730 research outputs found

    Validating soil denitrification models based on laboratory N2 and N2O fluxes and underlying processes derived by stable isotope approaches: concept, methods and regulation of measured fluxes

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    Robust denitrification data suitable to validate soil N2 fluxes in denitrification models are scarce due to methodical limitations and the extreme spatio-temporal heterogeneity of denitrification in soils. Numerical models have become essential tools to predict denitrification at different scales. Model performance could either be tested for total gaseous flux (NO + N2O + N2), individual denitrification products (e.g. N2O and/or NO) or for the effect of denitrification factors (e.g. C-availability, respiration, diffusivity, anaerobic volume, etc.). While there are numerous examples for validating N2O fluxes, there are neither robust field data of N2 fluxes nor sufficiently resolved measurements of control factors used as state variables in the models. Here we present the concept, methods and first results of collecting model validation data. This is part of the coordinated research unit “Denitrification in Agricultural Soils: Integrated Control and Modelling at Various Scales” (DASIM). Novel approaches are used including analysis of stable isotopes, microbial communities, pore structure and organic matter fractions to provide denitrification data sets comprising as much detail on activity and regulation as possible. This will be the basis to validate existing and calibrate new denitrification models that are applied and/or developed by DASIM subprojects. To allow model testing in a wide range of conditions, denitrification control factors are varied in the initial settings (pore volume, plant residues, mineral N, pH) but also over time, where moisture, temperature, and mineral N are manipulated according to typical time patterns in the field. This is realized by including precipitation events, fertilization (via irrigation), drainage (via water potential) and temperature in the course of incubations. Moreover, oxygen concentration is varied to simulate anaerobic events. The 15N gas flux method is employed to quantify N2 and N2O emissions from various pools and processes

    Risk and management of ocular bleeding associated with oral anticoagulants

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    Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction are the major thromboembolic diseases which affect millions of North Americans. Most of these patients are managed long term with oral anticoagulants that can increase the risk of bleeding including ocular hemorrhages. As primary eye care providers, optometrists do encounter patients presenting with ocular bleeding secondary to oral anticoagulants. This article provides an overview and update of oral anticoagulants, and discusses ways to manage ocular bleeding associated with oral anticoagulants via two clinical cases. Interruption of anticoagulation temporarily increases thromboembolic risk, and continuing anticoagulation increases the risk of bleeding, both scenarios adversely affect patient’s overall health. Eye care providers must work closely with primary care provider and/or anticoagulation team to come up with the best decision on an individual patient basis with respect to each ocular bleeding occurrence

    SPIN-MIMS simplifying the SPIN-MAS instrumentation for online measurement of 15N-abundances of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate in aqueous solutions

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    Common methods for measuring selectively the 15N abundances in individual N-species such as NH4+, NO2- and NO3- in samples with multiple N-species are laborious and time consuming. The SPIN-MAS technique (Stange et al. 2007) offers an automated, rapid and selective determination of 15N abundances in NH4+, NO2- and NO3- in aqueous samples. During a SPIN-MAS measurement one of three different reaction solutions is mixed with the aqueous sample in a Sample Preparation unit for Inorganic N-species (SPIN). The reaction solution is chosen in dependence on the N-species of interest. The gaseous reaction products (N2 or NO) are then conducted to a quadrupole mass spectrometer (MAS) in a helium stream. This measurement technique is not commonly used due to its complex instrumentation. The instrumentation can be significantly simplified by the use of a membrane inlet mass spectrometer (MIMS). The presented SPIN-MIMS approach relies on the use of a reaction capillary in which the sample containing the N-species of interest is mixed with the corresponding reaction solution. The mixture of reaction solution and sample is pumped from the reaction capillary directly to the membrane inlet of the mass spectrometer. The reaction products (N2 or NO) formed during the reaction of NH4+, NO2- and NO3- with the reaction solutions are passed through the gas-permeable membrane of the inlet directly into the ion source of the mass spectrometer. 15N standards with different at% 15N (NH4+, NO2- and NO3- respectively in dist. Water) were used to assess the performance of the system. Overall, SPIN-MIMS measurements showed a good agreement between measured and expected 15N abundances (range 0.36 – 10 at% 15N deviations: <0.5 at% 15N for NH4+-, <0.23 for NO2-- and <0.15 at% 15N for NO3-- standards)

    Validating soil denitrification models based on laboratory N2 and N2O fluxes and underlying processes: evaluation of DailyDayCent and COUP models

