28,983 research outputs found

    Electric arc apparatus Patent

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    Electric arc heater with supersonic nozzle and fixed arc length for use in high temperature wind tunnel

    Nitrogen transfer between clover and wheat in an intercropping experiment

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    A novel approach to the problem of improving nitrogen supply in organic farming is to use intercropping of cereals with a legume to provide nitrogen transfer within a season and/or to following crops. The affects of intercropping were studied in a column experiment using mixtures of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Claire), with white clover (w.c.) (Trifolium repens cv. Barblanca) and with red clover (r.c.) (Trifolium pratense cv. Britta). The effects of cutting and removal above ground clover material with and without additional soil disturbance were compared to leaving clover plants in situ and intercropped with wheat in a split root design. Wheat and clover plants, as monocultures, were used for the controls. 15N ammonium nitrate solution was applied. The wheat seeds were sown into the column without nitrogen. We found that the cutting treatment produced the highest yield of wheat. Available ammonium-N in the soil was greatest in the clover control treatment for the column with only red clover roots and in the cutting+soil disturbance treatment for the column with only white clover roots. Available nitrate-N was greatest in the soil disturbance treatment in the column with clover and wheat roots for both red and white clover. The cutting treatment produced the highest yield of wheat

    Principal component analysis-based inversion of effective temperatures for late-type stars

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    We show how the range of application of the principal component analysis-based inversion method of Paletou et al. (2015) can be extended to late-type stars data. Besides being an extension of its original application domain, for FGK stars, we also used synthetic spectra for our learning database. We discuss our results on effective temperatures against previous evaluations made available from Vizier and Simbad services at CDS.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    A new method for the inversion of atmospheric parameters of A/Am stars

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    We present an automated procedure that derives simultaneously the effective temperature TeffT_{eff}, the surface gravity logg, the metallicity [Fe/H], and the equatorial projected rotational velocity vsini for "normal" A and Am stars. The procedure is based on the principal component analysis inversion method of Paletou et al. (2015a). A sample of 322 high resolution spectra of F0-B9 stars, retrieved from the Polarbase, SOPHIE, and ELODIE databases, were used to test this technique with real data. We have selected the spectral region from 4400-5000\AA\ as it contains many metallic lines and the Balmer Hβ\beta line. Using 3 datasets at resolving powers of R=42000, 65000 and 76000, about 6.6x10610^6 synthetic spectra were calculated to build a large learning database. The Online Power Iteration algorithm was applied to these learning datasets to estimate the principal components (PC). The projection of spectra onto the few PCs offered an efficient comparison metric in a low dimensional space. The spectra of the well known A0- and A1-type stars, Vega and Sirius A, were used as control spectra in the three databases. Spectra of other well known A-type stars were also employed in order to characterize the accuracy of the inversion technique. All observational spectra were inverted and atmospheric parameters derived. After removal of a few outliers, the PCA-inversion method appears to be very efficient in determining TeffT_{eff}, [Fe/H], and vsini for A/Am stars. The derived parameters agree very well with previous determinations. Using a statistical approach, deviations of around 150 K, 0.35 dex, 0.15 dex, and 2 km/s were found for TeffT_{eff}, logg, [Fe/H], and vsini with respect to literature values for A-type stars. The PCA-inversion proves to be a very fast, practical, and reliable tool for estimating stellar parameters of FGK and A stars, and deriving effective temperatures of M stars.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted in A&

    Evaluation of four subcritical response methods for on-line prediction flutter onset in wind-tunnel tests

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    The methods were evaluated for use in tests where the flutter model is excited solely by airstream turbulence. The methods were: randomdec, power-spectral-density, peak-hold, and cross-spectrum. The test procedure was to maintain a constant Mach number (M) and increase the dynamic pressure (g) in incremental steps. The test Mach numbers were 0.65, 0.75, 0.82, 0.90, and 1.15. The four methods provided damping trends by which the flutter mode could be tracked and extrapolated to a flutter-onset q. A hard flutter point was obtained at M = 0.82. The peak-hold and cross-spectrum methods gave reliable results and could be most readily used for on-line testing. At M = 0.82, a p-k analysis predicted the same flutter mode as the experiment but a 6-percent lower flutter q. At the subcritical dynamic pressures, calculated damping values were appreciably lower than measured data

    Detection of interstellar NH sub 3 in the far-warm and dense gas in Orion-KL

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    The detection of the (J,K) = a(4,3) yields s(3,3) rotation inversion transition of ammonia at 124.6 microns toward the center of the Orion-KL region is reported. The line is in emission and has a FWHM or = to 30 km s 0.15. The far IR ammonia line emission probably comes mainly from the 'hot core', a compact region of warm, very dense gas previously identified by the radio inversion lines of NH3. The a(4,3) yields s(3,3) line is very optically thick, and since it is seen in emission, radiative excitation of the (4,3) NH3 level by far IR emission from dust within the source can be ruled out. Radiative excitation via the 10 microns of vibrational transitions of NH3 also seems unlikely. Hence, the (4,3) level is probably collisionally excited and the gas in the hot core region is warmer than the dust. Since the far IR line emission is highly trapped, densities of approximately 10 to the 7th power cu cm are high enough to explain the observations. Shock heating by the mass outflow from IRc2 may account for the high gas temperatures in the hot core region

    Investigation of flow fields within large scale hypersonic inlet models

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    Analytical and experimental investigations were conducted to determine the internal flow characteristics in model passages representative of hypersonic inlets for use at Mach numbers to about 12. The passages were large enough to permit measurements to be made in both the core flow and boundary layers. The analytical techniques for designing the internal contours and predicting the internal flow-field development accounted for coupling between the boundary layers and inviscid flow fields by means of a displacement-thickness correction. Three large-scale inlet models, each having a different internal compression ratio, were designed to provide high internal performance with an approximately uniform static-pressure distribution at the throat station. The models were tested in the Ames 3.5-Foot Hypersonic Wind Tunnel at a nominal free-stream Mach number of 7.4 and a unit free-stream Reynolds number of 8.86 X one million per meter

    Strong Upper Limits on Sterile Neutrino Warm Dark Matter

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    Sterile neutrinos are attractive dark matter candidates. Their parameter space of mass and mixing angle has not yet been fully tested despite intensive efforts that exploit their gravitational clustering properties and radiative decays. We use the limits on gamma-ray line emission from the Galactic Center region obtained with the SPI spectrometer on the INTEGRAL satellite to set new constraints, which improve on the earlier bounds on mixing by more than two orders of magnitude, and thus strongly restrict a wide and interesting range of models.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; minor revisions, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter
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