212 research outputs found

    A statistical development of fixed odds betting rules in soccer

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    Two simple but seemingly profitable betting rules for betting on the away win in association football are developed. One rule is consistent with avoiding those games in which there is a clear favourite. The second rule is based directly on modelling bookmaker odds and assessing the residuals under the fitted model. Contrary to previous research the betting rule using the residuals suggests avoiding betting on those games where there are large discrepancies between bookmaker odds and predicted-model odds.Fixed odds betting rules; away win; bookmakers’ probabilities

    A statistical development of fixed odds betting rules in soccer

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    Two simple but seemingly profitable betting rules for betting on the away win in association football are developed. One rule is consistent with avoiding those games in which there is a clear favourite. The second rule is based directly on modelling bookmaker odds and assessing the residuals under the fitted model. Contrary to previous research the betting rule using the residuals suggests avoiding betting on those games where there are large discrepancies between bookmaker odds and predicted-model odds

    The Construction of the A650 Bingley Relief Road Adjacent to an Unstable Tied Sheet Pile Retaining Structure

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    The proposed A650 Bingley Relief Road in West Yorkshire, UK, required the construction of a new dual carriageway to relieve traffic congestion in the town of Bingley. Part of the scheme involved constructing the road adjacent to an existing tied sheet pile wall, the “Canal Tied Wall” that had a history of movement. In this area the road passes over a kettlehole with peat and soft silts between 10 m and 14 m deep. The Canal Tied Wall forms the boundary between the realigned canal and the proposed new trunk road. It consists of two sets of steel sheet piles approximately 3.5 m apart with stainless steel tie-bars and mass concrete shear walls connecting them at the top. In May 1994 following the completion of the Canal Tied Wall construction and during excavation of material on the roadside of the wall, a 45 m length of wall moved horizontally in excess of 200 mm (into excavation) with associated maximum vertical movement at the top of the wall of 230 mm. The wall was monitored from 1994 until 2001 and subsequently through the construction of the new road. The Highways Agency\u27s requirement for the Canal Tied Wall was to carry out stabilisation works ....... together with any remedial works required to the structure to overcome current and future settlement problems . It was originally envisaged by the Highways Agency that a piled solution would be required. The basis of the Tender design was to reduce the load on the wall and hence stabilise the rate of movement towards the canal. The proposed design consisted of excavating the existing fill (originally placed at the time of construction of the wall) to a level about 0.8 m above its base, and constructing a reinforced earth wall with a gap between it and the sheet pile wall. The geotechnical solution that was eventually adopted was to reduce the load exerted on the wall by the ground behind it, and to surcharge the soft deposits to reduce long term settlements. The system adopted used a mass wall constructed of precast lightweight concrete blocks built behind the tied wall. This solution realised savings to the anticipated cost of the scheme whilst meeting the performance requirements of the specification. Numerical analysis was used to assess the anticipated performance of the ground, the existing structure, and the behaviour of the adjacent railway line during the construction operation and into the future. The lateral movements realised in practice were significantly smaller than those predicted using even relatively sophisticated modelling even though the modelling had been calibrated using data gathered during the advance works. This was as a result of changes to the construction sequence made on site. Whilst these were relatively minor the effect on the movements appears to have been significant. Interpretation of consolidation tests proved to be difficult even with the benefit of quite extensive settlement monitoring during and after the advance works. Several possible combinations of parameters gave an equally good fit to the data. The Observational Method was therefore adopted to provide a framework for adjusting the design during construction, subject to the observed behaviour of the ground. The flexibility this provided enabled necessary changes to the surcharge design to be made during construction, while maintaining control over the stability of the wall

    Complete Genome Sequence and Comparative Metabolic Profiling of the Prototypical Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli Strain 042

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    Background \ud Escherichia coli can experience a multifaceted life, in some cases acting as a commensal while in other cases causing intestinal and/or extraintestinal disease. Several studies suggest enteroaggregative E. coli are the predominant cause of E. coli-mediated diarrhea in the developed world and are second only to Campylobacter sp. as a cause of bacterial-mediated diarrhea. Furthermore, enteroaggregative E. coli are a predominant cause of persistent diarrhea in the developing world where infection has been associated with malnourishment and growth retardation. \ud \ud Methods \ud In this study we determined the complete genomic sequence of E. coli 042, the prototypical member of the enteroaggregative E. coli, which has been shown to cause disease in volunteer studies. We performed genomic and phylogenetic comparisons with other E. coli strains revealing previously uncharacterised virulence factors including a variety of secreted proteins and a capsular polysaccharide biosynthetic locus. In addition, by using Biolog™ Phenotype Microarrays we have provided a full metabolic profiling of E. coli 042 and the non-pathogenic lab strain E. coli K-12. We have highlighted the genetic basis for many of the metabolic differences between E. coli 042 and E. coli K-12. \ud \ud Conclusion \ud This study provides a genetic context for the vast amount of experimental and epidemiological data published thus far and provides a template for future diagnostic and intervention strategies