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    Denitrification is an anaerobic key process by microbes where the NO3- is step-by-step reduced and emitted as NO, N2O and finally N2 gas from the soil. Accurate knowledge on denitrification dynamics is important because the N2O is further reduced to N2 and constitutes the main emission source of this greenhouse gas from agricultural soils. Hence, our understanding and ability to quantify soil denitrification is crucial for mitigating nitrogen fertilizer loss as well as for reducing N2O emissions. Models can be an important tool to predict mitigation effects and help to develop climate smart mitigation strategies. Ideally, commonly used biogeochemical models could provide adequate predictions of denitrification processes of agricultural soils but often simplified process descriptions and inadequate model parameters prevent models from simulating adequate fluxes of N2 and N2O on field scale. Model development and parametrization often suffers from limited availability of empirical data describing denitrification processes in agricultural soils. While in many studies N2O emissions are used to develop and train models, detailed measurements on NO, N2O, N2 fluxes and concentrations and related soil conditions are necessary to develop and test adequate model algorithms. To address this issue the coordinated research unit „Denitrification in Agricultural Soils: Integrated Control and Modelling at Various Scales (DASIM)” was initiated to more closely investigate N-fluxes caused by denitrification in response to environmental effects, soil properties and microbial communities. Here, we present how we will use these data to evaluate common biogeochemical process models (DailyDayCent, Coup) with respect to modeled NO, N2O and N2 fluxes from denitrification. The models are used with different settings. The first approximation is the basic “factory” setting of the models. The next step would show the precision in the results of the modeling after adjusting the appropriate parameters from the result of the measurement values and the “factory” results. The better adjustment and the well-controlled input and output measured parameters could provide a better understanding of the probable scantiness of the tested models which will be a basis for future model improvement

    Kinetics of N2O production and reduction in a nitrate-contaminated aquifer inferred from laboratory incubation experiments

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    Knowledge of the kinetics of N2O production and reduction in groundwater is essential for the assessment of potential indirect emissions of the greenhouse gas. In the present study, we investigated this kinetics using a laboratory approach. The results were compared to field measurements in order to examine their transferability to the in situ conditions. The study site was the unconfined, predominantly sandy Fuhrberger Feld aquifer in northern Germany. A special characteristic of the aquifer is the occurrence of the vertically separated process zones of heterotrophic denitrification in the near-surface groundwater and of autotrophic denitrification in depths beyond 2-3 m below the groundwater table, respectively. The kinetics of N2O production and reduction in both process zones was studied during long-term anaerobic laboratory incubations of aquifer slurries using the 15N tracer technique. We measured N2O, N2, NO3-, NO2-, and SO42- concentrations as well as parameters of the aquifer material that were related to the relevant electron donors, i.e. organic carbon and pyrite. The laboratory incubations showed a low denitrification activity of heterotrophic denitrification with initial rates between 0.2 and 13 μg N kg-1 d-1. The process was carbon limited due to the poor availability of its electron donor. In the autotrophic denitrification zone, initial denitrification rates were considerably higher, ranging between 30 and 148 μg N kg-1 d-1, and NO3- as well as N2O were completely removed within 60 to 198 days. N2O accumulated during heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrification, but maximum concentrations were substantially higher during the autotrophic process. The results revealed a satisfactory transferability of the laboratory incubations to the field scale for autotrophic denitrification, whereas the heterotrophic process less reflected the field conditions due to considerably lower N2O accumulation during laboratory incubation. Finally, we applied a conventional model using first-order-kinetics to determine the reaction rate constants k1 for N2O production and k2 for N2O reduction, respectively. The goodness of fit to the experimental data was partly limited, indicating that a more sophisticated approach is essential to describe the investigated reaction kinetics satisfactorily.DF

    Long-term results of cyclosporine-steroid therapy in 131 non-matched cadaveric renal transplants.

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    One-hundred-and-twenty-eight recipients of 131 consecutive, non-matched cadaver renal allografts were treated with cyclosporine and steroids. They have been followed for 4 to 6 yr. Cumulative patient survival at 1-yr was 92.2% and at 6yr it is 77.8%. Cumulative graft survival at 1-yr was 79.4% and at 6 yr it is 50.0%. After the high-risk 1st yr, the rate of graft loss was even and similar to that reported after the 1st yr for grafts treated with azathioprine and steroids. This indicates that cyclosporine nephrotoxicity has not had an obvious adverse effect on the survival of chronically functioning grafts. The results were better with primary grafting versus retransplantation, but were not significantly influenced by age, diabetes mellitus, or a delayed switch in patients from cyclosporine to azathioprine. We have concluded that cyclosporine-steroid therapy is safe and effective for long-term use after cadaveric renal transplantation

