102 research outputs found

    Morning traffic at schools : planning for a safe and functional traffic environment adjacent to a primary school - case study Bryngelstorp Nyköping

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    MĂ„nga barn i Sverige blir skjutsade till skolan vilket skapar kaosartade trafikmiljöer i anslutning till skolor frĂ€mst under morgonen och i viss mĂ„n Ă€ven eftermiddagen. SkolgĂ„rdarna mĂ„ste i och med detta ge plats för bilar trots att det inte Ă€r till nĂ„gon fördel för barnen. I början av mitt arbete genomförde jag en litteraturstudie för att se varför barn inte Ă€r lika sĂ€kra som vuxna i trafiken. Barn Ă€r kortare och har inte samma uppfattningsförmĂ„ga som vuxna, de kan inte heller bedöma varifrĂ„n ett ljud kommer vilket gör att de Ă€r osĂ€kra och utsatta i en miljö med bilar. Jag studerade morgontimmarna vid Bryngelstorpskolan i Nyköping, vĂ„ren 2012. Skolan har problem med morgontrafiken för att barnen blir skjutsade till skolan trots att de flesta bor inom gĂ„ngavstĂ„nd. Jag var vid skolan och observerade och stĂ€llde frĂ„gor till barn, förĂ€ldrar och rektor för att ta reda pĂ„ hur de upplevde trafiksituationen. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningen i arbetet var: - Hur ser trafikmiljöer i anslutning till skolor ut idag? - Vad Ă€r problematiken kring dessa trafiksituationer? Bryngelstorpskolan anvĂ€nde jag som problemexempel och frĂ„gestĂ€llningen inför förbĂ€ttringsförslagen pĂ„ problemet var: Hur kan en sĂ€ker och fungerande trafikmiljö i anslutning till en skola se ut? För att svara pĂ„ frĂ„gorna studerade jag dels Bryngelstorpskolan i Nyköping och dels samtalade jag med trafikplanerare i Nyköpings kommun och andra kommuner som arbetar med trafik vid skolor. Dessa var NynĂ€shamns kommun och Stockholm stad. Deras erfarenheter bidrog till att jag fick en bild av hur arbetet med trafik vid skolor ser ut idag. Det arbetas idag med bĂ„de fysiska och beteendepĂ„verkande Ă„tgĂ€rder. Fysiska Ă„tgĂ€rder sĂ€krar trafikmiljöerna och de beteendepĂ„verkande Ă„tgĂ€rderna förankrar trafikmiljöförĂ€ndringarna hos barn och förĂ€ldrar. Planerarna ansĂ„g att enbart fysiska lösningar inte Ă€r en hĂ„llbar Ă„tgĂ€rd. Trafikmiljöerna Ă€r osĂ€kra och kaosartade pĂ„ grund av familjernas vardagsrutiner och pĂ„ grund av hur samhĂ€llet idag Ă€r uppbyggt med aktiviteter hit och dit och stressade levnadsvanor. Bilturen anses spara tid, och förĂ€ldrarna förstĂ„r inte att den snarare snor vĂ€rdefull social och aktiv tid för barnen. PĂ„ frĂ„gan om vad problematiken Ă€r sĂ„ blev svaret ganska snart under arbetets gĂ„ng tydligt att det Ă€r förĂ€ldrarna som orsakar kaoset, problemet och osĂ€kerheten för barnen pĂ„ deras skolomrĂ„de. Jag studerade Ă€ven exempel pĂ„ Ă„tgĂ€rder som utredare och teknikkonsulter gjort och utfört pĂ„ tre skolor i Stockholm. I de studerade exemplen tas inte bilen helt bort ur fokus, mĂ„nga Ă„tgĂ€rder Ă€r enbart fysiska Ă€ven om konsulterna samarbetat med Stockholms stad för att ocksĂ„ pĂ„verka beteenden. Konsulterna pĂ„pekar till och med i sina utredningar att vid vissa skolor kan problemet inte lösas med fysiska Ă„tgĂ€rder. Detta tyder pĂ„ att grundproblemet verkligen inte bara Ă€r den fysiska miljön. Jag tror dock att samhĂ€llsplanerare, exempelvis landskapsarkitekter, kan skapa omrĂ„den som frĂ€mjar mindre biltrafik och mer fysisk aktivitet. Trygga, sĂ€kra miljöer dĂ€r grannarna kan varandras namn och barnen kĂ€nner trygghet i sin nĂ€rmiljö skapar social kontroll och mer rörelsefrihet. I en sĂ„dan boendemiljö kanske förĂ€ldrar vĂ„gar lĂ„ta barnen gĂ„ eller cykla till skolan sjĂ€lva eller tillsammans med kamrater eller nĂ„gon vuxen. I slutet av arbetet summerade jag mina erfarenheter frĂ„n samtal med trafikplanerare, studerade exempel och observationerna vid Bryngelstorp i tre förslag som kan förbĂ€ttra den befintliga situationen i Nyköping. Förslagen har tre olika inriktningar. Det första bygger pĂ„ att bilarna inte kan ta ut svĂ€ngarna pĂ„ skolomrĂ„det utan mĂ„ste föras sakta framĂ„t och utsĂ€tter dĂ€rmed inte barnen för samma fara som tidigare. Förslag tvĂ„ fokuserar pĂ„ att ge bilen gott om plats för att undvika konflikter mellan barn och bilar. Förslag tre fokuserar pĂ„ skolvĂ€gen och minskar ner antalet bilar vid skolomrĂ„det till endast personalens bilar. I detta förslag lĂ€mnas barnen av en bit frĂ„n skolan och fĂ„r