631 research outputs found

    Guns, germs, and stealing: exploring the link between infectious disease and crime.

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    Can variation in crime rates be traced to the threat of infectious disease? Pathogens pose an ongoing challenge to survival, leading humans to adapt defenses to manage this threat. In addition to the biological immune system, humans have psychological and behavioral responses designed to protect against disease. Under persistent disease threat, xenophobia increases and people constrict social interactions to known in-group members. Though these responses reduce disease transmission, they can generate favorable crime conditions in two ways. First, xenophobia reduces inhibitions against harming and exploiting out-group members. Second, segregation into in-group factions erodes people's concern for the welfare of their community and weakens the collective ability to prevent crime. The present study examined the effects of infection incidence on crime rates across the United States. Infection rates predicted violent and property crime more strongly than other crime covariates. Infections also predicted homicides against strangers but not family or acquaintances, supporting the hypothesis that in-group-out-group discrimination was responsible for the infections-crime link. Overall, the results add to evidence that disease threat shapes interpersonal behavior and structural characteristics of groups

    The Bitter Truth about Morality: Virtue, Not Vice, Makes a Bland Beverage Taste Nice

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    To demonstrate that sensory and emotional states play an important role in moral processing, previous research has induced physical disgust in various sensory modalities (visual, tactile, gustatory, and olfactory modalities, among others) and measured its effects on moral judgment. To further assess the strength of the connection between embodied states and morality, we investigated whether the directionality of the effect could be reversed by exposing participants to different types of moral events prior to rating the same neutral tasting beverage. As expected, reading about moral transgressions, moral virtues, or control events resulted in inducing gustatory disgust, delight, or neutral taste experiences, respectively. Results are discussed in terms of the relation between embodied cognition and processing abstract conceptual representations

    NASA advanced aeronautics design solar powered remotely piloted vehicle

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    Environmental problems such as the depletion of the ozone layer and air pollution demand a change in traditional means of propulsion that is sensitive to the ecology. Solar powered propulsion is a favorable alternative that is both ecologically harmless as well as cost effective. Integration of solar energy into designs ranging from futuristic vehicles to heating is beneficial to society. The design and construction of a Multi-Purpose Remotely Piloted Vehicle (MPRPV) seeks to verify the feasibility of utilizing solar propulsion as a primary fuel source. This task has been a year long effort by a group of ten students, divided into five teams, each dealing with different aspects of the design. The aircraft was designed to take-off, climb to the design altitude, fly in a sustained figure-eight flight path, and cruise for approximately one hour. This mission requires flight at Reynolds numbers between 150,000 and 200,000 and demands special considerations in the aerodynamic design in order to achieve flight in this regime. Optimal performance requires a light weight configuration with both structural integrity and maximum power availability. The structure design and choice of solar cells for the propulsion was governed by the weight, efficiency, and cost considerations. The final design is a MPRPV weighting 35 N which cruises 7 m/s at the design altitude of 50 m. The configuration includes a wing composed of balsa and foam NACA 6409 airfoil sections and carbon fiber spars, a tail of similar construction, and a truss structure fuselage. The propulsion system consists of 98 10 percent efficient solar cells donated by Mobil Solar, a NiCad battery for energy storage, and a folding propeller regulated by a lightweight and efficient control system. The airfoils and propeller chosen for the design were research and tested during the design process

    Sensor recorded changes in rates of hand washing with soap in response to the media reports of the H1N1 pandemic in Britain

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    Objectives To examine how the frequency of information regarding a real disease threat influences hand washing with soap. Design and setting The authors installed wireless devices in highway service station lavatories in England to record the proportion of individuals washing hands with soap from May 2009 to January 2010. Participants Participants were users of men's and women's toilets. Combined there was an average of 6800 participant entrances into the lavatories daily. Primary outcome measure The primary outcome measure is the proportion of soap usage to the number of entries into the lavatories. Results Hand-washing rates were positively related to both H1NI coverage in blogs and the news; however, these relationships were stronger for men than for women. Conclusions Hand washing with soap increases proportionally to the frequency of media key words related to H1N1. Women's hand washing was more strongly associated with incidence of media keywords than men's

    Movements and spatial use of odontocetes in the western main Hawaiian Islands: results from satellite-tagging and photo-identification off Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau in July/August 2011

