94 research outputs found

    Att ÄtgÀrda enskilda avlopp - sju kommuners arbetsmetod och problematik

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    On-site sewage systems is one of the larger contributors of nutrients in Sweden leading to eutrophication. This due to the fact that 40 percent of all on-site sewage systems have deficient purification, and the updating of the sewage systems is going very slowly. The aim of this essay was therefore to study what problems the different municipalities' face in dealing with this problem along with which factors were good and not so good with this work. Seven different municipalities in Kalmar county were interviewed to acquire the information for this. The result of this was then linked to an analytical frame based on scientific studies focusing on the implementation work of improved on-site sewage systems, to put it in to the larger context. The study showed that most municipalities are doing inventory of the current situation by using surveys, which is also recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency since it is considered as less time consuming than on-site inventory. The benefit with the on-site inventory is the confirmation of the information so that correct decisions are made, along with the homeowners acquiring increased confidence in the municipality workers, which previous studies have shown is very important. Most of the municipalities use injunction directly but some also make the adjustment optional in the beginning. Studies show that adjustment may very well occur when it is optional, but it is as effective as when injunction is used. However, this study showed clear disadvantage with injunction; the administration is very time consuming. During the interviews some clear new factors that affect the inspectors' work were brought up: - A municipal water and sewage plan is important to guide them in their work and helps them by being a political decision. - Inventorying area by area, which saves time and makes fair decisions easier. - Collaboration between the different municipalities so that the decisions are equal. - The importance of feedback to make sure everyone improves their sewage system. - Personnel resources so that feedback is given. - The importance of property records are updated so all properties are inventoried

    Mentalisering pÄ sociala medier - En intervjustudie med 13 ungdomar

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    Syftet med föreliggande studie Àr att fÄ fördjupad förstÄelse för hur ungdomar mentaliserar kring sig sjÀlva, andra och sina relationer pÄ sociala medier, i relation till deras reella sammanhang. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 13 tonÄringar som hade fyllt eller skulle fylla 16 Är. Intervjuerna analyserades med tematisk analys dÀr nio teman urskildes. Resultaten visar att det inte gÄr att likstÀlla interaktion pÄ sociala medier med reella möten. En interaktion pÄ sociala medier saknar för mÄnga komponenter för att i tillrÀckligt stor utstrÀckning likna ett verkligt möte. Resultatet visar en benÀgenhet att inte mentalisera kring sig sjÀlv och andra pÄ sociala medier. Det man reflekterar kring liknar snarare en bristande hypermentalisering med ett extremt fokus pÄ vad andra kommer att tÀnka och tycka om den bild man presenterar av sig sjÀlv. Den gemensamma upplevelsen uteblir, vilket gör att mentala tillstÄnd hos bÄde sig sjÀlv och andra inte förankras i kroppen pÄ samma sÀtt som en upplevd erfarenhet i verkliga livet. Detta kan möjligen förklara att de egna grÀnserna förskjuts pÄ sociala medier. Forskning för att utforska relationen mellan mentalisering och sociala medier Àr angelÀgen.The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of the manner in which teenagers mentalize themselves, others and their relationships on social media in relation to their real context. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 teenagers the ages 15-16 years. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis procedure and nine themes were identified. The result indicates that interaction with others on social media is insufficient for teenagers since it lacks components important for the real life encounter. The participants tended not to mentalize themselves and others with the exception of the aspect of how others might react to and reflect on how the participants presented themselves on social media. In that regard they hypermentalize. Experiences on social media do not become rooted in the body as experiences in real life tend to do. This may partly explain the tendency to disclose intimate information about oneself and to harass others on social media. Additional research is necessary in order to further pursue the relationship between interaction with others on social media and mentalization regarding teenagers

    In Vitro Metabolism of Haloperidol and Sila-Haloperidol: New Metabolic Pathways Resulting from Carbon/Silicon Exchange □ S

