84 research outputs found

    Transfer Trajectory Options for Servicing Sun-Earth-Moon Libration Point Missions

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    Future missions to the Sun-Earth Libration L1 and L2 regions will require scheduled servicing to maintain hardware and replenish consumables. While there have been statements made by various NASA programs regarding servicing of vehicles at these locations or in Cis-lunar space, a practical transfer study has not been extensively investigated in an operational fashion to determine the impacts of navigation and maneuver errors. This investigation uses dynamical systems and operational models to design transfer trajectories between the Sun-Earth Libration region (QuasiHalo orbit) and the Earth-Moon vicinity (Distant Retrograde Orbit, QuasiHalo Orbit, Halo Orbit, and Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit). We address the total V cost of transfers and operational considerations between each pair of locations using a Monte Carlo analysis

    Transfer Trajectory Options for Servicing Sun-Earth-Moon Libration Point Missions

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    Future missions to the Sun-Earth Libration L1 and L2 regions will require scheduled servicing to maintain hardware and replenish consumables. While there have been statements made by various NASA programs regarding servicing of vehicles at these locations or in Cis-lunar space, a practical transfer study has not been extensively investigated in an operational fashion to determine the impacts of navigation and maneuver errors. This investigation uses dynamical systems and operational models to design transfer trajectories between the Sun-Earth Libration region (QuasiHalo orbit) and the Earth-Moon vicinity (Distant Retrograde Orbit, QuasiHalo Orbit, Halo Orbit, and Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit). We address the total delta V cost of transfers between each pair of locations using a Monte Carlo analysis

    Understanding the Sun-Earth Libration Point Orbit Formation Flying Challenges For WFIRST and Starshade

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    In order to fly an occulter in formation with a telescope at the Sun-Earth L2 (SEL2) Libration Point, one must have a detailed understanding of the dy-namics that govern the restricted three body system. For initial purposes, a linear approximation is satisfactory, but operations will require a high-fidelity modeling tool along with strategic targeting methods in order to be successful. This paper focuses on the challenging dynamics of the transfer trajectories to achieve the relative positioning of two spacecraft to fly in formation at SEL2, in our case, the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) and a proposed Starshade. By modeling the formation transfers using a high fidelity tool, an accurate V approximation can be made to as-sist with the development of the subsystem design required for a WFIRST and Starshade formation flight mission

    Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope and Starshade Formation Flying Dynamics at Sun-Earth L2

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    The formation flying of an occulter with a telescope at the Sun-Earth L2 (SEL2) Libration Point can be a challenging problem. A good knowledge of the Restricted Three Body Problem dynamics is required to understand how these two spacecraft interact with each other in the SEL2 unstable environment, and how other perturbations such as Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP) affect their mutual trajectories. This paper focuses on the transfer trajectories to achieve specific relative positions between two spacecraft as they fly in formation at SEL2, andanalyzes the relevance of SRP in this formation, using the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) and the Starshade occulter as an example. Given that WFIRST and Starshade have very different area-to-mass ratios, SRP will affect their motion in different ways, and their relative position can be key to reduce the V cost. In this paper we intend on providing an explanation on how the relative position between both spacecrafts affects the transfer V from one observation to the other using dynamical system theory and Floquet modes

    Estimating the Effects of Law Enforcement and Public Health Interventions Intended to Reduce Gun Violence in Baltimore

