1,810 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of licence restriction for drink drivers: The Australian experience

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    In many jurisdictions, licence restriction is used as an alternative to full suspension for certain drink driving offenders. However, this may undermine both the specific and general deterrent effect of licence loss, by reducing the perceived certainty and severity of the sanction. To explore this proposition, an analysis was undertaken of the records of almost 22,000 male drivers initially convicted of drink driving during 1988 in Queensland, Australia. At a process level, it was found that licence restriction was relatively common, with 12% of offenders being granted a restricted licence for employment purposes. Contrary to legislative guidelines, these licences were sometimes granted to offenders with a recent history of drink driving. At an outcome level, it was found that the restricted drivers were involved in a similar proportion of alcohol-related crashes, but more non alcohol-related crashes, during the term of the sanction than drivers who had been fully suspended. This is consistent with previous research by the authors indicating that restricted drivers do not commit any more drink driving offences than suspended drivers. Therefore, while full suspension produces greater overall road safety benefits, restricted licences appear no less effective as a specific deterrent to drink driving

    The crash involvement of interstate drivers in Queensland

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    Previous research has suggested that driving interstate is more hazardous than driving in one’s home state. However, the increased risk does not appear to be due to greater risk-taking by these drivers, but due to the greater distances they travel, particularly on rural roads, and associated problems such as fatigue. To further examine this issue, an analysis was undertaken of all reported crashes involving interstate drivers that occurred in Queensland between 1993 and 1998. During this period, interstate drivers represented 5% of all drivers involved in fatal and serious injury crashes in Queensland. The analysis indicated that the crashes involving interstate drivers were no more likely to involve factors such as alcohol, speeding, inattention/negligence or inexperience. Rather, the crash involvement patterns of interstate drivers appear to relate more to the type and location of their driving. For example, in Queensland interstate drivers are over-represented in crashes involving: open road driving; driver fatigue; the overturning and sideswiping of vehicles; and weekend travel. Interstate drivers were also more likely to be considered at fault for the crashes they were involved in, compared with local drivers

    Self-awareness of driving impairment in patients with cataract or glaucoma

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    This study compared the driving performance of individuals with the eye diseases cataracts or glaucoma with age-matched controls, as well as the individual’s own perceptions of driving. Participants included drivers over the age of 50 years who had been diagnosed with glaucoma (n=29) or cataracts (n=33) and a control group with no ocular pathology (n=13). Driving performance was measured on a closed road circuit using a range of standardised measures of vehicle control and hazard recognition and avoidance, while visual performance was measured with a battery of tests including visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and visual fields. Perceptions of vision and driving were assessed using the Activities of Daily Vision Scale, Driver Behaviour Questionnaire and a driving exposure questionnaire. Driving performance was significantly poorer (p<0.05) for each of the ocular disease groups compared to the control group. Impaired contrast sensitivity and the higher disease severity scores (for the glaucoma group only) correlated most strongly with poorer driving performance. While participants with cataracts rated their vision significantly more poorly than those in the glaucoma and control groups, there were no significant differences between the participant groups rating of their own driving performance. These findings suggest that there is no direct relationship between self-rated driving ability and actual vision and driving performance. This has serious road safety implications

    The unusual hydrocarbon emission from the early carbon star HD 100764: The connection between aromatics and aliphatics

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    We have used the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope to obtain spectra of HD 100764, an apparently single carbon star with a circumstellar disk. The spectrum shows emission features from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that are shifted to longer wavelengths than normally seen, as characteristic of ``class C'' systems in the classification scheme of Peeters et al. All seven of the known class C PAH sources are illuminated by radiation fields that are cooler than those which typically excite PAH emission features. The observed wavelength shifts are consistent with hydrocarbon mixtures containing both aromatic and aliphatic bonds. We propose that the class C PAH spectra are distinctive because the carbonaceous material has not been subjected to a strong ultraviolet radiation field, allowing relatively fragile aliphatic materials to survive.Comment: 11 pages (in emulateapj), 5 tables, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Social context of motorcycle riding and the key determinants influencing rider behavior: A qualitative investigation

