1,922 research outputs found

    The Politics of Exhaustion: Immigration Control in the British-French Border Zone

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    Within a climate of growing anti-immigration and populist forces gaining traction across Europe, and in response to the increased number of prospective asylum seekers arriving in Europe, recent years have seen the continued hardening of borders and a disconcerting evolution of new forms of immigration control measures utilised by states. Based on extensive field research carried out amongst displaced people in Europe in 2016-2019, this article highlights the way in which individuals in northern France are finding themselves trapped in a violent border zone, unable to move forward whilst having no obvious alternative way out of their predicament. The article seeks to illustrate the violent dynamics inherent in the immigration control measures in this border zone, characterised by both direct physical violence as well as banalised and structural forms of violence, including state neglect through the denial of services and care. The author suggests that the raft of violent measures and micro practices authorities resort to in the French-British border zone could be understood as constituting one of the latest tools for European border control and obstruction of the access to asylum procedures; a Politics of Exhaustion

    The Politics of Exhaustion and Migrant Subjectivities: Researching border struggles in northern France in 2016-2019

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    Situated within critical border and migration studies, this thesis is a detailed ethnographic account of the ‘border struggles’ associated with the UK-France borderzone in northern France, where human mobilities meet state endeavours to control and regain a hold over migratory movement. Through an ‘embodied encounter,’ which draws on the voices and experiences of 75 migrant interlocutors and other interviewees with first-hand experience of the UK-France borderzone, the thesis generates a unique, in-depth understanding of how migration governance operates at the UK-France border. It is argued that the juxtaposed border arrangements between the UK and France have not merely led to the re-localisation of the UK’s physical border controls to an extraterritorial space; the ‘border’ has also entered into spaces of migrants’ everyday life in the borderzone. Traditional spatial interdictions and restrictions emerging from non-entrĂ©e policies, reliant on tactics such as confinement, bordering fences, and deportation, have been successively complemented by more insidious, temporal, and corporeal biopolitical technologies of bordering. The latter consists of an array of tactics devised to render life governable and pliant, and bodies docile, with the premeditated intention to negate one’s personal autonomy, agency, wellbeing, and self-efficacy. This ‘politics of exhaustion’ thus seeks to curb autonomous migratory movements, influence decisions, and manage intent through the physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion of its subjects. In this sense, exhaustion is understood as constitutive of bordering processes, as well as of the ‘border’ itself, but cannot be grasped within the biopolitical ‘making live/letting die’ dichotomy. Thus, the thesis makes a significant contribution to advancing scholarly work which challenges this binary. Moreover, rather than privileging an understanding power that is totalising, the thesis subsequently shifts its focus onto the heterogeneity of ways in which migrants respond to, and shape, through their ability and desires to move, the apparatuses of power, and the technologies of the politics of exhaustion. As such, the thesis allows for a gaze into the possibilities of articulating new subjectivities within borderzones characterised by stringent state control and biopolitical techniques, opening powerful ways to think of spaces for resistance, alternative subjectivities, and the performance of political belonging outside traditional notions of citizenship. In doing so, the thesis mobilises a heterogenisation of the ‘border’, advancing scholarly work which understands the interlinkages between power and subjectivities as processual, ambivalent, and interwoven. Lastly, given the brutality of the politics of exhaustion and its harmful impact upon the bodies and minds of racialised migrants, the thesis reverts back to this concept once more, arguing that a displacement of responsibility from state authorities onto the bodies and minds of migrants serves to depoliticise suffering. This, in combination with the partial absence, or invisibility, of clearly defined and identifiable ‘human culprits’ in the implementation of the politics of exhaustion, may give an illusion of an absence of intention to cause harm, thus sanitising and invisibilising violence whilst also producing an aura of legitimacy. The thesis thus contributes to an ongoing ontological shift within critical border and migration scholarship, by emphasising ways in which violence is constitutive of bordering technologies; something that has only intermittently figured within traditional migration studies to-date

    Considerations for introducing a cloud service in health informatics: user experience monitoring of information systems

