40 research outputs found

    A repeated measures dataset on public responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic:Social norms, attitudes, behaviors, conspiracy thinking, and (mis)information

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    We present a quantitative repeated measures dataset from intensive longitudinal research (diary survey) conducted with participants drawn from a nationally representative sample of the German population. This diary survey addresses a wide range of variables relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic, including information seeking, attitudes towards science, public health, and related behaviors. Respondents were asked about their thoughts, challenges, concerns, and experiences related to the pandemic. Survey responses were requested every two weeks from November 2020 and September 2021 for a total of 18 stages of data collection. The diary survey responses were all matched to the same individual. Using the unique identifier for each individual, the diary survey dataset can be analyzed in concert with a larger representative survey sample that was conducted three times within the same research project over this time period. The diary dataset we present here includes socio-demographic information and other potentially relevant variables, ready for secondary analysis. Initial sample frame: N = 1,480 Initial diary survey sub-sample: N = 13

    Making sense of unfamiliar COVID-19 vaccines: How national origin affects vaccination willingness

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    Vaccination willingness is a critical factor in pandemics, including the COVID-19 crisis. Therefore, investigating underlying drivers of vaccination willingness/hesitancy is an essential social science contribution. The present study of German residents investigates the mental shortcuts people are using to make sense of unfamiliar vaccine options by examining vaccination willingness for different vaccines using an experimental design in a quantitative survey. German vaccines were preferred over equivalent foreign vaccines, and the favorability ratings of foreign countries where COVID-19 vaccines were developed correlated with the level of vaccination willingness for each vaccine. The patterns in vaccination willingness were more pronounced when the national origin was shown along with the vaccine manufacturer label. The study shows how non-scientific factors drive everyday decision-making about vaccination. Taking such social psychological and communication aspects into account in the design of vaccination campaigns would increase their effectiveness

    Über queere Jugendliche forschen

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    Die Forschung über queere Jugendliche ist ein wachsendes Forschungsfeld. Die zunehmende Befragung von Jugendlichen über ihre Lebenssituation macht es möglich, ihren Alltag konkreter darzustellen, politische Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten und ihre Perspektive als relevante Erfahrung zu etablieren. Gleichzeitig gehen mit diesem neuen Interesse Bedarfe der ethischen Reflexion einher. Eine Forschung zu quee-ren Jugendlichen agiert innerhalb von Dilemmata: der Be- und Entlastung von Jugendlichen; der Fixierung und Eröffnung von Identitätskonzepten; der Ausblendung und sozialpädagogischen Problematisierung; sowie der Verfügbarmachung für eine heteronormative Gesellschaft und deren Ver-änderung. Basierend auf der Praxis von Forschungsprojekten eröffnet der Beitrag Fragen für deren Reflexion und Qualitätssicherung. Er regt einen Diskurs darüber an, was die Forschung zu queeren Jugendlichen kann, soll, muss und darf

    Male Development in Young Adult Novels: Mapping the Intersections Between Masculinity, Fatal Illness, Male Queerness, and Brotherhood

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    Since 2000, Young Adult (YA) literature has grown exponentially. The subgenres of cancer novels (teen “sick-lit”) and LGBTQ fiction, in particular, have experienced a recent surge in popularity. The novels in these subgenres that feature young men as the affected characters (diagnosed with cancer and/or identifying as gay or queer) are particularly interesting because of the threats that these experiences pose to heteronormative masculinity. Because this fiction is directed at an impressionable audience in the process of forming their identities, the novels’ representations of gender could have a strong influence over readers’ gender identity development. Researchers have begun exploring the subgenres of teen sick-lit and LGBTQ YA, but rarely through the lens of masculinity or gender identity development; in fact, the concept of masculinity is explored in-depth in only one literary critic’s analysis of an LGBTQ series. Given the lack of critical analyses on masculine gender representations in these two subgenres, as well as the threats to masculinity posed to characters within these narratives, there is a clear need for critical work examining gender representations in YA cancer novels and novels with gay protagonists. After analyzing a representative sample of these novels through the lens of sociological research on the significance of masculinity for young men negotiating a cancer diagnosis or gay identity, I observed the centrality of masculinity to the stories’ narratives and character development. I additionally observed the influence of sibling relationships on male protagonists’ gender identity development in both subgenres. Overall, cancer and gay-themed novels with male protagonists tended to reinforce heteronormative gender roles, unhealthy expectations of masculinity, and a rejection of femininity. However, many novels with gay protagonists did present alternative, somewhat feminized masculinities, and the settings of two novels provided models for societies that challenge gender boundaries. Sibling relationships, another largely unexamined aspect of YA novels, sometimes perpetuated problematic gender stereotypes, but siblings were mostly positive influences on protagonists’ gender identity development

    Sonderlexik Jugend?

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    Virtuelles Teambuilding und IKT-Technologien in Relation unter Einbeziehung der Theorien Social Presence und Media Richness

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    Die Globalisierung der Märkte sowie die dynamische Entwicklung der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) ermöglicht Zusammenarbeit verteilter IKT-gestützt kommunizierender Teammitglieder. Gleichzeitig erleben virtuelle Teams häufig soziale Distanz. Das Paper setzt Teambuilding in Relation zu den Herausforderungen der virtuellen Kommunikation und begründet diese mit Hilfe der Theorien Social Presence und Media Richness. Der aktuelle Forschungsstand und eine erste Ergebnisanalyse einer Multiple Case Study und 16 semistrukturierte Experteninterviews werden wiedergegeben

    Nuevas terapias en esclerosis múltiple: la remielinización como nueva estrategia terapéutica