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    ABSTRACT: The neurotoxic side effects observed for the neuroleptic agent haloperidol have been associated with its pyridinium metabolite. In a previous study, a silicon analog of haloperidol (sila-haloperidol) was synthesized, which contains a silicon atom instead of the carbon atom in the 4-position of the piperidine ring. In the present study, the phase I metabolism of sila-haloperidol and haloperidol was studied in rat and human liver microsomes. The phase II metabolism was studied in rat, dog, and human hepatocytes and also in liver microsomes supplemented with UDP-glucuronic acid (UDPGA). A major metabolite of haloperidol, the pyridinium metabolite, was not formed in the microsomal incubations with silahaloperidol. For sila-haloperidol, three metabolites originating from opening of the piperidine ring were observed, a mechanism that has not been observed for haloperidol. One of the significant phase II metabolites of haloperidol was the glucuronide of the hydroxy group bound to the piperidine ring. For sila-haloperidol, the analogous metabolite was not observed in the hepatocytes or in the liver microsomal incubations containing UDPGA. If silanol (SiOH) groups are not glucuronidated, introducing silanol groups in drug molecules could provide an opportunity to enhance the hydrophilicity without allowing for direct phase II metabolism. To provide further support for the observed differences in metabolic pathways between haloperidol and sila-haloperidol, the metabolism of another pair of C/Si analogs was studied, namely, trifluperidol and sila-trifluperidol. These studies showed the same differences in metabolic pathways as between sila-haloperidol and haloperidol. Haloperidol was developed in the late 1950s and was found to be a potent neuroleptic agent In the search for analogs of haloperidol, a silicon analog (silahaloperidol) was synthesized, where the quaternary R 3 COH carbon atom in the piperidine ring was replaced by a silicon atom (R 3 SiOH). The synthesis and the physicochemical and pharmacological properties of sila-haloperidol have been reported previously The use of organosilicon chemistry in drug design has been reviewed previousl

    In vitro evaluation of major in vivo drug metabolic pathways using primary human hepatocytes and HepaRG cells in suspension and in a dynamic three-dimensional bioreactor system

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    Number of tables: 2 Number of figures: 7 Word count for abstract: 246 (250 max) Word count for introduction: 607 (750 max) Number of words in the discussion: 1498 (1500 max) Number of references: 44 (60 max) Abbreviations: 2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional; ACN, acetonitrile; ALAT, alanine aminotransferase; ASAT, aspartate aminotransferase; Ct, threshold cycle; CYP, cytochrome P450; LC, liquid chromatography; MS, mass spectrometry; P450, cytochrome P450; RAM, radioactivity monitoring; UGT, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase Abstract Major human specific metabolites, not detected during in vivo and in vitro preclinical studies, may cause unexpected drug interactions and toxicity in human and delays in clinical programs. Thus, reliable preclinical tools for detection of major human metabolites are of high importance. The aim of this study was to compare major drug metabolic pathways in HepaRG cells, a human hepatoma cell line, to fresh human hepatocytes, cryopreserved human hepatocytes and human in vivo data. Further, the maintenance of P450 and UGT activities in a dynamic three-dimensional (3D) bioreactor were evaluated over time using HepaRG cells and human hepatocytes. 14 C-diclofenac and a candidate from our drug development program, 14 C-AZD6610, which are metabolized by cytochrome P450 (P450) and UDPglucuronosyltransferase (UGT) in vivo, were used as model substrates. The proportion of relevant biotransformation pathways of the investigated drug was clearly different in the various cell systems. The hydroxylation route was favoured in primary human hepatocytes, whereas the glucuronidation route was favoured in HepaRG cells. The human in vivo metabolite profile of AZD6610 was best represented by human hepatocytes, whereas all major diclofenac metabolites were detected in HepaRG cells. Moreover, the metabolite profiles in cryopreserved and fresh human hepatocytes were essentially the same. The liver bioreactor using both fresh human hepatocytes and HepaRG cells retained biotransformation capacity over one week. Thus, the incubation time can be increased from a few hours in suspension to several days in 3D cultures, which opens up for detection of metabolites from slowly metabolized drugs