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    This thesis will show concrete examples about how user experience monitoring will improve security of health information systems, patient safety, efficiency, and ease of use. This thesis will prove how the current EMR systems that are stand alone in nature lack the ability of advanced error monitoring capabilities. As part of this research, I will demonstrate with detailed interviews and data collection surveys how automated user monitoring systems improve data record accuracy consistently. Key terminology to Electronic Medical Records (EMR’s) and the usability of cloud computing software solutions will be defined. EMR’s are the primary software used in hospitals for charting patient information and this research focuses on the summarization of key information to the history of healthcare technologies and their functionalities. Usability testing, cloud computing, and how security and trust are affecting the adoption of cloud-based services will also be discussed in more detail. Along with the importance of market research, how to create buyer personas, and what drives their need to buy. The study was conducted in collaboration with Adusso Ltd. in Helsinki, Finland to gain better understanding about what motivates hospital IT departments to buy and the main issues with EMR systems. In collaboration with Adusso we investigated a use case example of their existing customer Apotti leveraging the user error reduction and cost saving benefits they experienced after deploying Adusso’s UX2play system. We sought answers to these topics using semi-structured interviews and analyzing our customer profiles. We found that UI layout, interoperability, and the number of clicks that nurses spend in the EMR are major issues that most EMR systems have. This implies that companies using EMR’s should implement user monitoring to pinpoint the issues they do have so that they can be fixed and the work of physicians and clinicians can be improved

    Some exact solutions to the equations describing an ideal-fluid thermocline

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    The equations that describe a steady ideal-fluid motion have a first integral that expresses a functional relationship between the potential vorticity P, the density ϱ, and the Bernoulli function B: P = F(ϱ,B)

    Skatteplanering vid generationsskifte : Fallstudie: olika skattealternativ vid generationsskifte av ett mindre jordbruk

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    Ett stort antal företagare börjar nÀrma sig pensionsÄlder, vilket betyder att ett generationsskifte Àr ett Àmne som Àr aktuellt att börja tÀnka pÄ för dem. Generationsskiftet skall vara lönsamt för alla parter, utan att glömma syskonen som inte blir övertagare av jordbruket. Emotionellt kan ett generationsskifte ocksÄ skapa konflikter, dels mellan övertagaren och överlÄtaren men ocksÄ mellan de övriga syskonen. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka de olika skattekonsekvenserna för en generationsvÀxling för ett litet jordbruk. Att reda ut vilka olika möjligheter det finns för ett jordbruk att utföra en generationsvÀxling pÄ och vilka skattepÄföljder detta leder till för bÄde överlÄtaren samt övertagaren. GenerationsvÀxlingen Àr en lÄng och komplicerad process och i detta arbete har det valts att koncentrera sig pÄ beskattningen. Vilka olika skatter som kan pÄverka generationsvÀxlingen och vilka möjliga skattelÀttnader det finns. Genom att göra en case analys pÄ ett litet jordbruk har olika alternativ analyserats. I analysen har bÄde övertagarens men ocksÄ överlÄtarens ekonomiska situation tagits i beaktande för att utreda det alternativ som skulle vara lÀmpligast för detta jordbruk. De övriga syskonen har inte tagits i beaktande vid utrÀkningarna. Slutsatsen Àr att det bÀsta alternativet varierar beroende pÄ vems stÀllning i generationsskiftet som man beaktar.There is a large number of business owners reaching the age of pension soon, which means that it is vital to start to think about who should take over the business. A generation change should be profitable for everyone involved, without forgetting the siblings not involved in the generation change. A generation change can be very emotional and therefore create conflicts between the two generations but also between the other siblings. The purpose of this paper was to examine the different options of doing the generation change on and how to minimize the tax consequences for a small farm. The purpose was to examine the tax consequences from both generations view as a generation change is a very complicated process and if not done right it can be very costly for both parties involved. Which taxes and what tax reliefs have to be taken into account when doing a generation change. Different options have been calculated using a case analyzes on a small farm. Analyzing both parties economic situation has been done in order for it to be taken into account and in order to examine the best alternatives for the business take over. The other siblings, not involved, in the generation change have not been taken into consideration in analyzing the case. The conclusion is that the best alternative for a generation change depends on if you are the one taking over or the one handing over the farm