gĂ„ sista biten.Many children in Sweden are driven to school which creates chaotic traffic environment adjacent to school areas. This happens mostly during the morning and to some extent even in the afternoon. Today school yards must allow cars even though that is not beneficial for the children. I did a literature study to start with because I wanted to know why children are not as secure as adults are in traffic. Children are shorter and do not have the same perception as adults, they also can not determine the direction of a sound which means that they are unsafe and vulnerable in an environment with cars. I did a case study at Bryngelstorpskolan in Nyköping. I visited the school during the morning hours in the spring of 2012. The school has problems with morning traffic because the children are driven to school even though most of them live within walking distance from school. I observed the chaotic traffic and asked questions to the children, parents and the principal to find out how they experienced the traffic situation. The issue in my report was: - How does traffic areas adjacent to schools look like today? - What are the problems of these traffic situations? I used Bryngelstorpskolan as an example of a Swedish school with the mentioned problems. My question for the suggestions for improvement was: How can a safe and functional traffic situation adjacent to a school be planned and look like? To answer the questions I studied Bryngelstorpskolan in Nyköping, conversed with traffic planners in the municipality of Nyköping and other municipalities dealing with traffic planning at schools. These municipalities were NynĂ€shamn and City of Stockholm. I got a picture of how the planning process of traffic situations at schools look like today out of their experience. Municipalities work today with both physical and behavioral measures to influence the situations. Physical measures secure traffic environments and measures that have impact on behavior anchors the change in children and parents. The planners believed that only physical measures are not a sustainable action. Traffic environments are unsafe and chaotic because of families’ daily life and how today’s society is formed. We participate in activities here and there and have kind of stressful lifestyles. Parents drive their kids to school in the hope of saving time but instead they rather steal valuable social and active time for the kids. When I asked what the problem with the chaotic traffic really is the answer was pretty soon clear that it is the parents who cause chaos, which is the problem and the unsafely for the children in their school area. I also studied cases where investigators and engineering taken measures and performed improvements at three schools in Stockholm. In the studied examples the car is not completely out of focus, many actions are purely physical, even if they coworked with the City of Stockholm to also have a chance to affect behavior. Consultants point out in their investigations that at some schools, the problem cannot be solved by physical measures. The basic problem is not the physical environment. I think, however, that city planners, landscape architects for example, can create areas that promote less car traffic and more physical activity. Safe, secure environment where neighbors know each other’s names and the children feel secure in their home environment creates social control and more independent mobility for the children. In such residential environment parents may dare to allow children to walk or cycle by themselves or with a friend or an adult to school. I summarized my experiences in the end of the work. Three suggestions to improve the current situation in Nyköping came out of the experiences from traffic planners, studied examples and observations at Bryngelstorp. The proposals have three different focuses. The first is based on that cars have a limited place to drive on in front of the school yard. The speed is slow and the children is not expose to the same danger as before. Proposal two focuses on giving the car plenty of space to avoid conflicts between children and cars. Proposal three focuses on kids’ way to school and reduce the number of cars on the school yard to only staffs cars. Children will be dropped of a couple of hundred meters from school and will walk the rest