    Miljöutbildning i Kalmar kommun : en utvÀrdering

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    Kalmar kommun har lÄtit ta fram en datorbaserad miljöutbildning som samtliga kommunanstÀllda ska ta de av. Syftet med denna undersökning var att utvÀrdera utbildningen för att se vad de anstÀllda hade för förvÀntningar pÄ utbildningen, hur de upplevde den, om de lÀrt sig nÄgot och om de kÀnde att utbildningen har givit dem anvÀndbar information och kunskap.För att verksamheten ska bli mer miljöanpassad krÀvs en beteendeförÀndring bland de anstÀllda och utbildning Àr en strategi för att uppnÄ detta. En studie frÄn Hong Kong tyder pÄ att det finns ett samband mellan hÄllbar utvecklingsprestanda och miljöattityd respektive utbildning av anstÀllda. Studier tyder pÄ att miljöledningssystem hjÀlper och uppmuntrar anstÀllda att skapa en kultur dÀr miljö stÄr i fokus, vilket i sin tur hjÀlper dem nÄ mÄl. Denna 'miljökultur' skapas till stor del genom utbildning.En gruppintervju anordnades för att fÄ en bild av deltagarnas förvÀntningar och tankar innan utbildningen. TvÄ enkÀter skickades ut, en före utbildningen och en efter. PÄ dessa stÀlldes sex stycken allmÀnna miljökunskapsfrÄgor för att mÀta kunskapsförÀndring, samt ett antal öppna frÄgor för att undersöka deltagarnas instÀllning.Testpersonernas förvÀntningar var blandade, men gÀllde ökad allmÀn miljökunskap och förstÄelse. Efter utbildningen nÀmndes inget av detta specifikt, men förvÀntningarna tycks ha möts dÄ utbildningen innehöll just detta och kommentarerna efter utbildningen var positiva.Huvudsakligen upplevde deltagarna det positivt att utbildningen var databaserad dÄ det ger möjligheten att göra utbildningen nÀr det finns tid, och utbildningsmetoden verkade vara anpassad efter testpersonernas behov. Deltagarna var dock inte lika nöjda med variationen i utbildningen, vilket Àr en viktigt faktor för en framgÄngsrik utbildning. Detta Àr nÄgot Kalmar kommun bör titta pÄ och försöka efterleva. SprÄk och innehÄll ansÄgs överlag ligga pÄ en lagom svÄr nivÄ, Àven om vissa kommentarer gavs om att texterna innehöll mÄnga tekniska termer. Potentialen för en kunskapsförÀndring kan ha pÄverkats av detta. Skillnaderna i kunskap före och efter utbildningen var smÄ. För frÄgorna med kemiska facktermer var kunskapsförÀndringen nÀstintill obefintliga.Svaren frÄn deltagarna angÄende om utbildningen givit dem anvÀndbar information för yrkes- och privatlivet var tvetydiga och varierade. De flesta ansÄg likvÀl utbildningen var positiv yrkesmÀssigt dÄ den skapar diskussion och gör kommunens miljömÄl tydligare. Privat ansÄgs den dock inte lika anvÀndbar dÄ mÄnga av deltagarna sa sig redan ha kunskaper kring det de kan anvÀnda utför arbetet.Kalmar municipality has commissioned a computer-based environmental education which all municipal employees are going to attend. The aim of this research was to evaluate the education program to see what expectations the employees had for the education, how they experienced it, if they learned anything and if they felt that the education has given them useful information and knowledge.To become a more environmentally friendly establishment a change in behavior among the employees is required and education is a strategy to achieve this. A study from Hong Kong in suggests that there is a relationship between sustainability performance and environmental attitudes respective employee training. Studies suggest that EMS helps and encourages employees to create a culture where the environment is in focus, which in turn helps them reach goals. This 'environment culture' is created largely through education.A group interview was organized to obtain a picture of the participants' expectations and thoughts before the education. Two surveys were sent, one before the training and one after. In these were six questions of general knowledge about the environment to measure knowledge change, and a number of open questions to investigate the participants' attitude.The expectations of the participants were mixed, but concerned more general environmental knowledge and understanding. After the training, there was no mention of this specifically, but the expectations seem to have been met as the education contained just this and the comments after the training were positive.The participants mainly found it positive that the education was computer-based as it provides the opportunity to do the training when there is time, and the method of education seemed to be adapted to the participants' needs. The participants were not as happy with the variation in the training, which is an important factor in a successful education program. This is something Kalmar municipality should look in to and try to attain. The content and the language were generally considered to lie at a moderate level, although some remarks were made regarding that the text contained too many technical terms. The potential for knowledge change may have been influenced by it. The differences of knowledge before and after the education were small. The issues with many chemical technical terms had almost no change in knowledge.The answers from the participants were ambiguous and varied regarding if the training provided them with useful information for their professional and private life. However, most respondents believed that the training was professionally positive because it created discussions and made the municipal's environmental goals clearer. Privately it was not considered as useful as many of the participants said that they already possessed knowledge that they could use outside of work

