116 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Years of Homeschool and Self-Esteem of Freshmen College Students

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    Since the number of homeschooled students choosing to attend college is increasing, there continues to be a need to identify potential self-esteem issues in homeschooled freshmen college students (Smith, 2013). This study investigated if years of homeschool had a relational effect on self-esteem in homeschooled college freshmen students attending a college campus. In this quantitative study, the sample population was comprised of freshmen college students between the ages of 18 and 22, have been homeschooled for at least one year, and were currently attending a college campus with under thirty hours of college credit. Participants received the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale survey containing demographic questions confirming their eligibility, then engaged in a 10-item questionnaire with five items positively worded and five items negatively worded. Data from a 4-point Likert-type scale were used to conduct liner correlational statistics determining self-esteem in freshmen college students who were homeschooled. The theoretical framework from which this research was examined is the self-determination theory and the theory of dropout. After completion of the analysis and interpretation of the results, the study indicated there is no statistically significant correlation between the number of years homeschooled and self-esteem levels of first year college students as shown by the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Recommendations were then identified to assist instructors and parents on how to support students in completing academic goals ensuring educational success

    265. Iumpa-2: uwalnianie octanu medroksyprogesteronu z systemu wewnątrzmacicznego do leczenia rozrostów endometrium w stosunku do współczynnika masy ciała chorych

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    WstępPrzedmiotem zainteresowania badaczy jest opracowanie systemu w postaci wkładki domacicznej zawierającej octan medroksyprogesteronu, którego czas uwalniania do środowiska jamy macicy wynosiłby 30 dni. Dawkę leku we wkładce na podstawie piśmiennictwa oraz w oparciu o doświadczenia własne i obliczenia podaży leku określono na 2 g/ 30 dób. Dawka ta pozwala uzyskać w obrębie jamy macicy podaż leku w wysokości 66 mg/dobę; przy parenteralnym podaniu octanu medroksyprogesteronu w dawce 1 g na dobę szacunkowa podaż w obrębie jamy macicy wynosi 20 mg/dobę, a więc jest o ok. 3-krotnie mniejsza. Należy podkreślić, że w przypadku terapii miejscowej całomiesięczne obciążenie ustroju lekiem wynosi 2 g, a w przypadku terapii parenteralnej skojarzonej z enteralną wynosi 30 g, tj. 15-krotnie większe.Materiał i metodyBadaniem objęto 20 kobiet po menopauzie z rozpoznanym histopatologicznie rozrostem prostym endometrium.Protokół badawczy1. założenie wkładki IUMPA-2 do jamy macicy pod kontrolą hysteroskopu (z biopsją endometrium), 2. pomiar USG wymiarów wkładki co 7 dni, 3. po całkowitym uwolnieniu leku hysteroskopowa biopsja endometrium.Na podstawie wymiarów ultrasonograficznych obliczano objętość wkładki jako średnią z trzech kolejnych pomiarów. Końcowy czas uwolnienia leku określano przez stwierdzenie oddzielenia lnianej nitki markującej oraz na podstawie badania USG. Współczynnik masy ciała (BMI) obliczano według standardowego wzoru.WynikiObjętość wkładki IUMPA-2 w chwili założenia wynosiła 6 cm3. W grupie o współczynniku masy ciała poniżej 29 w kolejnych pomiarach tygodniowych (7–14–21–28 dni) średnia objętość wkładki wynosiła 4,62 – 3,21 – 1,75 – 0,80 cm3, a czas pełnego uwolnienia 35 dni. W grupie o BMI 30–32 pomiary wykazały następujący spadek średniej objętości wkładki: 4,33 – 3,20 – 1,71 – 0,51 cm3; czas pełnego uwolnienia 34 dni. W grupie o BMI 33-34 uzyskano następujące wyniki: 3,98 – 2,93 – 1,14 0,32 cm3; czas pełnego uwolnienia 30 dni. U jednej chorej o masie ciała 126 kG (BMI 47) doszło do całkowitego uwolnienia leku po 14 dniach, założono drugą wkładkę również uzyskując pełne uwolnienie po 14 dniach. Odpowiednio dla każdej z tych dwóch wkładek po 7 dniach uzyskano objętość wkładki 9,19 – 3,22 cm3.Wnioski1.Masa ciała chorej wpływa na szybkość uwalniania octanu medroksyproge-steronu z IUMPA-2.2.W przypadkach chorych o ekstremalnie wysokiej masie ciała należy rozważyć 2-krotne, sekwencyjne założenie IUMPA-2

    IUMPA–2: release of medroxyprogesterone acetate from the intrauterine system in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia relative to the patient's body mass index (BMI)