    Direct drilling under Swedish conditions

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    DirektsÄdd i Sverige Àr en etableringsmetod som tillÀmpas i liten omfattning, dÀr endast cirka tvÄ procent av Sveriges areal direktsÄs. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka direktsÄdd under svenska förhÄllanden. Det utfördes framförallt genom fÀltstudier, i ett nystartat försök och i tre pÄgÄende försöksserier. Det nya försöket var direktsÄdd med Seed Hawk och Rapid, dÀr de bÄda VÀderstadsmaskinerna jÀmfördes med varandra och ett grunt höstbearbetat led i storparcellförsök pÄ Munsö i MÀlaren. En av de pÄgÄende serierna var ett treÄrigt rikstÀckande försök med höstrapsetablering, R2-4143. HÀr jÀmfördes plöjning med direktsÄdd och plöjningsfria led sÄdda med biodrill. En serie med försök som var utplacerade pÄ tre platser i Sverige var optimering av reducerad bearbetning, R2-4140. I detta fyrÄriga försök jÀmfördes direktsÄdd med olika bearbetningar som plöjning, grund och djup kultivering och tallriksredskap. Det sista försöket var ett sexÄrigt försök i VÀderstad som innebar olika jordbearbetningsstrategier, L2-4049. DÀr hade jorden hade bearbetats med samma metod under fem Är, systemen var plöjning, tallriksredskap, direktsÄdd, djup och grund kultivering. I försöken studerades olika parametrar, generellt undersöktes sÄbÀdden, plantantalet, temperaturen, halmförekomst, ogrÀsförkomst, infiltation, penetrationsmotstÄnd, skörd och en ekonomisk berÀkning. I försöket pÄ Munsö hade Seed Hawk-ledet en lÄg andel finjord i sÄbÀdden. Ett lÄgt plantantal i lin observerades Àven i samma led. Tendenser till lÀgre skörd i Seed Hawk-ledet jÀmfört med höstbearbetat fanns i bÄde lin och Àrtförsöket med 5 respektive 8 procent. I försöket R2-4143 direktsÄtt en högre temperatursumma jÀmfört med plöjt led. DirektsÄdd hade Àven ett lÀgre penetrationsmotstÄnd pÄ större djup jÀmfört med plöjt led. Skörden var i genomsnitt 5 respektive 8 procent lÀgre i direktsÄtt med och utan förredskap jÀmfört med plöjt. I försöket R2-4140 var det ocksÄ en lÄg andel finjord i direktsÄdda. TemperaturmÀtningen i försöket pÄ SÀby vid uppkomstfasen visade lÀgre temperatur i direktsÄtt jÀmfört med plöjt led. PenetrationsmÀtningarna i försöken visade samtliga samma sak, det direktsÄdda ledet hade lÀgre motstÄnd jÀmfört med de grunda plöjningsfria bearbetningarna i matjordens nedre del. Medelskörden under de fem Är dÄ den registrerats var 20 procent lÀgre jÀmfört med plöjt led. I försöket L2-4049 var det en lÄg andel finjord i direktsÄtt och Àven en hög andel halm. Infiltrationen i det direktsÄdda var högre jÀmfört med de grunda plöjningsfria bearbetningarna. Av sex skördeÄr var det endast tvÄ dÀr skörden vid direktsÄdd var lÀgre Àn för det plöjda ledet, medelskörden var en skördesÀnkning för direktsÄdd pÄ 7 procent. EkonomiberÀkningarna visade ett högre netto för direktsÄtt jÀmfört med plöjt i försök R2-4143 och L2-4049. Dock var nettot lÀgre i försök R2-4140. Det Àr mÄnga egenskaper som blir bÀttre av direktsÄdd som infiltration och penetrationsmotstÄnd, Àven skörden för höstsÄdda grödor hÄlls pÄ en hög nivÄ. Men för att lyckas med direktsÄdd i Sverige mÄste etableringen av vÄrsÄdda grödor hanteras. Detta genom att skapa mer finjord runt frö som ökar fuktkontakt och avdunstningsskydd

