12,098 research outputs found

    The holy spirit in 1 Corinthians

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    When Paul wrote his First Letter to the Corinthians he did so as their father in Christ, continuing his founding mission through his letter. Thus, his missionary zeal to be “all things to all men” directed the form and content of what he wrote. It follows then that he referred to the Spirit mainly in the past tense recalling the events of his original mission. In 1 Corinthians there is no mention of the idea that the Spirit performs any activity, either present or future, within the believer. This is probably not due to lack of development in Paul’s thinking or to the expectation of an imminent parousia, but to deliberate omissions for pastoral reasons. The believers at Corinth, in a spirit of pride and divisiveness, had over emphasised the Spirit’s indwelling and his miraculous manifestations and at the same time had severed their thinking about the Spirit from Christ crucified and from God. Thus, Paul purposely omitted any mention of the Spirit’s present activities within the believer to direct their allegiance and attention back to Christ and God. Hence, the ethical motivation given by him in 1 Corinthians is basically the injunction to obey the Lord who is coming in judgment rather than to follow the guidance of the indwelling Spirit. Paul does not have a fixed use of πυευμδ for Spirit of God. For example, πυευμδ in 1 Cor. 2:4 has little theological content for it is simply used here in a general historic way. Instead of referring to the Spirit of God as being similar to the free-acting spirits of the world he described Him in terms of the human spirit. Jut as the human spirit is man’s invisible self within a body, so the Spirit of God in revelation is God’s self within a singular or corporate body

    Psychological interventions for the treatment of depression, anxiety, alcohol misuse or anger in armed forces veterans and their families: systematic review and meta-analysis protocol.

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.BACKGROUND: Evidence highlights a high prevalence of common mental health disorders in armed forces veterans and their families, with depression, anxiety, alcohol misuse and anger being more common than PTSD. This paper presents a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis to identify existing randomised controlled trial (RCT) research testing the effectiveness of psychological interventions for these difficulties in armed forces veterans and their family members. METHODS: Electronic databases (CENTRAL, PsycInfo, MEDLINE, CINAHL, The Cochrane Register of Clinical Trials, EMBASE and ASSIA) will be searched to identify suitable studies for inclusion in the review supplemented by forward and backward reference checking, grey literature searches and contact with subject authors. Research including armed forces veterans and their family members will be included in the review with research including serving personnel or individuals under the age of 18 being excluded. Few RCTs examining the treatment of depression, anxiety, alcohol misuse or anger exist in armed forces veterans to date. The primary outcome will be symptomatic change following intervention for these difficulties. The secondary outcomes will include methodological aspects of interest such as discharge type and recruitment setting if data permits. In the event that the number of studies identified is too low to undertake a meta-analysis, a narrative review will be conducted. Quality assessment will be undertaken using the Cochrane Collaboration Tool and Cochran's Q statistic calculated to test for heterogeneity as suggested by the Cochrane handbook. DISCUSSION: The review will examine the findings of existing intervention research for depression, anxiety, alcohol misuse or anger in armed forces veterans and their families, along with any effect sizes that may exist. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION: PROSPERO CRD42016036676.Libor Fun

    The structure, energy, and electronic states of vacancies in Ge nanocrystals

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    The atomic structure, energy of formation, and electronic states of vacancies in H-passivated Ge nanocrystals are studied by density functional theory (DFT) methods. The competition between quantum self-purification and the free surface relaxations is investigated. The free surfaces of crystals smaller than 2 nm distort the Jahn-Teller relaxation and enhance the reconstruction bonds. This increases the energy splitting of the quantum states and reduces the energy of formation to as low as 1 eV per defect in the smallest nanocrystals. In crystals larger than 2 nm the observed symmetry of the Jahn-Teller distortion matches the symmetry expected for bulk Ge crystals. Near the nanocrystal's surface the vacancy is found to have an energy of formation no larger than 0.5 to 1.4 eV per defect, but a vacancy more than 0.7 nm inside the surface has an energy of formation that is the same as in bulk Ge. No evidence of the self-purification effect is observed; the dominant effect is the free surface relaxations, which allow for the enhanced reconstruction. From the evidence in this paper, it is predicted that for moderate sized Ge nanocrystals a vacancy inside the crystal will behave bulk-like and not interact strongly with the surface, except when it is within 0.7 nm of the surface.Comment: In Press at Phys. Rev.

    First Detection of Millimeter Dust Emission from Brown Dwarf Disks

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    We report results from the first deep millimeter continuum survey targeting Brown Dwarfs (BDs). The survey led to the first detection of cold dust in the disks around two young BDs (CFHT-BD-Tau 4 and IC348 613), with deep JCMT and IRAM observations reaching flux levels of a few mJy. The dust masses are estimated to be a few Earth masses assuming the same dust opacities as usually applied to TTauri stars.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for ApJ

    Efficacy of a self-help manual in increasing resilience in carers of adults with depression in Thailand

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    Caring for a person with a mental illness can have adverse effects on caregivers; however, little is known about how best to help such caregivers. The aim of the present study was to examine the efficacy of a cognitive behaviour therapy-guided self-help manual in increasing resilience in caregivers of individuals with depression, in comparison to caregivers who receive routine support only. A randomized, controlled trial was conducted, following CONSORT guidelines, with 54 caregivers allocated to parallel intervention (self-help manual) (n = 27) or control (standard support) (n = 27) groups. Resilience was assessed at baseline, post-test (week 8), and follow up (week 12). Intention-to-treat analyses were undertaken. Repeated-measures ANOVA indicated a significant difference in resilience scores between the three time points, showing a large effect. Pairwise comparisons between intervention and control groups indicated resilience to be significantly different between baseline and post-test, and between baseline and follow up, but not between post-test and follow up. Overall, the intervention group showed a slightly greater increase in resilience over time than the control group; however, the time–group interaction was not significant. Guided self-help is helpful in improving caregivers’ resilience and could be used as an adjunct to the limited support provided to carers by mental health nurses and other clinicians
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