    Spin correlations and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Cs2_2CuCl4_4

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    We report on electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of the spin relaxation in Cs2_2CuCl4_4. The main source of the ESR linewidth at temperatures T150T \leq 150 K is attributed to the uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. The vector components of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction are determined from the angular dependence of the ESR spectra using a high-temperature approximation. Both the angular and temperature dependence of the ESR linewidth have been analyzed using a self-consistent quantum-mechanical approach. In addition analytical expressions based on a quasi-classical picture for spin fluctuations are derived, which show good agreement with the quantum-approach for temperatures T2J/kB15T \geq 2J/k_{\rm B} \approx 15 K. A small modulation of the ESR linewidth observed in the acac-plane is attributed to the anisotropic Zeeman interaction, which reflects the two magnetically nonequivalent Cu positions

    Eye movements during information processing tasks: Individual differences and cultural effects

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    AbstractThe eye movements of native English speakers, native Chinese speakers, and bilingual Chinese/English speakers who were either born in China (and moved to the US at an early age) or in the US were recorded during six tasks: (1) reading, (2) face processing, (3) scene perception, (4) visual search, (5) counting Chinese characters in a passage of text, and (6) visual search for Chinese characters. Across the different groups, there was a strong tendency for consistency in eye movement behavior; if fixation durations of a given viewer were long on one task, they tended to be long on other tasks (and the same tended to be true for saccade size). Some tasks, notably reading, did not conform to this pattern. Furthermore, experience with a given writing system had a large impact on fixation durations and saccade lengths. With respect to cultural differences, there was little evidence that Chinese participants spent more time looking at the background information (and, conversely less time looking at the foreground information) than the American participants. Also, Chinese participants’ fixations were more numerous and of shorter duration than those of their American counterparts while viewing faces and scenes, and counting Chinese characters in text

    Interaction of straw amendment and soil NO3- content controls fungal denitrification and denitrification product stoichiometry in a sandy soil

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    The return of agricultural crop residues are vital to maintain or even enhance soil fertility. However, the influence of application rate of crop residues on denitrification and its related gaseous N emissions is not fully understood. We conducted a fully robotized continuous flow incubation experiment using a Helium/Oxygen atmosphere over 30 days to examine the effect of maize straw application rate on: i) the rate of denitrification, ii) denitrification product stoichiometry N2O/(N2O+N2), and iii) the contribution of fungal denitrification to N2O fluxes. Five treatments were established using sieved, repacked sandy textured soil; i) non-amended control, ii) nitrate only, iii) low rate of straw + nitrate, iv) medium rate of straw + nitrate, and iv) high rate of straw + nitrate (n = 3). We simultaneously measured NO, N2O as well as direct N2 emissions and used the N2O 15N site preference signatures of soil-emitted N2O to distinguish N2O production from fungal and bacterial denitrification. Uniquely, soil NO3− measurements were also made throughout the incubation. Emissions of N2O during the initial phase of the experiment (0–13 days) increased almost linearly with increasing rate of straw incorporation and with (almost) no N2 production. However, the rate of straw amendment was negatively correlated with N2O, but positively correlated with N2 fluxes later in the experimental period (13–30 days). Soil NO3− content, in all treatments, was identified as the main factor responsible for the shift from N2O production to N2O reduction. Straw amendment immediately lowered the proportion of N2O from bacterial denitrification, thus implying that more of the N2O emitted was derived from fungi (18 ± 0.7% in control and up to 40 ± 3.0% in high straw treatments during the first 13 days). However, after day 15 when soil NO3− content decreased to <40 mg NO3−-N kg−1 soil, the N2O 15N site preference values of the N2O produced in the medium straw rate treatment showed a sharp declining trend 15 days after onset of experiment thereby indicating a clear shift towards a more dominant bacterial source of N2O. Our study singularly highlights the complex interrelationship between soil NO3− kinetics, crop residue incorporation, fungal denitrification and N2O/(N2O + N2) ratio. Overall we found that the effect of crop residue applications on soil N2O and N2 emissions depends mainly on soil NO3− content, as NO3− was the primary regulator of the N2O/(N2O + N2) product ratio of denitrification. Furthermore, the application of straw residue enhanced fungal denitrification, but only when the soil NO3− content was sufficient to supply enough electron acceptors to the denitrifiers