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    Baltimore has long been plagued by high rates of homicides, with guns playing an important role. City and law enforcement officials in Baltimore have attributed much of the gun violence to the illegal drug economy and the availability of guns for criminal use. For many years, the most visible and direct approaches employed by the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) to curb gun violence have focused on enforcement of drug laws to reduce violent crime associated with the drug trade. In the most ambitious and resource-intensive efforts, the objective of law enforcement actions has been to "take down" or severely weaken organized groups selling illegal drugs through targeted arrests and prosecutions. Such efforts are intended to both remove violent criminals from communities and, ideally, deter violent crime. Most of these targeted drug law enforcement efforts have been place-focused, targeting "hot spots" for homicides and shootings. Within these hot spots, there is often some degree of targeting of individuals believed to be important drivers of gun violence, based on intelligence gathered, individuals' histories of criminal offending, and individuals' criminal associates.In the early 2000s, Baltimore City leadership encouraged aggressive enforcement of drug laws, resulting in the arrests of tens of thousands of individuals for drug possession and drug distribution. However, beginning mid-2007, the BPD shifted its focus to initiatives aimed at apprehending violent criminals and targeting illegal gun possession. We used data from January 1, 2003, through December 23, 2017, to estimate the effects of place-focused policing and prevention initiatives that were focused on criminal offending involving guns and/or drugs to estimate the effects of those interventions on homicides and nonfatal shootings. An overview of the specific interventions assessed in this study follows

    Orbital Maintenance for the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope: The Effects of Solar Radiation Pressure and Navigation Accuracies on Station Keeping

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    The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), a NASA observatory designed to investigate dark energy and astrophysics, is planned for a launch in 2025 to orbit the Sun-Earth L2 (SEL2) Libration Point. Due to the instability of the SEL2 environment, WFIRST must perform maneuvers to remain in its mission orbit. This paper investigates how different error sources affect the resulting stationkeeping delta v for WFIRST. We study how Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP) modeling affects WFIRST's orbital motion and stability, and how SRP combined with Orbit Determination (OD) errors drive the stationkeeping maneuver magnitudes. Our goal is to determine the best way to model WFIRST's SRP so that we minimize its impact on total stationkeeping delta v required over the mission lifetime

    Early Mission Maneuver Operations for the Deep Space Climate Observatory Sun-Earth L1 Libration Point Mission

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    The Deep Space Climate Observatory mission launched on February 11, 2015, and inserted onto a transfer trajectory toward a Lissajous orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 libration point. This paper presents an overview of the baseline transfer orbit and early mission maneuver operations leading up to the start of nominal science orbit operations. In particular, the analysis and performance of the spacecraft insertion, mid-course correction maneuvers, and the deep-space Lissajous orbit insertion maneuvers are discussed, com-paring the baseline orbit with actual mission results and highlighting mission and operations constraints.

    Concealed Carry of Firearms: Facts vs. Fiction

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    arrying a concealed handgun in public has the potential to enable would-be victims of violent crime to thwart attempted acts of violence, but also poses potential threats to public safety. Because of these potential threats, states have historically regulated the carrying of concealed firearms. These regulations have included requiring a permit to carry a concealed weapon and basing the issuance of these permits on whether applicants met training, safety, and even personal character requirements. Additionally, states have limited the places in which the permit holder could carry a concealed firearm

    Trajectory Design Tools for Libration and Cis-Lunar Environments

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    Innovative trajectory design tools are required to support challenging multi-body regimes with complex dynamics, uncertain perturbations, and the integration of propulsion influences. Two distinctive tools, Adaptive Trajectory Design and the General Mission Analysis Tool have been developed and certified to provide the astrodynamics community with the ability to design multi-body trajectories. In this paper we discuss the multi-body design process and the capabilities of both tools. Demonstrable applications to confirmed missions, the Lunar IceCube Cubesat lunar mission and the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) Sun-Earth L2 mission, are presented

    Orbital Maintenance for the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope: Effects of Solar Radiation Pressure and Navigation Accuracies on Station Keeping.

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    The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) is a NASA observatorydesigned to answer questions about dark energy and astrophysics, planned for alaunch in 2025 to orbit around the Sun-Earth L2 (SEL2) Libration Point. Due tothe instability of the SEL2 vicinity, WFIRST must perform station keeping maneuversto remain in orbit. This paper reviews different navigation solutions and SRP modelingtechniques that are being considered when planning these maneuvers. In this paper,we will describe station keeping strategy, we will explore the possibility of using an on-boardnavigation system and finally study how Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP) affectsits orbital motion and controllability