    Detection of EWS/FLI-1 by Immunostaining. An Adjunctive Tool in Diagnosis of Ewing's Sarcoma and Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumour on Cytological Samples and Paraffin-Embedded Archival Material

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    Purpose. Recently we showed that the 68-kDa fusion protein derived from the EWS/FLI1 hybrid gene can be specifically detected by Western blotting using a polyclonal antibody to the C-terminal of FLI1 on biopsy material from Ewing's sarcoma. The aim of this study was to investigate whether this antibody also could be used for immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry in diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma

    Prognostic impact of tumour-specific HMG-CoA reductase expression in primary breast cancer

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    Introduction We have previously reported that tumour-specific expression of the rate-limiting enzyme, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutharyl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoAR), in the mevalonate pathway is associated with more favourable tumour parameters in breast cancer. In the present study, we examined the prognostic value of HMG-CoAR expression in a large cohort of primary breast cancer patients with long-term follow up. Methods The expression of HMG-CoAR was assessed by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays with tumour specimens from 498 consecutive cases of breast cancer with a median follow-up of 128 months. Kaplan Meier analysis and Cox proportional hazards modelling were used to estimate the rate of recurrence-free survival (RFS) and breast cancer specific survival (BCSS). Results In line with our previous findings, tumour-specific HMG-CoAR expression was associated with low grade (p < 0.001), small size (p = 0.007), oestrogen receptor (ER) positive (p = 0.01), low Ki-67 (p = 0.02) tumours. Patients with tumours expressing HMG-CoAR had a significantly prolonged RFS, even when adjusted for established prognostic factors (relative risk [RR] = 0.60, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.40 to 0.92; p = 0.02). In ER-negative tumours, however, there was a trend, that was not significantly significant, towards a shorter RFS in HMG-CoAR expressing tumours. Conclusions HMG-CoAR expression is an independent predictor of a prolonged RFS in primary breast cancer. This may, however, not be true for ER-negative tumours. Further studies are needed to shed light on the value of HMG-CoAR expression as a surrogate marker of response to statin treatment, especially with respect to hormone receptor status

    Drug sensitivity testing on patient-derived sarcoma cells predicts patient response to treatment and identifies c-Sarc inhibitors as active drugs for translocation sarcomas

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    BACKGROUND: Heterogeneity and low incidence comprise the biggest challenge in sarcoma diagnosis and treatment. Chemotherapy, although efficient for some sarcoma subtypes, generally results in poor clinical responses and is mostly recommended for advanced disease. Specific genomic aberrations have been identified in some sarcoma subtypes but few of them can be targeted with approved drugs. METHODS: We cultured and characterised patient-derived sarcoma cells and evaluated their sensitivity to 525 anti-cancer agents including both approved and non-approved drugs. In total, 14 sarcomas and 5 healthy mesenchymal primary cell cultures were studied. The sarcoma biopsies and derived cells were characterised by gene panel sequencing, cancer driver gene expression and by detecting specific fusion oncoproteins in situ in sarcomas with translocations. RESULTS: Soft tissue sarcoma cultures were established from patient biopsies with a success rate of 58%. The genomic profile and drug sensitivity testing on these samples helped to identify targeted inhibitors active on sarcomas. The cSrc inhibitor Dasatinib was identified as an active drug in sarcomas carrying chromosomal translocations. The drug sensitivity of the patient sarcoma cells ex vivo correlated with the response to the former treatment of the patient. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that patient-derived sarcoma cells cultured in vitro are relevant and practical models for genotypic and phenotypic screens aiming to identify efficient drugs to treat sarcoma patients with poor treatment options.Peer reviewe

    Tumor-specific HMG-CoA reductase expression in primary premenopausal breast cancer predicts response to tamoxifen