    Miljöutbildning i Kalmar kommun : en utvÀrdering

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    Kalmar kommun har lÄtit ta fram en datorbaserad miljöutbildning som samtliga kommunanstÀllda ska ta de av. Syftet med denna undersökning var att utvÀrdera utbildningen för att se vad de anstÀllda hade för förvÀntningar pÄ utbildningen, hur de upplevde den, om de lÀrt sig nÄgot och om de kÀnde att utbildningen har givit dem anvÀndbar information och kunskap.För att verksamheten ska bli mer miljöanpassad krÀvs en beteendeförÀndring bland de anstÀllda och utbildning Àr en strategi för att uppnÄ detta. En studie frÄn Hong Kong tyder pÄ att det finns ett samband mellan hÄllbar utvecklingsprestanda och miljöattityd respektive utbildning av anstÀllda. Studier tyder pÄ att miljöledningssystem hjÀlper och uppmuntrar anstÀllda att skapa en kultur dÀr miljö stÄr i fokus, vilket i sin tur hjÀlper dem nÄ mÄl. Denna 'miljökultur' skapas till stor del genom utbildning.En gruppintervju anordnades för att fÄ en bild av deltagarnas förvÀntningar och tankar innan utbildningen. TvÄ enkÀter skickades ut, en före utbildningen och en efter. PÄ dessa stÀlldes sex stycken allmÀnna miljökunskapsfrÄgor för att mÀta kunskapsförÀndring, samt ett antal öppna frÄgor för att undersöka deltagarnas instÀllning.Testpersonernas förvÀntningar var blandade, men gÀllde ökad allmÀn miljökunskap och förstÄelse. Efter utbildningen nÀmndes inget av detta specifikt, men förvÀntningarna tycks ha möts dÄ utbildningen innehöll just detta och kommentarerna efter utbildningen var positiva.Huvudsakligen upplevde deltagarna det positivt att utbildningen var databaserad dÄ det ger möjligheten att göra utbildningen nÀr det finns tid, och utbildningsmetoden verkade vara anpassad efter testpersonernas behov. Deltagarna var dock inte lika nöjda med variationen i utbildningen, vilket Àr en viktigt faktor för en framgÄngsrik utbildning. Detta Àr nÄgot Kalmar kommun bör titta pÄ och försöka efterleva. SprÄk och innehÄll ansÄgs överlag ligga pÄ en lagom svÄr nivÄ, Àven om vissa kommentarer gavs om att texterna innehöll mÄnga tekniska termer. Potentialen för en kunskapsförÀndring kan ha pÄverkats av detta. Skillnaderna i kunskap före och efter utbildningen var smÄ. För frÄgorna med kemiska facktermer var kunskapsförÀndringen nÀstintill obefintliga.Svaren frÄn deltagarna angÄende om utbildningen givit dem anvÀndbar information för yrkes- och privatlivet var tvetydiga och varierade. De flesta ansÄg likvÀl utbildningen var positiv yrkesmÀssigt dÄ den skapar diskussion och gör kommunens miljömÄl tydligare. Privat ansÄgs den dock inte lika anvÀndbar dÄ mÄnga av deltagarna sa sig redan ha kunskaper kring det de kan anvÀnda utför arbetet.Kalmar municipality has commissioned a computer-based environmental education which all municipal employees are going to attend. The aim of this research was to evaluate the education program to see what expectations the employees had for the education, how they experienced it, if they learned anything and if they felt that the education has given them useful information and knowledge.To become a more environmentally friendly establishment a change in behavior among the employees is required and education is a strategy to achieve this. A study from Hong Kong in suggests that there is a relationship between sustainability performance and environmental attitudes respective employee training. Studies suggest that EMS helps and encourages employees to create a culture where the environment is in focus, which in turn helps them reach goals. This 'environment culture' is created largely through education.A group interview was organized to obtain a picture of the participants' expectations and thoughts before the education. Two surveys were sent, one before the training and one after. In these were six questions of general knowledge about the environment to measure knowledge change, and a number of open questions to investigate the participants' attitude.The expectations of the participants were mixed, but concerned more general environmental knowledge and understanding. After the training, there was no mention of this specifically, but the expectations seem to have been met as the education contained just this and the comments after the training were positive.The participants mainly found it positive that the education was computer-based as it provides the opportunity to do the training when there is time, and the method of education seemed to be adapted to the participants' needs. The participants were not as happy with the variation in the training, which is an important factor in a successful education program. This is something Kalmar municipality should look in to and try to attain. The content and the language were generally considered to lie at a moderate level, although some remarks were made regarding that the text contained too many technical terms. The potential for knowledge change may have been influenced by it. The differences of knowledge before and after the education were small. The issues with many chemical technical terms had almost no change in knowledge.The answers from the participants were ambiguous and varied regarding if the training provided them with useful information for their professional and private life. However, most respondents believed that the training was professionally positive because it created discussions and made the municipal's environmental goals clearer. Privately it was not considered as useful as many of the participants said that they already possessed knowledge that they could use outside of work

