20,652 research outputs found

    Life cycle analysis of the environmental impact of different cabinet designs

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    The design of refrigerated display cabinets greatly affects their subsequent environmental impact. To control this impact, a designer must primarily consider the operating efficiency of a cabinet. However, less account is taken of the materials used to make the cabinet, nor the construction techniques used. These both have a significant effect on the environmental impact of different cabinets outside the use phase of their life cycle. Initial construction impact, remanufacturability and recyclability are all affected. Given the ubiquity of the display cabinet in the retail sector, it is important to assess their lifetime impact in toto. This is particularly so with the increasing implementation of the WEEE directive in member states. Three typical refrigerated display cabinets are examined in this paper, all offering the same function, but manufactured with quite different constructions and materials. The mass of materials in each cabinet was determined experimentally and the methods of assembly examined. The stages in the life of each cabinet were then modelled and life cycle analyses performed. To compare the efficiency of the cabinets in terms of their environmental impact, the Eco Indicator Points/litre of refrigerated space/day were determined in each case. When combined with the energy performance (kWh/litre/day) this provides a good measure of the overall environmental impact of a cabinet and a way of choosing between different models that nominally provide the same refrigeration function. Different end of life scenarios, and improvements in the choice of materials, were also investigated depending on the type of construction

    The human superior colliculus: Neither necessary, nor sufficient for consciousness?

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    Non-invasive neuroimaging in humans permits direct investigation of the potential role for mesodiencephalic structures in consciousness. Activity in the superior colliculus can be correlated with the contents of consciousness, but it can be also identified for stimuli of which the subject is unaware; and consciousness of some types of visual stimuli may not require the superior colliculus

    Proto-Brown Dwarf Disks as Products of Protostellar Disk Encounters

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    The formation of brown dwarfs via encounters between proto-stars has been confirmed with high-resolution numerical simulations with a restricted treatment of the thermal conditions. The new results indicate that young brown dwarfs (BDs) formed this way are disk-like and often reside in multiple systems. The newly-formed proto-BDs disks are up to 18 AU in size and spin rapidly making small-scale bipolar outflows, fragmentation and the possible formation of planetary companions likely as have recently been observed for BDs. The object masses range from 2 to 73 Jupiter masses, distributed in a manner consistent with the observed sub-stellar initial mass function. The simulations usually form multiple BDs on eccentric orbits about a star. One such system was hierarchical, a BD binary in orbit around a star, which may explain recently observed hierarchical systems. One third of the BDs were unbound after a few thousand years and interactions among orbiting BDs may eject more or add to the number of binaries. Improvements over prior work include resolution down to a Jupiter mass, self-consistent models of the vertical structure of the initial disks and careful attention to avoid artificial fragmentation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Extruding the vortex lattice: two reacting populations of dislocations

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    A controllable soft solid is realised in vortex matter in a type II superconductor. The two-dimensional unit cell area can be varied by a factor of 10410^4 in the solid phase, without a change of crystal symmetry offering easy exploration of extreme regimes compared to ordinary materials. The capacity to confine two-dimensional vortex matter to mesoscopic regions provides an arena for the largely unexplored metallurgy of plastic deformation at large density gradients. Our simulations reveal a novel plastic flow mechanism in this driven non-equilibrium system, utilising two distinct, but strongly interacting, populations of dislocations. One population facilitates the relaxation of density; a second aids the relaxation of shear stresses concentrated at the boundaries. The disparity of the bulk and shear moduli in vortex matter ensures the dislocation motion follows the overall continuum flow reflecting density variation

    Effect of Night Blinds on Open Integral Display Cabinets

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    The impact of night blinds on the product temperature performance and electrical energy consumption of an integral open multi-deck cabinet is investigated in this paper. The cabinet was tested at various environmental conditions to establish the impact of ambient temperature on the effectiveness of the blind in reducing the energy consumption of the cabinet during night-time operation. The cabinet was tested over a range of temperatures between 20 °C and 35 °C at a constant moisture content. The results indicate that the use of night blinds could produce energy savings of between 10% and 22% calculated on the basis of a 24 hour period of operation with the blind lowered for 12 hours out of the 24 hours. These energy savings lead to pay-back periods of between 2 and 4 years. The savings reduced with increasing ambient temperature due to the increase in the impact of infiltration and conduction across the blind at higher temperatures

    Analog voicing detector responds to pitch

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    Modified electronic voice encoder /Vocoder/ includes an independent analog mode of operation in addition to the conventional digital mode. The Vocoder is a bandwidth compression equipment that permits voice transmission over channels, having only a fraction of the bandwidth required for conventional telephone-quality speech transmission

    Potential for Solar Energy in Food Manufacturing, Distribution and Retail

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    The overall aim of the study was to assess the potential for increasing the use of solar energy in the food sector. For comparative purposes the study also included an assessment of the benefits that could arise from the use of other renewable energy sources, and the potential for more effective use of energy in food retail and distribution. Specific objectives were to: i) establish the current state of the art in relevant available solar technology; ii) identify the barriers for the adoption of solar technology; iii) assess the potential for solar energy capture; iv) appraise the potential of alternative relevant technologies for providing renewable energy; v) assess the benefits from energy saving technologies; vi) compare the alternative strategies for the next 5-10 years and vii) Consider the merits of specific research programmes on solar energy and energy conservation in the food sector. To obtain the views of the main stakeholders in the relevant food and energy sectors on the opportunities and barriers to the adoption of solar energy and other renewable energy technologies by the food industry, personal interviews and structured questionnaires tailored to the main stakeholders (supermarkets, consultants for supermarket design; energy and equipment suppliers) were used. The main findings from the questionnaires and interviews are: - Key personnel in supermarkets and engineers involved in the design of supermarkets are aware of the potential contribution of renewable energy technologies and other energy conservation measures to energy conservation and environmental impact reduction in the food industry. A number of supermarket chains have implemented such technologies at pilot scale to gain operating experience, and more importantly, for marketing reasons, to gain competitive advantage through a green image. - From installations to date in the UK the most notable are a 600 kW wind turbine at a Sainsbury's distribution centre in East Kilbride and a 60 kWp photovoltaic array at a Tesco store in Swansea. - The main barrier to the application of renewable energy technologies in the food sector is the capital cost. Even though significant progress has been made towards the improvement of the energy conversion efficiencies of photovoltaic technologies (PVs) and reduction in their cost, payback periods are still far too long, for them to become attractive to the food industry. - Wind energy can be more attractive than PVs in areas of high wind speed. Apart from relatively high cost, the main barrier to the wide application of wind turbines for local power generation is planning restrictions. This technology is more attractive for application in food distribution centres that are normally located outside build-up areas where planning restrictions can be less severe than in urban areas. In these applications it is likely that preference will be for large wind turbines of more than 1.0 MW power generation capacity as the cost of generation per unit power reduces with the size of the turbine

    Comment on Bramwell et al, "Universal Fluctuations in Correlated Systems"

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    This is a comment on "Universal Fluctuations in Correlated Systems", by Bramwell et al, Phys. Rev. Lett., 84, 3744 (2000.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let
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