543 research outputs found

    Anti-Amyloidogenic and Anti-Apoptotic Role of Melatonin in Alzheimer Disease

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    Alzheimer disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the presence of senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and neuronal loss. Amyloid-β protein (Aβ) deposition plays a critical role in the development of AD. It is now generally accepted that massive neuronal death due to apoptosis is a common characteristic in the brains of patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, and apoptotic cell death has been found in neurons and glial cells in AD. Melatonin is a secretory product of the pineal gland; melatonin is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger and may play an important role in aging and AD. Melatonin decreases during aging and patients with AD have a more profound reduction of this indoleamine. Additionally, the antioxidant properties, the anti-amyloidogenic properties and anti-apoptotic properties of melatonin in AD models have been studied. In this article, we review the anti-amyloidogenic and anti-apoptotic role of melatonin in A

    Symphony: Localizing Multiple Acoustic Sources with a Single Microphone Array

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    Sound recognition is an important and popular function of smart devices. The location of sound is basic information associated with the acoustic source. Apart from sound recognition, whether the acoustic sources can be localized largely affects the capability and quality of the smart device's interactive functions. In this work, we study the problem of concurrently localizing multiple acoustic sources with a smart device (e.g., a smart speaker like Amazon Alexa). The existing approaches either can only localize a single source, or require deploying a distributed network of microphone arrays to function. Our proposal called Symphony is the first approach to tackle the above problem with a single microphone array. The insight behind Symphony is that the geometric layout of microphones on the array determines the unique relationship among signals from the same source along the same arriving path, while the source's location determines the DoAs (direction-of-arrival) of signals along different arriving paths. Symphony therefore includes a geometry-based filtering module to distinguish signals from different sources along different paths and a coherence-based module to identify signals from the same source. We implement Symphony with different types of commercial off-the-shelf microphone arrays and evaluate its performance under different settings. The results show that Symphony has a median localization error of 0.694m, which is 68% less than that of the state-of-the-art approach

    ChordMics: Acoustic Signal Purification with Distributed Microphones

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    Acoustic signal acts as an essential input to many systems. However, the pure acoustic signal is very difficult to extract, especially in noisy environments. Existing beamforming systems are able to extract the signal transmitted from certain directions. However, since microphones are centrally deployed, these systems have limited coverage and low spatial resolution. We overcome the above limitations and present ChordMics, a distributed beamforming system. By leveraging the spatial diversity of the distributed microphones, ChordMics is able to extract the acoustic signal from arbitrary points. To realize such a system, we further address the fundamental challenge in distributed beamforming: aligning the signals captured by distributed and unsynchronized microphones. We implement ChordMics and evaluate its performance under both LOS and NLOS scenarios. The evaluation results tell that ChordMics can deliver higher SINR than the centralized microphone array. The average performance gain is up to 15dB

    Summer moisture changes in the Lake Qinghai area on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau recorded from a meadow section over the past 8400 yrs

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    Holocene climatic and environmental changes on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau (TP) have been widely discussed based on the climatic records from sedimentary cores. However, differences in the reconstructed climatic history from various studies in this region still exist, probably due to influence of climatic proxies from multiple factors and the chronological uncertainties in lacustrine sediments. Here we present records of terrestrial plant delta C-13, soil color and total organic carbon content over the past 8400 years from a well-dated meadow section on the northeastern TP. The terrestrial plant delta C-13 value serves as a good summer precipitation/moisture indicator in the studied region. Soil color property and TOC content are also able to disentangle the moisture evolution history. All the data show much wet climates at 8400-7400 cal yr BP, dry climates at 7400-6000 cal yr BP and then wet conditions with fluctuation at 6000-3200 cal yr BP. Late Holocene moisture appears to be comparable with moist conditions from 6000 to 3200 cal yr BP. By further comparing the climatic variations in the Lake Qinghai area with records of the reconstructed summer temperature and the Asian Monsoon precipitation, we believe that the pattern of moisture/precipitation evolution in the Lake Qinghai area was not completely consistent with regions around Lake Qinghai, probably due to complicated interaction between the East Asian Summer Monsoon and the Indian Summer Monsoon

    An Integrated Use of Topography with RSI in Gully Mapping, Shandong Peninsula, China

