207 research outputs found

    Etiological research in pediatric multiple sclerosis: A tool to assess environmental exposures (PEDiatric Italian Genetic and enviRonment ExposurE Questionnaire)

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    Background: The etiology of pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis is unknown although putative genetic and environmental factors appear to be involved. Among children multiple sclerosis onset occurs closer to the susceptibility window thank in adults and the exposure to etiological environmental factors is more informative. An Italian multicentre case-control study (the PEDiatric Italian Genetic and enviRonment ExposurE, PEDIGREE study) was designed to investigate environmental exposures in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis and their interaction with genetics. Objectives: To collect evidence on exposures to environmental risk factors in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis, a questionnaire was developed for the Italian population (PEDIGREE Questionnaire) and is presented. Methods: PEDIGREE Questionnaire develops from an existing tool used in case-control studies on pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis in US Americans, and was translated, adapted and tested for the contents perceived relevance, acceptability, feasibility and reliability in a population of Italian pediatric subjects and their parents recruited from clinics and general population. Results: PEDIGREE Questionnaire contents were overall deemed relevant by the study population, acceptable for 100% participants and feasible for at least 98%. PEDIGREE Questionnaire degree of reliability ranged 56% to 72%. Conclusion: PEDIGREE Questionnaire proves to be an efficient tool to assess environmental exposures in the Italian pediatric population. We encourage the dissemination of population-specific questionnaires and shared methodology to optimize efforts in MS etiological research

    Genotype-Phenotype correlations in multiple sclerosis: HLA genes influence disease severity inferred by 1HMR spectroscopy and MRI measures

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    Genetic susceptibility to multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DRB1*1501 allele. Here we show a clear association between DRB1*1501 carrier status and four domains of disease severity in an investigation of genotype-phenotype associations in 505 robust, clinically well characterized MS patients evaluated cross-sectionally: (i) a reduction in the N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) concentration within normal appearing white matter (NAWM) via 1HMR spectroscopy (P = 0.025), (ii) an increase in the volume of white matter (WM) lesions utilizing conventional anatomical MRI techniques (1,127 mm3; P = 0.031), (iii) a reduction in normalized brain parenchymal volume (nBPV) (P = 0.023), and (iv) impairments in cognitive function as measured by the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT-3) performance (Mean Z Score: DRB1*1501+: 0.110 versus DRB1*1501-: 0.048; P = 0.004). In addition, DRB1*1501+ patients had significantly more women (74% versus 63%; P = 0.009) and a younger mean age at disease onset (32.4 years versus 34.3 years; P = 0.025). Our findings suggest that DRB1*1501 increases disease severity in MS by facilitating the development of more T2-foci, thereby increasing the potential for irreversible axonal compromise and subsequent neuronal degeneration, as suggested by the reduction of NAA concentrations in NAWM, ultimately leading to a decline in brain volume. These structural aberrations may explain the significant differences in cognitive performance observed between DRB1*1501 groups. The overall goal of a deep phenotypic approach to MS is to develop an array of meaningful biomarkers to monitor the course of the disease, predict future disease behaviour, determine when treatment is necessary, and perhaps to more effectively recommend an available therapeutic interventio

    Switching Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Breakthrough Disease to Second-Line Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients with breakthrough disease on immunomodulatory drugs are frequently offered to switch to natalizumab or immunosuppressants. The effect of natalizumab monotherapy in patients with breakthrough disease is unknown. METHODS: This is an open-label retrospective cohort study of 993 patients seen at least four times at the University of California San Francisco MS Center, 95 had breakthrough disease on first-line therapy (60 patients switched to natalizumab, 22 to immunosuppressants and 13 declined the switch [non-switchers]). We used Poisson regression adjusted for potential confounders to compare the relapse rate within and across groups before and after the switch. RESULTS: In the within-group analyses, the relapse rate decreased by 70% (95% CI 50,82%; p<0.001) in switchers to natalizumab and by 77% (95% CI 59,87%; p<0.001) in switchers to immunosuppressants; relapse rate in non-switchers did not decrease (6%, p =  0.87). Relative to the reduction among non-switchers, the relapse rate was reduced by 68% among natalizumab switchers (95% CI 19,87%; p = 0.017) and by 76% among the immunosuppressant switchers (95% CI 36,91%; p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Switching to natalizumab or immunosuppressants in patients with breakthrough disease is effective in reducing clinical activity of relapsing MS. The magnitude of the effect and the risk-benefit ratio should be evaluated in randomized clinical trials and prospective cohort studies

