366 research outputs found

    Predictors of syphilis seroreactivity and prevalence of HIV among street recruited injection drug users in Los Angeles County, 1994-6

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    Objectives: To describe HIV prevalence and the association between syphilis incidence and sexual and drug injection risk behaviours in a cohort of street recruited injecting drug users (IDUs) in Los Angeles County, between 1994 and 1996. Methods: During the study period, 513 street recruited African-American and Latino IDUs were screened for syphilis and antibodies to HIV. Subjects were administered a risk behaviour survey at baseline and followed up at 6 month intervals for 18 months with repeated interviews and serological screening. Rate ratios were used to examine associations between syphilis incidence and demographic characteristics and risk behaviours. A proportional hazard model was used to identify predictors of syphilis incidence independent of demographic characteristics. Results: 74% of the sample were male, 70% African-American, 30% Latino; and the median age was 43 years. Overall baseline serological prevalence of HIV was 2.5% and of syphilis 5.7%. None of the participants were co-infected for HIV and syphilis at baseline or at any of the 6 month follow ups. Among 390 eligible IDUs retained for analysis of incidence data, the overall syphilis incidence was 26.0 per 1000 person years. Higher syphilis incidence was found for women compared with men (RR=2.70; 95% CI 1.60, 4.55), and for those 44 years of age or younger compared with those 45 years of age and older (RR=2.26; 95% CI 1.25, 4.08). African-Americans were more likely to be syphilis incident cases when compared with Latinos, although the difference did not reach statistical significance (RR=1.27; 95% CI 0.72, 2.23). In bivariate analysis, risk behaviours significantly associated with higher syphilis incidence included injection of cocaine, “speedball” and heroin, “crack” smoking, recency of first injection event, backloading of syringes, injecting with others, exchanging drugs or money for sex, multiple sex partners, and non-heterosexual sexual preference. Variables that significantly predicted syphilis infection at follow up in the multivariate analysis included multiple sex partners (RR=7.8; 95% CI 2.4, 25.0), exchanging money for sex (RR=3.0; 95% CI 0.9, 9.6), and recent initiation to injection drug use (RR=4.6; 95% CI 1.1, 18.8). Conclusion: Syphilis transmission among IDUs in Los Angeles County remains a serious public health concern, particularly among IDUs who engage in trading of sex for money or drugs. Although low, the prevalence of HIV observed in this study constitutes a serious concern because of the potential for expanded HIV transmission in this susceptible population of IDUs with high syphilis incidence. Enhanced case finding screening efforts and prevention of transmission of sexually transmitted infections should specifically target hard to reach IDUs and their sexual partners

    Die Rezeption von Karl Kraus in Frankreich durch Jacques Bouveresse und Pierre Bourdieu

