188 research outputs found

    Nonlocal ultrafast demagnetization dynamics of Co/Pt multilayers by optical field enhancement

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    The influence on ultrafast demagnetization dynamics of metallic nano-structured gratings deposited on thin films of magnetic Co/Pt multilayers is investigated by the time-resolved optical Kerr effect. Depending on the polarization of the pump pulse, a pronounced enhancement of the demagnetization amplitude is found. Calculation of the inhomogeneous optical field distribution due to plasmon interaction and time-dependent solutions of the coupled electron, lattice, and spin temperatures in two dimensions show good agreement with the experimental data, as well as giving evidence of non-local demagnetization dynamics due to electron diffusion.BMBF, 05K10KTB, Verbundprojekt: FSP 301 - FLASH: Nanoskopische Systeme. Teilprojekt 1.1: Universelle Experimentierkammer für Streuexperimente mit kohärenten Femtosekunden-Röntgenpulsen Multi Purpose Coherent Scattering Chamber for FLASH and XFEL 'MPscatt

    Políticas recentes de desenvolvimento regional

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    Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo central analisar as políticas de desenvolvimento regional recentes em nível nacional e estadual. Para a esfera federal foram discutidas duas políticas específicas: os Eixos Nacionais de Integração de Desenvolvimento – ENID – e a Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional - PNDR. A primeira foi elaborada na gestão do presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso e a segunda no governo do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. As duas possuem concepções distintas da ação do Estado no território, pois, enquanto os Eixos se pautaram pelo conceito de competitividade e no comércio para o mercado internacional, a PNDR volta à política tradicional das Superintendências, ou seja, uma maior atuação do Estado no território. Entretanto, essas duas políticas não causaram uma mudança significativa no espaço brasileiro, apesar de possuírem grandes pretensões. O ENID teve sua elaboração no fim da década passada e não teve continuidade com a mudança de governo. A PNDR ainda está em implantação e por isso não tem ações ainda consolidadas. Para o território goiano, essas duas políticas elaboraram estratégias específicas. Com os Eixos, Goiás pertencia ao Eixo Araguaia-Tocantins e, de acordo com o programa, tinha grande potencial agropecuário, o que tornaria possível a exportação desses produtos para o mercado exterior. Na PNDR, Goiás aparece com a recriação da Superintendência de Desenvolvimento do Centro-Oeste. Na esfera estadual, as políticas de desenvolvimento regional aparecem somente na elaboração do Plano Plurianual 2000-2003, onde foram selecionadas quatro regiões prioritárias de investimento estatal, as chamadas regiões de planejamento: Norte, Nordeste, Entorno de Brasília e Região Metropolitana de Goiânia. Para a realização da pesquisa, foi necessária uma revisão teórico-metodológica de conceitos fundamentais, como: Estado, Desenvolvimento, Escala, Região e Regionalização. Por fim, acreditamos que a intervenção do Estado no território proporciona uma ligeira diminuição das disparidades regionais, mas não soluciona totalmente o problema em curto e médio prazo

    Multi-Color Imaging of Magnetic Co/Pt Multilayers

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    We demonstrate for the first time the realization of a spatial resolved two color, element-specific imaging experiment at the free-electron laser facility FERMI. Coherent imaging using Fourier transform holography was used to achieve direct real space access to the nanometer length scale of magnetic domains of Co/Pt heterostructures via the element-specific magnetic dichroism in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range. As a first step to implement this technique for studies of ultrafast phenomena we present the spatially resolved response of magnetic domains upon femtosecond laser excitation

    Evaluation of imaging techniques for the assessment of tumour progression in an orthotopic rat model of malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    OBJECTIVES An orthotopic rat tumour recurrence model for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) provides clinical similarity to patients and is useful for drug testing combined with surgical intervention. Importantly, a reliable imaging method is required allowing for noninvasive and repetitive evaluation of the tumour load. We compared the tumour load assessed by bioluminescence and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to the macroscopic tumour volume as a reference standard. METHODS A total of 500 000 syngeneic rat MPM cells transfected with luciferase were implanted underneath the parietal pleura of immunocompetent rats (n = 13). From the second day after implantation, bioluminescence measurements of the tumour load expressed as the maximum bioluminescent intensity (photon/second) were performed daily after intraperitoneal injection of the luciferase substrate, d-luciferin, to observe the first occurrence of tumour. Six days after the first detection of tumour, bioluminescence, MRI and macroscopic tumour volume measurement were conducted. For MRI, a 4.7-Tesla small animal imager equipped with a (1)H whole-body rat coil was employed using T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequences. Tumour burden (mm(3)) was quantified from magnetic resonance transverse images by two independent readers by manual segmentation. Finally, the tumour burden assessed by bioluminescence and MRI was correlated (Pearson's correlation) with the macroscopic measurement of tumour (ellipsoid) volume. RESULTS In all rats, a single tumour nodule was found at the inoculation site with a median macroscopic volume of 46 mm(3) (18-377 mm(3)). For tumour burden quantification of MRIs, we observed good interobserver correlation (R(2) = 0.81, P < 0.0001) as well as significant association with the macroscopic tumour volume (R(2) = 0.59, P = 0.002). However, the signal intensity of bioluminescence did not correspond to the macroscopic tumour volume (R(2) = 0.01, P = 0.76). CONCLUSIONS MRI is a reliable and reproducible noninvasive in vivo imaging method for MPM tumour burden assessment for the present MPM mode

