16 research outputs found

    Statistical reasoning through metacognitive brain-based learning

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    The low ability of students' statistical reasoning needs a promising learning innovation. The aim of this paper is to evaluate students' learning abilities through brain-based learning with metacognitive strategy. The Quasi Experiment Method, Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Control Group design, involved a sample of two classes of third semester students from Gunung Djati Swadaya University Cirebon. Instruments of this paper are statistical reasoning test and statistical preliminary knowledge tests. The result shows an increase in the ability of statistical reasoning among students who conducted brain-based learning with metacognitive strategy in the smart category, higher than students who applied expository learning strategy that only classified as the moderate category. Based on initial statistical knowledge (low, middle, and high) students who applied brain-based learning with metacognitive strategy, got a higher level than students who applied expository learning strategy. It shows interaction between the type of learning as well as initial statistical knowledge with the escalation of the ability of statistical reasoning. Brain-based learning with metacognitive strategy facilitates the process of conflict, discovery, social interaction, and reflective processes of students. Therefore, students abilities of statistical reasoning are better than expository learning strategy

    Statistical reasoning through metacognitive brain-based learning

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    The low ability of students' statistical reasoning needs a promising learning innovation. The aim of this paper is to evaluate students' learning abilities through brain-based learning with metacognitive strategy. The Quasi Experiment Method, Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Control Group design, involved a sample of two classes of third semester students from Gunung Djati Swadaya University Cirebon. Instruments of this paper are statistical reasoning test and statistical preliminary knowledge tests. The result shows an increase in the ability of statistical reasoning among students who conducted brain-based learning with metacognitive strategy in the smart category, higher than students who applied expository learning strategy that only classified as the moderate category. Based on initial statistical knowledge (low, middle, and high) students who applied brain-based learning with metacognitive strategy, got a higher level than students who applied expository learning strategy. It shows interaction between the type of learning as well as initial statistical knowledge with the escalation of the ability of statistical reasoning. Brain-based learning with metacognitive strategy facilitates the process of conflict, discovery, social interaction, and reflective processes of students. Therefore, students abilities of statistical reasoning are better than expository learning strateg

    Peningkatan kemampuan berpikir statistis mahasiswa melalui challenge-based learning dengan strategi konflik kognitif

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    Tujuan penelitian mengkaji secara komprehensif perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir statistis mahasiswa calon guru melalui pembelajaran Challenge-Based Learning dengan Strategi Konflik Kognitif. Metode yang digunakan adalah Quasi Eksperiment dengan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Control Group, melibatkan sampel dua kelas mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam di Sumedang. Instrumen yang digunakan tes berpikir statistis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir statistis antara mahasiswa yang pembelajaran challenge-based learning dengan strategi konflik kognitif memperoleh peningkatan lebih tinggi dari mahasiswa yang pembelajarannya ekspositori, baik secara keseluruhan mahasiswa maupun berdasarkan pengetahuan awal statistis. Terdapat interaksi antara jenis (pembelajaran challenge-based learning dengan strategi konflik kognitif dan ekspositori) dan kategori pengetahuan awal statistis (pandai, cukup, lemah) terhadap peningkatan kemampuan berpikir statistis mahasiswa. Pembelajaran berbasis tantangan dengan strategi konflik kognitif dapat memfasilitasi proses konflik, proses penemuan, proses interaksi sosial, dan proses reflektif mahasiswa sehingga kemampuan berpikir statistis mahasiswa lebih baik dari pada pembelajaran ekspositori

    Cytotoxic effect of polyisoprenoids from Rhizophora mucronata and Ceriops tagal leaves against widr colon cancer cell lines

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    The mangrove plant is known to produce secondary metabolite compounds, mainly isoprenoids. Polyisoprenoids (dolichol and polyprenol) are known to have antimicrobial, anticancer and antiviral activity. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the cytotoxic effects of polyisoprenoids from Rhizophora mucronata and Ceriops tagal leaves by evaluating the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest and the inhibition of the expression of Bcl-2 and cyclin D1 in WiDr colon cancer cells. Cell death was determined based on IC50 values in MTT assays. The induction of apoptosis and alterations in the cell cycle were observed by flow cytometry. The expression of Bcl-2 and cyclin D1 proteins, which play a role in apoptosis and cell cycle regulation, was observed by immunocytochemistry. The results showed that polyisoprenoids from R. mucronata and C. tagal leaves exhibited toxicity against the WiDr cell line, with IC50 values of 278 ± 5.77 and 276 ± 9.54 μg/mL, respectively. Polyisoprenoids from R. mucronata and C. tagal leaves significantly induced apoptosis and caused cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase, while also decreasing the expression of Bcl-2 and cyclin D1. Our results confirmed that polyisoprenoids from R. mucronata and C. tagal leaves have the potential to be developed as anticancer agents for colon cancer

