158 research outputs found

    The Romantic Sublime

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    Originally published in 1976. In The Romantic Sublime Thomas Weiskel investigates the concept of the sublime in the poetry of English Romantic writers. His work infuses elements of structuralism and psychological thought in his attempt to describe and demystify the sublime experience—or, in his words, to "desublimate the sublime." In doing so, he demonstrates that the sublime is largely mystified, and he contrasts those with faith in the awesomeness of sublimation and those who remain skeptical of the sublime's mystifying power. In working to demystify the sublime, Weiskel emphasizes the task of intelligence by assigning morality and intellect the value of mistrust in sublimation

    Libraries as Life-Systems: Information, Entropy, and Coevolution on Campus

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    Cooperation or Competition with China: Interest Groups and US Policy on Climate Change

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    This dissertation analyzes the existence of two constellations of political forces, emphasizing their relationship to each other and the link between their interests related to China and climate change. It argues that two China-related alignments on climate issues are driven by their opposing approaches to US China relations in general in such a way that the latter predicts the former. These broad but opposing coalitions of political forces—one favoring and one opposing cooperation with China—are made up of think tanks, NGOs and industry groups, which have demonstrated a convergence in policy preferences over the course of two presidential administrations, democrat Barack Obama (2009-2017) and republican Donald Trump (2017-2021). The divergent alignments are illustrated in three case studies: (1) the Paris Agreement; (2) development of renewable energy; and, (3) electric vehicle technology and deployment. The case studies demonstrate that these industry-plus-think tank lobbies amplify one another and make policy recommendations with the following characteristics: (1) a reduction of the climate problem to serve the greater security concerns of the US-China relationship; and, (2) opportunities for industry lobbyists to pursue narrow business interests over the broader climate concerns and solutions recommended by scientists

    A Policy-Oriented Narrative Approach to IR

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    Yamin and Depledge (2004) argue that the UNFCCC regime is characterised by formal and informal coalitions, alliances, and political groups. Blaxekjær and Nielsen (2014) have demonstrated how new groups since COP15 have transformed the narrative positions and negotiations space in the UNFCCC, creating bridges as well as new trenches between North and South in relation to the principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibility. As the UNFCCC regime readjusts after COP21, these new narrative positions and negotiations space should be re-examined. Through original data such as official statements from groups, observations at UN climate conferences (2011-2015), and interviews with delegates and experts, the paper analyses the narrative position of the Like Minded group of Developing Countries (LMDC), an influential political group under the UNFCCC established in 2012. Following Blaxekjær and Nielsen’s (2014) policy-oriented narrative approach to IR the paper analyses LMDC’s identity, the problems identified by LMDC and the solutions to these problems, and the paper identifies five central characteristics of the dominant LMDC narrative. The analysis also touches upon what narrative techniques are used in constructing the LMDC identity. This framework reveals the embeddedness of narratives in practice as they unfold in the formation of new alliances and ruptures in old ones. This paper contributes to the emerging Narrative in IR research agenda with a policy-oriented model of analysis. The paper also contributes to the broader research agenda on the post-Paris UNFCCC regime, and argues that as long as CBDR/RC is a major unresolved issue – an essentially contested concept – as long will the LMDC play a prominent role in the UNFCCC regime

    L'histoire socio-économique des peuples baule : problèmes et perspectives de recherche.

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    T. C. Weiskel—The Socio-Economie History of the Baule Peoples : Research Problems and Perspectives. The pre-colonial history of the Baule peoples is difficult to reconstruct because of the lack of traditional documentary materials. Most formulations to date have depended heavily upon the oral traditions published initially by Maurice Delafosse in 1900. Recent anthropological and linguistic research suggests, however, that the themes of mass migration and military conquest which dominate these oral traditions may be mis-leading as a key to understanding the Baule past. A more flexible model which takes into account processes of linguistic expansion and socio-economic change is needed to understand the historical evolution of the pre-colonial Baule. A sketch chronology is presented, and several perspectives for future research are suggested.Weiskel Timothy C. L'histoire socio-économique des peuples baule : problèmes et perspectives de recherche.. In: Cahiers d'études africaines, vol. 16, n°61-62, 1976. Histoire africaine : constatations, contestations. pp. 357-395

    The Precolonial Baule : A Reconstruction

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    T. C. Weiskel — Le Baule précolonial : reconstruction. Essai de description globale de l'histoire et des structures socio-politiques du Baule avant la pénétration française. Critique de l'acceptation inconditionnelle, par Dela-fosse, de la légende de la reine Aura Poku, qui implique une migration massive à partir de l'Ashanti au XVIIIe siècle : l'installation akan a dû se faire par petits groupes à une époque plus ancienne, le nom même de Baule apparaissant, sous des formes diverses, dans des documents européens du xvme siècle. Les relations commerciales, jusqu'au XIXe siècle, étaient établies avec les Akan orientaux plutôt qu'avec la côte. Après la « révolution du palmiste », l'économie commerciale baule garde un caractère archaïque, reposant sur les produits de luxe (or, pagnes, ivoire, esclaves) plus que sur les denrées agricoles ; elle se réoriente vers la côte, avec des chaînes parallèles et rivales. Les conditions d'installation expliquent le changement du système de parenté, cognatique et fondé sur l'établissement local, aura bo, plutôt que sur le matrilignage, abusua, des Akan nucléaires. Le système politique est hiérarchique mais non centralisé, l'autorité se fondant sur le succès —contrôle d'un effectif humain important — et non sur la séniorité. L'organisation économique à la fin du xixe siècle est telle que l'intervention française aura des répercussions chez les Baule avant même que le contact direct ait été établi.Weiskel Timothy C. The Precolonial Baule : A Reconstruction. In: Cahiers d'études africaines, vol. 18, n°72, 1978. pp. 503-560
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