715 research outputs found

    Evidence for a change of chemical composition of the primary cosmic radiation and a possible cause

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    Evidence for chemical composition changes in primary cosmic ray flux at high energie

    The fluctuation origin of cosmic radiation

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    Particle acceleration within turbulent region for analysis on fluctuation origin of cosmic radiatio

    The antiproton component of the primary cosmic ray flux

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    Solution of Fokker-Planck diffusion equation in intensity prediction of antiproton component of primary cosmic ray flu

    Servo-controlled intravital microscope system

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    A microscope system is described for viewing an area of a living body tissue that is rapidly moving, by maintaining the same area in the field-of-view and in focus. A focus sensing portion of the system includes two video cameras at which the viewed image is projected, one camera being slightly in front of the image plane and the other slightly behind it. A focus sensing circuit for each camera differentiates certain high frequency components of the video signal and then detects them and passes them through a low pass filter, to provide dc focus signal whose magnitudes represent the degree of focus. An error signal equal to the difference between the focus signals, drives a servo that moves the microscope objective so that an in-focus view is delivered to an image viewing/recording camera

    Automatically-focusing microscope system for live tissue observation

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    System includes focus-sensing arrangement which controls servo to keep microscope constantly focused on target. Microscope objective is moved along optical axis. System includes two video cameras that are used as transducers for sensing focus. Incoming visual image is split by beam splitter so that one-half of information is fed to each camera

    Source requirements for the fluctuation orgin of cosmic radiation

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    Source requirement for fluctuation origin of cosmic radiation in mode

    Multicriteria management of groundwater quality under uncertainty

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    The primary purpose of this research project is to incorporate parameter uncertainty into the development of multicriteria planning and management tools for groundwater quality problems. We have focused upon three criteria--cost, water quality, and sensitivity . 'We have also focused upon a particular type of management strategy--the use of injection and extraction wells to control and remove a contaminant plume. Two different stochastic management tools have been developed in this project--the Marginal Sensitivity Technique (MST), and the Parameter Configuration Technique (PCT) . The former technique designs a "best" pumping scheme with respect to cost and parameter sensitivity and determines the tradeoff between these two criteria. The latter technique seeks to identify unfavorable (but physically plausible) spatial distributions of groundwater parameters. The MST uses an efficient method to compute the sensitivity of the hydraulic gradient along the plume boundary with respect to changes in transmissivity values throughout the flow domain. The maximum sensitivity is constrained to be less than or equal to a user-supplied parameter . A parametric linear programming algorithm is used to determine the tradeoff between cost and sensitivity. The PCT finds a "bad" set of spatially varying transmissivity values by solving a constrained optimization problem. The constraints, which guarantee that the transmissivity field is phsically reasonable, are based upon geostatistical concepts. The MST has been applied to a simple hypothetical problem involving uniform flow through a two-dimensional, homogeneous aquifer. The MST shows that it is possible to increase pumping (i.e., cost) in such a way so as to manipulate the groundwater system into states of low sensitivity to parameter changes. A hypothetical example problem was constructed to illustrate the use of the PCT. Two pumpout schemes were designed, under the assumption of uniform transmissivity; one scheme was based on one extraction well, the other on one extraction and one injection well. The least-cost design (pumping scheme) of each was then subjected to a PCT-generated transmissivity field. For the dataset used, the least-cost one-well scheme captured 85% of the contaminant and the two-well design captured 86%.U.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological Surve

    Foundations of a two-temperature statistical model

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    Two-temperature model for examining particle spectra from proton-proton and proton nuclei interactions at machine energie

    A program to calculate particle spectra produced in high energy proton-proton collisions by the two-temperature statistical model

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    FORTRAN program for calculating particle spectra produced in high energy proton-proton collisions by two temperature statistical mode
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