647 research outputs found

    Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Radiation from Z-Pinch Complex Wire Arrays and Applications

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    In the research area of high energy density plasmas an ever increasing goal is searching for higher efficient radiators, particularly in z-pinch plasmas, and their applications. This goal is a major focus of this dissertation and implements both theoretical and experimental tools in the process. The theoretical tools involve the Wire Ablation Dynamics Model (WADM) to infer z-pinch implosion characteristics and various non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) kinetic models to understand the radiative properties of plasmas, including a new model for L-shell Ag. The experimental tools includes an advanced set of diagnostics, in particular a newly developed time-gated hard x-ray spectrometer to gain an understanding as to how these plasmas radiate in time, particularly in the 0.7 - 4.4 Ă… range. The experiments predominately took place on the 1.7 MA Zebra generator at the Nevada Terawatt Facility (NTF) at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR). Traditional nested cylindrical wire arrays with mixed materials (brass and Al, Mo and Al) were tested to understand how the inner and outer arrays implode and radiate. Novel planar wire arrays, which have been shown to be very powerful radiation sources, arranged in single, double, and triple wire array configurations were tested with Mo and Ag materials, which have both been shown to be powerful radiators, and also mixed with Al to understand opacity effects and how a mixture of two different plasmas radiate. Radiation from the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) range has also been of recent interest due the substantial contribution into total radiation yields. Therefore EUV radiation of M-shell Cu was modeled and benchmarked with spheromak and laser-produced plasma data. Lastly, lasing gain from L-shell Ag is calculated as an application of the aforementioned model to evaluate whether lasing might be occurring in wire array z-pinches. In connection to creating a uniform plasma column to measure lasing lines, the split double planar wire array is introduced and preliminary results discussed

    Land Use and Salinity Drive Changes in SAV Abundance and Community Composition

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    Conserving and restoring submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) are key management goals for estuaries worldwide because SAV integrates many aspects of water quality and provides a wide range of ecosystem services. Management strategies are typically focused on aggregated abundance of several SAV species, because species cannot be easily distinguished in remotely sensed data. Human land use and shoreline alteration have been shown to negatively impact SAV abundance, but the effects have varied with study, spatial scale, and location. The differences in reported effects may be partly due to the focus on abundance, which overlooks within-community and among-community dynamics that generate total SAV abundance. We analyzed long-term SAV aerial survey data (1984-2009) and ground observations of community composition (1984-2012) in subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay to integrate variations in abundance with differences in community composition. We identified five communities (mixed freshwater, milfoil-Zannichellia, mixed mesohaline, Zannichellia, and Ruppia-Zostera). Temporal variations in SAV abundance were more strongly related to community identity than to terrestrial stressors, and responses to stressors differed among communities and among species. In one fifth of the subestuaries, the community identity changed during the study, and the probability of such a change was positively related to the prevalence of riprapped shoreline in the subestuary. Mixed freshwater communities had the highest rates of recovery, and this may have been driven by Hydrilla verticillata, which was the single best predictor of SAV recovery rate. Additional species-specific and community-specific research will likely yield better understanding of the factors affecting community identity and SAV abundance, more accurate predictive models, and more effective management strategies

    How we treat patients with leptomeningeal metastases

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    The goal of treatment of leptomeningeal metastasis is to improve survival and to maintain quality of life by delaying neurological deterioration. Tumour-specific therapeutic options in

    A comparison of buoy meteorological systems

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    During May and June 2000, an intercomparison was made of buoy meteorological systems from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), and the Japanese Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC). Two WHOI systems mounted on a 3 m discus buoy, two PMEL systems mounted on separate buoy tower tops and one JAMSTEC system mounted on a wooden platform were lined parallel to, and 25 m from Nantucket Sound in Massachusetts. All systems used R. M. Young propeller anemometers, Rotronic relative humidity and air temperature sensors and Eppley short-wave radiation sensors. The PMEL and WHOI systems used R. M.Young self-siphoning rain gauges, while the JAMSTEC system used a Scientific Technology ORG-115 optical rain gauge. The PMEL and WHOI systems included an Eppley PIR long-wave sensor, while the JAMSTEC had no longwave sensor. The WHOI system used an AIR DB-1A barometric pressure sensor. PMEL and JAMSTEC systems used Paroscientific Digiquartz sensors. The Geophysical Instruments and Measurements Group (GIM) from Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) installed two Portable Radiation Package (PRP) systems that include Eppley short-wave and long-wave sensors on a platform near the site. It was apparent from the data that for most of the sensors, the correlation between data sets was better than the absolute agreement between them. The conclusions made were that the sensors and associated electronics from the three different laboratories performed comparably.Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under Grant Number NA96GPO429

