12 research outputs found

    Unveiling the Impact of Morphine on Tamoxifen Metabolism in Mice in vivo

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    Background- Tamoxifen is used to treat breast cancer and cancer recurrences. After administration, tamoxifen is converted into two more potent antitumor compounds, 4OH-tamoxifen and endoxifen by the CYP3A4/5 and 2D6 enzymes in human. These active compounds are inactivated by the same UDP-glucuronosyltransferases isoforms as those involved in the metabolism of morphine. Importantly, cancer-associated pain can be treated with morphine, and the common metabolic pathway of morphine and tamoxifen suggests potential clinically relevant interactions. Methods- Mouse liver microsomes were used to determine the impact of morphine on 4OH-tamoxifen metabolism in vitro. For in vivo experiments, female mice were first injected with tamoxifen alone and then with tamoxifen and morphine. Blood was collected, and LC-MS/MS was used to quantify tamoxifen, 4OH-tamoxifen, N-desmethyltamoxifen, endoxifen, 4OH-tamoxifen-glucuronide and endoxifen-glucuronide. Results- In vitro, we found increased Km values for the production of 4OH-tamoxifen-glucuronide in the presence of morphine, suggesting an inhibitory effect on 4OH-tamoxifen glucuronidation. Conversely, in vivo morphine treatment decreased 4OH-tamoxifen levels in the blood while dramatically increasing the formation of inactive metabolites 4OH-tamoxifen-glucuronide and endoxifen-glucuronide. Conclusions- Our findings emphasize the need for caution when extrapolating results from in vitro metabolic assays to in vivo drug metabolism interactions. Importantly, morphine strongly impacts tamoxifen metabolism in mice. It suggests that tamoxifen efficiency could be reduced when both drugs are co-administered in a clinical setting, e.g. to relieve pain in breast cancer patients. Further studies are needed to assess the potential for tamoxifen-morphine metabolic interactions in humans

    Corrigendum: Morphine binds creatine kinase B and inhibits its activity (vol 12, 464, 2018)

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    In the published article, there was an error in affiliation "2." Instead of "Global Drug Discovery, Global Therapeutic Research Groups, Gynecological Therapies, Bayer Healthcare, Berlin, Germany", it should be "Laboratoire de Spectrométrie deMasse BioOrganique, IPHC-DSA, CNRS UMR7178 and Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France." Additionally, the current address of one author has been added as a footnote and is denoted using. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated

    Lithium reverses mechanical allodynia through a mu opioid-dependent mechanism

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    Background: Lithium is widely used to treat bipolar disorders and displays mood stabilizing properties. In addition, lithium relieves painful cluster headaches and has a strong analgesic effect in neuropathic pain rat models

    Morphine binds creatine kinase B and inhibits its activity

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    Morphine is an analgesic alkaloid used to relieve severe pain, and irreversible binding of morphine to specific unknown proteins has been previously observed. In the brain, changes in the expression of energy metabolism enzymes contribute to behavioral abnormalities during chronic morphine treatment. Creatine kinase B (CK-B) is a key enzyme involved in brain energy metabolism. CK-B also corresponds to the imidazoline-binding protein I-2 which binds dopamine (a precursor of morphine biosynthesis) irreversibly. Using biochemical approaches, we show that recombinant mouse CK-B possesses a mu M affinity for morphine and binds to morphine in vitro. The complex formed by CK-B and morphine is resistant to detergents, reducing agents, heat treatment and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). CK-B-derived peptides CK-B1-75 and CK-B184-258 were identified as two specific morphine binding-peptides. In vitro, morphine (1-100 mu M) significantly reduces recombinant CK-B enzymatic activity. Accordingly, in vivo morphine administration (7.5 mg/kg, i.p.) to mice significantly decreased brain extract CK-B activity compared to saline-treated animals. Together, these results show that morphine strongly binds CK-B and inhibits its activity in vitro and in vivo

    Stable isotope-labelled morphine to study in vivo central and peripheral morphine glucuronidation and brain transport in tolerant mice

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    International audienceBackground and purpose: Chronic administration of medication can significantly affect metabolic enzymes leading to physiological adaptations. Morphine metabolism in the liver has been extensively studied following acute morphine treatment, but such metabolic processes in the CNS are poorly characterized. Long-term morphine treatment is limited by the development of tolerance, resulting in a decrease of its analgesic effect. Whether or not morphine analgesic tolerance affects in vivo brain morphine metabolism and blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability remains a major question. Here, we have attempted to characterize the in vivo metabolism and BBB permeability of morphine after long-term treatment, at both central and peripheral levels.Experimental approach: Male C57BL/6 mice were injected with morphine or saline solution for eight consecutive days in order to induce morphine analgesic tolerance. On the ninth day, both groups received a final injection of morphine (85%) and d3-morphine (morphine bearing three 2 H; 15%, w/w). Mice were then killed and blood, urine, brain and liver samples were collected. LC-MS/MS was used to quantify morphine, its metabolite morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G) and their respective d3-labelled forms.Key results: We found no significant differences in morphine CNS uptake and metabolism between control and tolerant mice. Interestingly, d3-morphine metabolism was decreased compared to morphine without any interference with our study.Conclusions and implications: Our data suggests that tolerance to the analgesic effects of morphine is not linked to increased glucuronidation to M3G or to altered global BBB permeability of morphine