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    Karl Kraus wurde in den 90er Jahren in Frankreich neu entdeckt: Ausschlaggebend war das Kolloquium ‚ActualitĂ© de Karl Kraus’ 1999, als die beiden Wissenschafter, der Philosoph und Wittgenstein-Spezialist Jacques Bouveresse und der Soziologe Pierre Bourdieu, ĂŒber den AktualitĂ€tswert von Kraus fĂŒr heutige mediale, politische und intellektuelle Entwicklungen diskutierten. Gleichzeitig wurden „Die letzten Tage der Menschheit“ und „Dritte Walpurgisnacht“ vollstĂ€ndig ĂŒbersetzt. Bouveresse beschĂ€ftigt sich in der Folge eingehend mit dem Krausschen Werk und publiziert zahlreiche VortrĂ€ge und BĂŒcher: er erkennt in Kraus einen Sprachphilosophen, der in der Presse den Ausgangspunkt eines moralischen und politischen Verfalls wittert. Aber er entschlĂŒsselt auch den Mythos um den in Frankreich lange rezipierten jĂŒdischen Selbsthasser Kraus und verdeutlicht den scharfsinnigen politischen Kraus, dessen komplexe Einsicht in den nationalsozialistischen Agens von großer Bedeutung ist. Bourdieu bezieht sich auf Kraus und seine Fackel als Handbuch fĂŒr einen Kampf gegen die in Frankreich herrschende Korruption. Er vergleicht die Methode der eingreifenden Praxis der Fackel mit seiner eigenen ‚tĂ©chnique d’intervention sociologique’, die er innerhalb seines Verlags Éditions Liber Raisons d’agir umzusetzen versucht. Auch entdeckt Bourdieu Parallelen mit der Krausschen Vorgangsweise in seinen Organisationen Raison d’agir, Attac, Acrimed, etc., die eine neue ‚école de rĂ©sistance’ gegen neoliberale Entwicklungen darstellen. Gleichzeitig wittert die Medienwelt in Kraus eine berechtigte Gefahr und stempelt ihn und all jene, die ihn befĂŒrworten, als ‚Antiliberalen und Antidemokraten’ ab. Dadurch fungiert Kraus seit kurzem auch als politischer Spaltpilz innerhalb existierender Diskurse. Kraus verlĂ€sst also den wissenschaftlichen Elfenbeinturm und wird in Frankreich produktiv und aktualisierend rezipiert.Within the last 15 years, Karl Kraus has gained new interest in France: The turning point was the colloquium ‚L’actualitĂ© de Karl Kraus’ 1999, where the philosopher Jacques Bouveresse and the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu discussed the importance of Karl Kraus for nowadays developpement in politics, media and sciences. They regard Kraus as the first media critic and he is modern, as the aspects he criticised have not changed, and as the way in which he criticised could be a possible way to criticise nowadays. Bouveresse is interested in the deep, modern and complex ideas of Kraus: in his various articles and books he discovers Kraus as philosopher of language, who anticipated in the media the beginning of a moral and political downfall. Bouveresse also reveals Kraus as sharp analyst of the upcoming nationalsocialisme and brings an end to the believed mythe of the juish self-hater Kraus. Bourdieu is more interested in the way, Kraus criticised the corrupt system of his time. He understands the Fackel as a fight-manual and compares Kraus’ method of ‚interfering praxis’ with his own ‚technique of intervening sociology’. Bourdieu searchs for ways to link his own political actions (Attac, Raison d’agir,
) with the ideas put by Kraus in his Fackel, in order to create a new ‚école de rĂ©sistance’. Negative voices, espacially from the media-side, regard Kraus and all those, who are interested in him, as antiliberal and antidemocrat. The name ‚Kraus’ serves in an actual political debate

    In it Together: Relationship Transitions and Couple Concordance in Health and Well-Being

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    Events that change the family system have the potential to impact couple dynamics such as concordance, that is, partner similarity in health and well-being. This project analyzes longitudinal data (≄ two decades) from both partners of up to 3,501 German and 1,842 Australian couples to investigate how couple concordance in life satisfaction, self-rated health, mental health, and physical health might change with transitioning to parenthood and an empty nest. Results revealed couple concordance in intercepts (averaged r = .52), linear trajectories (averaged r = .55), and wave-specific fluctuations around trajectories (averaged r = .21). Concordance in linear trajectories was stronger after transitions (averaged r = .81) than before transitions (averaged r = .43), whereas no systematic transition-related change in concordance of wave-specific fluctuations was found. Findings emphasize that shared transitions represent windows of change capable of sending couples onto mutual upward or downward trajectories in health and well-being

    Disentangling Prosody Representations with Unsupervised Speech Reconstruction

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    Human speech can be characterized by different components, including semantic content, speaker identity and prosodic information. Significant progress has been made in disentangling representations for semantic content and speaker identity in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and speaker verification tasks respectively. However, it is still an open challenging research question to extract prosodic information because of the intrinsic association of different attributes, such as timbre and rhythm, and because of the need for supervised training schemes to achieve robust large-scale and speaker-independent ASR. The aim of this paper is to address the disentanglement of emotional prosody from speech based on unsupervised reconstruction. Specifically, we identify, design, implement and integrate three crucial components in our proposed speech reconstruction model Prosody2Vec: (1) a unit encoder that transforms speech signals into discrete units for semantic content, (2) a pretrained speaker verification model to generate speaker identity embeddings, and (3) a trainable prosody encoder to learn prosody representations. We first pretrain the Prosody2Vec representations on unlabelled emotional speech corpora, then fine-tune the model on specific datasets to perform Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) and Emotional Voice Conversion (EVC) tasks. Both objective (weighted and unweighted accuracies) and subjective (mean opinion score) evaluations on the EVC task suggest that Prosody2Vec effectively captures general prosodic features that can be smoothly transferred to other emotional speech. In addition, our SER experiments on the IEMOCAP dataset reveal that the prosody features learned by Prosody2Vec are complementary and beneficial for the performance of widely used speech pretraining models and surpass the state-of-the-art methods when combining Prosody2Vec with HuBERT representations.Comment: Accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processin

