10 research outputs found

    Utility of On-Farm Research Reports

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    The Ohio State University Agronomic Crops Team has published peer-reviewed on-farm research reports since 1997, with 10 years as an on-line publication. With 367 reports published to date, the Team reviewed the value and use of the material. Seven categories account for 74% of the reports, with fertility management the largest group. While some reports get widespread attention, this is often due to state specialist recognition. More needs to be done to promote the research results and the potential of the website to growers, industry, and other university users

    Developing an On-Farm Research Network: Published Work for Peers and Producers

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    The Ohio State University Extension Agronomic Crops Team has a committee providing leadership to coordinate an on-farm research network. The network has been developed to provide needs assessment, peer review, and reporting of on-farm research. The research protocols originate from locally driven needs and stakeholder focus groups. The network includes county-based Extension professionals working with cooperating farms, county-owned farms operated by Extension professionals, and university-owned research facilities. The network uses team members for their strengths and specializations to fortify the research effort. The research results are online and searchable by Extension professionals and farmers. The team website is: http://agcrops.osu.ed

    Acute changes in peritoneal morphology and transport properties with infectious peritonitis and mechanical injury

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    Acute changes in peritoneal morphology and transport properties with infectious peritonitis and mechanical injury. Peritoneal clearance studies were performed in rats undergoing acute peritoneal dialysis. Some of these animals were then exposed to laparotomy and mechanical drying of the peritoneum. Peritoneal clearance studies were repeated at intervals up to 11 days. Another group of rats was placed on daily peritoneal dialysis and allowed to spontaneously develop peritonitis which was not treated. These rats underwent peritoneal transport studies at differing durations of infection. In all groups, animals were sacrificed at the time of the last transport studies for morphological assessment of the peritoneum by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The results showed similar decreases in drainage volume and increases in glucose absorption and protein losses with both infection and drying. Both types of injury resulted in extensive mesothelial structural changes. While drying caused mainly denudation of the mesothelial surface, infectious peritonitis was associated with separation of mesothelial cells, and the appearance of numerous white blood cells between and on mesothelial cells. Exposure to peritoneal dialysis alone had no obvious effects on anatomy. Although changes in the peritoneal microcirculation and deeper structures cannot be excluded as contributing to peritoneal transport alterations, the findings suggest that alterations of mesothelium might explain some of the changes in peritoneal transport properties under the conditions of these studies.Modifications aiguës de la morphologie et des propriétés de transport du péritoine par péritonite infectieuse et lésion mécanique. Des études de clearance péritonéale ont été entreprises chez des rats en dialyse péritonéale aiguë. Certains de ces animaux étaient soumis à une laparotomie et à un séchage mécanique du péritoine. Les études de clearance péritonéale étaient répétées à des intervalles allant jusqu'à 11 jours. Un autre groupe de rat était placé en dialyse péritonéale journalière, et il pouvait développer spontanément une péritonite qui n'était pas traitée. Chez ces rats ont été effectuées des études de transport péritonéal à différents stades d'infection. Dans tous les groupes, les animaux étaient sacrifiés lors de la dernière étude de transport afin d'étudier morphologiquement le péritoine par microscopie optique, microscopie électronique à balayage, et microscopie électronique par transmission. Les résultats ont montré des diminutions du volume de drainage et des augmentations de l'absorption du glucose et des pertes protéiques identiques avec l'infection ou le séchage. Les deux types de lésions ont entrainé des modifications structurelles mésothéliales importantes. Tandis que le séchage entrainait principalement une dénudation de la surface mésothéliale, la péritonite infectieuse était associée à une séparation des cellules mésothéliales, et à l'apparition de nombreux globules blancs entre et sur les cellules mésothéliales. L'exposition à la dialyse péritonéale seule n'avait pas d'effets anatomiques évidents. Bien que la contribution aux altérations du transport péritonéal de modifications de la micro-circulation péritonéale et des structures plus profondes ne puisse être exclue, ces résultats suggèrent que les altérations du mésothélium pourraient expliquer certaines des modifications des propriétés de transport péritonéal dans les conditions de ces études

    Propaganda in an Age of Algorithmic Personalization: Expanding Literacy Research and Practice

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    In this commentary, the author considers the rise of algorithmic personalization and the power of propaganda as they shift the dynamic landscape of 21st‐century literacy research and practice. Algorithmic personalization uses data from the behaviors, beliefs, interests, and emotions of the target audience to provide filtered digital content, targeted advertising, and differential product pricing to online users. As persuasive genres, advertising and propaganda may demand different types of reading practices than texts whose purpose is primarily informational or argumentative. Understanding the propaganda function of algorithmic personalization may lead to a deeper consideration of texts that activate emotion and tap into audience values for aesthetic, commercial, and political purposes. Increased attention to algorithmic personalization, propaganda, and persuasion in the context of K–12 literacy education may also help people cope with sponsored content, bots, and other forms of propaganda and persuasion that now circulate online

    Annotated Bibliography of Publications Related to Teacher Evaluation

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