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    CelPo pierwsze: opracowanie systemu w postaci wkładki domacicznej zawierającej octan medroksyprogesteronu do leczenia rozrostów endometrium. Po drugie: sprawdzenie dystrybucji leku zastosowanego w postaci wkładki wewnątrzmaicznej w zależności od masy ciała.Materiał i metodaBadaniem objęto 20 kobiet po menopauzie z rozpoznanym histologicznie rozrostem prostym endometrium poddanych leczeniu przy użyciu IUMPA-2 przy zastosowaniu technik endoskopowych (hysteroskopowa biopsja celowana endometrium), histologicznych (ocena bioptatów) i ultradźwiękowych (pomiary objętości systemu terapetycznego oraz endometrium).WynikiWraz ze wzrostem BMI u wszystkich pacjentek wzrastała szybkość uwalniania leku z nośnika rzutując na rzeczywisty czas leczenia, który wynosił odpowiednio od 35 do 14 dni.Wnioski1) Masa ciała chorej wpływa na szybkość uwalniania octanu medroksyprogesteronu z IUMPA-2. 2) W przypadkach chorych o wysokiej masie ciała należy rozważyć 2-krotne, sekwencyjne założenie IUMPA-2.AimFirst, to develop a system of an intrauterine diaphragm with medroxyprogesterone acetate in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia. Second, to check the distribution of this drug depending on the patient's BMI.Materials and methodsThe study comprised a group of 20 postmenopausal patients with histologically diagnosed simple hyperplasia treated with IUMPA-2 using endoscopic techniques (hysteroscopic targeted endometrial biopsy), histological methods (bioptate assessment) and ultrasound techniques (treatment volume and endometrial measurements).ResultsIn all patients investigated the rate of medroxyprogesterone acetate release increased with BMI, which had an effect on the treatment time ranging between 35 and 14 days, respectively.Conclusions1) The BMI affects the rate of medroxyprogesterone acetate release from IUMPA-2. 2) In patients with a high BMI double (sequentially) application of a diaphragm should be considered

    Evaluation of the relationship between circulating nucleated red blood cells count and inborn infection in neonates

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    Objectives: to determine the relationship between the initial nucleated red blood cells (nRBC) count during the first 12 hours after birth and inborn infection in neonates. Materials and methods:The retrospective study comprised of 306 neonates born in the Department of Perinatology of the I Chair of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Lodz, Poland, in the years 2002-2007, among whom the nucleated red blood cells count were calculated within the first 12 hours after birth. Two categories of nRBC count: the normal and the elevated value, were statistically elaborated by a Mann-Whitney test and a chi-square test with two clinical outcome categories: the presence and the absence of inborn infection in the analyzed neonates. Statistical significance was indicated by p value lower than 0,05. Results: Among 306 newborns, there were 127 mature neonates (41.5%) and 179 prematures (58.5%). The mean of the initial nRBC count in the analyzed newborn population was 40,15. The mean of the nRBC count in the infected neonates was three times higher (52.56) than the mean of the nRBC count in newborns without inborn infection (16.76) - (p=0.00001). Inborn neonatal infection concerned a vast majority of cases with an elevated value of the nRBC count (86.4%), but in 13.6%, inborn infection was not observed. Among the cases with a normal nRBC count, the presence and the absence of inborn infection was diagnosed in about 50% of the analyzed babies (50.83% vs 49.17%). The elevated value of the nRBC count in infected neonates concerned mainly premature babies, rather than mature neonates, and similarly in neonates with a lower Apgar score than in babies born in good condition. Conclusions: 1. The positive association between elevated initial nucleated red blood cells count after birth and inborn infection in newborns has been revealed. 2. An elevated nucleated red blood cells count may be an auxiliary, early indicator for inborn infection in neonates. 3. Prematurity and perinatal asphyxia favour the elevation of a nucleated red blood cells count in cases with inborn infection

    Nucleated red blood cells as an early marker of intraventricular haemorrhage in newborn infants

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    Abstract Introduction: The aim of the paper was to evaluate the usability of nucleated blood cells count in newborn infants in the first 12 hours after their birth as an early marker of intraventricular haemorrhage. Material and methods: The retrospective research included 210 newborns (both born at term and prematurely), delivered at the Department of Clinical Sciences of Perinatology of the I Chair of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Medical University in Lodz, Poland from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2006. During the first 12 hours after the birth, the abovementioned infants were diagnosed with nucleated blood cells in their blood count. The correlation between the number of nucleated blood cells and the occurrence of intraventricular haemorrhage has been investigated. Intraventicular haemorrhage was diagnosed with the use of transfontanel ultrasonography between the third and the seventh day of life. The increased number of erythroblasts was established to be on the level above 20 nucleated blood cells/100 white blood. The material was subject to statistical analysis which included the use of a Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, a chi-square test, and a Mann-Whitney test. The statistically significant level adopted equaled

    Against Speciesism: The Case for the Consideration of Animals

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    Ethics in Counseling & Psychotherapy, 4th Edition

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    ETHICS IN COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY prepares readers to deal effectively with the complex ethical and legal issues they will confront in practice. Dr. Welfel provides a ten-step model of ethical decision making that guides students and practitioners as they work through and analyze complicated ethics cases that demonstrate some of the most challenging dilemmas that they will face. In this new edition, Dr. Welfel provides the most current information on the market, including up-to-date coverage of the newly adopted ACA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and the APA Ethical Principles. Contemporary and relevant, the text familiarizes readers with the field\u27s key scholarly writings and, by examining emerging ethical issues, enables students to advance beyond their basic awareness and knowledge of these professional codes of ethics.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/scholbks/1104/thumbnail.jp