466 research outputs found


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    Electric vehicle charging in China's power system:Energy, economic and environmental trade-offs and policy implications

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    AbstractThis work investigates different scenarios for electric vehicle (EV) deployment in China and explores the implications thereof with regard to energy portfolio, economics and the environment. Specifically, we investigate how to better deliver the value of EVs by improving designs in the power system and charging strategies, given expected developments by 2030 in both the power system and EV penetration levels.The impact of EV charging is quantified by applying an integrated transportation-power system model on a set of scenarios which represent uncertainties in charging strategies. We find that deploying EVs essentially shifts the use of gasoline to coal-fired power generation in China, thus leading to more coal consumption and CO2 emissions of the power system. Economically, EVs outperform gasoline-powered vehicles in terms of average fueling costs. However, the impact of EVs in terms of CO2 emissions at the national level largely depends on the charging strategy. Specifically, controlled charging results in more CO2 emissions associated with EVs than uncontrolled charging, as it tends to feed EVs with electricity produced by cheap yet low-efficiency coal power plants located in regions where coal prices are low. Still, compared with uncontrolled charging, controlled charging shows absolute advantages in: (1) mitigating the peak load arising from EV charging; (2) facilitating RES generation; and (3) reducing generation costs and EV charging costs. Hence, in light of this trade-off of controlled charging with the goals of energy security, economic efficiency and reducing environmental impacts, policy interventions in the Chinese power system should opt for controlled charging strategies in order to best realize the benefits of EVs. Accordingly, this paper proposes that increasing the use of cleaner forms of electricity generation, such as RES power and gas power, and establishing energy efficiency and CO2 emission regulations in power dispatch are critical for China. Lastly, this work illustrates what the optimized charging profiles from the power system perspective look like for different regions. These results can inform Chinese policy makers in creating a better integration of the transportation and the power system

    Helicobacter pylori infection and dyspepsia in primary care : studies on diagnosis and guideline implementation

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    In this thesis various studies on the management of patients presenting with dyspepsia in primary care are described. Of all patients presenting with dyspepsia, only a minority has organic disease. Roughly 25% of the dyspeptic patients presenting in primary care is referred for endoscopy. At endoscopy, relevant organic disease is found in 30-45% of the patients (5-15% peptic ulcer disease and 25-30% gastro-oesophageal disease). Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection is accepted as the most common cause of gastritis, and is aetiologically involved in gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and primary gastric B-cell lymphoma. For this reason, the role of H pylori diagnosis and treatment in the management of peptic ulcer disease (PUD) has been a topic of interest in research. Ideally, patients suspected of PUD should be tested for H pylori infection without undergoing endoscopy. H pylori eradication is effective PUD treatment and prevents relapses. Therefore, the diagnostic value of non-invasive H pylori tests (i.e. tests not requiring an endoscopy) in PUD diagnosis should be evaluated. In addition, the additional diagnostic value of H pylori tests in patients at risk for PUD have to be determined. Finally, a guideline based on the established diagnostic value of H pylori testing in dyspeptic patients in primary care needs to be developed and introduced effectively in medical practice. The research questions answered in this thesis are: * To what extent is H pylori diagnosis and treatment currently incorporated in dyspepsia management in primary care in the Netherlands? * What is the value of H pylori testing in addition to history taking in diagnosing peptic ulcer disease in primary care? * What is the optimal non-invasive H pylori test for diagnosis in primary care? * What is the diagnostic performance of a new immunoassay for the detection of H pylori infection in primary care? * Is compliance with a new dyspepsia guideline increased after introduction by an educational or financial stimulus for GPs

    Situatieschets behoefte onderwijs en arbeid : groene sectoren Greenport Duin- en Bollenstreek

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    In het gebied Holland Rijnland en dan met name in de Greenport Duin- en Bollenstreek is er een tekort aan bekwaam en beschikbaar personeel voor de groene sector op niveau 3 en 4. De Provincie Zuid Holland, regio Holland Rijnland wil graag een stimulerende rol spelen in het opheffen van dit tekort. Om die reden heeft men een subsidie toegekend aan het project “Holland Rijnland werkt lerend”. De verstrekte subsidie is bedoeld om bestaande initiatieven verder te brengen


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    Proses injection molding adalah proses pembuatan produk yang mampu membuat produk dengan bentuk yang kompleks dengan ukuran toleransi yang ketat. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam proses injeksi adalah penentuan parameter. Namun dalam prosesnya sering kali ditemukan cacat produk karena ketidak sesuaian pada parameter permesinan. PT. ATMI-IGI Center Surakarta merupakan salah satu produsen yang memproduksi produk injeksi molding yang menemukan permasalahan optimasi parameter pada produk komponen terminal listrik transformator CT103 Casing P1-P2. Permasalahan optimasi parameter yang terdapat pada PT. ATMI-IGI Center Surakarta dalam pengerjaan produk komponen terminal listrik transformator CT103 Casing P1-P2 dalam menurunkan cacat produk shrinkage, sink marks dan warpage. Permasalahan optimasi tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan metode Taguchi berbasis DoE. Hal tersebut didasari dengan ditemukannya 6 parameter berpengaruh berupa mold temperature, melt temperature, injection pressure, injection time, cooling time, dan holding time. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimal, 6 parameter tersebut memiliki 3 level pada masing-masing parameter. Berdasarkan penentuan parameter dan level yang didapat, akan dijadikan dasar penyelsesaian dengan metode design of experiment Taguchi, dengan matriks orthogonal array L2736. Bentuk matriks orthogonal array L2736 dan nilai level akan menjadi dasar eksperimen yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan respon. Matriks orthogonal array L2736 dan respon yang telah didapatkan akan menjadi dasar analisis S/N ratio dan ANOVA. Hasil akhir penelitian menunjukan dengan digunakannya metode Taguchi berbasis DoE dapat menguranginya jumlah cacat yang terjadi dengan didapatkannya parameter optimal mold temperature 80oC, melt temperature 320 oC, injection pressure 137 MPa, injection time 2,5 detik, cooling time 32 detik, dan holding time 14 detik. Dimana dengan parameter tersebut didapatkan penurunan cacat produk CT103 Casing P1-P2 sebesar 4,2980% dari total volume produk untuk cacat shrinkage, 0,0507mm untuk cacat sink marks dan 0,310mm untuk cacat warpage