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    Objective: Given the increasing popularity of motorcycle riding and heightened risk of injury or death associated with being a rider, this study explored rider behaviour as a determinant of rider safety and, in particular, key beliefs and motivations which influence such behaviour. To enhance the effectiveness of future education and training interventions, it is important to understand riders’ own views about what influences how they ride. Specifically, this study sought to identify key determinants of riders’ behaviour in relation to the social context of riding including social and identity-related influences relating to the group (group norms and group identity) as well as the self (moral/personal norm and self-identity). ----- ----- Method: Qualitative research was undertaken via group discussions with motorcycle riders (n = 41). Results: The findings revealed that those in the group with which one rides represent an important source of social influence. Also, the motorcyclist (group) identity was associated with a range of beliefs, expectations, and behaviours considered to be normative. Exploration of the construct of personal norm revealed that riders were most cognizant of the “wrong things to do” when riding; among those issues raised was the importance of protective clothing (albeit for the protection of others and, in particular, pillion passengers). Finally, self-identity as a motorcyclist appeared to be important to a rider’s self-concept and was likely to influence their on-road behaviour. ----- ----- Conclusion: Overall, the insight provided by the current study may facilitate the development of interventions including rider training as well as public education and mass media messages. The findings suggest that these interventions should incorporate factors associated with the social nature of riding in order to best align it with some of the key beliefs and motivations underpinning riders’ on-road behaviours

    Mid-infrared spectra of PAH emission in Herbig AeBe stars

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    We present spectra of four Herbig AeBe stars obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS). on the Spitzer Space Telescope. All four of the sources show strong emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), with the 6.2 um emission feature shifted to 6.3 um and the strongest C-C skeletal-mode feature occuring at 7.9 um instead of at 7.7 um as is often seen. Remarkably, none of the four stars have silicate emission. The strength of the 7.9 um feature varies with respect to the 11.3 um feature among the sources, indicating that we have observed PAHs with a range of ionization fractions. The ionization fraction is higher for systems with hotter and brighter central stars. Two sources, HD 34282 and HD 169142, show emission features from aliphatic hydrocarbons at 6.85 and 7.25 um. The spectrum of HD 141569 shows a previously undetected emission feature at 12.4 um which may be related to the 12.7 um PAH feature. The spectrum of HD 135344, the coolest star in our sample, shows an unusual profile in the 7-9 um region, with the peak emission to the red of 8.0 um and no 8.6 um PAH feature.Comment: Accepted by ApJ 23 June, 2005, 8 pages (emulateapj), 5 figures (3 in color

    The Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    The Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) is one of three science instruments on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The IRS comprises four separate spectrograph modules covering the wavelength range from 5.3 to 38micron with spectral resolutions, R \~90 and 600, and it was optimized to take full advantage of the very low background in the space environment. The IRS is performing at or better than the pre-launch predictions. An autonomous target acquisition capability enables the IRS to locate the mid-infrared centroid of a source, providing the information so that the spacecraft can accurately offset that centroid to a selected slit. This feature is particularly useful when taking spectra of sources with poorly known coordinates. An automated data reduction pipeline has been developed at the Spitzer Science Center.Comment: Accepted in ApJ Sup. Spitzer Special Issue, 6 pages, 4 figure

    Trends in monitoring of Australia’s threatened birds (1990–2020): Much improved but still inadequate