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    Taking the Quickbird optical satellite imagery of the small watershed of Beiyanzigou valley of Qixia city, Shandong province, as the study data, we proposed a new method by using a fused image of topography with remote sensing imagery (RSI) to achieve a high precision interpretation of gully edge lines. The technique first transformed remote sensing imagery into HSV color space from RGB color space. Then the slope threshold values of gully edge line and gully thalweg were gained through field survey and the slope data were segmented using thresholding, respectively. Based on the fused image in combination with gully thalweg thresholding vectors, the gully thalweg thresholding vectors were amended. Lastly, the gully edge line might be interpreted based on the amended gully thalweg vectors, fused image, gully edge line thresholding vectors, and slope data. A testing region was selected in the study area to assess the accuracy. Then accuracy assessment of the gully information interpreted by both interpreting remote sensing imagery only and the fused image was performed using the deviation, kappa coefficient, and overall accuracy of error matrix. Compared with interpreting remote sensing imagery only, the overall accuracy and kappa coefficient are increased by 24.080% and 264.364%, respectively. The average deviations of gully head and gully edge line are reduced by 60.448% and 67.406%, respectively. The test results show the thematic and the positional accuracy of gully interpreted by new method are significantly higher. Finally, the error sources for interpretation accuracy by the two methods were analyzed

    A New Race (X12) of Soybean Cyst Nematode in China

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    The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, is a serious economic threat to soybean-producing regions worldwide. A new SCN population (called race X12) was detected in Shanxi province, China. Race X12 could reproduce on all the indicator lines of both race and Heterodera glycines (HG) type tests. The average number of females on Lee68 (susceptible control) was 171.40 with the lowest Female Index (FI) 61.31 on PI88788 and the highest FI 117.32 on Pickett in the race test. The average number of females on Lee68 was 323.17 with the lowest FI 44.18 on PI88788 and the highest FI 97.83 on PI548316 in the HG type test. ZDD2315 and ZDD24656 are elite resistant germplasms in China. ZDD2315 is highly resistant to race 4, the strongest infection race in the 16 races with FI 1.51 while being highly sensitive to race X12 with FI 64.32. ZDD24656, a variety derived from PI437654 and ZDD2315, is highly resistant to race 1 and race 2. ZDD24656 is highly sensitive to race X12 with FI 99.12. Morphological and molecular studies of J2 and cysts confirmed the population as the SCN H. glycines. This is a new SCN race with stronger virulence than that of race 4 and is a potential threat to soybean production in China

    Effects of environmental factors on vertical distribution of the eukaryotic plankton community in early summer in Danjiangkou Reservoir, China

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    IntroductionEukaryotic plankton plays crucial roles in ecosystem processes, impacting aquatic ecosystem stability. This study focuses on Danjiangkou Reservoir, a canyon lake in central China, that acts as the water source of the Mid-route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.MethodsIn this study, high-throughput 18S rDNA gene sequencing was employed to investigate eukaryotic plankton community at four water depths (0.5 m, 5 m, 10 m, and 20 m). The environmental factors including pH, water temperature (WT), nitrate nitrogen (NO3−-N), ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N), total nitrogen (TN), conductivity (Cond), and dissolved oxygen (DO) in reservoir areas were measured, and their correlations with abundance and diversity of eukaryotic plankton were analyzed.ResultsThe results showed the presence of 122 genera of eukaryotic plankton from 38 phyla. Eukaryotic plankton communities were mainly composed of Eurytemora, Thermocyclops, Sinocalanus, Mesocyclops, and Cryptomonas. In particular, significant differences in the diversity of eukaryotic plankton communities were found in vertical distribution. The diversity and abundance of eukaryotic plankton communities in 7 sampling sites decreased with the increase of depth from 0.5 to 10 m, while the diversity and abundance of plankton communities increased at 20 m. RDA analysis indicated that pH, depth, WT, NH4+-N, DO, Cond, and NO3−-N could influence the vertical distribution of the eukaryotic plankton community in the Danjiangkou Reservoir. Among these eukaryotic plankton, Eurytemora, Thermocyclops, and Volvox were negatively correlated with pH and WT and positively correlated with depth.DiscussionThis study revealed a novel perspective on the distribution of the eukaryotic plankton community in Danjiangkou Reservoir, particularly in terms of vertical variation, which will be helpful to comprehensively understand ecological processes and to further ensure the water quality safety in this canyon-style reservoir