24 research outputs found

    Micro-deformation of the NEEM ice core: implications for stratigraphic interpretation

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム 氷床コアセッション 11月16日(水) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    Seismic Anisotropy of Temperate Ice in Polar Ice Sheets

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    We present a series of simple shear numerical simulations of dynamic recrystallization of two‐phase nonlinear viscous materials that represent temperate ice. First, we investigate the effect of the presence of water on the resulting microstructures and, second, how water influences on P wave (Vp) and fast S wave (Vs) velocities. Regardless the water percentage, all simulations evolve from a random fabric to a vertical single maximum. For a purely solid aggregate, the highest Vp quickly aligns with the maximum c‐axis orientation. At the same time, the maximum c‐axis development reduces Vs in this orientation. When water is present, the developed maximum c‐axis orientation is less intense, which results in lower Vp and Vs. At high percentage of water, Vp does not align with the maximum c‐axis orientation. If the bulk modulus of ice is assumed for the water phase (i.e., implying that water is at high pressure), we find a remarkable decrease of Vs while Vp remains close to the value for purely solid ice. These results suggest that the decrease in Vs observed at the base of the ice sheets could be explained by the presence of water at elevated pressure, which would reside in isolated pockets at grain triple junctions. Under these conditions water would not favor sliding between ice grains. However, if we consider that deformation dominates over recrystallization, water pockets get continuously stretched, allowing water films to be located at grain boundaries. This configuration would modify and even overprint the maximum c‐axis‐dependent orientation and the magnitude of seismic anisotropy

    Shear localisation in anisotropic, non-linear viscous materials that develop a CPO: A numerical study

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    Localisation of ductile deformation in rocks is commonly found at all scales from crustal shear zones down to grain scale shear bands. Of the various mechanisms for localisation, mechanical anisotropy has received relatively little attention, especially in numerical modelling. Mechanical anisotropy can be due to dislocation creep of minerals (e.g. ice or mica) and/or layering in rocks (e.g. bedding, cleavage). We simulated simple-shear deformation of a locally anisotropic, single-phase power-law rheology material up to shear strain of five. Localisation of shear rate in narrow shear bands occurs, depending on the magnitude of anisotropy and the stress exponent. At high anisotropy values, strain-rate frequency distributions become approximately log-normal with heavy, exponential tails. Localisation due to anisotropy is scale-independent and thus provides a single mechanism for a self-organised hierarchy of shear bands and zones from mm-to km-scales. The numerical simulations are compared with the natural example of the Northern Shear Belt at Cap de Creus, NE Spain

    Estudio de la anisotropía sísmica del hielo parcialmente fundido en zonas basales de los casquetes polares

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    Los datos sísmicos registrados en las zonas basales de la Antártida y Groenlandia muestran un fuerte descenso de las velocidades de ondas S (Vs) mientras que las ondas P (Vp) mantienen una velocidad similar en todo el perfil del casquete polar. Unaexplicación propuesta a este descenso es la presencia de agua. En esta contribución investigamos la evolución de las velocidades sísmicas en el hielo polar parcialmente fundido. Éste se simula como un agregado de policristales de hielo con agua. Ladeformación se realiza con un método full-field de deformación viscoplástica con recristalización. Las velocidades sísmicasson calculadas a partir de las orientaciones cristalinas. Independientemente del porcentaje de fundido, todas las simulacionesevolucionan a una orientación preferente de cristales (CPO), aproximadamente perpendicular al plano de cizalla. Cuando no hay agua, la Vp máxima se alinea rápidamente con la CPO, y aumenta a la vez que aumenta la intensidad de ésta CPO.Cuando una fase fundida está presente, la CPO desarrollada es menos intensa, siendo la Vp y la Vs menor. A alta proporciónde agua la Vp no se alinea con la CPO. Sin embargo, si se considera el módulo de compresibilidad del hielo para el agua,encontramos un descenso fuerte de las Vs. Este resultado sugiere que el descenso de la Vs observado en la base podría ser explicado por la presencia de agua sobrepresionada, y por tanto aislada en conjunciones triples de granos, sin formar bandas de agua que favorecerían el deslizamient

    Can changes in deformation regimes be inferred from crystallographic preferred orientations in polar ice?