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    La esclerosis múltiple (EM) es una enfermedad crónica desmielinizante de origen autoinmune y de etiología y evolución heterogéneas. En la EM, la inflamación y el proceso de desmielinización llevan a la neurodegeneración y a la progresión de la discapacidad. En la actualidad, las terapias utilizadas en clínica, basadas en la inmunomodulación y la inmunosupresión, consiguen restrasar el paso a la fase progresiva. En los últimos años, el estudio de los mecanismos endógenos de reclutamiento, diferenciación y formación de mielina de las células precursoras de oligodendrocitos (OPCs) han permitido identificar nuevas dianas terapéuticas, como los receptores de la proteína LINGO-1 y del anticuerpo monoclonal rHIgM22 en la superficie de OPCs y los receptores β- estrogénicos. También se ha estudiado el papel de las células madre mesenquimales en la prevención de la neurodegeneración y la promoción de la remielinización. Los resultados obtenidos en modelos animales de la enfermedad han confirmado el enorme potencial de la remielinización como nueva estrategia terapéutica

    Pola Komunikasi Antarpribadi dalam Pengasuhan Anak - Kasus Orang Tua Beda Agama

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    The purpose of this study were: (1) To determine the communication patterns of parents with different religions in child care, (2) To determine the factors inhibiting the communication interfaith families in parenting. The study lasted for 3 months and is located in Makassar. The population in this study was three families consisting of parents with different faiths. The research method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative, ie by describing. Provide information and an explanation of the issues, based on the observation and depth interviews with informants. Data were collected in two ways, namely through primary and secondary data. The primary data were obtained from interviews and observations. Secondary data were obtained from the literature and a collection of literature related to this study. Overall data were then collected and analyzed by descriptive-qualitative. The results of this study showed that parents with different religions have authoritarian patterns of communication, and others who have a pattern of democratic communication. Authoritarian parents tend to force selection of children due to lack of effective interpersonal communication with the child. While those who have a pattern of democratic communication, better unleashing the child in determining his choice. Parents who had more democratic interpersonal communication, have more effective communication

    I am what I am? - Erfahrungen von lesbischen, schwulen, bisexuellen, trans und queeren Jugendlichen in Deutschland

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    "Der gesellschaftliche Blick auf sexuelle und geschlechtliche Vielfalt hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten verändert. Doch nach wie vor sind nicht-heterosexuelle und nicht-cisgeschlechtliche Lebensweisen in Deutschland keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Das zeigt sich z.B. daran, dass in sozialwissenschaftlichen Jugendstudien lesbische, schwule, bisexuelle, trans und queere (LSBTQ-)Lebensweisen weiterhin kaum berücksichtigt werden. Die Folge ist ein Mangel an Erkenntnissen über ihre Lebenssituation. Die Ergebnisse der bundesweiten Studie 'Coming- out - und dann ...?!' zeigen, welche Erfahrungen LSBTQ-Jugendliche bei ihrem inneren und äußeren Coming-out in alltäglichen Lebensbereichen wie Familie, Bildungs und Arbeitsorten und dem Freundeskreis machen und welche Diskriminierungserfahrungen sie dort erleben. Außerdem wird deutlich, wie sie mit Herausforderungen und Problemen umgehen, die aufgrund einer heteronormativen Zwei-Geschlechter-Ordnung bestehen. Über 5 000 lesbische, schwule, bisexuelle, trans und queere Jugendliche haben in einer Online-Befragung Auskunft über ihre Erlebnisse gegeben. Außerdem wurden deutschlandweit 40 problemzentrierte Interviews mit LSBTQ-Jugendlichen geführt, in denen sie von ihren Erfahrungen und Umgangsweisen berichtet haben. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über zentrale Ergebnisse der Studie 'Coming-out - und dann ...?!'" (Autorenreferat)"Social attitudes to sexual und gender diversity have changed in recent decades. Nevertheless, non-heterosexual and non-cisgender ways of life are still not normal. For example, empirical research on young people hardly takes account of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer lifestyles. The consequence is a lack of knowledge about their lives. The results of the nationwide study 'Coming out - and then ...?!' show how young LGBTQ people experience the process of self-awareness and coming out. The study focuses on their daily lives in a family, educational and work context and amongst their peers and shows what kind of discrimination these adolescents face. It also reveals the challenges and problems they face living in a heteronormativity-based society. More than 5,000 young people took part in an online survey. In addition, 40 problem centered interviews were conducted across Germany in which these young people talked about their individual experiences and behaviours. The article presents an overview of the key results of the study Coming out - and then ...?!'" (author's abstract

    La Familia con un miembro enfermo de Alzheimer

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    Teniendo en cuenta el incremento en el envejecimiento de la población y como una de sus consecuencias el aumento también de personas afectadas por la Enfermedad de Alzheimer con la dependencia que esta supone, en el presente trabajo de investigación se planteó como necesario conocer las características de la familia en la que la enfermedad se instala, entendiendo que se verá afectada directamente y deberá poner en marcha un proceso de reorganización que garantice una buena calidad de vida para todo el sistema. Si bien la enfermedad tiene características y sintomatología común a todos, el modo que impacte en la familia dependerá de dos variables principalmente: de la Historia Familiar y de la Etapa de la Enfermedad. Afrontar la enfermedad supone para la familia tener que redefinir roles, modificar expectativas, asumir alteraciones en las relaciones y responder a situaciones difíciles; el modo de hacerlo dependerá de cómo se ha ido construyendo ese sistema como tal, de sus modos de vincularse, de sus reglas de funcionamiento, de sus valores, mitos, sistema de creencias, por lo que cada situación es única y particular. El abordaje desde la perspectiva sistémica permite establecer estrategias para atender las necesidades de la familia que fundamentalmente se refieren a información, atención y contención que debería ser proporcionada y garantizada por el estado como una manera más de prevención de la salud mental