44 research outputs found

    Conventional subsoil irrigation techniques do not lower carbon emissions from drained peat meadows

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    The focus of current water management in drained peatlands is to facilitate optimal drainage, which has led to soil subsidence and a strong increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Dutch land and water authorities proposed the application of subsoil irrigation (SSI) system on a large scale to potentially reduce GHG emissions, while maintaining high biomass production. Based on model results, the expectation was that SSI would reduce peat decomposition in summer by preventing groundwater tables (GWTs) from dropping below −60 cm. In 2017–2018, we evaluated the effects of SSI on GHG emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) for four dairy farms on drained peat meadows in the Netherlands. Each farm had a treatment site with SSI installation and a control site drained only by ditches (ditch water level −60 / −90 cm, 100 m distance between ditches). The SSI system consisted of perforated pipes −70 cm from surface level with spacing of 5–6 m to improve drainage during winter–spring and irrigation in summer. GHG emissions were measured using closed chambers every 2–4 weeks for CO2, CH4 and N2O. Measured ecosystem respiration (Reco) only showed a small difference between SSI and control sites when the GWT of SSI sites were substantially higher than the control site (&gt; 20 cm difference). Over all years and locations, however, there was no significant difference found, despite the 6–18 cm higher GWT in summer and 1–20 cm lower GWT in wet conditions at SSI sites. Differences in mean annual GWT remained low (&lt; 5 cm). Direct comparison of measured N2O and CH4 fluxes between SSI and control sites did not show any significant differences. CO2 fluxes varied according to temperature and management events, while differences between control and SSI sites remained small. Therefore, there was no difference between the annual gap-filled net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of the SSI and control sites. The net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) was on average 40 and 30 t CO2 ha−1 yr−1 in 2017 and 2018 on the SSI sites and 38 and 34 t CO2 ha−1 yr−1 in 2017 and 2018 on the control sites. This lack of SSI effect is probably because the GWT increase remains limited to deeper soil layers (60–120 cm depth), which contribute little to peat oxidation. We conclude that SSI modulates water table dynamics but fails to lower annual carbon emission. SSI seems unsuitable as a climate mitigation strategy. Future research should focus on potential effects of GWT manipulation in the uppermost organic layers (−30 cm and higher) on GHG emissions from drained peatlands.</p

    Bordertexturen als transdisziplinÀrer Ansatz zur Untersuchung von Grenzen. Ein Werkstattbericht

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    Der Beitrag versteht sich als Werkstattbericht und gibt erste Einblicke in die Entwicklung eines kulturwissenschaftlich orientierten Ansatz‘ zur Untersuchung von Grenz(raum)phĂ€nomenen. Dieser versucht weitgreifender zu sein als etablierte sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven und fasst Grenz(raum)phĂ€nomene als auf Grenzen und Differenzen bezogene GefĂŒge aus unterschiedlichen Praktiken und Diskursen. Die als Bordertexturen verstandenen GefĂŒge werden anhand von Fallbeispielen an der U.S.-Mexikanischen Grenze, der deutsch-französischen Grenze und in Nordirland illustriert und in verschiedene Analysedimensionen aufgeschlĂŒsselt. Dazu zĂ€hlen KorporealitĂ€t, RĂ€umlichkeit und MaterialitĂ€t als in diesem Beitrag exemplarisch aufgezeigte heuristische ZugĂ€nge zu Bordertexturen. Der Ansatz relativiert die verbreitete territoriale Perspektive auf Grenze und erweitert das Spektrum der Analyseperspektiven und Gegenstandsbereiche in den Border Studies

    Indirect excitation of ultrafast demagnetization

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    Does the excitation of ultrafast magnetization require direct interaction between the photons of the optical pump pulse and the magnetic layer? Here, we demonstrate unambiguously that this is not the case. For this we have studied the magnetization dynamics of a ferromagnetic cobalt/palladium multilayer capped by an IR-opaque aluminum layer. Upon excitation with an intense femtosecond-short IR laser pulse, the film exhibits the classical ultrafast demagnetization phenomenon although only a negligible number of IR photons penetrate the aluminum layer. In comparison with an uncapped cobalt/palladium reference film, the initial demagnetization of the capped film occurs with a delayed onset and at a slower rate. Both observations are qualitatively in line with energy transport from the aluminum layer into the underlying magnetic film by the excited, hot electrons of the aluminum film. Our data thus confirm recent theoretical predictions

    Whole-Day Schools - Management and Education

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    Ganztagsschulen haben durch ihr Mehr an Zeit einen grĂ¶ĂŸeren Spielraum, die Schulgestaltung an den BedĂŒrfnissen der Beteiligten zu orientieren. In einer Auseinandersetzung mit anderen Perspektiven kann es gelingen, die Ausrichtung der eigenen Schule zu diskutieren, zu festigen und zu schĂ€rfen. PĂ€dagogische Fortbildungsveranstaltungen bieten dazu eine Möglichkeit. Der zweite bayerische Ganztagsschulkongress Ganztagsschule gestalten – ganztags Unterricht organisieren am 3. und 4. MĂ€rz 2010 in Forchheim bot den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern anhand vielfĂ€ltiger VortrĂ€ge und Workshops ein Forum zur Diskussion mit Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft, Schulpraxis und Bildungspolitik. Die Dokumentation der Veranstaltung liegt hiermit vor.All-day schools stand out against other types of schools due to the extended availability of time and therewith a wider range of possibilities to adjust the orientation of the school to the needs of the persons involved. Schools can evolve and strengthen their orientation by a discursive examination and discussion of different approaches. A good opportunity for advancing this discussion are events in pedagogical further education. During the second Bavarian all-day school congress "Modelling All-Day School - Organizing All-Day Tuition", held on the 3rd and 4th of March 2010 in Forchheim/Germany, participants had the opportunity to attend numerous workshops and presentations as well as a panel discussion featuring experts from the fields of educational science, educational policy and teaching. The documentation of the congress is now available

