14 research outputs found


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    AbstractThe research conducted by this author is a research that uses normative juridical research methods. Although manpower does not specifically regulate whether or not companies can withhold a worker's diploma, in reality the world of work requires a company to withhold a diploma from a worker as a guarantee from the worker in the employment agreement. With no regulation that provides for or prohibits this, it creates a norm vacuum in labor law, which has implications for allowing the actions of employers to withhold workers' certificates. For this reason, based on human rights, this action is said to be an act that is against the law, because there are human rights of workers that are violated by the company. As a result, it can be canceled from the work agreement because there is an element of coercion even though it is not directly due to the trading position owned by the company. The impact of criminal law from withholding a worker's diploma is that a company can be suspected of embezzlement in office, as a result of its actions that withholding a diploma fulfill the elements in Article 374 of the Criminal Code. It is important to make a special rule that provides provisions on whether or not a company can withhold a worker's diploma which should be regulated in a law that has direct contact with workers and employers/employers, namely the labor law.Keywords: diploma; employment agreement; criminalAbstrakPenelitian yang dilakukan penulis ini adalah penelitian yang menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Meskipun ketenagakerjaan tidak mengatur secara khusus tentang memperbolehkan atau tidak memperbolehkan perusahaan menahan ijazah pekerja, tetapi dalam realita dunia kerja perusahaan akan mensyaratkan untuk menahan ijazah dari pekerja sebagai jaminan dari pekerja dalam perjanjian kerja. Dengan tidak ada pengaturan yang memberikan atau melarang hal tersebut menimbulkan kekosongan norma dalam hukum  ketenagakerjaan, yang berimplikasi pada pembiaran terhadap tindakan dari pengusaha yang menahan ijazah pekerja. Untuk itu dengan berlandaskan pada hak asasi manusia, tindakan tersebut dikatakan sebagai sebuah tindakan yang melawan hukum, karena ada hak asasi manusia dari pekerja yang dilanggar oleh perusahaan. Akibatnya dapat dilakukan pembatalan dari perjanjian kerja karena ada unsur paksaan meskipun tidak langsung akibat barganinng position  yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. Dampak hukum pidana dari menahan ijazah pekerja adalah perusahaan dapat diduga melakukan penggelapan dalam jabatan, akibat perbuatannya yang menahan ijazah memenuhi unsur dalam Pasal 374 KUHP. Pentingnya untuk dibuat sebuah aturan khusus yang memberikan ketentuan tentang dapat atau tidak dapat perusahaan menahan ijazah pekarja yang sebaiknya diatur dalam undang-undang yang bersentuhan langsung dengan pekerja dan pengusaha/pemberi kerja yaitu undang-undang ketenagakerjaan


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    Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has implications for the weakening of the global economy. Many companies cannot operate or cannot operate optimally. In making efficiency with company expenses, the company reduces the number of employees, and some even close the business permanently. To reduce costs incurred by companies in the mechanism of termination of employment, the company uses a voluntary resignation statement. This condition is certainly detrimental to workers. This research will discuss firstly the protection of workers during the Covid-19 pandemic and second, the comparison of legal consequences of termination of employment with voluntary resignation. Protection of workers during the Covid-19 pandemic is based on a philosophical basis where the state has a legal obligation to create welfare for its people through the concept of a welfare state. Therefore, the state issued a series of policies to protect workers from termination of employment. One form of employment termination created by the company is by asking workers to sign a letter of voluntary resignation. In the event of termination of employment, the employer is obliged to pay severance pay and/or compensation for years of service and compensation for entitlements that should be received, whereas if the worker resigns voluntarily, the employer does not pay all the components of the right.Keywords: company; resignation; work terminationAbstrakPandemi Covid-19 berimplikasi pada pelemahan ekonomi global. Banyak perusahaan yang tidak dapat beroperasi atau tidak dapat beroperasi secara optimal. Dalam melakukan efesien terhadap pengeluaran perusahaan, maka perusahaan mengurangi jumlah karyawan, bahkan ada yang menutup usaha secara permanen. Untuk mengurangi biaya yang perlu dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan dalam mekanisme pemutusan hubungan kerja, maka perusahaan menggunakan surat pernyataan pengunduran diri secara sukarela. Kondisi ini tentu merugikan pekerja. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai pertama perlindungan tenaga kerja pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dan kedua, perbandingan akibat hukum pemutusan hubungan kerja dengan pengunduran diri sukarela. Perlindungan tenaga kerja pada masa pandemi Covid-19 didasarkan pada dasar filosofi dimana negara memiliki kewajiban hukum untuk menciptakan kesejahteraan bagi rakyatnya melalui konsep welfare state. Oleh sebab itu, negara mengeluarkan serangkaian kebijakan untuk melindungi tenaga kerja dari pemutusan hubungan kerja. Salah satu bentuk pemutusan tenaga kerja yang diciptakan oleh perusahaan adalah dengan meminta pekerja untuk menandatangangi surat pernyataan pengunduran diri secara sukarela. Dalam hal terjadi pemutusan hubungan kerja pengusaha diwajibkan membayar uang pesangon dan atau uang penghargaan masa kerja dan uang penggantian hak yang seharusnya diterima, sedangkan apabila pekerja mengundurkan diri secara sukarela maka pengusaha tidak membayarkan seluruh komponen hak tersebut


