 energy levels: 1.7 and 2.1 Joules—substantially higher than previously reported for this system. Kinematic analysis demonstrated linear acceleration exceeding injury thresholds in humans, although outcome metrics tracked impact energy more closely than kinematic parameters. Acute severity metrics were consistent with a complicated-mild or moderate TBI, a clinical population characterized by high morbidity but potentially reversible pathology. Axonal injury was multifocal and bilateral, neuronal death was detected in the hippocampus, and microglial neuroinflammation was prominent. Acute functional analysis revealed prolonged post-injury unconsciousness, and decreased spontaneous behavior and stimulated neurological scores. Neurobehavioral deficits were demonstrated in spatial learning/memory and socialization at 1-month. The overall injury profile of modCHIMERA corresponds with the range responsible for a substantial portion of TBI-related disability in humans. modCHIMERA should provide a reliable platform for efficient analysis of TBI pathophysiology and testing of treatment modalities.</jats:p

    Microbial imbalance in inflammatory bowel disease patients at different taxonomic levels

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    Background Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is a debilitating group of chronic diseases including Crohn’s Disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), which causes inflammation of the gut and affects millions of people worldwide. At different taxonomic levels, the structure of the gut microbiota is significantly altered in IBD patients compared to that of healthy individuals. However, it is unclear how these IBD-affected bacterial groups are related to other common bacteria in the gut, and how they are connected across different disease conditions at the global scale. Results In this study, using faecal samples from patients with IBD, we show through diversity analysis of the microbial community structure based on the 16S rRNA gene that the gut microbiome of IBD patients is less diverse compared to healthy individuals. Furthermore, we have identified which bacterial groups change in abundance in both CD and UC compared to healthy controls. A substantial imbalance was observed across four major bacterial phyla including Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, which together constitute >98% of the gut microbiota. Next, we reconstructed a bacterial family co-abundance network based on the correlation of abundance profiles obtained from the public gut microbiome data of >22000 samples of faecal and gut biopsies taken from both diseased and healthy individuals. The data was compiled using the EBI metagenomics database [1]. By mapping IBD-altered bacterial families to the network, we show that the bacterial families which exhibit an increased abundance in IBD conditions are not well connected to other groups, implying that these families generally do not coexist together with common gut organisms. Whereas, the bacterial families whose abundance is reduced or did not change in IBD conditions compared to healthy conditions are very well connected to other bacterial groups, suggesting they are highly important groups of bacteria in the gut that can coexist with other bacteria across a range of conditions. Conclusions IBD patients exhibited a less diverse gut microbiome compared to healthy individuals. Bacterial groups which changed in IBD patients were found to be groups which do not co-exist well with common commensal gut bacteria, whereas bacterial groups which did not change in patients with IBD were found to commonly co-exist with commensal gut microbiota. This gives a potential insight into the dynamics of the gut microbiota in patients with IBD

    Water relations of obligate riparian plants as a function of streamflow diversion on the Bishop Creek watershed

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    We investigated the water relations of obli-gate riparian plants on paired diverted and undiverted reaches on Bishop Creek, Eastern Sierra Nevada. Ri-parian plants on diverted reaches had reduced stomatal conductance and water potential compared to plants on undiverted reaches in a dry year, but not in a high runoff year. Juvenile plants on diverted reaches had reduced stomatal conductance and lower midday water potentials relative to surrounding mature trees, a trend that was not observed on undiverted reaches. Plants on diverted reaches possessed significantly smaller, thicker leaves and a reduced total leaf area relative to trees on streamside reaches. Reduced community leaf area and effective stomatal control of water loss may allow ripar-ian corridors on diverted reaches to retain their canopies in low runoff years. However, a long term consequence of partial streamflow diversion may be selective mortal-ty of juvenile plants because of the elimination of floods and high flows

    Human Resource Needs and Demand for Post-Secondary Education in the Canadian Secondary Wood Products Industry

