131 research outputs found

    Market Coupling as the Universal Algorithm to Assess Zonal Divisions

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    Adopting a zonal structure of electricity market requires specification of zones' borders. In this paper we use social welfare as the measure to assess quality of various zonal divisions. The social welfare is calculated by Market Coupling algorithm. The analyzed divisions are found by the usage of extended Locational Marginal Prices (LMP) methodology presented in paper [1], which takes into account variable weather conditions. The offered method of assessment of a proposed division of market into zones is however not limited to LMP approach but can evaluate the social welfare of divisions obtained by any methodology.Comment: 5 page

    Prywatyzacja sektora bezpieczeństwa militarnego

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    Not since today, it is known that war is a business that brings unimaginable profits, which is well recognized by equipment manufacturers and mercenaries. The concept of mercenary is nothing new to the world, you can even be tempted to say that the profession of mercenary can compete with other oldest professions for the title of “world’s oldest profession”. Modern hireling, to a large extent,differs from that in antiquity and later periods. Clientele of this type of services increased and the tasks carried by mercenaries changed. Unfortunately, often Private Military Companies (PMC) are being used for nefarious purposes.Nie od dzisiaj wiadomo, że wojna jest biznesem przynoszącym niewyobrażalne zyski, doskonale o tym wiedzą producenci sprzętu oraz najemnicy. Samo pojęcie najemnictwa nie jest niczym nowym dla świata, nawet można się pokusić o stwierdzenie, że zawód najemnika może konkurować z innymi najstarszymi zawodami o miano „najstarszego zawodu świata”. Współczesne najemnictwo w znaczniej mierze różni się od tego ze starożytności czy późniejszych epok. Zwiększyła się klientela tego typu usług oraz zmieniły się zadania powierzane najemnikom. Niestety często prywatne firmy wojskowe są wykorzystywane do niecnych celów

    The Scheme of a Novel Methodology for Zonal Division Based on Power Transfer Distribution Factors

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    One of the methodologies that carry out the division of the electrical grid into zones is based on the aggregation of nodes characterized by similar Power Transfer Distribution Factors (PTDFs). Here, we point out that satisfactory clustering algorithm should take into account two aspects. First, nodes of similar impact on cross-border lines should be grouped together. Second, cross-border power flows should be relatively insensitive to differences between real and assumed Generation Shift Key matrices. We introduce a theoretical basis of a novel clustering algorithm (BubbleClust) that fulfills these requirements and we perform a case study to illustrate social welfare consequences of the division.Comment: 7 page

    Distributed Approximation Algorithms for the Minimum Dominating Set in K_h-Minor-Free Graphs

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    In this paper we will give two distributed approximation algorithms (in the Local model) for the minimum dominating set problem. First we will give a distributed algorithm which finds a dominating set D of size O(gamma(G)) in a graph G which has no topological copy of K_h. The algorithm runs L_h rounds where L_h is a constant which depends on h only. This procedure can be used to obtain a distributed algorithm which given epsilon>0 finds in a graph G with no K_h-minor a dominating set D of size at most (1+epsilon)gamma(G). The second algorithm runs in O(log^*{|V(G)|}) rounds

    Genetics and epigenetics of inflammatory bowel disease

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    The relevance of genetic and epigenetic alterations in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is still poorly understood. So far, 240 risk gene loci have been associated with IBD. They are mainly involved in regulating innate and adaptive immunity, as well as maintaining intestinal epithelial barrier function. However, the functional consequences of the identified genetic polymorphisms for IBD pathogenesis in vivo are often unknown. Even less is known about the role for epigenetic modifications in IBD pathogenesis. Though a number of epigenetic events seem to be causatively involved IBD pathogenesis, our knowledge about the functional relevance of those epigenetic modifications is scanty. This opens up a broad research field that generates novel insights into the pathophysiology of intestinal and chronic inflammatory disease. Patterns of DNA methylation and histone modifications might serve not only as biomarkers of disease activity or disease course, but also as new targets in therapeutic interventions in IBD patients

    Patterns of year-to-year variation in haemoglobin and glucose concentrations in the blood of nestling Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca

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    Physiological tools can be used to identify the sources and consequences of stressors on animals. Understanding the influences of variation in habitat quality and anthropogenic disturbance on organism condition and health may improve future management and conservation. We present results concerning variation in haemoglobin and glucose concentrations in the blood of about 14-day-old nestling Pied FlycatchersFicedula hypoleuca in central Poland over a 4-year period, 2011–2014, in a deciduous forest. The most important findings of the study are: (1) the concentration of haemoglobin and glucose of the nestlings from the same brood tended to be consistently similar, with much variation occurring among broods; (2) repeatability of haemoglobin concentration was higher than repeatability of glucose concentration; (3) mean levels of haemoglobin and glucose varied among years; (4) haemoglobin and glucose concentrations were negatively correlated; and (5) there was a positive relationship between haemoglobin levels and breeding success.All procedures were approved by the Local Ethical Committee and the State Office for Environment Protection. We thank A. Jaksa, D. Man´kowska, M. Janiszewska and J. Białek for their help and consent in conducting research in the areas under their administration. The study was founded by a grant from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. N N304 045136 and University of Ło´dz´ (No. 506/829). We are obliged to P. Procter for linguistic consultation. We thank both reviewers for their valuable and constructive comments

    Badania archeologiczne przy ul. Podgórnej 1 we Wronkach, pow. szamotulski, woj. wielkopolskie. Przyczynek do historii miasta

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    W pierwszej dekadzie kwietnia 2019 r. przeprowadzono archeologiczne badania ratownicze przy ulicy Podgórnej 1 we Wronkach. Dotąd na terenie wronieckiej Starówki nie rozpoznano metodą archeologiczną żadnej historycznej działki mieszkalnej. W wykopach wytyczonych w partii frontowej posesji zarejestrowano układ nawarstwień kulturowych z końca XIV – początków XXI w., odsłonięto pozostałości domu mieszkalnego wzniesionego w konstrukcji szkieletowej w drugiej połowie XVII – początkach XVIII w., pozyskano zbiór ponad 1300 fragmentów ceramiki średniowiecznej, nowożytnej i współczesnej. Niestety, ograniczenia wynikające z przyjętego ratowniczego trybu badań uniemożliwiły dogłębne przebadanie całej powierzchni parceli