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    The Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution has provided a paradigm shift towards the way of work. The emergence of millennial groups that avoid attachment, give birth to a new working relationship called atypical work. This type of employment relationship means that the employment relationship between the employer and the worker without the existence of a long-term work contract, the provision of additional facilities, salaries and pensions, or other benefits that are usually obtained by typical workers. The atypical worker relationship is outside the context of the employment relationship as referred to in Law No.13 of 2003 on Employment. This study discussed about 1) What is the position of employers and workers in atypical work relations? 2) What is the legal protection for atypical workers in the Industry 4.0 in the future? This research is a normative legal research that examines the void of norms regarding legal protection of atypical workers. The legal material in this study consists of primary and secondary legal materials. The legal materials are collected through literature study. The problem analysis is done qualitatively. The position of employers and workers in atypical work relations is equivalent based on agreements made between the parties. This condition requires a high literacy of rights and obligations in the employment field. The legal protection for atypical workers in the Industry 4.0 in the future is to provide economic, social and technical protection to the workforce

    Analisis Beban Kerja dan Kebutuhan Tenaga Koding Data Klaim Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Instalasi Penjaminan RSD Mangusada Kabupaten Badung

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    Analisis beban kerja dan kebutuhan tenaga koding data klaim Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Instalasi Penjaminan RSD Mangusada Kabupaten Badung merupakan upaya untuk mengetahui kesesuaian dan kecukupan terhadap beban kerja dan jumlah petugas koding data klaim JKN di Instalasi Penjaminan. Peningkatan jumlah kunjungan pasien pengguna JKN setiap tahunnya menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah berkas klaim sehingga beban kerja petugas koding juga akan semakin meningkat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan data kuantitatif. Metode work sampling digunakan untuk menganalisis beban kerja serta mengamati waktu kerja yang tersedia untuk setiap petugas. Frekuensi dan waktu untuk menyelesaikan aktifitas mencerminkan nilai beban kerja yang selanjutnya akan digunakan untuk menghitung kebutuhan tenaga petugas koding menggunakan metode Workload Indicator Staffing Needs (WISN). Hasilnya diketahui bahwa petugas koding data klaim JKN hanya mampu melakukan entry data klaim sebesar 63,7% sehingga kurang dari target yang telah ditetapkan yaitu 75% dari jumlah kunjungan total pasien pada bulan tersebut. Beban kerja petugas koding sangat tinggi berdasarkan penggunaan waktu produktif sebesar 94,76 % paling tinggi diantara kegiatan lainnya. Hal ini menunjukan kegiatan koding data klaim JKN  sudah berlangsung secara efektif dan sudah  melebihi waktu kerja optimal yaitu 80%. Hasil analisis kebutuhan tenaga koding data klaim JKN berdasarkan metode WISN dibutuhkan tambahan 2 (dua) orang tenaga koding yang kompeten untuk pengelolaan proses klaim data JKN

    Inovasi Pelayanan Publik berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal Bali

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    Reformasi di Indonesia yang berimplikasi pada lahirnya Undang‐Undang No. 25 tahun 2009tentang Pelayanan Publik Reformasi birokrasi menjadi bagian penting dalam mewujudkan good governance (tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik) dengan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik, serta pemberantasan korupsi secara terarah, sistematis, dan terpadu. Upaya pencapaian tujuan bernegara dalam konsep welfare state dalam memajukan masyarakatnya secara demokratis, baik di bidang politik, ekonomi, maupun sosial budaya, membutuhkan birokrasi yang reformis, efisien, kreatif, inovatif, profesional dan yang mampu menjawab tantangan perubahan masyarakat

    Vaccines for Tourism Business Actors: Fulfilment or Violation of Human Rights?

