60 research outputs found

    Robust error on magnetotelluric impedance estimates

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    International audienceWe propose here a new, robust, methodology to estimate the errors on a magnetotelluric (MT) impedance tensor. This method is developed with the bounded influence remote-reference processing (BIRRP) code in a single site configuration. The error is estimated by reinjecting an electric field residual obtained after the calculation of an impedance tensor into a tensor function calculation procedure. We show using synthetic examples that the error tensor calculated with our method yields a more reliable error estimate than the one calculated from Jackknife statistics. The modulus of realistic error estimates can be used as a quality control and an accurate inversion constraint of MT surveys. Moreover, reliable error estimates are necessary for new applications of MT to dynamic subsurface processes such as reservoir monitoring

    3D land CSEM with a single transmitter position

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    International audienceAnthropogenic noise, cost and logistical constrains generally limit to the use of land CSEM to a singletransmitter position for the deep imaging of the electrical conductivity. As the inversion of CSEM data inthe near field using a single transmitter position suffers from critical sensitivity singularities, we proposeda robust inversion framework adapted to this ill-conditioned inversion problem. The framework reliesspecifically on a robust Gauss-Newton solver, several model parameter transformations to compensate forthe heterogeneous sensitivities, and on the reformulation of the CSEM data under the form of a pseudo-MT tensor. We describe here the approach used for modelling and inversion implemented in our codePOLYEM3D and the new pseudo-MT formulation. We illustrate its application on a pathological syntheticcase inspired from Grayver et al. (2013) and then show the application of the process to a real CSEMdataset acquired in the context of thermal water prospection

    3D land CSEM inversion in noisy environment with a single transmiter: inversion approach and application for geothermal water prospection

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    International audienceAnthropogenic noise, cost and logistical constrains generaly limit to the use of land CSEM to a few transmiter positions for the deep imaging of the electrical conductivity. The 3D inversion of CSEM data in the near field using a single transmiter position suffers from critical sensitivity singularities. We proposed a robust inversion framework adapted to this ill-conditioned inversion problem. The framework relies specificaly on a robust Gauss-Newton solver, model parameter transformations to compensate the heterogeneous sensitivies, and on the reformulation of the near field CSEM data under the form of a pseudo-MT tensor. We describe the approach used for modeling and inversion implemented in our code POLYEM3D and show the advantages of pseudo-MT tensor formulation. The strategy have been tested on a pathologic synthetic case inspired from grayver et al (2013), and then was successfully applied to a real CSEM dataset acquired in the context of thermal water prospection in a noisy environnement

    Imagerie multi-fréquentielle d'un réservoir géothermal au Lamentin (Martinique, France) par méthode de Longue Electrode Mise-à-la-Masse

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    National audienceWithin the frame of geothermal exploration, a CSEM survey was performed at the Le Lamentin area (Martinique, French Indies) using 400m long energized metallic casings of two deep exploration boreholes as long electrodes for current injection (the so-called double Longue Electrode Mise-à-la-Masse setup, hereafter 2xLEMAM). Apparent resistivity maps were derived from the in-phase electric fields. Frequency dependent apparent resistivity maps and profiles reveal a very conductive area north of the Fort de France Bay connected to a known poly-phased geothermal system and shallow salt water intrusion. The most conductive body is proposed to be the geo-electrical signature of an active hydrothermal system, superimposed on the signature of a conductive fossilized geothermal system. It is spatially well correlated with high temperature borehole logs


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    International audienceResistivity imaging is a key input in many geothermal exploration programs, and particularly in volcanic environment. It is assumed that resistivity variations allow imaging the caprock, but also hydrothermal weathering and preferential geothermal fluid flow. The latter is generally a brine which drastically decreases the electrical resistivity and the temperature increase also lowers resistivity. Several authors have described resistivity signatures for some geothermal reservoirs context. Magnetotelluric (MT) is generally used to image resistivity variations down to a relevant investigation depth of several kilometers. Within the framework of a global French program oriented towards the development of geothermal energy, Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles, France) has been extensively investigated (from 2012 to 2013) through an integrated multi-method approach, with the aim to define precisely the potential geothermal structures previously highlighted. Amongst the common investigation methods deployed, we carried out three magnetotelluric (MT) surveys located above three out of the most promising geothermal areas of Martinique, namely the Anses d'Arlet (focus of this presentation), the Montagne Pelée and the Pitons du Carbet prospects. Based on natural source signal, the quality of broad band MT data depends on the source activity (lightning strikes and sun) during the survey but also on the local noise conditions. In many cases, because industrial activities have been developed close to the geothermal resource, the noise conditions make it difficult to obtain reliable MT tensors and therefore a good resistivity distribution. A common way to improve the data quality is to record longer time series and to apply robust processing with remote reference including noise filtering