    A Nation-wide ePortfolio:Reflections on Ambitions and Experiences in the Netherlands

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    Janssen, J., Brouns, F., Vaessen, H., Weijnen, G., Huveneers, E., & Hodzelmans, R. (2011). A Nation-wide ePortfolio: Reflections on Ambitions and Experiences in the Netherlands. In Proceedings of the ePortfolio and Identity Conference (ePIC) 2011 (pp. 191-196). July, 10-12, 2011, London, UK. For the presentation, please see also: http://hdl.handle.net/1820/3436In the Netherlands 2008 stands out as a year of significant boosts for nation wide adoption of e-portfolios. In that year the Netherlands Institute for Normalisation (NEN) published the first version of a National Technical Agreement (NTA 2035) for the exchange of e-portfolios using an application profile based on (among others) the IMS ePortfolio specification. In that same year two important government advisory committees on employment and the labour market recommended nationwide adoption of e-portfolios as an instrument to assess and stimulate personal professional development and to increase mobility. In this paper we reflect on the current state of affairs from three different perspectives: a recent study investigating means to accelerate adoption of the NTA 2035, the Service Centre for Lifelong Learning Limburg project which aims to deploy the NTA, and current provision of software supporting the NTA.Service Center Leven Lang Leren Limbur

    Economic impact of extended time on peritoneal dialysis as a result of using polyglucose: the application of a Markov chain model to forecast changes in the development of the ESRD programme over time

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    BACKGROUND: The use of polyglucose as a peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluid extends time on PD treatment. It is anticipated, therefore, that the share of patients treated with PD will be positively influenced. The relationship between extension of PD treatment time and an increase of the PD treatment share, however, is complex and needs further investigation. In this paper, a Markov chain model was applied to investigate the impact of extended time on PD treatment for the PD share in all dialysis patients in The Netherlands. Furthermore, the economic impact of the extended time on treatment (ETOT) was explored. METHODS: Scenarios were forecast over a 10 year period using aggregate data from the End-Stage Renal Registry in The Netherlands (Renine). Three scenarios were simulated in which the median PD technique survival was extended by 8, 10 and 12 months. Two other scenarios explored the impact of the combined effect of ETOT of 10 months together with a 10% and 20% increase of PD inflow shares. Reductions of costs to society due to ETOT were estimated using Dutch cost data on renal replacement therapies. RESULTS: PD share increases from 30.0% in the null scenario to 34.5% in the scenario with an ETOT of 10 months and an increased PD inflow share of 20%. The reduction in total costs to society of the renal replacement therapies is 0.96%. The average societal costs per discounted patient year for haemodialysis (HD) are 84 100 euros. For PD, these costs are 60 300 euros. A shift from HD to PD results in average cost savings of 28% per patient year. CONCLUSIONS: In view of high dialysis costs to society, a reduction of 0.96% can be considered to be relevant for healthcare policy makers

    Non-small cell lung cancer with a single metastasis, the new stage M1b; does the site matter?

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    Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with a solitary metastasis are considered to have a more favourable prognosis compared to those with multiple metastases. This is also shown in the 8th tumor, node, metastases edition for lung cancer (TNM8): patients with M1b (single extrapulmonary metastasis) have a superior prognosis than those with M1c disease (multiple metastases). Although not described in the TNM8, site of single metastatic disease may reflect tumour biology and may be of important prognostic value. We report a case of a patient with squamous cell NSCLC and a single skeletal muscle metastasis with a remarkably aggressive disease course

    What Determines the Shape of an EQ-5D Index Distribution?

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    Background. EQ-5D-3L index scores in patient and general populations typically have a nonnormal distribution, divided into 2 distinct groups. It is important to understand to what extent this is determined by the way that the EQ-5D-3L index is constructed rather than by the true distribution of ill health. Objective. This paper examines the determinants of the ‘‘2 groups’’ distribution pattern and the extent to which this pattern is attributable either to the EQ-5D-3L classification system used to create health state profiles or to the weights applied to profiles. Methods. Data from the English NHS PROMs program (hip and knee replacements and varicose vein and hernia repairs) and from a study of 2 chronic conditions (asthma and angina) were used to compare the distributions of EQ5D-3L index scores with distributions from which weights have been stripped; profile data decomposed into their constituent dimensions and levels; a condition-specific index; and using weights from different countries, based on both time tradeoff and visual analogue scale. Results. The EQ-5D-3L classification system generates differences between patients with the same condition in respect of dimensions that are mainly observed at level 2 or 3. The weights commonly used to calculate the index exacerbate this grouping by placing a larger weight on level 3 observations, generating a noticeable gap in index scores between the groups. Conclusions. Analyzing EQ-5D profile data enables a better understanding of the resulting distribution of EQ-5D scores. The distinctive shape observed for these distributions is the result of both the classification system and the weights applied to it