    Speckle-visibility spectroscopy of depolarized dynamic light scattering

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    We show that the statistical analysis of photon counts in depolarized dynamic light scattering experiments allows for the accurate characterization of the rotational Brownian dynamics of particles. Unlike photon correlation spectroscopy, the technique is accurate even at low temporal resolution and enables discontinuous data acquisition, which offers several advantages. To demonstrate the usefulness of the method, we present a case study in which we analyze aqueous suspensions of tunicate cellulose nanocrystals and silica particles, and discuss aspects that are specific to particle sizing

    A imagem do território goiano e no cerrado na Revista Brasileira de Geografia (1940-1958) (Ensaio)

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    O Cerrado é hoje um território marcado por profundas disputas e pelo alto índice de degradação ambiental. As disputas vão desde a luta por terra pelos diferentes grupos que o habitam, como por exemplo, os quilombolas, comunidades indígena e etc.;ou, por um crescente número de grandes produtores que veemessa região como o celeiro brasileiro. A degradação ambiental também está ligada as disputas desse território, o que instala a contradição: as atividades que degradam também são aquelas que geram renda. Não por acaso, as regiões de Goiás mais dinâmicas economicamente são as que possuem forte ligação com o agronegócio: Rio Verde, Jataí, Chapadão do Céu, Cristalina e outras, como demostrado no mapa a seguir (Mapa 1 – Brasil Político; Mapa 2 – Produção de Soja no Estado de Goiás). O fato é que essas atividades pressionam significativamente o ambiente e causa severos impactos de tal forma que grandes especialistas da área, como o professor Altair Sales1, decretou o fim do Cerrado. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;O Cerrado é hoje um território marcado por profundas disputas e pelo alto índice de degradação ambiental. As disputas vão desde a luta por terra pelos diferentes grupos que o habitam, como por exemplo, os quilombolas, comunidades indígena e etc.;ou, por um crescente número de grandes produtores que veemessa região como o celeiro brasileiro. A degradação ambiental também está ligada as disputas desse território, o que instala a contradição: as atividades que degradam também são aquelas que geram renda. Não por acaso, as regiões de Goiás mais dinâmicas economicamente são as que possuem forte ligação com o agronegócio: Rio Verde, Jataí, Chapadão do Céu, Cristalina e outras, como demostrado no mapa a seguir (Mapa 1 – Brasil Político; Mapa 2 – Produção de Soja no Estado de Goiás). O fato é que essas atividades pressionam significativamente o ambiente e causa severos impactos de tal forma que grandes especialistas da área, como o professor Altair Sales1, decretou o fim do Cerrado. &nbsp

    ESTS guidelines for preoperative lymph node staging for non-small cell lung cancer

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    Accurate preoperative staging and restaging of mediastinal lymph nodes in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is of paramount importance. It will guide choices of treatment and determine prognosis and outcome. Over the last years, different techniques have become available. They vary in accuracy and procedure-related morbidity. The Council of the ESTS initiated a workshop on preoperative mediastinal lymph node staging. This resulted in guidelines for primary staging and restaging. For primary staging, mediastinoscopy remains the gold standard for the superior mediastinal lymph nodes. Invasive procedures can be omitted in patients with peripheral tumors and negative mediastinal positron emission tomography (PET) images. However, in case of central tumors, PET hilar N1 disease, low fluorodeoxyglucose uptake of the primary tumor and LNs≥16mm on CT scan, invasive staging remains indicated. PET positive mediastinal findings should always be cyto-histologically confirmed. Transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA), ultrasound-guided bronchoscopy with fine needle aspiration (EBUS-FNA) and endoscopic esophageal ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) are new techniques that provide cyto-histological diagnosis and are minimally invasive. Their specificity is high but the negative predictive value is low. Because of this, if they yield negative results, an invasive surgical technique is indicated. However, if fine needle aspiration is positive, this result may be valid as proof for N2 or N3 disease. For restaging, invasive techniques providing cyto-histological information are advisable despite the encouraging results supported with the use of PET/CT imaging. Both endoscopic techniques and surgical procedures are available. If they yield a positive result, non-surgical treatment is indicated in most patient