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    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: We previously reported an association between tumor-specific 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutharyl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoAR) expression and a good prognosis in breast cancer. Here, the predictive value of HMG-CoAR expression in relation to tamoxifen response was examined. METHODS: HMG-CoAR protein and RNA expression was analyzed in a cell line model of tamoxifen resistance using western blotting and PCR. HMG-CoAR mRNA expression was examined in 155 tamoxifen-treated breast tumors obtained from a previously published gene expression study (Cohort I). HMG-CoAR protein expression was examined in 422 stage II premenopausal breast cancer patients, who had previously participated in a randomized control trial comparing 2 years of tamoxifen with no systemic adjuvant treatment (Cohort II). Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox proportional hazards modeling were used to estimate the risk of recurrence-free survival (RFS) and the effect of HMG-CoAR expression on tamoxifen response. RESULTS: HMG-CoAR protein and RNA expression were decreased in tamoxifen-resistant MCF7-LCC9 cells compared with their tamoxifen-sensitive parental cell line. HMG-CoAR mRNA expression was decreased in tumors that recurred following tamoxifen treatment (P < 0.001) and was an independent predictor of RFS in Cohort I (hazard ratio = 0.63, P = 0.009). In Cohort II, adjuvant tamoxifen increased RFS in HMG-CoAR-positive tumors (P = 0.008). Multivariate Cox regression analysis demonstrated that HMG-CoAR was an independent predictor of improved RFS in Cohort II (hazard ratio = 0.67, P = 0.010), and subset analysis revealed that this was maintained in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive patients (hazard ratio = 0.65, P = 0.029). Multivariate interaction analysis demonstrated a difference in tamoxifen efficacy relative to HMG-CoAR expression (P = 0.05). Analysis of tamoxifen response revealed that patients with ER-positive/HMG-CoAR tumors had a significant response to tamoxifen (P = 0.010) as well as patients with ER-positive or HMG-CoAR-positive tumors (P = 0.035). Stratification according to ER and HMG-CoAR status demonstrated that ER-positive/HMG-CoAR-positive tumors had an improved RFS compared with ER-positive/HMG-CoAR-negative tumors in the treatment arm (P = 0.033); this effect was lost in the control arm (P = 0.138), however, suggesting that HMG-CoAR predicts tamoxifen response. CONCLUSIONS: HMG-CoAR expression is a predictor of response to tamoxifen in both ER-positive and ER-negative disease. Premenopausal patients with tumors that express ER or HMG-CoAR respond to adjuvant tamoxifen

    Posterior capsule opacification and postoperative endophthalmitis following cataract surgery : Predictive and protective factors

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    Modem cataract surgery with implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL) is an increasingly safe and successful procedure, though complications still occur. This thesis addresses the most common complication, posterior capsule opacification (PCO) and the rare but serious complication postoperative endophthalmitis (POE). The pathogenesis of PCO is multifactorial and several surgical and IOL-related factors appear to play an important role in PCO formation. In this project the relation of PCO to IOLs of different materials and design was investigated and, furthermore, the association between PCO and the anterior capsulorhexis position. In a prospective study, patients were randomized to have implantation of a heparin-surface-modified (HSM) poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) IOL, a silicone IOL or a hydrophobic acrylic IOL after phacoemulsification (phaco). The HSM PMMA and the silicone IOL have rounded optic edges and the acrylic IOL has a sharp-edged optic. The PCO was assessed using the Evaluation of Posterior Capsule Opacification (EPCO) analysis system. After 2 years, patients with a hydrophobic acrylic IOL had significantly less PCO compared to those with a silicone or a HSM PMMA IOL. Three years postoperatively, the position of capsulorhexis in the silicone group and the acrylic group, were retrospectively analysed. Patients with the rhexis completely on the IOL optic had significantly less PCO than those with a decentred rhexis. Because of the potentially serious outcome after POE, various prophylactic regimes are used and putative risk factors are analysed. The object of this project was the investigation of the efficacy and safety of a previous undescribed prophylactic mode against POE, an intracameral injection of cefuroxime. Pharmacokinetic data on intraocular cefuroxime was analysed. Visual acuity, endothelial cell loss, laser flare intensity and lgE-mediated hypersensitivity were assessed. Furthermore, the project included a single-centre, retrospective clinical observation study of POE in association with prophylactic intracameral cefuroxime. National data on POE were investigated in a multi-centre prospective observational study and risk factors for POE were analysed in a single-centre case-control study. The studies showed that intracameral prophylactic cefuroxime appears safe and confers protection against POE, the latter in the sense that traditionally common species causing POE, such as staphylococci no longer are main aetiologies. Also, the general incidence of POE was very low

    Requirement for mevalonate-derived lipids in cell proliferation : A study of the role of polyisoprenoid alcohols