    3-D Magnetotelluric Investigations for geothermal exploration in Martinique (Lesser Antilles). Characteristic Deep Resistivity Structures, and Shallow Resistivity Distribution Matching Heliborne TEM Results

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    Within the framework of a global French program oriented towards the development of renewable energies, Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles, France) has been extensively investigated (from 2012 to 2013) through an integrated multi-methods approach, with the aim to define precisely the potential geothermal ressources, previously highlighted (Sanjuan et al., 2003). Amongst the common investigation methods deployed, we carried out three magnetotelluric (MT) surveys located above three of the most promising geothermal fields of Martinique, namely the Anses d'Arlet, the Montagne Pel{\'e}e and the Pitons du Carbet prospects. A total of about 100 MT stations were acquired showing single or multi-dimensional behaviors and static shift effects. After processing data with remote reference, 3-D MT inversions of the four complex elements of MT impedance tensor without pre-static-shift correction, have been performed for each sector, providing three 3-D resistivity models down to about 12 to 30 km depth. The sea coast effect has been taken into account in the 3-D inversion through generation of a 3-D resistivity model including the bathymetry around Martinique from the coast up to a distance of 200 km. The forward response of the model is used to calculate coast effect coefficients that are applied to the calculated MT response during the 3-D inversion process for comparison with the observed data. 3-D resistivity models of each sector, which are inherited from different geological history, show 3-D resistivity distribution and specificities related to its volcanological history. In particular, the geothermal field related to the Montagne Pel{\'e}e strato-volcano, is characterized by a quasi ubiquitous conductive layer and quite monotonic typical resistivity distribution making interpretation difficult in terms of geothermal targets. At the opposite, the resistivity distribution of Anse d'Arlet area is radically different and geothermal target is thought to be connected to a not so deep resistive intrusion elongated along a main structural axis. Beside these interesting deep structures, we demonstrate, after analyzing the results of the recent heliborne TEM survey covering the whole Martinique, that surface resistivity distribution obtained from 3-D inversion reproduce faithfully the resistivity distribution observed by TEM. In spite of a very different sampling scale, this comparison illustrates the ability of 3-D MT inversion to take into account and reproduce static shift effects in the sub-surface resistivity distribution.Comment: Wordl Geothermal Congress 2015, Apr 2015, Melbourne, Australi

    3-D magnetotelluric inversion with coast effect modeling to assess the geothermal potential of Anses d'Arlet (Martinique, Lesser Antilles)

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    2pWithin the framework of a global French program towards development of renewable energies, Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles, France) has been extensively investigated (from 2012 to 2013) through an integrated multi-disciplinary approach, with the aim to identify precisely the potential geothermal resources previously highlighted (Gadalia et al., 2014). Among the investigation methods deployed (geological, geochemical and hydrogeological), we carried out three magnetotelluric (MT) surve ys at three of the four most promising areas of Martinique, namely the Anses d'Arlet, the Montagne Pelée and the Pitons du Carbet prospects. A total of 32 MT tensors were collected in the Anses d'Arlet area in the frequency range 1000 Hz to 10-2-10-3Hz togetherwith TEM soundings for potential static shift correction. A 3-D MT inversion of the full tensor was carried out including the coast effect. The 3-D resistivity model reveals a major resistive body elongated in the NNO -SSE direction, corresponding to the main structural volcanic axis of the area, and interpreted as a deep intrusion almost reaching the surface. Based on geological observations -an alteration zone located between Anses d'Arlet and Petite Anse-the shallow conductive layer identified eastward is interpreted as the remaining of an old cap-rock partly eroded that becomes thicker southwards. The latter could be related with the altered core of the Morne Larcher. Other studies allowed the reconstructing of the geothermal system evolution to its present and moderate apparent activi ty mainly located south of the resistive anomaly. This intrusion could act as heat source for the geothermal system. This sector is identified as the most interesting for further exploration wells. In order to better understand structures highlighted by the real data distribution and test the strategy to integrate correction coefficients for the coast effect (modeled separately) during the inversion, we designed a forward model using the s ame bathymetry, topography and MT sounding distribution of the survey. Impedance tensors were calculated for the 32 sites. The geometry of the 3-D structure has been designed quasi-independently of the data distribution to assess the impact of un-appropriate acquisition grid. The 3-D inversion was run with these synthetic data (Hautot et al, 2000, 2007). The results indicate that the general structure is recovered for the first 1000 m. Deeper, and southward, the absence of MT soundings surrounding the resistive body prevented a good lateral constraint, causing its disappearance. To the north, the conductive body "pseudo caprock" is well defined, especially on layer 5 (Figure 2), were the apex of a supposed geothermal reservoir could be identified (sites 3 and 6). Deeper the eastern border remains very well constrained by the eastern MT synthetic soundings