    Sleep Clinical Record application in Brazilian children and its comparison with Italian children

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    Abstract Objective To apply the Sleep Clinical Record (SCR) to a sample of Brazilian children with sleep complaints, to compare the results with Italian children, and to identify variables that influence phenotype. Methods Brazilian and Italian children, 4−11 years of age and matched for age, gender, obesity, and apnea−hypopnea index and who presented with complaints related to sleep, were selected. The instrument used was the SCR, and the procedure used was full-night cardiorespiratory monitoring. Results The sample consisted of 51 Brazilian children and 102 Italian children. Brazilian children presented with oral breathing (55%), tonsillar hypertrophy (69%), Friedman palate position (88%), malocclusion (84%), and OSAS score (Brouilette questionnaire) (55%). The SCR among obese Brazilian children was higher as compared to that in nonobese subjects (obese, 10.84 vs nonobese, 9.13; p = 0.03). In the comparison between Brazilian and Italian children, the total Brazilian SCR was higher than the Italian SCR score (Brazilian SCR, 10.21 ± 7.56; Italian SCR, 8.95 ± 2.55; p = 0.002). The Italian SCR score was influenced by obesity, whereas the Brazilian SCR was influenced by others symptoms (daytime sleepiness, enuresis, nocturnal choking, headache, limb movements). Conclusion Brazilian children with sleep-disordered breathing show a higher SCR score as compared to Italian children. Obesity and tonsillar hypertrophy, Friedman palate position alteration, and dental malocclusion further influenced the total SCR score among Brazilian children. This may be due to access difficulties in Brazil where children should have more assistance to obtain medical care

    High resolution genomic analysis of sporadic breast cancer using array-based comparative genomic hybridization

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    INTRODUCTION: Genomic aberrations in the form of subchromosomal DNA copy number changes are a hallmark of epithelial cancers, including breast cancer. The goal of the present study was to analyze such aberrations in breast cancer at high resolution. METHODS: We employed high-resolution array comparative genomic hybridization with 4,134 bacterial artificial chromosomes that cover the genome at 0.9 megabase resolution to analyze 47 primary breast tumors and 18 breast cancer cell lines. RESULTS: Common amplicons included 8q24.3 (amplified in 79% of tumors, with 5/47 exhibiting high level amplification), 1q32.1 and 16p13.3 (amplified in 66% and 57% of tumors, respectively). Moreover, we found several positive correlations between specific amplicons from different chromosomes, suggesting the existence of cooperating genetic loci. Queried by gene, the most frequently amplified kinase was PTK2 (79% of tumors), whereas the most frequently lost kinase was PTK2B (hemizygous loss in 34% of tumors). Amplification of ERBB2 as measured by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) correlated closely with ERBB2 DNA and RNA levels measured by quantitative PCR as well as with ERBB2 protein levels. The overall frequency of recurrent losses was lower, with no region lost in more than 50% of tumors; the most frequently lost tumor suppressor gene was RB1 (hemizygous loss in 26% of tumors). Finally, we find that specific copy number changes in cell lines closely mimicked those in primary tumors, with an overall Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.843 for gains and 0.734 for losses. CONCLUSION: High resolution CGH analysis of breast cancer reveals several regions where DNA copy number is commonly gained or lost, that non-random correlations between specific amplicons exist, and that specific genetic alterations are maintained in breast cancer cell lines despite repeat passage in tissue culture. These observations suggest that genes within these regions are critical to the malignant phenotype and may thus serve as future therapeutic targets