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    Although considerable information is available on residency patterns and spatial use of odontocetes in the eastern half of the Hawai‘i Range Complex (HRC), much less is known about odontocetes in the western half of the HRC. In the second year of a three-year effort in the western main Hawaiian Islands we undertook surveys off Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau in July/August 2011, to examine spatial use and residency patterns using satellite tags, to provide visual verification of acoustically-detected odontocetes on the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF), and to obtain individual identification photographs and biopsy samples for assessment of population identity and structure. During 18 days of field effort we covered 1,972 km of trackline and had 65 encounters with five species of odontocetes. Twenty-four of the encounters, of three species, were cued by acoustic detections from the Marine Mammal Monitoring on Navy Ranges (M3R) system, thus providing species verifications for future use of the M3R system on the PMRF range. During the 65 encounters we obtained 22,645 photos for individual and species identification, and collected 48 biopsy samples for genetic analyses. One encounter with a group of four killer whales was only the second encounter with this species in 12 years of directed field surveys in Hawaiian waters. Photos from that encounter were compared to our photo-identification catalog but no matches were found, further suggesting that there is no population of this species resident to the Hawaiian Islands. There were three encounters with a lone pantropical spotted dolphin, each time in association with a group of spinner dolphins. Photos of this individual matched to a spotted dolphin identified off Kaua‘i in 2004 and in 2005, both times with spinner dolphins, suggesting this individual may be part of a long-term association with spinner dolphins. Four satellite tags were deployed; three on rough-toothed dolphins and one on a bottlenose dolphin. These are the first tag deployments on either species in Hawaiian waters and the first deployments of satellite tags on free-ranging rough-toothed dolphins anywhere in the world. Rough-toothed dolphin tag data were obtained over periods from 7.6 to 18.5 days. Over these periods the three rough-toothed dolphins moved cumulative horizontal distances ranging from 573 to 1,295 km, yet remained an average distance from the tagging locations of from 10.4 to 13.9 km. Median depths used by the three rough-toothed dolphins ranged from 816 to 1,107 m, with median distance from shore ranging from 11.6 to 12.2 km. Two of the three individuals had been previously photo-identified off Kaua‘i (in 2007 or 2008), and all link by association with the resident population from Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau. Movement and habitat use data were obtained over a 34-day period for the satellite-tagged bottlenose dolphin. During this time the individual remained associated with the island of Kaua‘i using waters with a median depth of 82 m. Although this individual had not been previously photo-identified, others from the group it was in had been previously documented off Kaua‘i and/or Ni‘ihau in 2003-2005, suggesting it is part of the island-resident population. Overall these efforts provide the first unbiased movement and habitat use data for both species in Hawaiian waters.Grant No. N00244-10-1-004

    Caregiver perceptions of change in pediatric asthma control during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    PURPOSE: Although several indicators suggest that pediatric asthma control in the United States improved early in the pandemic, other indicators suggest not. Missing are reports from caregivers of the experiences of their children with asthma early in the pandemic. METHODS: Using the PP-ACT and other measures that we specifically constructed for our research, we conducted a cross-sectional national survey of US caregivers of children with asthma (N=595) to examine perceived change in their child\u27s asthma control and changes in reports of ED visits and use of emergency relief medicine and controller medicine pre-pandemic (January to March 2020) versus early-pandemic (June to September 2020). RESULTS: Caregivers fell into three groups: most caregivers perceived that their child\u27s asthma control was improved (50.3%) or unchanged (41.2%), and few reported worse control (8.5%). Surprisingly, all three groups of caregivers reported similar frequencies of early-pandemic and pre-pandemic ED visits and use of emergency relief medicine. Also surprising, caregivers who perceived their child\u27s asthma as more controlled (compared with the other two groups) reported more frequent ED visits and use of emergency relief medicine, yet also more use of controller medicine at both early-pandemic and pre-pandemic. CONCLUSION: The mismatch between caregivers\u27 perceptions of their child\u27s early-pandemic asthma control and their reports of ED visits and use of emergency relief medicine suggests that caregivers may rely on a gist (a global evaluation that can include nonbiomedical evidence) when estimating their child\u27s asthma control. Caregivers and their families could benefit from help from clinicians in understanding the discrepancy between subjective asthma control and asthma control indicators and in understanding what well-controlled asthma looks and feels like