    An evaluation of the metabolic syndrome in a large multi-ethnic study: the Family Blood Pressure Program

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    BACKGROUND: The Family Blood Pressure Program is an ongoing, NHLBI-sponsored, multi-center program to study the genetic determinants of high blood pressure. The goal of this particular study was to study patterns of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in four ethnic groups: African Americans, Caucasians, Hispanics, and Asians. METHODS: A major part of participants in three networks GENOA, HyperGEN and SAPPHIRe were recruited mainly through hypertensive probands. MetS was defined as a categorical trait following the National Cholesterol Education Program definition (c-MetS). MetS was also characterized quantitatively through multivariate factor analyses (FA) of 10 risk variables (q-MetS). Logistic regression and frequency tables were used for studying associations among traits. RESULTS: Using the NCEP definition, the Hispanic sample, which by design was enriched for type 2 diabetes (T2D), had a very high prevalence of MetS (73%). In contrast, its prevalence in Chinese was the lowest (17%). In African Americans and Hispanics, c-MetS was more prevalent in women than in men. Association of c-MetS with type 2 diabetes (T2D) was prominent in the Hispanics and African Americans, less pronounced in the Whites and Japanese, (although still significant), and weakest in the Chinese sample. Using FA without rotation, we found that the main factor loaded obesity (OBS) and blood pressure (BP) in African Americans; OBS and insulin (INS) in Hispanics, in Japanese, and in Whites; and OBS alone in Chinese. In Hispanics, Whites, and Japanese, BP loaded as a separate factor. Lipids in combination with INS also loaded in a separate factor. Using FA with Varimax rotation, 4 independent factors were identified: "Obesity-INS," "Blood pressure," "Lipids-INS," and "Central obesity." They explained about 60% of the variance present in the original risk variables. CONCLUSION: MetS ethnic differences were identified. Ascertaining for hypertension or T2D increased the MetS prevalence in networks compared with the one in the US general population. Obesity was the most prominent risk factor contributing to both c-MetS and q-MetS. INS contributed in two important factors (obesity and lipids). The information imbedded into c-MetS trait /q-MetS factors scores can contribute in future research of the MetS, especially its utilization in the genetic analysis

    Revised ESTS guidelines for preoperative mediastinal lymph node staging for non-small-cell lung cancer†

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    Accurate preoperative staging and restaging of mediastinal lymph nodes in patients with potentially resectable non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is of paramount importance. In 2007, the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) published an algorithm on preoperative mediastinal staging integrating imaging, endoscopic and surgical techniques. In 2009, the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) introduced a new lymph node map. Some changes in this map have an important impact on mediastinal staging. Moreover, more evidence of the different mediastinal staging technique has become available. Therefore, a revision of the ESTS guidelines was needed. In case of computed tomography (CT)-enlarged or positron emission tomography (PET)-positive mediastinal lymph nodes, tissue confirmation is indicated. Endosonography [endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS)/esophageal ultrasonography (EUS)] with fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is the first choice (when available), since it is minimally invasive and has a high sensitivity to rule in mediastinal nodal disease. If negative, surgical staging with nodal dissection or biopsy is indicated. Video-assisted mediastinoscopy is preferred to mediastinoscopy. The combined use of endoscopic staging and surgical staging results in the highest accuracy. When there are no enlarged lymph nodes on CT and when there is no uptake in lymph nodes on PET or PET-CT, direct surgical resection with systematic nodal dissection is indicated for tumours ≤3 cm located in the outer third of the lung. In central tumours or N1 nodes, preoperative mediastinal staging is indicated. The choice between endoscopic staging with EBUS/EUS and FNA or video-assisted mediastinoscopy depends on local expertise to adhere to minimal requirements for staging. For tumours >3 cm, preoperative mediastinal staging is advised, mainly in adenocarcinoma with high standardized uptake value. For restaging, invasive techniques providing histological information are advisable. Both endoscopic techniques and surgical procedures are available, but their negative predictive value is lower compared with the results obtained in baseline staging. An integrated strategy using endoscopic staging techniques to prove mediastinal nodal disease and mediastinoscopy to assess nodal response after induction therapy needs further stud