    NÀr personal utför vÄld. BerÀttelsen som förmedlas i en lex Sarah anmÀlan och hur den enskildes perspektiv tas i beaktning enligt LSS vÀrdegrund

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    Denna uppsats lyfter personals vÄld mot boende och ifrÄgasÀtter maktstrukturer pÄ boende med sÀrskild service. Detta för att belysa vad det innebÀr för en boende nÀr maktpositioner anvÀnds pÄ olika sÀtt i en lex Sarah utredning. Syftet Àr att granska hur den enskildes perspektiv ges plats i lex Sarah anmÀlningar samt om LSS vÀrdegrund följer med i hela utredningsprocessen. FrÄgestÀllningarna besvaras genom en tematisk textanalys av lex Sarah utredningar inkomna till IVO Är 2018 samt Ätta kvalitativa intervjuer med personer med inblick i utredningsarbetet. Det mest framtrÀdande resultatet i analysen Àr att tillÀmpningen av lex Sarah varierar och att den enskilde Àr beroende av anmÀlarens tolkning av lagen för att fÄ utrymme i en lex Sarah utredning. GenomgÄende framkommer att forsknings- och kunskapsbrist i Àmnet ger konsekvenser för den enskilde genom avsaknad av delaktighet och sjÀlvbestÀmmande i en utredning som berör dem sjÀlva. Ytterligare ett framtrÀdande fynd Àr ett tydligt organisationsfokus som resulterar i att ÄtgÀrder för den enskilde hamnar i skymundan. Analys och diskussion sker utifrÄn social konstruktivism, maktteori och intersektionellt perspektiv
