171 research outputs found

    Motivation and Participation of EFL Students in the Implementation of Scientific Approach

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    The aims of this study are: 1) to investigate the EFL students’ motivation in the implementation of the scientific approach (SA) and 2) to investigate the EFL students’ participation in the implementation of the scientific approach (SA). This investigation was under Classroom Action Research (CAR) and was done in two cycles consisted of four stages namely planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subjects were the students of SMP Negeri 2 Sinjai Tengah in academic year 2016/2017. The data was collected through observation, questionnaires, and interview. While the results of CAR, both in the first and the second cycle shows that the students’ motivation and participation in the English learning process significantly improved by implementing SA. All students gave positive responses toward the implementation of SA in the English class. Of the two variables, participation variable is higher than the motivation variable. For learning motivation, students’ reaction toward the teacher’s responses and spirit of the students in carrying out their tasks were the most motivating factors of the students in learning. Meanwhile for the classroom participation, classroom embodied action and silent or non-oral participation were the most participation activities favored by students

    Библиотековедение как фундаментальная наука

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    The Netherlands saw an unexplained increase in campylobacteriosis incidence between 2003 and 2011, following a period of continuous decrease. We conducted an ecological study and found a statistical association between campylobacteriosis incidence and the annual number of prescriptions for proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), controlling for the patient's age, fresh and frozen chicken purchases (with or without correction for campylobacter prevalence in fresh poultry meat). The effect of PPIs was larger in the young than in the elderly. However, the counterfactual population-attributable fraction for PPIs was largest for the elderly (ca 45% in 2011) and increased at population level from 8% in 2004 to 27% in 2011. Using the regression model and updated covariate values, we predicted a trend break for 2012, largely due to a decreased number of PPI prescriptions, that was subsequently confirmed by surveillance data. Although causality was not shown, the biological mechanism, age effect and trend-break prediction suggest a substantial impact of PPI use on campylobacteriosis incidence in the Netherlands. We chose the ecological study design to pilot whether it is worthwhile to further pursue the effect of PPI on campylobacteriosis and other gastrointestinal pathogens in prospective cohort studies. We now provide strong arguments to do so

    English Language Anxiety and its Impacts on Students’ Oral Communication among Indonesian Students: A Case Study at Tadulako University and Universitas Negeri Makassar

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    Abstract: There are a variety of factors that might influence foreign language learning faced by a number of students when learning a foreign language; attitude, motivation, anxiety, and beliefs (Trang & Karen - Baldauf (2012). Anxiety has become the most intriguing issue in language teaching and learning and it has correlation on students’ academic performance. This paper aims to investigate the effects of English language anxiety and its impact on students’ oral communication at English Education Study Program, Department of Language and Art Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Tadulako University, Palu Central Sulawesi Indonesia and English Department, Faculty of Languages and Literature Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia. A total 80 students, 54 females and 26 males participated in this study. There were two types of instruments employed in this study, a questionnaire and a test. The study anxiety level was measured using Sansgiry and Sail’s Test Anxiety Measurement (TAM) which has been modified by the researchers. Meanwhile, students’ oral communication was measured using students’ score of speaking skill subject. The results of the study illustrated that there was a significant correlation of high level anxiety and low academic performance among English students at English Education Study Program, Department of Language and Art Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Tadulako University and English Department Faculty of Languages and Literature Universitas Negeri Makassar

    Multimodal probe for optical coherence tomography epidetection and micron-scale indentation

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    We present a multimodal ferrule-top sensor designed to perform the integrated epidetection of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) depth-profiles and micron-scale indentation by all-optical detection. By scanning a sample under the probe, we can obtain structural cross-section images and identify a region-of-interest in a nonhomogeneous sample. Then, with the same probe and setup, we can immediately target that area with a series of spherical-indentation measurements, in which the applied load is known with a μN precision, the indentation depth with sub-μm precision and a maximum contact radius of 100μm. Thanks to the visualization of the internal structure of the sample, we can gain a better insight into the observed mechanical behavior. The ability to impart a small, confined load, and perform OCT A-scans at the same time, could lead to an alternative, high transverse resolution, Optical Coherence Elastography (OCE) sensor

    Cultuur naar vermogen: aard, gebruik en toepasbaarheid van generiek instrumentarium voor ondersteuning van de Nederlandse cultuur

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    Veel instellingen en projecten in de culturele sector worden gesubsidieerd. Daar zijn legitieme redenen voor te geven. Maar nu de sector wordt uitgedaagd alternatieve financieringsbronnen aan te boren, blijken er diverse belemmeringen te bestaan. Subsidies hebben de behoefte aan andere vormen van financiering vaak verdrongen. Ook spreken de culturele en financiële wereld nog onvoldoende elkaars taal. Het bestaande financieringsinstrumentarium van de overheid kent bovendien enkele belemmeringen, waardoor benutting door de culturele sector achterblijft. De creatieve bedrijfstakken zoals de mediasector, architectuur en vormgeving zijn daarbij marktgerichter, maar ook daar valt winst te behalen. Dit onderzoek beoogt meer zicht te verkrijgen op instrumenten die de culturele en creatieve sector kunnen ondersteunen bij het verwerven van financiering. Het richt zich primair op het generieke instrumentarium van de rijksoverheid en heeft betrekking op de verschillende sectoren binnen de culturele en creatieve sector, te weten erfgoed, musea, podiumkunsten, beeldende kunsten, letteren, film, nieuwe media, vormgeving en architectuur

    Effects of perturbative exchanges in a QCD-string model

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    The QCD-string model for baryons derived by Simonov and used for the calculation of baryon magnetic moments in a previous paper is extended to include also perturbative gluon and meson exchanges. The mass spectrum of the baryon multiplet is studied. For the meson interaction either the pseudoscalar or pseudovector coupling is used. Predictions are compared with the experimental data. Besides these exchanges the influence of excited quark orbitals on the baryon ground state are considered by performing a multichannel calculation. The nucleon-Delta splitting increases due to the mixing of higher quark states while the baryon magnetic momenta decrease. The multichannel calculation with perturbative exchanges is shown to yield reasonable magnetic moments while the mass spectrum is close to experiment.Comment: 37 pages Revtex with 2 figures, to be published in Phys. Atom. Nucl. dedicated to the 70th Birthday of Yu. A. Simono