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    Tourism sector is the largest source of income for Bali province of Indonesia. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic forced the closure of tourism. Therefore, Bali’s economic growth is experiencing decrease to -10.98%. To accelerate the reopening of tourism, the government has launched the national vaccine movement that also covers tourism business actors. Unfortunately, some parties resist the vaccination because the vaccine is not believed yet to be safe. By using doctrinal legal research, this study examined two problems: the right to health in the context of tourism and the construction of government policies against vaccine resistance by tourism business actors. It examined legal principles and synchronization of laws on human rights related to vaccination. The state is responsible to provide vaccination for the citizens in fulfilling the right to life and health. Each local government produces policy to deal with vaccine refusal. Jakarta and West Java are two provinces that impose fines for residents who refuse vaccines. On the other hand, Bali province does not impose sanctions on such residents. To ensure safety after the reopening of tourism, any local government can propose the record of vaccination as a requirement for every person who will return to work in the tourism sector.DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v8n3.a5


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    Social problems in Indonesia are so complex. This condition is not matched with the insufficient number of social workers to overcome these social problems. As a result, the social workers experience an overload work. Their jobs are also prone to stress because they have to deal with problems every day. In this research, there are two issues that will be discussed, namely the role of social workers and the tendency of threats to them and protection of the rights of social workers. Social workers are jobs that require expertise and skills to solve problems in relation to legal processes, medical services, spiritual services and so on. In carrying out these jobs, they also tend to experience threats and violences in carrying out their duties. In the concept of the welfare state, the state exists to protect social workers as legitimized in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2019 concerning Social Workers. Social workers have the right to legal and labor protection

    Urgency of Employment Protection Regulation for Online Transportation Driver

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    The phenomenon of online application-based transportation services is actually an answer to people's needs for transportation that is easy to get, convenient, fast, and cheap. There are many factors making this online-based application is needed by many people, especially in big cities in Indonesia. Online transportation has become an alternative mode that people want after previously they have to use the conventional modes. Behind the convenience provided, the presence of GO-JEK and Grab has contradictions from various parties. There are no regulations specifically regulating worker protection for the drivers because in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower (hereinafter referred to as the Manpower Law) only regulates formal worker. Thus, worker standards in the Manpower Law cannot be applied to online transportation drivers. The urgency to make rules regarding worker protection for online transportation drivers should be considered by the Government. Therefore, it can create legal certainty and justice for the drivers like the formal workers

    The corporate social responsibility policy in the fulfillment of facilities for workers with disability

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    The issue of people with disabilities or people who have different abilities is now known as "diffable" (differently-abled people) or now known as "disability" is a problem that on a practical level rarely gets the attention from the government, companies and community. In fact, the international community really appreciates and respects the protection of the human rights of persons with disabilities. This can be seen in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which is an international agreement on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities. This international agreement was adopted on 13 December 2006 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and opened for signature on 30 March 2007. Indonesia itself has signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 30 March 2007 and ratified on 30 November 2011. The implication is that the state is obliged to guarantee the fulfillment of the right of people with disabilities to find work. The rights for persons with disabilities do not only end there but also include the right to have a work area that is friendly to persons with disabilities. To fulfill these rights, companies are expected to implement corporate social responsibility policies. Corporate social responsibility is a business commitment to act ethically, operate legally and contribute to economic development along with improving the quality of life of its workforce. In this study, it will be discussed how the formulation of corporate social responsibility in the laws and regulations in Indonesia and how to fulfill facilities for disabled workers within the framework of corporate social responsibility policies

    Urgency of Employment Protection Regulation for Online Transportation Driver

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    The phenomenon of online application-based transportation services is actually an answer to people's needs for transportation that is easy to get, convenient, fast, and cheap. There are many factors making this online-based application is needed by many people, especially in big cities in Indonesia. Online transportation has become an alternative mode that people want after previously they have to use the conventional modes. Behind the convenience provided, the presence of GO-JEK and Grab has contradictions from various parties. There are no regulations specifically regulating worker protection for the drivers because in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower (hereinafter referred to as the Manpower Law) only regulates formal worker. Thus, worker standards in the Manpower Law cannot be applied to online transportation drivers. The urgency to make rules regarding worker protection for online transportation drivers should be considered by the Government. Therefore, it can create legal certainty and justice for the drivers like the formal workers