    Resonant Magnetic Scattering Studies using Synchrotron Radiation and Laser-Generated Extreme Ultraviolet Light

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    In this thesis magnetic domain patterns of ferromagnetic alloys are studied using resonant magnetic scattering (RMS). For this purpose synchrotron radiation in the soft X-ray range and laser-based extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light from a laboratory light source are employed. The synchrotron measurements give detailed information about the properties of magnetic domains with nanometer precision and element selectivity. These specialties allow investigations of domain patterns of complex layered systems, including FePd/CoPd bilayers or CoPd/Pd/NiFe trilayers. Time-resolved experiments with visible laser radiation are conducted to examine the laserinduced demagnetization of FePd/CoPd bilayers, pointing out the influence of intense laser pulses on the magnetic coupling of the two layers. This technique is capable of tracing the temporal evolution of the magnetization, nevertheless it cannot image nanometer-sized magnetic domains due to the limited spatial resolution. Consequently, a new approach is necessary to resolve domain patterns and ultrafast magnetization dynamics at the same time. This aim motivates the most important question addressed in this thesis: whether a tabletop XUV light source based on high-order harmonic generation (HHG) can be used for RMS experiments on magnetic domain patterns. In this context it is further shown, how intense laser exposure causes permanent and reversible modifcations of the magnetic nanostructure and the sample morphology. Finally, coherence properties of the generated XUV radiation are examined, using nonmagnetic scattering at grains and knife-edge diffraction. The results obtained reveal the advantages and limitations of HHG sources for applications which demand a high light coherence

    Production in peatlands:Comparing ecosystem services of different land use options following conventional farming

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    Majority of Dutch peatlands are drained and used intensively as grasslands for dairy farming. This delivers high productivity but causes severe damage to ecosystem services supply. Peatland rewetting is the best way to reverse the damage, but high water levels do not fit with intensive dairy production. Paludiculture, defined as crop production under wet conditions, provides viable land use alternatives. However, performance of paludiculture is rarely compared to drainage-based agriculture. Here, we compared the performances of six land use options on peatland following a gradient of low, medium, and high water levels, including conventional and organic drainage-based dairy farming, low-input grasslands for grazing and mowing, and high-input paludiculture with reed and Sphagnum cultivation. For each land use option, we conducted environmental system analysis on model farm system defined by a literature based inventory analysis. The analysis used five ecosystem services as indicators of environmental impacts with a functional unit of 1-ha peat soil. Ecosystem services included biomass provisioning, climate, water, and nutrient regulation, and maintenance of habitat. Results showed that drainage-based dairy farming systems support high provisioning services but low regulation and maintenance services. Organic farming provides higher climate and nutrient regulation services than its conventional counterpart, but limited overall improvement due to the persistent drainage. Low-intensity grassland and paludiculture systems have high regulation and maintenance services value, but do not supply biomass provisioning comparable to the drainage-based systems. Without capitalizing the co-benefits of regulation and maintenance services, and accounting for the societal costs from ecosystem disservices including greenhouse gas emission and nitrogen pollution, it is not likely that the farmers will be incentivized to change the current farming system towards the wetter alternatives. Sustainable use of peatlands urges fundamental changes in land and water management along with the financial and policy support required.</p

    Production in peatlands: Comparing ecosystem services of different land use options following conventional farming

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    Majority of Dutch peatlands are drained and used intensively as grasslands for dairy farming. This delivers high productivity but causes severe damage to ecosystem services supply. Peatland rewetting is the best way to reverse the damage, but high water levels do not fit with intensive dairy production. Paludiculture, defined as crop production under wet conditions, provides viable land use alternatives. However, performance of paludiculture is rarely compared to drainage-based agriculture. Here, we compared the performances of six land use options on peatland following a gradient of low, medium, and high water levels, including conventional and organic drainage-based dairy farming, low-input grasslands for grazing and mowing, and high-input paludiculture with reed and Sphagnum cultivation. For each land use option, we conducted environmental system analysis on model farm system defined by a literature based inventory analysis. The analysis used five ecosystem services as indicators of environmental impacts with a functional unit of 1-ha peat soil. Ecosystem services included biomass provisioning, climate, water, and nutrient regulation, and maintenance of habitat. Results showed that drainage-based dairy farming systems support high provisioning services but low regulation and maintenance services. Organic farming provides higher climate and nutrient regulation services than its conventional counterpart, but limited overall improvement due to the persistent drainage. Low-intensity grassland and paludiculture systems have high regulation and maintenance services value, but do not supply biomass provisioning comparable to the drainage-based systems. Without capitalizing the co-benefits of regulation and maintenance services, and accounting for the societal costs from ecosystem disservices including greenhouse gas emission and nitrogen pollution, it is not likely that the farmers will be incentivized to change the current farming system towards the wetter alternatives. Sustainable use of peatlands urges fundamental changes in land and water management along with the financial and policy support required