    Characterization of Deep Geothermal Energy Resources in Low enthalpy sedimentary basins in Belgium using Electro-Magnetic Methods – CSEM and MT results

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    International audienceSedimentary basins in Northwest Europe have significant potential for low to medium enthalpy, deep geothermal energy resources. These resources are generally assessed using standard seismic exploration techniques to resolve geological structures. The ElectroMagnetic campaign carried-out in Mol area (Belgium) has shown that despite the presence of high level of industrialization, the resistivity of deep formations (>3km) can be recovered from MT and CSEM methods and hence provide very valuable information for the assessment of geothermal resources. 1. INTRODUCTION Sedimentary basins in Northwest Europe have significant potential for low to medium enthalpy, deep geothermal energy resources. These resources are generally assessed using standard seismic exploration techniques to resolve geological structures. However, the electrical resistivity parameter, which can be directly impacted by the presence of a geothermal reservoir is rarely investigated in such context. Therefore, the development of alternative and complementary exploration techniques such as Electromagnetic (EM) techniques may have an important role in reducing the cost and uncertainty associated with geothermal resource assessment

    Time lapse magnetotellurics,application to Piton de la Fournaise volcano

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    Dans ce mémoire, nous avons développé une méthode de Suivi Temporel magnétotellurique (MT) pour une application au Piton de la Fournaise (île de la Réunion) durant la période 1997-1998. Le Suivi Temporel MT consiste en l'estimation successive des résistivités et phases apparentes en un site de mesure à partir d'enregistrements de champ électrique et magnétique. Le signal MT est pollué par le bruit électromagnétique anthropique. En outre, en raison de ses sources naturelles, il contient des évènements transitoires et/ou des composantes liées à des géométries complexes d'ondes électromagnétiques. Ces objets conduisent à des erreurs lors de l'estimation des grandeurs MT. En premier lieu, nous introduisons un nouvel estimateur d'erreur sur les estimations MT, présentons ses résultats sur des données réelles et synthétiques, puis discutons de sa qualité. Cet estimateur est l'outil qui permet le Suivi Temporel. La question de la résolution temporelle de la méthode est alors abordée. Enfin, la crise éruptive de 1998 est analysée par Suivi Temporel MT et présente des variations importantes de résistivité dans l'espace et le temps. La signature d'un conducteur remontant de l'interface croûte océanique/manteau vers le niveau de la mer est mise en évidence durant la crise.In this PHD, we developed a time lapse magnetotellurics (MT) methodology for volcano monitoring at Le Piton de La Fournaise (Réunion island). Time Lapse MT consists in successive estimations of apparent resistivity and phase on a MT site from electric and magnetic recordings. MT signal is polluted by anthropic noise. Because of its natural sources, it contains transient features and/or has signature of electro-magnetic waves with complex geometries. Those features yield errors on MT estimates that can lead to false dynamical interpretation. First, we introduce a new robust error estimator on MT estimates, show its results and discuss its efficiency on synthetic and real data set. This estimator is a key tool for our time lapse study. A discussion is made on the time resolution of the method. Then, the 1998 eruption of le Piton de la Fournaise is analyzed by time lapse MT and shows strong resistivity variations in space and time associated with eruptive crisis. Signature of a conductor migration from the crust/mantle interface to the sea level is shown