    Separate Universes Do Not Constrain Primordial Black Hole Formation

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    Carr and Hawking showed that the proper size of a spherical overdense region surrounded by a flat FRW universe cannot be arbitrarily large as otherwise the region would close up on itself and become a separate universe. From this result they derived a condition connecting size and density of the overdense region ensuring that it is part of our universe. Carr used this condition to obtain an upper bound for the density fluctuation amplitude with the property that for smaller amplitudes the formation of a primordial black hole is possible, while larger ones indicate a separate universe. In contrast, we find that the appearance of a maximum is not a consequence of avoiding separate universes but arises naturally from the geometry of the chosen slicing. Using instead of density a volume fluctuation variable reveals that a fluctuation is a separate universe iff this variable diverges on superhorizon scales. Hence Carr's and Hawking's condition does not pose a physical constraint on density fluctuations. The dynamics of primordial black hole formation with an initial curvature fluctuation amplitude larger than the one corresponding to the maximum density fluctuation amplitude was previously not considered in detail and so we compare it to the well-known case where the amplitude is smaller by presenting embedding and conformal diagrams of both types in dust spacetimes.Comment: Updated version corresponds to the published version 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.124025, 22 pages, 22 figure

    Anatomical phenotyping and staging of brain tumours

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    Unlike other tumors, the anatomical extent of brain tumors is not objectified and quantified through staging. Staging systems are based on understanding the anatomical sequence of tumor progression and its relationship to histopathological dedifferentiation and survival. The aim of this study was to describe the spatiotemporal phenotype of the most frequent brain tumor entities, to assess the association of anatomical tumor features with survival probability and to develop a staging system for WHO grade 2 and 3 gliomas and glioblastoma. Anatomical phenotyping was performed on a consecutive cohort of 1000 patients with first diagnosis of a primary or secondary brain tumor. Tumor probability in different topographic, phylogenetic and ontogenetic parcellation units was assessed on preoperative MRI through normalization of the relative tumor prevalence to the relative volume of the respective structure. We analyzed the spatiotemporal tumor dynamics by cross-referencing preoperative against preceding and subsequent MRIs of the respective patient. The association between anatomical phenotype and outcome defined prognostically critical anatomical tumor features at diagnosis. Based on a hypothesized sequence of anatomical tumor progression, we developed a three-level staging system for WHO grade 2 and 3 gliomas and glioblastoma. This staging system was validated internally in the original cohort and externally in an independent cohort of 300 consecutive patients. While primary central nervous system lymphoma showed highest probability along white matter tracts, metastases enriched along terminal arterial flow areas. Neuroepithelial tumors mapped along all sectors of the ventriculocortical axis, while adjacent units were spared, consistent with a transpallial behavior within phylo-ontogenetic radial units. Their topographic pattern correlated with morphogenetic processes of convergence and divergence of radial units during phylo- and ontogenesis. While a ventriculofugal growth dominated in neuroepithelial tumors, a gradual deviation from this neuroepithelial spatiotemporal behavior was found with progressive histopathological dedifferentiation. The proposed three-level staging system for WHO grade 2 and 3 gliomas and glioblastoma correlated with the degree of histological dedifferentiation and proved accurate in terms of survival upon both internal and external validation. In conclusion, this study identified specific spatiotemporal phenotypes in brain tumors through topographic probability and growth pattern assessment. The association of anatomical tumor features with survival defined critical steps in the anatomical sequence of neuroepithelial tumor progression, based on which a staging system for WHO grade 2 and 3 gliomas and glioblastoma was developed and validated

    The Passing of Print

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    This paper argues that ephemera is a key instrument of cultural memory, marking the things intended to be forgotten. This important role means that when ephemera survives, whether accidentally or deliberately, it does so despite itself. These survivals, because they evoke all those other objects that have necessarily been forgotten, can be described as uncanny. The paper is divided into three main sections. The first situates ephemera within an uncanny economy of memory and forgetting. The second focuses on ephemera at a particular historical moment, the industrialization of print in the nineteenth century. This section considers the liminal place of newspapers and periodicals in this period, positioned as both provisional media for information as well as objects of record. The third section introduces a new configuration of technologies – scanners, computers, hard disks, monitors, the various connections between them – and considers the conditions under which born-digital ephemera can linger and return. Through this analysis, the paper concludes by considering digital technologies as an apparatus of memory, setting out what is required if we are not to be doubly haunted by the printed ephemera within the digital archive

    Exploiting Carbonyl Groups to Control Intermolecular Rhodium-Catalyzed Alkene and Alkyne Hydroacylation

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    Readily available β-carbonyl-substituted aldehydes are shown to be exceptional substrates for Rh-catalyzed intermolecular alkene and alkyne hydroacylation reactions. By using cationic rhodium catalysts incorporating bisphosphine ligands, efficient and selective reactions are achieved for β-amido, β-ester, and β-keto aldehyde substrates, providing a range of synthetically useful 1,3-dicarbonyl products in excellent yields. A correspondingly broad selection of alkenes and alkynes can be employed. For alkyne substrates, the use of a catalyst incorporating the Ampaphos ligand triggers a regioselectivity switch, allowing both linear and branched isomers to be prepared with high selectivity in an efficient manner. Structural data, confirming aldehyde chelation, and a proposed mechanism are provided
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