    Modernity - Man\u27s Precarious Reality

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    Welander examines the instability that modernity creates in life. By studying the work of sociologist Peter Berger, Welander explores some of the most important questions spawned by modernity. Traditional societies boasted a high understanding of normative values, frequently through religious institutions, whereas modernity, characterized by industrialization, urbanization, technological innovation, bureaucratization, and globalization, lacks those common, binding principles. Economic, social, ideological, and technological changes have also resulted in a new level of pluralism. While one or two societal institutions previously were able to rule society\u27s consciousness and stabilize morality, now hundreds of thousands of institutions vie for power. Overloading people with options makes it impossible for them to choose among them, and all the institutions find their power questioned and diminished. Therefore, subjectivity rules the modern context. Each individual is required to create his or her own identity without any significant help of institutions, making identity crises far more prevalent. There have been two primary responses to deal with the crisis inspired by pluralism: relativism and fundamentalism. Moral relativism proclaims that there can be no absolute truth: everyone\u27s beliefs are equally valid and equally untrue. On the other hand, fundamentalism proclaims the superiority of one option over all others. While this gives certainty to the group that believes in one option, it frequently makes for civil unrest. Neither of these reactions to pluralism answers how to find certainty in pluralism. Welander argues that while no easy answer appears to be forthcoming, it is of the utmost importance to continue to question and study responses to modernity because an unawareness of the implications of modern society will continue to result in frequent crises and conflicts

    Western States Wolverine Conservation Project Baseline Survey

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    The wolverine is a naturally uncommon species whose conservation and management requires collaboration across a large geography. Conservation priorities for wolverines in the western U.S. have been identified as 1) Connectivity, 2) Restorations, and 3) Monitoring. The Western States Wolverine Working Group is a collaborative effort among state, federal, tribal, university, and private organizations that are actively working on these priorities. One element of the conservation program is baseline survey for wolverine occupancy across the 4-states where the species currently occurs – Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Washington. The survey uses a grid of 15 x 15 km cells. All cells >50% modelled wolverine habitat were considered for sampling, and a GRTS sample of 180 cells was selected to be surveyed using a standard protocol across the 4-state area during winter 2016-17. A single camera/DNA station was established during November 2016 in each cell and will be run through April 2017. To date, stations in all states are successfully detecting wolverines and other species. This effort will provide the first estimate of wolverine distribution across the species range in the lower 48 and an estimate of occupancy. It will also allow investigations into a variety of geneticbased questions at the population scale, including identification of current and future areas of importance for connectivity. The survey is designed so that it can be repeated as a monitoring program and can determine changes in wolverine status (stable, increasing, or decreasing distribution via occupancy), and genetic composition over time. Results will also be used to identify potential population restoration areas if there are large areas with suitable habitat that have not yet been recolonized after historical lows

    Development of a microwell-based lateral flow immunoassay for detection of tetracycline in cow milk

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    In order to meet the increasing demand for dairy products in China big cattle farms have been formed throughout the country. To control the outbreak and spread of disease antibiotics are readily employed, and detection methods are needed to ensure that the produced milk does not contain levels of antibiotics exceeding the regulatory limits. The aim of this project was to develop and optimize a commercially utilizable microwell-based lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of the antibiotic tetracycline in cow milk. The final conditions for the developed test strip included a test line with an antigen (TC-BSA) concentration of 2ÎŒg/ÎŒl and a control line with a secondary antibody (goat anti-mouse IgG) concentration of 0.08ÎŒg/ÎŒl. Each microwell contained 5ÎŒl of detection antibody (anti-TC) with a concentration of 0.12ÎŒg/ÎŒl as well as 5ÎŒl of Tris-HCl buffer with pH 7.5 and 5ÎŒl of the surfactant Tetronic 1307. These conditions resulted in an assay detection limit of 30ppb tetracycline and an expected shelf life of at least 12 months, with a total assay time of around 6-7 minutes

    Cauchy problem for the Boltzmann-BGK model near a global Maxwellian

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    In this paper, we are interested in the Cauchy problem for the Boltzmann-BGK model for a general class of collision frequencies. We prove that the Boltzmann-BGK model linearized around a global Maxwellian admits a unique global smooth solution if the initial perturbation is sufficiently small in a high order energy norm. We also establish an asymptotic decay estimate and uniform L2L^2-stability for nonlinear perturbations.Comment: 26 page