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    Considerable uncertainty exists regarding population structure and population sizes of most species of odontocetes in the Hawaiian Islands. A small-boat based survey for odontocetes was undertaken off the islands of Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau in October and November 2005 to photoidentify individuals and collect genetic samples for examining stock structure. Field effort on 24 days covered 2,194 km of trackline. Survey coverage was from shallow coastal waters out to over 3,000 m depth, though almost half (47%) was in waters less than 500 m in depth. There were 56 sightings of five species of odontocetes: spinner dolphins (30 sightings); bottlenose dolphins (14 sightings); short-finned pilot whales (6 sightings); rough-toothed dolphins (5 sightings); and pantropical spotted dolphins (1 sighting). One hundred and five biopsy samples were collected and 14,960 photographs were taken to document morphology and for individual photo-identification. Photographs of distinctive individuals of three species (bottlenose dolphins, 76 identifications; rough-toothed dolphins, 157 identifications; short-finned pilot whales, 68 identifications) were compared to catalogs of these species from a survey off Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau in 2003, as well as from efforts off O‘ahu, Maui/Lana‘i and the island of Hawai‘i. Within- and between-year matches were found for all three species with individuals previously identified off Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau, though no matches were found with individuals off any of the other islands. This suggests site fidelity to specific island areas, and population structure among island areas for all three species. Movements of photographically identified bottlenose dolphins were documented between deep water areas off the islands of Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau, as well as between shallow (\u3c350 m) and deep (\u3e350 m) waters. A lack of sightings or reports of false killer whales off Kaua‘i or Ni‘ihau during our study, combined with documented movements among the other main Hawaiian Islands, suggest that there is no “resident” population of false killer whales that inhabits waters only off Kaua‘i or Ni‘iha

    Moderators of the Relationship between Exercise and Mood Changes: Gender, Exertion Level, and Workout Duration

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    ABSTRACT Although the role of exercise in improving mood is well established, less is known about moderators of this effect, particularly outside of the laboratory. The current study examined the effect of gender, type of exercise, level of exertion, and duration of workout on the exercisemood relationship in a naturalistic setting. One hundred and thirty five participants (64 females) either engaged in weight training (n=52) or cardiovascular (n=83) exercise. Pre-and postexercise assessments of mood were collected and changes in two types of mood, negative mood and exhaustion, were examined. Overall, participants reported improved mood after exercise in both domains. Workout duration and level of exertion significantly moderated the relationship of exercise to mood improvement (i.e., an increase in either corresponded to greater improved mood, ps < 0.05). Overall, women showed more improved mood than men in the domain of exhaustion (p=0.001)

    The Antihero in Popular Culture: A Life History Theory of the Dark Triad

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    The Dark Triad of personality is composed of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. Despite the common belief that these traits are undesirable, the media is awash with characters that embody the Dark Triad. Characters like Gregory House, M.D., Batman (a.k.a. the Dark Knight), and James Bond all embody these traits and are some of the most popular media franchises today. As entertaining as these characters are, they provide us with a window into the dark side of human nature. Instead of treating the dark side of human nature as inherently maladaptive, we provide an alternative view that, despite their costs, traits like these can confer reproductive and survival benefits for the individual. In so doing, we review the research on the Dark Triad traits and provide a theoretical account for how these traits can confer some positive benefits. To facilitate comprehension, we provide examples taken from the media to show how evolutionary psychology and popular culture intersect

    Range and primary habitats of Hawaiian insular false killer whales: informing determination of critical habitat

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    The article of record as published may be found at https://dx.doi.org/10.3354/esr00435For species listed under the US Endangered Species Act, federal agencies must designate 'critical habitat', areas containing features essential to conservation and/or that may require special management considerations. In November 2010, the National Marine Fisheries Service proposed listing a small demographically isolated population of false killer whales Pseudorca crassidens in Hawai'i as endangered but has not yet proposed designating critical habitat. We assessed the population's range and heavily used habitat areas using data from 27 satellite tag deployments. Assessment of independence of individuals with temporally overlapping data indicated that data were from 22 'groups'. Further analyses were restricted to 1 individual per group. Tag data were available for periods of between 13 and 105 d (median = 40.5 d), with 8513 locations (93.4% from July-January). Analyses of photo-identification data indicated that the population is divided into 3 large associations of individuals (social clusters), with tag data from 2 of these clusters. Ranges for these 2 clusters were similar, although one used significantly deeper waters, and their high-use areas differed. A minimum convex polygon range encompassing all locations was ~82800 km2, with individuals ranging from Ni'ihau to Hawai'i Island and up to 122 km offshore. Three high-use areas were identified: (1) off the north half of Hawai'i Island, (2) north of Maui and Moloka'i and (3) southwest of Lana'i. Although this analysis provides information useful for decision-making concerning designation of critical habitat, there are likely other high-use areas that have not yet been identified due to seasonal limitations and availability of data from only 2 of the 3 main social clusters.Fieldwork was primarily funded by grants and contracts to Cascadia Research Collective from the National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center and the US Navy (N45) through the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institution, and the Naval Postgraduate School. The Wild Whale Research Foundation and Dolphin Quest provided additional support.Funded by Naval Postgraduate School.Office of Naval Research Grant N00014081120