    AlbaTraDIS:Comparative analysis of large datasets from parallel transposon mutagenesis experiments

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    Bacteria need to survive in a wide range of environments. Currently, there is an incomplete understanding of the genetic basis for mechanisms underpinning survival in stressful conditions, such as the presence of anti-microbials. Transposon directed insertion-site sequencing (TraDIS) is a powerful tool to identify genes and networks which are involved in survival and fitness under a given condition by simultaneously assaying the fitness of millions of mutants, thereby relating genotype to phenotype and contributing to an understanding of bacterial cell biology. A recent refinement of this approach allows the roles of essential genes in conditional stress survival to be inferred by altering their expression. These advancements combined with the rapidly falling costs of sequencing now allows comparisons between multiple experiments to identify commonalities in stress responses to different conditions. This capacity however poses a new challenge for analysis of multiple data sets in conjunction. To address this analysis need, we have developed 'AlbaTraDIS'; a software application for rapid large-scale comparative analysis of TraDIS experiments that predicts the impact of transposon insertions on nearby genes. AlbaTraDIS can identify genes which are up or down regulated, or inactivated, between multiple conditions, producing a filtered list of genes for further experimental validation as well as several accompanying data visualisations. We demonstrate the utility of our new approach by applying it to identify genes used by Escherichia coli to survive in a wide range of different concentrations of the biocide Triclosan. AlbaTraDIS identified all well characterised Triclosan resistance genes, including the primary target, fabI. A number of new loci were also implicated in Triclosan resistance and the predicted phenotypes for a selection of these were validated experimentally with results being consistent with predictions. AlbaTraDIS provides a simple and rapid method to analyse multiple transposon mutagenesis data sets allowing this technology to be used at large scale. To our knowledge this is the only tool currently available that can perform these tasks. AlbaTraDIS is written in Python 3 and is available under the open source licence GNU GPL 3 from https://github.com/quadram-institute-bioscience/albatradis

    Comparison of the genetic basis of biofilm formation between Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli

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    Most bacteria can form biofilms, which typically have a life cycle from cells initially attaching to a surface before aggregation and growth produces biomass and an extracellular matrix before finally cells disperse. To maximize fitness at each stage of this life cycle and given the different events taking place within a biofilm, temporal regulation of gene expression is essential. We recently described the genes required for optimal fitness over time during biofilm formation in Escherichia coli using a massively parallel transposon mutagenesis approach called TraDIS-Xpress. We have now repeated this study in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium to determine the similarities and differences in biofilm formation through time between these species. A core set of pathways involved in biofilm formation in both species included matrix production, nucleotide biosynthesis, flagella assembly and LPS biosynthesis. We also identified several differences between the species, including a divergent impact of the antitoxin TomB on biofilm formation in each species. We observed deletion of tomB to be detrimental throughout the development of the E. coli biofilms but increased biofilm biomass in S. Typhimurium. We also found a more pronounced role for genes involved in respiration, specifically the electron transport chain, on the fitness of mature biofilms in S. Typhimurium than in E. coli and this was linked to matrix production. This work deepens understanding of the core requirements for biofilm formation in the Enterobacteriaceae whilst also identifying some genes with specialised roles in biofilm formation in each species

    Chemical biology-whole genome engineering datasets predict new antibacterial combinations

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    Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole are used commonly together as cotrimoxazole for the treatment of urinary tract and other infections. The evolution of resistance to these and other antibacterials threatens therapeutic options for clinicians. We generated and analysed a chemical-biology-whole-genome data set to predict new targets for antibacterial combinations with trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. For this we used a large transposon mutant library in Escherichia coli BW25113 where an outward-transcribing inducible promoter was engineered into one end of the transposon. This approach allows regulated expression of adjacent genes in addition to gene inactivation at transposon insertion sites, a methodology that has been called TraDIS-Xpress. These chemical genomic data sets identified mechanisms for both reduced and increased susceptibility to trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. The data identified that over-expression of FolA reduced trimethoprim susceptibility, a known mechanism for reduced susceptibility. In addition, transposon insertions into the genes tdk, deoR, ybbC, hha, ldcA, wbbK and waaS increased susceptibility to trimethoprim and likewise for rsmH, fadR, ddlB, nlpI and prc with sulfamethoxazole, while insertions in ispD, uspC, minC, minD, yebK, truD and umpG increased susceptibility to both these antibiotics. Two of these genes’ products, Tdk and IspD, are inhibited by AZT and fosmidomycin respectively, antibiotics that are known to synergise with trimethoprim. Thus, the data identified two known targets and several new target candidates for the development of co-drugs that synergise with trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole or cotrimoxazole. We demonstrate that the TraDIS-Xpress technology can be used to generate information-rich chemical-genomic data sets that can be used for antibacterial development