101 research outputs found

    Manganese Oxide Carbon-Based Nanocomposite in Energy Storage Applications

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    Global increasing demand in the need of energy leads to the development of non-conventional, high power energy sources. Supercapacitors (SCs) are one of the typical non-conventional energy storage devices which are based on the principle of electrochemical energy conversion. SCs are promising energy storage devices for better future energy technology. Increasing progress has been made in the development of applied and fundamental aspects of SCs. Manganese oxide electrode materials have been well studied; however, their capacitive performance is still inadequate for practical applications. Recent research is mainly focused on enhancing manganese oxide capacitive performance through the incorporation of electrically conductive materials and by controlling its morphology to reveal a more active surface area for redox reactions. In this review, progress in the applications of manganese oxide carbon-based materials towards the development of highly effective SCs is briefly discussed. In this regard, manganese oxide carbon-based nanocomposites synthesis methods and techniques used to approximate the capacitance of electrode materials are discussed

    Public Service Motivation and Service Quality of Local Government Employees: A Moderated Mediation Analysis

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    The study of public service motivation (PSM) is an emerging topic in relation to understanding the impact of perceived service quality within public-sector organizations. Drawing upon the self-determination theory, this paper develops and validates a conceptual model incorporating the relationship between PSM and perceived service quality by the user. Moreover, this study also examines the moderated-mediation models of service factors in the link. This paper further argues user orientation as a mediator in the nexus between PSM and service quality, and service climate as a moderator in the effect of user orientation on service quality. This research was conducted on 250 frontline public servants and their users in Bintan Regency, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia. The data was performed using structural equation modeling. The proposed model suggests (1) PSM positively related to service quality, (2) user orientation partially mediates the relationship, and (3) the indirect effect of PSM on service quality (via user orientation) is quasi moderated by service climate within the public organization. Accordingly, few theoretical and practical implications for policymakers are formulated

    How Does Public Service Motivation Contribute to Service Orientation? Testing Mediation Models

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    Public service motivation is an emerging topic in the study of public administration, but no study has adequately investigated how it affects employee service orientation through job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The present study is ultimately aimed to fill the research gap by examing whether public service motivation influences service orientation and if so, whether the effect is mediated by job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Data were analyzed by using WarpPLS 6.0. Using a sample of 160 public servants in the city government of Tanjungpinang, the results indicate that employee service orientation is directly and positively affected by PSM. In addition, public service motivation also has an indirect impact on employee service orientation through job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Furthermore, the theoretical and practical implications of the study for human resources management in the public sector are discussed

    Politisasi Birokrasi: Pola Hubungan Politik dan Birokrasi di Indonesia

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    This paper highlights the politization of bureaucracy in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to explain the practices of politization in Indonesian bureaucracy. The qualitative approach is used to explore its purpose. The data of this study are gained from secondary sources. The finding of this research concludes that politicization ensues throughout the Indonesian voyage. Further, the politization will be discussed in three periods, included pre-colonial, colonial, Old Order, New Order, and post-New Order.The politization of bureaucracy is determined by liberal democracy, a multi-party system, and high-cost politics.This paper highlights the politicization of bureaucracy in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to explain the practices of politicization in Indonesian bureaucracy. The qualitative approach is used to explore its purpose. The data of this study are gained from secondary sources. The finding of this research concludes that politicization ensues throughout the Indonesian voyage. Further, the politicization will be discussed in three periods, included pre-colonial, colonial, Old Order, New Order, and post-New Order. The politicization of bureaucracy is determined by liberal democracy, a multi-party system, and high-cost politics

    Far from Fire: The service delivery quality gap plaguing Indonesian Ports

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    This study analyzes the gap between expected and perceived services by ship passengers at the Sri Bayintan Port, Kijang, Riau Archipelago. The purpose of the paper is to examine the gap between expected and perceived service delivery by ship passengers in the Sri Bayintan Port.  To test the service gap, ServQual variables as postulated in Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry (1988) were used. The variables include tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Data were collected using a sample of 98 passengers, who were chosen at random. Research results showed that there is a significant difference between expected and perceived service delivery among   passengers who use Sri Bayintan port.  In particular, findings of this study showed that passengers were not satisfied with the quality of service delivery they received in Sri Bayintan Port.