    Konsensusprotokoll zur Standardisierung von Entnahme und Biobanking des Liquor cerebrospinalis

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    Die Erforschung von Biomarkern in Körperflüssigkeiten bei neurodegenerativen und neuroinflammatorischen Erkrankungen blickt auf eine langjährige Geschichte zurück. Dennoch werden nur wenige Liquor cerebrospinalis (Liquor)-Biomarker in der klinischen Praxis verwendet. Einer der problematischen Faktoren in der Liquorbiomarker-Forschung ist die eingeschränkte Aussagekraft von Studien aufgrund einer nicht ausreichend großer Anzahl von Proben, die in Studien von einzelnen Zentren akquiriert werden können. Deshalb ist die Kooperation zwischen mehreren Zentren erforderlich, um große Biobanken von definierten Proben zu etablieren. Standardisierte Protokolle für Biobanking sind unumgänglich, um die durch die größere Anzahl von Liquorproben gewonnene statistische Aussagekraft sicherzustellen und nicht durch mangelhafte Präanalytik einzuschränken. Hier wird ein Konsensusbericht über Leitlinien zu Liquorentnahme und Biobanking durch das BioMS-eu Netzwerk für Liquorbiomarker-Forschung in Multipler Sklerose präsentiert. Schwerpunkte des Berichts sind Liquorentnahme, präanalytische Faktoren und klinische sowie sonstige Informationen. Biobanking-Protokolle sind für Liquor-Biobanken im Rahmen der Erforschung jeder neurologischen Krankheit anwendba

    Consensus Guidelines for CSF and Blood Biobanking for CNS Biomarker Studies

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    There is a long history of research into body fluid biomarkers in neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases. However, only a few biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are being used in clinical practice. Anti-aquaporin-4 antibodies in serum are currently useful for the diagnosis of neuromyelitis optica (NMO), but we could expect novel CSF biomarkers that help define prognosis and response to treatment for this disease. One of the most critical factors in biomarker research is the inadequate powering of studies performed by single centers. Collaboration between investigators is needed to establish large biobanks of well-defined samples. A key issue in collaboration is to establish standardized protocols for biobanking to ensure that the statistical power gained by increasing the numbers of CSF samples is not compromised by pre-analytical factors. Here, consensus guidelines for CSF collection and biobanking are presented, based on the guidelines that have been published by the BioMS-eu network for CSF biomarker research. We focussed on CSF collection procedures, pre-analytical factors and high quality clinical and paraclinical information. Importantly, the biobanking protocols are applicable for CSF biobanks for research targeting any neurological disease

    Genome-wide association analysis of susceptibility and clinical phenotype in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic disorder of the central nervous system and common cause of neurological disability in young adults, is characterized by moderate but complex risk heritability. Here we report the results of a genome-wide association study performed in a 1000 prospective case series of well-characterized individuals with MS and group-matched controls using the Sentrix® HumanHap550 BeadChip platform from Illumina. After stringent quality control data filtering, we compared allele frequencies for 551 642 SNPs in 978 cases and 883 controls and assessed genotypic influences on susceptibility, age of onset, disease severity, as well as brain lesion load and normalized brain volume from magnetic resonance imaging exams. A multi-analytical strategy identified 242 susceptibility SNPs exceeding established thresholds of significance, including 65 within the MHC locus in chromosome 6p21.3. Independent replication confirms a role for GPC5, a heparan sulfate proteoglycan, in disease risk. Gene ontology-based analysis shows a functional dichotomy between genes involved in the susceptibility pathway and those affecting the clinical phenotyp