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    Monitoring is vital to conservation, enabling conservation scientists to detect population declines, identify threats and measure the effectiveness of interventions. However, not all threatened taxa are monitored, monitoring quality is variable, and the various components of monitoring are likely to differ in their rates of improvement over time. We assessed the presence of monitoring and monitoring quality, using a range of metrics, for all Australia’s threatened bird taxa from 1990 to 2020 (four assessments spanning 30 years). We used our assessments to understand decadal trends in the number of taxa monitored; monitoring quality; and the groups that conduct monitoring. The monitoring of Australia’s threatened birds has increased substantially since 1990, from 19% of taxa to 75% in 2020. Monitoring quality has also improved, with 24.1% of taxa assessed overall as ‘Good’ or ‘Very Good’ in 2020 (up from 4.8% in 1990). However, by 2020, most monitoring programmes still scored poorly for Data availability/reporting, Management linkage, Demographic data and Training/succession planning. In 2020, private individuals and governments accounted for 59% of monitoring contributions, with the greatest number of taxa monitored by private individuals (79 of 166 taxa assessed). Despite improvements in monitoring since 1990, only a minority of taxa had high-quality monitoring in the most recent assessment period. Monitoring is a powerful tool in conservation, justifying investment in improving how it is conducted. We draw on our results and examples of high-quality monitoring programmes to develop a set of priority actions to improve monitoring of Australia’s threatened birds

    Dietary Supplementation with Soluble Plantain Non-Starch Polysaccharides Inhibits Intestinal Invasion of Salmonella Typhimurium in the Chicken

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    Soluble fibres (non-starch polysaccharides, NSP) from edible plants but particularly plantain banana (Musa spp.), have been shown in vitro and ex vivo to prevent various enteric pathogens from adhering to, or translocating across, the human intestinal epithelium, a property that we have termed contrabiotic. Here we report that dietary plantain fibre prevents invasion of the chicken intestinal mucosa by Salmonella. In vivo experiments were performed with chicks fed from hatch on a pellet diet containing soluble plantain NSP (0 to 200 mg/d) and orally infected with S.Typhimurium 4/74 at 8 d of age. Birds were sacrificed 3, 6 and 10 d post-infection. Bacteria were enumerated from liver, spleen and caecal contents. In vitro studies were performed using chicken caecal crypts and porcine intestinal epithelial cells infected with Salmonella enterica serovars following pre-treatment separately with soluble plantain NSP and acidic or neutral polysaccharide fractions of plantain NSP, each compared with saline vehicle. Bacterial adherence and invasion were assessed by gentamicin protection assay. In vivo dietary supplementation with plantain NSP 50 mg/d reduced invasion by S.Typhimurium, as reflected by viable bacterial counts from splenic tissue, by 98.9% (95% CI, 98.1–99.7; P<0.0001). In vitro studies confirmed that plantain NSP (5–10 mg/ml) inhibited adhesion of S.Typhimurium 4/74 to a porcine epithelial cell-line (73% mean inhibition (95% CI, 64–81); P<0.001) and to primary chick caecal crypts (82% mean inhibition (95% CI, 75–90); P<0.001). Adherence inhibition was shown to be mediated via an effect on the epithelial cells and Ussing chamber experiments with ex-vivo human ileal mucosa showed that this effect was associated with increased short circuit current but no change in electrical resistance. The inhibitory activity of plantain NSP lay mainly within the acidic/pectic (homogalacturonan-rich) component. Supplementation of chick feed with plantain NSP was well tolerated and shows promise as a simple approach for reducing invasive salmonellosis

    The state of protoplanetary material 10 Myr after stellar formation: circumstellar disks in the TW Hydrae association

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    We have used the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph to observe seven members of the TW Hya association, the nearest stellar association whose age (\sim 10 Myr) is similar to the timescales thought to apply to planet formation and disk dissipation. Only two of the seven targets display infrared excess emission, indicating that substantial amounts of dust still exist closer to the stars than is characteristic of debris disks; however, in both objects we confirm an abrupt short-wavelength edge to the excess, as is seen in disks with cleared-out central regions. The mid-infrared excesses in the spectra of Hen 3-600 and TW Hya include crystalline silicate emission features, indicating that the grains have undergone significant thermal processing. We offer a detailed comparison between the spectra of TW Hya and Hen 3-600, and a model that corroborates the spectral shape and our previous understanding of the radial structure of these protoplanetary disks.Comment: To appear in the Spitzer special issue of ApJS; 12 pages, 2 figure