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    Requirement for mevalonate-derived lipids in cell proliferation: A study of the role of polyisoprenoid alcohols Mevalonic acid constitutes a key intermediate in the biosynthesis of a number of isoprenoid products. These metabolites include cholesterol and sterol-derived molecules, but also a large number of non-sterol isoprene derivatives. It has been well documented that not only cholesterol, but also a non-sterol product of the mevalonate pathway is essential for normal cell growth and division. In addition, tumor cells display an increased production of mevalonate and deranged control of HMG-CoA reductase, the major rate-limiting enzyme in the mevalonate pathway. Several isoprenoid molecules have been suggested to be of importance in growth regulation. This study was undertaken with the aim to isolate and characterize mevalonate products with important functions in cellular growth control. Initially, several different cell lines were studied with regard to their production of different isoprenoid lipids under varying growth conditions. We thereby found that a SV40-transformed cell line, 90VA-VI, exhibited an increased resistance to growth inhibition by HMG-CoA reductase inhibition that was correlated to synthesis of the long-chain polyisoprenoid alcohol dolichol. Subsequently, we studied the effects of HMG-CoA reductase inhibition and addition of dolichol in different cell lines. We found that the cells were blocked in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and that dolichol could counteract this effect. Mevalonate-derived lipids were then isolated from tumor cells and normal cells, and thereafter tested for stimulatory effects. We found that lipids corresponding to dolichol and polyprenol had a stimulative effect on cell proliferation. The identity of these lipids was established by mass spectrometry. Protein prenylation is an important activity-regulating modification in several proteins with growth regulatory functions. Since it has been suggested that protein prenylation could occur also with long-chain isoprenoids, we also searched for covalent modification of proteins by dolichol or related lipids. We then found that proteins from several tumor cell lines were modified by dolichol-related lipids, which might be of importance for the growth-stimulatory function of dolichol in growth-inhibited cells. Akademitryck AB, Edsbruk 1996 ISBN 91-628-2143-

    History Teaching Materials’ Scientific Foundation: : Queen Kristina In-between Two Traditions of History Didactics

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    Syftet med denna undersökning Àr att urskilja hur en vetenskaplig grund kan synas och tolkas i framstÀllningen av drottning Kristina i historielÀromedel. Den vetenskapliga grunden representeras i undersökningen av tvÄ historiedidaktiska traditioner: en empirisk tradition, samt en historiefilosofisk tradition. FrÄgestÀllningarna behandlar hur uttryck för en vetenskaplig grund kan synas och tolkas i framstÀllningen av drottning Kristina i historielÀromedel utifrÄn en empirisk respektive historiefilosofisk tradition. Undersökningen realiseras genom att tre lÀromedel undersöks, samtliga publicerade efter implementeringen av att den nuvarande lÀroplanen, LGR11 (Skolverket, 2019a) samt Kapitel 1, 5 § i Skollagen (SFS 2010:800).   Analysen har genomförts genom en kombination av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ textanalys. I resultaten och analysen framgÄr det att det i lÀromedlen kan synas och tolkas en vetenskaplig grund utifrÄn bÄda traditionerna. Bland annat kan det i lÀromedlen urskiljas exempel pÄ nÀr det skapas möjligheter att bÄde utveckla ett historiskt tÀnkande, vilket kan kopplas till empirismen, och utvidga ett historiemedvetande, nÄgot som kan kopplas till historiefilosofin. FortsÀttningsvis visar undersökningen att ett kronologiskt perspektiv pÄ historia kan tolkas som betonat i lÀromedlen. Det genealogiska perspektivet syns frÀmst i periferin, subtilt eller i textsjok avskilda frÄn brödtexten.   I undersökningens diskussion lyfts det bland annat att det kan uppfattas som problematiskt att det kronologiska perspektivet betonas över det genealogiska i lÀromedlen. Detta har kunnat kopplas till att lÀromedlen ofta styr undervisningen och hur historieÀmnet uppfattas samtidigt som de ofta kan förmedla en traditionell och statisk bild av historien (Hammarlund &amp; Lindahl, 2009; Ammert, 2013). En annan slutsats Àr att de olika traditionerna verkar kunna samexistera, nÄgot som de Àven kan synas göra i LGR11 (Skolverket, 2019a)
