231 research outputs found

    Quantitative effect of the sun\u27s position on submarine light polarization

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    Over 1,000 measurements of the degree and plane of submarine light polarization have been made in littoral waters at depths of 3 to 41m. Using special polarimetric instruments, these parameters were visually measured mainly in horizontal lines of sight at times ranging from sunrise to sunset. Tests showed that observational errors were within ± 5° for the polarization plane, ± 5% for per cent polarization...

    I Canna Lo\u27e Him Less

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    My cheek is unco pale, Mither,My heart is unco chill;For sorrow wi\u27 its icy breathChecks ilka happy thrill:And tho\u27 in grief and wae Mither,His name I ever blessFor tho\u27 he\u27s broken plight and vowI canna lo\u27e him less,For tho\u27 he\u27s broken plight and vowI canna lo\u27e him less. The trysting tree is green, Mither,Where we sae aften met,It should hae wither\u27d lang agoWhen he could first forgetThe bonny dell is bright, MitherWi\u27 summer\u27s gaudy dress;While ilka blossom speaks o\u27 himI canna lo\u27e him less,While ilka blossom speaks o\u27 himI canna lo\u27e him less. The ha\u27thorn scents the breeze, Mither,Along the riverside,And far across the waters brightI see his swift boat glideBut it comes not now to me, MitherHis whisper and caressIs gien unto anither,Yet I canna lo\u27e him less, Is gien unto anither,Yet I canna lo\u27e him less. Then tell him when I die, Mither,That wi\u27 my latest breath,I prayed for the fause cruel heart,That gave my ain to death:Tell him the lips then cold, Mither,Ne\u27er murmured but to bless;And tho\u27 he\u27s wrought me wae and ill,I canna lo\u27e him less, And tho\u27 he\u27s wrought me wae and ill,I canna lo\u27e him less


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    The study was designed to evaluate the importance of a number of variables, outlined in the literature, to the development of effective verbal communication skills. Sixty preschool children were evaluated on a number of different variables, including language tasks, visual tasks, roletaking tasks and a variety of other tasks. Demographic variables were taken into consideration when the children were screened for the study. The results indicated two separate aspects of verbal communication performance were related to similar, yet different predictor variables. The estimate of length or quantity of response was influenced more by both verbal and visual processes. In contrast, the qualitative component of the response was related to verbal and social development-popularity processes. Clear differences were found between what is significant for preschool verbal communication performance, and what would be expected on the basis of the literature. The results are discussed in relation to the work of the existing research in the area.Dept. of Psychology. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1980 .W384. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 41-03, Section: B, page: 1137. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1980

    Anodic oxidation of ethynylferrocene derivatives in homogeneous solution and following anodic deposition onto glassy carbon electrodes

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    Eight ferrocene derivatives linked by either an ether, amine, or phenylacetylene moiety to a terminal ethynyl group were covalently deposited on glassy carbon electrodes by anodic electrochemical methods. The lithio activation method, in which the terminal hydrogen of the ethynyl group is replaced by a lithium atom before anodic oxidation, was successfully employed in all cases. Direct oxidation of the unactivated ethynyl group also resulted in surface deposition. Surface coverages between 1 x 10 ‐10 mol cm ‐2 and 14 x 10 ‐10 mol cm ‐2 were achieved. Cyclic voltammetry scans of the modified electrodes in pure electrolytes differed depending on the size of the supporting electrolyte anion, as little as half the current being measured for a [B(C 6 F 5 ) 4 ] ‐ vs. [PF 6 ] ‐ solution, suggesting differences in ion transport near the electrode surface. An ether‐linked ethynylferrocenium ion ( 5 + ) was isolated after electrolytic and chemical oxidation of 5 and characterized by X‐Ray crystallography as its [SbCl 6 ] ‐ salt

    Anomaly Detection for Next-Generation Space Launch Ground Operations

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    NASA is developing new capabilities that will enable future human exploration missions while reducing mission risk and cost. The Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) project aims to demonstrate the utility of integrated vehicle health management (IVHM) tools in the domain of ground support equipment (GSE) to be used for the next generation launch vehicles. In addition to demonstrating the utility of IVHM tools for GSE, FDIR aims to mature promising tools for use on future missions and document the level of effort - and hence cost - required to implement an application with each selected tool. One of the FDIR capabilities is anomaly detection, i.e., detecting off-nominal behavior. The tool we selected for this task uses a data-driven approach. Unlike rule-based and model-based systems that require manual extraction of system knowledge, data-driven systems take a radically different approach to reasoning. At the basic level, they start with data that represent nominal functioning of the system and automatically learn expected system behavior. The behavior is encoded in a knowledge base that represents "in-family" system operations. During real-time system monitoring or during post-flight analysis, incoming data is compared to that nominal system operating behavior knowledge base; a distance representing deviation from nominal is computed, providing a measure of how far "out of family" current behavior is. We describe the selected tool for FDIR anomaly detection - Inductive Monitoring System (IMS), how it fits into the FDIR architecture, the operations concept for the GSE anomaly monitoring, and some preliminary results of applying IMS to a Space Shuttle GSE anomaly

    Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for even more transplants?

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    This retrospective review of the largest United States kidney exchange reports characteristics, utilization, and recipient outcomes of kidneys with simple compared to complex anatomy and extrapolates reluctance to accept these kidneys. Of 3105 transplants performed, only 12.8% were right kidneys and 23.1% had multiple renal arteries. 59.3% of centers used fewer right kidneys than expected and 12.1% transplanted zero right kidneys or kidneys with more than 1 artery. Five centers transplanted a third of these kidneys (35.8% of right kidneys and 36.7% of kidneys with multiple renal arteries). 22.5% and 25.5% of centers currently will not entertain a match offer for a left or right kidney with more than one artery, respectively. There were no significant differences in all-cause graft failure or death-censored graft loss for kidneys with multiple arteries, and a very small increased risk of graft failure for right kidneys versus left of limited clinical relevance for most recipients. Kidneys with complex anatomy can be used with excellent outcomes at many centers. Variation in use (lack of demand) for these kidneys reduces the number of transplants, so systems to facilitate use could increase demand. We cannot know how many donors are turned away because perceived demand is limited.Wiley Read-and-Publish Agreemen