
Evaluation of four subcritical response methods for on-line prediction flutter onset in wind-tunnel tests


The methods were evaluated for use in tests where the flutter model is excited solely by airstream turbulence. The methods were: randomdec, power-spectral-density, peak-hold, and cross-spectrum. The test procedure was to maintain a constant Mach number (M) and increase the dynamic pressure (g) in incremental steps. The test Mach numbers were 0.65, 0.75, 0.82, 0.90, and 1.15. The four methods provided damping trends by which the flutter mode could be tracked and extrapolated to a flutter-onset q. A hard flutter point was obtained at M = 0.82. The peak-hold and cross-spectrum methods gave reliable results and could be most readily used for on-line testing. At M = 0.82, a p-k analysis predicted the same flutter mode as the experiment but a 6-percent lower flutter q. At the subcritical dynamic pressures, calculated damping values were appreciably lower than measured data

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