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    Creep due to ice flow is generally thought to be the main cause for the formation of crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) in polycrystalline anisotropic ice. However, linking the development of CPOs to the ice flow history requires a proper understanding of the ice aggregate's microstructural response to flow transitions. In this contribution the influence of ice deformation history on the CPO development is investigated by means of full-field numerical simulations at the microscale. We simulate the CPO evolution of polycrystalline ice under combinations of two consecutive deformation events up to high strain, using the code VPFFT (visco-plastic fast Fourier transform algorithm) within ELLE. A volume of ice is first deformed under coaxial boundary conditions, which results in a CPO. The sample is then subjected to different boundary conditions (coaxial or non-coaxial) in order to observe how the deformation regime switch impacts the CPO. The model results indicate that the second flow event tends to destroy the first, inherited fabric with a range of transitional fabrics. However, the transition is slow when crystallographic axes are critically oriented with respect to the second imposed regime. Therefore, interpretations of past deformation events from observed CPOs must be carried out with caution, particularly in areas with complex deformation histories

    Potential mechanisms for anisotropy in ice-penetrating radar data

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    Radar data (center frequency 150 MHz) collected on the Antarctic plateau near the EPICA deep-drilling site in Dronning Maud Land vary systematically in backscattered power, depending on the azimuth antenna orientation. Backscatter extrema are aligned with the principal directions of surface strain rates and change with depth. In the upper 900 m, backscatter is strongest when the antenna polarization is aligned in the direction of maximal compression, while below 900m the maxima shift by 90◦ pointing towards the lateral flow dilatation. We investigate the backscatter from elongated air bubbles and a vertically varying crystal-orientation fabric (COF) using different scattering models in combination with ice-core data. We hypothesize that short-scale variations in COF are the primary mechanism for the observed anisotropy, and the 900m boundary between the two regimes is caused by ice with varying impurity content. Observations of this kind allow the deduction of COF variations with depth and are potentially also suited to map the transition between Holocene and glacial ice

    Deriving micro- to macro-scale seismic velocities from ice-core <i>c</i> axis orientations

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    One of the great challenges in glaciology is the ability to estimate the bulk ice anisotropy in ice sheets and glaciers, which is needed to improve our understanding of ice-sheet dynamics. We investigate the effect of crystal anisotropy on seismic velocities in glacier ice and revisit the framework which is based on fabric eigenvalues to derive approximate seismic velocities by exploiting the assumed symmetry. In contrast to previous studies, we calculate the seismic velocities using the exact c axis angles describing the orientations of the crystal ensemble in an ice-core sample. We apply this approach to fabric data sets from an alpine and a polar ice core. Our results provide a quantitative evaluation of the earlier approximative eigenvalue framework. For near-vertical incidence our results differ by up to 135 m s−1 for P-wave and 200 m s−1 for S-wave velocity compared to the earlier framework (estimated 1 % difference in average P-wave velocity at the bedrock for the short alpine ice core). We quantify the influence of shear-wave splitting at the bedrock as 45 m s−1 for the alpine ice core and 59 m s−1 for the polar ice core. At non-vertical incidence we obtain differences of up to 185 m s−1 for P-wave and 280 m s−1 for S-wave velocities. Additionally, our findings highlight the variation in seismic velocity at non-vertical incidence as a function of the horizontal azimuth of the seismic plane, which can be significant for non-symmetric orientation distributions and results in a strong azimuth-dependent shear-wave splitting of max. 281 m s−1 at some depths. For a given incidence angle and depth we estimated changes in phase velocity of almost 200 m s−1 for P wave and more than 200 m s−1 for S wave and shear-wave splitting under a rotating seismic plane. We assess for the first time the change in seismic anisotropy that can be expected on a short spatial (vertical) scale in a glacier due to strong variability in crystal-orientation fabric (±50 m s−1 per 10 cm). Our investigation of seismic anisotropy based on ice-core data contributes to advancing the interpretation of seismic data, with respect to extracting bulk information about crystal anisotropy, without having to drill an ice core and with special regard to future applications employing ultrasonic sounding

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