4 research outputs found

    The CIA 3.0 and EDE-Q questionnaire as a tool for assessing eating disorders among students of the Academy of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz

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    Introduction Eating disorders are a serious problem affecting people of all ages and genders, cultures and origins, affecting not only the physical sphere, but above all the human psyche. In many cases, they are still taboo, as eating disorder issues can often be mistaken for trivialities. Their psychopathology is very complex and it is impossible to pinpoint a single cause. However, it is indisputable that food intake is related to the physiological, but also psychological and social spheres. The core of psychopathology is a distorted perception of the importance of figure, weight, appearance and their constant control. Aim The aim of the study was to determine the scale of eating disorders among students of ANS in Nowy Sącz and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the change in body weight of students. Material and methods The research tool was a questionnaire developed on the basis of the EDE-Q 6.0 and CIA 3.0 questionnaires (Christopher et al., 2008), consisting of open and closed questions regarding the perception of the importance of one's figure, body weight, appearance and their control. Based on the students' answers, the body mass index before and after the pandemic was calculated COVID-19, and also analyzed answers that may indicate problems with nutrition and attitude to your own body. The study was conducted online via the Google Forms online survey platform, in the period from 7 to 21 October 2022, on a representative group of 255 students of the Academy of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sącz. Results The survey participants were mostly young women (average age 21.24), undergraduate full-time students, living in rural areas. There were no significant differences in body mass index (BMI) between men and women before and during the pandemic. In the study group, the question concerning the influence of diet, physical exercise or feelings regarding nutrition, figure and body weight deserve attention, with more than 50% of students indicating the influence of the above-mentioned factors. factors for: critical thinking about yourself, source of nervousness, worry, making you feel guilty, or feeling ashamed of yourself. In the questions regarding the sense of satisfaction with their figure, body weight and appearance, over 50% of students indicated a lack of satisfaction, i.e. a negative perception of themselves in terms of body weight (striving to lose weight, fear of gaining weight, feeling of being fat, limiting amount of food eaten). Conclusion Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that students of the ANS in Nowy Sącz are at risk of eating disorders. It is therefore worth taking preventive measures aimed at raising awareness of the scale of the problem and popularizing the available forms of psychological support in this area

    The role of paintings in Andrei Tarkovsky's films

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    Celem tekstu jest prześledzenie związków kina Andrieja Tarkowskiego z malarstwem. Wybrane przykłady prezentują rozmaite sposoby objawiania się dzieła malarskiego w dziele filmowym. Nacisk położony jest na sferze znaczeniowej - analiza konkretnych inspiracji malarskich wewnątrz filmu pogłębia jego interpretację. Pobocznym wątkiem są rozważania nad metodologią Andrieja Tarkowskiego i próba złagodzenia dysonansu wyłaniającego się z lektury filmów oraz tekstów teoretycznych reżysera. Niniejsza praca jest tradycyjnym głosem w refleksji nad relacją kina i malarstwa w ogólności. Krótki przegląd stanu badań i historii tych relacji, służy wyłonieniu najodpowiedniejszej metody mówienia o związku filmów rosyjskiego reżysera z malarstwem.The purpose of the text is to explore connections between paintings and Andrei Tarkovsky's films. Selected examples demonstrate various ways of transferring painting into the film. The work is focused on the semantic area. An analysis of specific inspirations inside the films enriches its interpretation. The secondary thread is reflection on methodology of Andrei Tarkovsky and attempt to reconcile the dissonance, which emerges from theoretical texts of director and his films. A brief overview of the history and current state of research in this subject, leads to find most appropriate method of speaking about connections between paintings and Andrei Tarkovsky's films

    Explicitation in the process of translation. Analysis of the detective novel "The Locked Room" by Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö and its two translations to Polish

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    Praca poświęcona jest eksplicytacji, która bardzo często traktowana jest jako uniwersalne zjawisko w procesie tłumaczenia. W pierwszej części pracy znajduje się streszczenie kilku wcześniejszych artykułów poświęconych temu zagadnieniu, przede wszystkim streszczenie artykułu Blum-Kulki zawierającego jej hipotezę na temat eksplicytacji. Hipoteza ta może być traktowana jako ważny punkt wyjścia w badaniach poświęconych omawianemu zagadnieniu. Z kolei druga część pracy zawiera nowe badanie przeprowadzone na podstawie szwedzkiego kryminału i jego dwóch różnych tłumaczeń na język polski. W badaniu zostały wzięte pod uwagę trzy typy eksplicytacji: zmiana 1 zdanie → 2 zdania, 2 zdania → 1 zdanie, dodawanie spójników oraz wyrażenia związane z kulturą z dodaną informacją. Eksplicytacje pochodzące z obydwu tłumaczeń zostały porównane ze sobą w celu znalezienia różnic między tłumaczami w kwestii ich skłonności do używania eksplicytnych środków wyrazu w tłumaczeniach. Znaleziono wiele różnic i zostały one zaprezentowane w pracy. Wyniki badania mogą prowadzić do nowego spojrzenia na rolę tłumacza w kwestii występowania eksplicytacji.This study focuses on investigation of explicitation which is very often regarded as one of the universal features of translation. The first part of the article includes a short overview of some of the previous studies on explicitation, mainly Blum-Kulka's article about so-called Explicitation Hypothesis which can be regarded as very important for investigation of explicitation. The second part of the article presents a new study that is based on a Swedish detective novel and its two different Polish translations. Three types of explicitation were carried out as a selfstudy and analysed: shift 1 sentence → 2 sentences, 2 sentences → 1 sentence, addition of conjunctions and culture-specific items with added information. Explicitations in both translations were compared in order to find differences between them in terms of translators' tendency to use explicit modes of expression in translations. Many differences between the translations were found and presented in the study. The results may lead to new conclusions about translator's influence on existence of explicitations in translations.Uppsatsen handlar om explicitation som mycket ofta betraktas som en universell företeelse i översättningsprocessen. Dess första del innehåller en kort sammanfattning av några av de arbeten som hittills har publicerats kring ämnet, bl.a. av Blum-Kulkas artikel om den s.k. explicitationshypotesen som kan ses som grundläggande för företeelsens undersökning. I den andra delen presenteras en ny forskning kring explicitation som bygger på en svensk deckare och dess två olika översättningar till polska. Tre typer av explicitation har plockats ut och analyserats: förändringen 1 mening→ 2 meningar, 2 meningar → 1 mening, tillägg av bindeord och förklaringar av kulturspecifika begrepp. Översättningarnas explicitationer har jämförts med varandra så att det var möjligt att finna några olikheter mellan dem vad gäller översättarnas tendens att förtydliga måltexten. Många olikheter har funnits och presenterats i uppsatsen. Resultatet kan leda till nya inskikter i översättarens roll vad gäller explicitation

    Pregnancy: a therapeutic dilemma

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    Treatment during pregnancy is problematic. The Food and Drug Administration established drug categories to help in the treatment process. First-generation antihistamines are considered safe but they have sedative properties. Second-generation antihistamines cause less adverse reactions but besides cetirizine and loratadine they belong to category C. All retinoids should be avoided during pregnancy due to the risk of fetal malformations. Antimalarial drugs should be considered based on the clinical data. Sulfones can be considered as safe for use during pregnancy only with proper monitoring. Prednisone is administered in pregnancy. Other glucocorticosteroids have a different safety profile. Cyclosporine A treatment should be reserved as rescue therapy in severe stages of the disease. Treatment during pregnancy should be precise when it comes to pregnant woman and safe for the fetus