    Salinity Alters the Polyisoprenoid Alcohol Content and Composition of Both Salt-Secreting and Non–Salt-Secreting Mangrove Seedlings

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    The effects of salinity on the polyisoprenoid alcohol content and composition of the salt-secreting mangrove species Avicennia marina and Sonneratia alba and the non–salt-secreting species Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Kandelia obovata were studied. The seedlings of mangroves were grown for 5 months under 0% and 3% salt concentrations. The occurrence, content, and distribution of four mangrove seedlings were analyzed by two-dimensional thin layer chromatography. The structural groups of the polyprenols and dolichols in the leaves and roots were classified into two types (I and II). In type I, dolichols predominated over polyprenols (more than 90%), whereas in type II, the occurrence of both polyprenols and dolichols was observed. Polyprenols were not detected in the leaves of A. marina and B. gymnorrhiza under 0% salt (control), but were detected in small amounts in K. obovata leaves; however, significant amounts were found in the 3% salinity group. This finding in A. marina, B. gymnorrhiza, and K. obovata leaves implies a change to the structural group: under 0% salt concentrations, the groups are classified as type I, but become type II under 3% salt concentrations. The occurrence of ficaprenol (C50–55) was found only in the leaves of the non–salt-secreting species B. gymnorrhiza and K. obovataunder 3% salinity and not in the salt-secreting species A. marina or S. alba. It is noteworthy that the polyisoprenoid type in the roots of the four species showed no change under salinity; the two salt-secreting species A. marina and S. alba contained type I under 0% and 3% salt concentrations. On the other hand, type II polyisoprenoids were identified in the non–salt-secreting species B. gymnorrhiza and K. obovata under 0% and 3% salinity conditions. This finding suggested that polyisoprenoids play a protective role against salinity in the mangrove leaves of both salt-secreting and non–salt-secreting species

    Pelatihan Desain Technological Pedagogical, Content Knowledge Pembelajaran Matematis Menuju Pendidik Profesional

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    Dinamika kehidupan budaya Pendidikan di era pandemic COVID -19, berimplikasi terhadap proses pembelajaran matematika terintegrasi digital, kompetensi digital menjadi tuntutan yang bersifat krusial bagi pendidik professional. Namun Sebagian pendidik masih terkendala dengan teknologi. Studi PKM bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi guru dalam mendesain Technological Pedagogical Content knowledge (TPCK) matematis menuju pendidik professional. Metode survey untuk mengawali observasi awal ke sekolah mitra yaitu MTs di Kabupaten Bandung, perencanaan, pelaksanaan pelatihan desain TPCK dan implementasi penggunaannya dalam merancang perangkat pembelajaran matematika, simulasi, diakhiri refleksi. Aktivitas pelatihan desain TPCK terlaksana dengan baik, sehingga menunjukkan bukti peningkatan kompetensi guru matematika dalam menghasilkan aransemen pengembangan RPP, bahan ajar, LKPD, serta video pembelajaran berbasis ICT. Hasil evaluasi penyebaran angket dan dokumentasi memperoleh tanggapan positif dari guru mitra. Hasil Pelatihan dalam kegiatan PKM sudah cukup baik, terjadi peningkatan kompetensi numerasi dan literasi digital guru guru MTS dalam mengaransmen TPCK matematis melalui produk desain yang sudah relevan dengan karaktristik aspek TPCK


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    The development of tourism areas is one of the high priority sectors in Indonesia. One of the tourism sectors that has the potential to be developed in Indonesia is agrotourism. Sukadana is one of the sub-districts as well as the capital of North Kayong Regency which has many tourist destinations in the form of beaches, mountains and other natural beauty such as paoh hills, mangrove forests, etc. In addition to the tourism sector, Sukadana is also very famous for its durian products. Durian is one of the many varieties of fruits found in Sukadana District. However, in recent years there has been a decline in durian fruit sales. This is due to the pandemic period which sometimes limits the access of people outside the Sukadana District to visit. With this problem, the idea was created to create an agro-tourism area in North Kayong Regency that can support the distribution of fruits both during the pandemic and during normal times. The design of this agro-tourism area uses a bioclimatic architectural approach that pays attention to the relationship between architectural forms and their environment, especially in matters relating to the climate of the area. This agro-tourism area applies the concept of a Tourism and Education Village (Tourism And Education Village) where in addition to traveling, visitors can also get education related to agriculture and plantations. With the existence of this agro-tourism area, it is expected to affect the rate of economic growth in North Kayong Regency, especially the people of Sukadana District