    Anteseden dan Konsekuensi Penerapan Learning Management Systems Selama Pandemi Covid-19: Studi di Universitas Andalas

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    ANTESEDEN DAN KONSEKUENSI PENERAPAN LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19: STUDI DI UNIVERSITAS ANDALAS Tesis oleh Wayu Meilastri Wulandari Pembimbing I : Dr. Rahmi Fahmy, S.E., MBA Pembimbing II: Dr. Hendra Lukito, S.E., M.M ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperluas (extend) studi tentang UTAUT (a unified theory of acceptance and use of technology) dalam konteks penerapan LMS di perguruan tinggi. Kami menguji pengaruh harapan kinerja, harapan usaha, pengaruh sosial, kondisi memfasilitasi, inovasi pribadi pada LMS. Juga, kami menguji pengaruh LMS pada kinerja belajar siswa. Data diperoleh melalui survei terhadap 325 mahasiswa di Universitas Andalas dan dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan structural equation modelling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa performance expectancy (t-statistic 3.171 > 1,96, p-value 0.002 1,96, p-value 0.000 1,96, p-value 0.012 1,96, p-value 0.015 < 0,05) memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap LMS sedangkan social influence tidak signifikan mempengaruhi LMS. Terakhir, LMS memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap learning performance. Temuan ini berkontibusi pada penerapan LMS di perguruan tinggi. Oleh karena itu, Universitas Andalas perlu memperhatikan kepuasan pengguna (mahasiswa) terhadap fitur-fitur yang ada di dalam LMS. Kata kunci: Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, personal innovativeness, LMS, learning performance


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    Perusahaan dituntut mampu memanfaatkan setiap aspek yang terdapat didalamnya, seperti sumber daya manusia yang merupakan roda penggerak aktivitas dari perusahaan. Selain itu perusahaan mempunyai kewajiban untuk memberikan perlindungan dan pemeliharaan terhadap tenaga kerjanya. Oleh karena itu perusahaan perlu memanfaatkan dengan baik sumber daya manusia yang ada didalamnya dengan memberikan perlindungan tenaga kerja yang mencakup aspek keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja secara harfiah terdiri dari tiga suku kata, yaitu keselamatan, kesehatan dan kerja. Keselamatan dalam bahasa inggris disebut safety yang berarti keadaan terbebas dari celaka, sedangkan kesehatan menurut UU RI No. 36 tahun 2009 adalah “keadaan sehat, baik secara fisik, mental, spiritual maupun social yang memungkinkan setiap orang untuk hidup produktif secara social dan ekonomis”, definisi yang ketiga adalah kerja yang berarti kegiatan atau usaha untuk mencapai tujuan (penghasilan dan lain-lain. PT. Dirgantara Indonesia adalah suatu perusahaan yang sangat memperhatikan faktor kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3) dalam setiap kegiatan produksinya dimana perusahaan ini memproduksi pesawat terbang dimana bahan bakunya seperti besi, baja, dan bahan kimia yang dapat menyebabkan sebuah kecelakaan kerja. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keselamatan kerja yang disebabkan dari pengaruh beberapa faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan kerja dan berupaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas. Model pemecahan masalah dengan menggunakan Analisis Jalur (Path Analysis) yang bertujuan untuk memperkirakan seberapa besar pengaruh yang diberikan variabel peralatan kerja, variabel manusia terhadap keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, serta berdampak terhadap variabel pada bagian metal forming di PT. Dirgantara Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh informasi bahwa pengaruh faktor peralatan (X1), dan faktor manusia (X2) memberikan kontribusi terhadap keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (Y) sebesar 71,2% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 28,8% merupakan pengaruh dari variabel lain yang tidak diteliti. Jika dilihat secara keseluruhan pengaruh faktor peralatan (X1), faktor manusia (X2) dan faktor keselamatan dan faktor kesehatan kerja (Y) memberikan kontribusi terhadap produktivitas (Z) sebesar 79,6% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 20,4% merupakan pengaruh dari variabel lain yang tidak diteliti
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