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    Skilled labor shortages in manufacturing industries are being reported in a number of countries. The extent to which such shortages are affecting Canadian wood manufacturing industries is not known. The aim of this study was to survey the skills and educational needs of Canadian wood manufacturing industries, the status, capacity, and challenges that post-secondary education institutes face in meeting industries' human resource needs, and finally the attractiveness of the industry to high school job-seekers. The majority (83%) of wood manufacturing companies in Canada are experiencing problems in hiring skilled tradespeople, and 54.5% of the companies face difficulties in hiring and retaining professionals and supervisory personnel. Skilled staff shortages and competitive pressures were nominated by companies as the two most important factors restricting their growth. The skills needs of companies have changed over the last 10 years, and companies now place a much higher premium on leadership and communication skills from management, and attitude and advanced technical skills from tradespeople. Most companies offered some kind of in-house training to redress skills gaps, but less than half were likely to use the Internet to deliver in-house training. The majority of high school students were not interested in pursuing a career in the wood manufacturing industry because of its association with unsustainable forestry practices and manual labor, and the availability of more attractive career options. Lack of student interest in wood manufacturing is affecting the institutions offering relevant vocational and professional training, and nine of the thirteen institutes suffer from under-enrollment in their wood manufacturing programs. Comprehensive strategies are required to address the labor market imbalances currently affecting Canada's wood manufacturing industries

    Performance of an environmental test to detect Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger social groups

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    A study by Courtenay and others (2006) demonstrated that the probability of detecting Mycobacterium bovis by PCR in soil samples from the spoil heaps of main badger setts correlated with the prevalence of excretion (infectiousness) of captured badgers belonging to the social group. It has been proposed that such a test could be used to target badger culling to setts containing infectious animals (Anon 2007). This short communication discusses the issues surrounding this concept, with the intention of dispelling any misconceptions among relevant stakeholders (farmers, policy makers and conservationists)

    Analisis Unit Cost Pelayanan Rawat Inap Postpartum Di Rumah Sakit Umum Dewi Sartika Dengan Menggunakan Metode Activity Based Costing (ABC) System

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    Iklim kompetitif tidak hanya terjadi pada Perusahaan yang berorientasi profit, namun juga berdampak padaperusahaan yang berorientasi nonprofit, salah satunya adalah rumah sakit. Rumah sakit yang berada di SulawesiTenggara pada tahun 2014 berjumlah 36, sedangkan kota Kendari memiliki 13 rumah sakit dan harus melayani347.496 penduduk. Hal ini menjadikan persaingan bisnis rumah sakit baik umum maupun swasta kini semakinketat. Salah satu solusi untuk memenangkan persaingan adalah dengan cara menentukan tarif yang lebih rendahdan kualitas atau jasa yang lebih tinggi dari pada pesaing. Solusi tersebut tentunya menjadikan biaya operasionalrumah sakit akan semakin besar sehingga sistem akuntansi manajemen di rumah sakit harus efektif dan efisiensehingga menghasilkan informasi yang akurat dalam pengambilan keputusan. Rumah sakit cenderung masihmenggunakan system akuntansi tradisional yang memiliki distorsi biaya. Penelitian ini menganalisis perhitungantarif rawat inap pelayanan postpartum di RSU Dewi Sartika menggunakan metode activity based costing system.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, data yang digunakanadalah seluruh data keuangan pada Oktober 2015-September 2016 dan aktivitas yang diobservasi yaitu ruangperawatan kelas VIP, kelas I, kelas II, kelas III dan bangsal. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda daritarif yang diterapkan. Tarif kelas VIP, kelas I dan kelas III lebih rendah dari tarif rumah sakit sedangkan tarif kelas IIdan bangsal lebih tinggi

    Does an intensive self-management structured education course improve outcomes for children and young people with type 1 diabetes? The Kids In Control OF Food (KICk-OFF) cluster-randomised controlled trial protocol

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    Introduction: The Kids In Control OF Food (KICk-OFF) is a cluster-randomised controlled trial, which aims to determine the efficacy of a 5 day structured education course for 11-year-olds to 16-year-olds with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) when compared with standard care, and its cost effectiveness. Less than 15% of children and young people with T1DM in the UK meet the recommended glycaemic target. Self-management education programmes for adults with T1DM improve clinical and psychological outcomes, but none have been evaluated in the paediatric population. KICk-OFF is a 5-day structured education course for 11-year-olds to 16- year-olds with T1DM. It was developed with input from young people, parents, teachers and educationalists. Methods and analysis: 36 paediatric diabetes centres across the UK randomised into intervention and control arms. Up to 560 participants were recruited prior to centre randomisation. KICk-OFF courses are delivered in the intervention centres, with standard care continued in the control arm. Primary outcomes are change in glycaemic control (HbA1c) and quality of life between baseline and 6 months postintervention, and the incidence of severe hypoglycaemia. Sustained change in self-management behaviour is assessed by follow-up at 12 and 24 months. Health economic analysis will be undertaken. Data will be reported according to the CONSORT statement for cluster-randomised clinical trials. All analyses will be by intention-to-treat with a two-sided p value of <0.05 being regarded as statistically significant. The study commenced in 2008. Data collection from participants is ongoing and the study will be completed in 2013
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