    Zum Gebrauch des Artikels im Zusammenhang mit dem Substantivattribut bei Eigennamen im Deutschen

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    Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena oli keskittyä artikkelin käyttöön erisnimien substantiivi-attribuuttien yhteydessä saksan kielessä. Tätä aihealuetta on useimmissa kieliopeissa käsitelty melko suppeasti jos lainkaan, ja näihin mielestäni puutteellisiin kielioppeihin lukeutuvat niin saksankieliset kuin suomenkielisetkin teokset. Tutkimuksestani teki siis haastavan mm. juuri lähdeaineiston vähyys. Kieliopit tarjoavat vain melko pinnallisia selityksiä ja sääntöjä, milloin artikkelia tulisi tässä tapauksessa käyttää. Minua kiinnostikin juuri, onko artikkelin valinnalla jokin syvempi merkitys. Miksi joskus voidaan sanoa Professor Schmidt, kun taas joskus näkee käytettävän muotoa der Professor Schmidt määräisen artikkelin kanssa. Pyrin selvittämään, mikä näiden kahden esimerkin ero on. Otin työssäni myös huomioon semanttis-pragmaattisen näkökulman, sillä minua kiinnosti myös, voiko mm. artikkelin poisjättämisellä luoda tietynlaisen vaikutelman puhuttavasta henkilöstä, paikasta tai rakennuksesta. Koska saksan kieliopissa artikkelin käyttöä koskevissa säännöissä oli havaittavissa selvä aukko, päätin lähestyä ongelmaani paneutumalla ensiksi käsitteisiin appositio ja substantiiviattribuutti. Useimmat saksan kieliopit listaavat yllä mainitun esimerkin juuri apposition käsitteen alle. Pyrin työssäni kuitenkin erottamaan apposition täysin erisnimien substantiiviattribuutista. Tutkimuksessani listasin eri esimerkkejä substantiiviattribuutin ja erisnimen yhdistelmistä. Tällaisia tapauksia löytyi useita, joten jaoin ne ryhmiin substantiiviattribuuttina esiintyvän sanan mukaan. Tällaisiksi ryhmiksi muodostuivat tittelit, ammattinimikkeet, sukulaisuusnimikkeet, puhuttelumuodot ja maantieteelliset nimet. Kielioppien avulla pyrin aluksi selvittämään, miksi joidenkin yhdistelmien edessä oli joskus artikkeli ja joskus ei. Grammaatikkojen mielipiteet artikkelin käytöstä erosivat toisistaan aika tavalla. Jotta olisi ollut mahdollista saada selville, vallitseeko saksan kielessä minkäänlaisia säännönmukaisuuksia artikkelin käytölle erisnimien substantiiviattribuuttien yhteydessä, tein tutkimukseni analyysiosassa kaksi kyselyä, joista toisen kohdistin yliopisto-opettajille, joilla on saksa äidinkielenä, ja toisen saksan kielen yliopisto-opiskelijoille, joilla taas on suomi äidinkielenä. Tutkimukseni koostui yhteensä neljästä näkökulmasta: grammatikkojen, natiivien ja saksan kielen opiskelijoiden lisäksi vielä omasta näkökulmastani, jonka perustaksi kehitin ns. ”tuttuusteorian”. Tutkimukseni jälkeen oli nähtävissä, että artikkelin käyttöön vaikuttaa mm. se, mitä sanaa halutaan painottaa, pitääkö puhuja/kirjoittaja substantiiviattribuuttia tittelinä vai ammattinimikkeenä ja vielä oma ”teoriani” eli henkilön, asian tai paikan tuttuus. Natiiveilla artikkelin valinta näytti perustuvan suurilta osin myös mutu ­tuntumaan. Saksan kielen opiskelijoiden artikkelin käyttö taas oli melko epäjohdonmukaista ja se viesti myös hyvin siitä, ettei artikkelin käytölle tässä tapauksessa olekaan olemassa varsinaisia sääntöjä. Asiasanat: artikkelin käyttö, substantiiviattribuutti, appositio, erisnimi, "tuttuusteoria