    SOX5 is involved in balanced MITF regulation in human melanoma cells

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    Background: Melanoma is a cancer with rising incidence and new therapeutics are needed. For this, it is necessary to understand the molecular mechanisms of melanoma development and progression. Melanoma differs from other cancers by its ability to produce the pigment melanin via melanogenesis; this biosynthesis is essentially regulated by microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF). MITF regulates various processes such as cell cycling and differentiation. MITF shows an ambivalent role, since high levels inhibit cell proliferation and low levels promote invasion. Hence, well-balanced MITF homeostasis is important for the progression and spread of melanoma. Therefore, it is difficult to use MITF itself for targeted therapy, but elucidating its complex regulation may lead to a promising melanoma-cell specific therapy. Method: We systematically analyzed the regulation of MITF with a novel established transcription factor based gene regulatory network model. Starting from comparative transcriptomics analysis using data from cells originating from nine different tumors and a melanoma cell dataset, we predicted the transcriptional regulators of MITF employing ChIP binding information from a comprehensive set of databases. The most striking regulators were experimentally validated by functional assays and an MITF-promoter reporter assay. Finally, we analyzed the impact of the expression of the identified regulators on clinically relevant parameters of melanoma, i.e. the thickness of primary tumors and patient overall survival. Results: Our model predictions identified SOX10 and SOX5 as regulators of MITF. We experimentally confirmed the role of the already well-known regulator SOX10. Additionally, we found that SOX5 knockdown led to MITF up-regulation in melanoma cells, while double knockdown with SOX10 showed a rescue effect; both effects were validated by reporter assays. Regarding clinical samples, SOX5 expression was distinctively up-regulated in metastatic compared to primary melanoma. In contrast, survival analysis of melanoma patients with predominantly metastatic disease revealed that low SOX5 levels were associated with a poor prognosis. Conclusion: MITF regulation by SOX5 has been shown only in murine cells, but not yet in human melanoma cells. SOX5 has a strong inhibitory effect on MITF expression and seems to have a decisive clinical impact on melanoma during tumor progression

    A narrative literature review using placemaking theories to unravel student social connectedness in hybrid university learning environments

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    Student social connectedness is indicated to be changing with the increasing digitalisation of universities. This narrative literature review aims to bring new meanings to the hybrid university learning environment (HULE), and to develop a framework for the benefit of student social connectedness by using placemaking theories. It searches through the academic literature for evidence of experience with three attributes of social connectedness: socialising, social support, and sense of belonging, in relation to individuals’ sense of place, bringing a range of outcomes, such as identity development, which might contribute to improved social connectedness. This is then expanded in the HULE by looking at the physical and online spaces, with a focus on liminal space and co-design. The findings show that an overly rigid structure of the HULE can cause negative student social connectedness, with co-design being proposed as a way of creating a tailored and connected learning experience. However, this is underdeveloped for learning environment needs and could be enhanced by applying placemaking theories to map levels of student social connectedness in the physical location and in the more-than-real ‘non-places’. This provides an innovative perspective of the HULE based on student social connectedness, impacting the existing pedagogical approach for university courses

    Meristic and morphometric characters of <em>Leptopelis natalensis</em> tadpoles (Amphibia: Anura: Arthroleptidae) from Entumeni Forest reveal variation and inconsistencies with previous descriptions

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    The tadpole of Leptopelis natalensis is described based on a series of 32 specimens from Entumeni Forest, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Previous descriptions are brief, lack morphometric data, or are based on specimens of imprecise origin. The tadpole resembles other Leptopelis tadpoles and is generally in agreement with existing accounts, although some differences exist. Some of these differences seem to fall within the range of natural variation. Others, such as the presence of a fifth anterior row of keratodonts, might be indicative of variation at the population level and should be considered in future taxonomic revisions. Leptopelis natalensis tadpoles seem to be most readily distinguished by their more narrowly keratinized beaks from the geographically overlapping or adjacent L. mossambicus and L. xenodactylus
