50 research outputs found
In the Daily Chaos of the Horn of Africa, How Could You Not Write?
Panel: Why I Write The Way I D
Accroissement des dépenses publiques en infrastructures : un MEGC dynamique séquentiel appliqué au Mali.
Longtemps nĂ©gligĂ©es par les institutions internationales et bailleurs de fond au profit des programmes dâajustements structurels et autres politiques, les infrastructures ont suscitĂ© beaucoup plus dâintĂ©rĂȘt au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es. Aschauer (1989) et Munnell (1992) furent les premiers Ă souligner lâimportance que pourrait avoir le financement des infrastructures sur le dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique et la productivitĂ© des secteurs privĂ©s. Notamment, les retombĂ©es de ces investissements dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement seraient considĂ©rables eu Ă©gard au dĂ©ficit aigu du parc infrastructurel de ces pays. Depuis lors, une vaste littĂ©rature sâest dĂ©veloppĂ©e autour de la question des retombĂ©es Ă©conomiques des investissements en infrastructures, aboutissant parfois Ă des conclusions beaucoup plus nuancĂ©es. Par exemple, dâautres auteurs mettent en garde contre des revers pouvant ressortir desdits investissements (syndrome hollandais, effet dâĂ©viction, etc.). Câest dans ce contexte quâune Ă©tude portant sur lâanalyse des impacts de lâaccroissement des dĂ©penses publiques en infrastructure initiĂ© par le Mali a Ă©tĂ© conduite. ConformĂ©ment Ă la littĂ©rature, les modĂšles dâĂ©quilibre gĂ©nĂ©ral calculable ont Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ©s pour lâĂ©valuation de cette question. La contribution de lâĂ©tude est la considĂ©ration de la durabilitĂ© des effets des infrastructures dans le temps Ă travers la prise en compte de lâaspect dynamique des MEGC. Les rĂ©sultats ont permis de voir quâĂ long terme les investissements en infrastructures mĂšneraient Ă une croissance Ă©conomique. Par ailleurs, le financement des infrastructures via lâaide Ă©trangĂšre favorise le bien-ĂȘtre des mĂ©nages et des populations et reste la meilleure option de financement pour le Mali. Toutefois, une hausse massive des dĂ©penses en infrastructures peut induire une apprĂ©ciation du taux de change nĂ©faste pour lâĂ©conomie surtout quand elle est financĂ©e par les diffĂ©rentes taxes internes (taxe de vente, impĂŽt sur le revenu des mĂ©nages et des entreprises). Ceci justifie lâintĂ©rĂȘt du gouvernement dâĂȘtre sĂ©lectif quant au mode de financement de ses infrastructures
Generalizations of the Hamming Associative Memory
This Letter reviews four models of associative memory which generalize the operation of the Hamming associative memory: the grounded Hamming memory, the cellular Hamming memory, the decoupled Hamming memory, and the two-level decoupled Hamming memory. These memory models offer high performance and allow for a more practical hardware realization than the Hamming net and other fully interconnected neural net architectures.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45397/1/11063_2004_Article_319505.pd
Ă leve med inkontinens etter fĂždsel i en Norsk kontekst.
Inkontinens etter fĂždsel er en tilstand med skade pĂ„ endetarmens lukkemuskel og eller urinblĂŠren. Tilstanden er preget av en unormal Ă„pning mellom skjeden og eller rektum som resulterer i kontinuerlig og uhindret lekkasje av urin og eller avfĂžring. Ă
leve med tilstanden pÄvirker kvinners hverdag pÄ en rekke mÄter. De lever i konstant frykt av Ä lekke i offentligheten. Familiesituasjoner, arbeidsforhold, sosialt samspill og seksualliv blant annet er arenaer inkontinens innvirker negativt. Kvinners erfaringsperspektiver med denne reproduktive lidelsen er lite tematisert, har manglende fokus og er viet mindre oppmerksomhet i forskning. Feltet virker pÄ mange mÄter som tabubelagt med mindre Äpenhet om og aksept rundt. Studien retter sÞkelyset mot kvinners erfaringer knyttet til livet inkontinens. Studien sÞker Ä utforske og tematisere kvinners subjektive opplevelser av Ä leve med tilstanden og hvordan inkontinens preger deres hverdagsliv og deres deltagelse i samfunnet. Studien sÞker Ä se pÄ kvinners erfaringer sett i lys av sosiokulturelle aspekt og tar utgangspunkt i et sosialt konstruktivistisk perspektiv
Watta Barwah
Location: LofaRuntime: 0:33:51Categorized as pertaining to Diaspora, Hearings.The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberi
What lays between two toes : Deconstruction and Affect: Exploring the Tabi boots
The purpose of this study is to explore the affective capacity of the Tabi boots by examining the object through the ideas of deconstruction. The boots by Maison Martin Margiela were first introduced in 1989 and sold in different variations over the course of the past 30 years. Although there have been several attempts to acknowledge the importance of the body in fashion studies, scholars have not focused on the literal experience of wearing a garment, examined through the touch. Thus, this study begins with a close object study of a pair of Tabi boots and draws on phenomenology to capture the feeling of being dressed. The emphasis is laid upon exploring how the ideas of deconstruction are embedded in the Tabi boots while staying open to other theoretical inquiries. Striving to test the affective potential of the boots, deduced in the first chapter, the second part of this thesis moves from the perception of the âIâ to other wearers of the Tabi boots. In conducting qualitative semi-structured interviews, the aim is to understand how the characteristics of the boots may affect the wearer and how this affective capacity may lead to a becoming, as defined by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. Guided by âapplied theoryâ, this thesis allowed material, theory, and methods to continuously interact and affect each other.
Le Dieu-khat et le virus du sida
Cette recherche-action couvrant Djibouti et l'Ethiopie examine l'incidence de la rencontre entre le virus du sida et la substance khat. Explorant les conditions de fabrication et de naissance du VIH, elle analyse les expĂ©riences et actions de prĂ©vention du sida. S'inscrivant dans le cadre de l'ethnopsychiatrie, elle procĂšde Ă l'investigation des cultures, ethnies et divinitĂ©s de cette rĂ©gion tout en analysant les rĂ©cits d'origine du khat, son action clinique et sa rencontre avec le VIH, coupeur du lien social. La mĂ©thodologie multiple -techniques d'entretien, documentaire audio-visuel et questionnaire- illustre le vĂ©cu des consommateurs au sortir des rituels imposĂ©s par cette drogue, convoquant un parlement des ĂȘtres et des choses, leur offrant un destin mĂ©tamorphosiqueThis research done in Djibouti and Ethiopia, focuses on the outcome of the meeting of the Aids virus and the Khat substance. Exploring the conditions that let to Aids's making and spread (origin), this it analyses the experiences and actions to prevent from Aids. Within the scope of ethnopsychiatry, it investigates this region's cultures, ethnies and gods (divinities) while analysing the Khat's origins tales, its clinical action and its encounter with HIV-Aids, a drug that cuts the social bond. The author used various methodologies and technics : interviews, audio-visual documentaries and questionnaires. These methodologies illustrate the real life experiences of Khat consumers after drug consumption. This drug generates interactions between human beings and things, binding them both in a metamorphosis destinyST DENIS-BU PARIS8 (930662101) / SudocSudocFranceF