5 research outputs found

    Pratiques Paysannes De Production Durable Des Graines De Voandzou [Vigna Subterranea (L.) Verdc.] Pour La Sécurité Alimentaire Dans Le Cameroun Septentrional

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    Bambara groundnut is a leguminous plant with high nutritive value of Sub Saharan Africa. In spite of its high potential in alimentation, the Bambara groundnut is less popularized. This crop grows on acid, dry and less fertile soils and may therefore be a resilient crop in the context of climatic variability. The present work aims to identify of all the morphotypes of this culture and the usual tools of conservation of its seeds during the storage process. Investigations carried out during 3 agricultural campaigns showed that women more than 40 years old represents more than 98% of producers of Bambara groundnuts in northern Cameroon. The production concerns 54 morphotypes use as food or as medicinal plants. During storage of grains of this legumes, the major pest is the bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus Fab. (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae). Under traditional production way, the limitation of the postharvest losses due to this pest is done either by the use of 21 local plants as botanical insecticide or by the use of 25 industrial chemical pesticides

    Formulation d’un aliment de complément à base du voandzou (Vigna subterranea (L.) Vercourt (1980) pour relever la dénutrition dans l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun

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    Objectifs: contribuer à une amélioration de la croissance des enfants et de leur état nutritionnel en caractérisant leur état en référence aux normes internationales et proposer pour les enfants un aliment de complément à base de la farine de voandzou.Méthodologies et résultats: les observations ont porté sur 38 nourrissons identifiés dès la naissance et suivis jusqu’à six mois d’âge. Le poids et la taille ont été mesurés pendant six mois et comparés aux standards 2006 de l’OMS. L’analyse des indices anthropométriques montre à un mois d’âge. Ensuite, un retard de croissance modéré et une insuffisance pondérale sont observés. Trois formulations sont testées sur de jeunes rats : une formulation avec pour légumineuse l’arachide ; une deuxième avec le voandzou sain et une troisième avec le voandzou attaqué à 50% par les bruches. Le gain de poids des rats le plus important est observé dans les lots nourris au voandzou sain avec 20,3±4,7g suivi du lot nourri à l’arachide 16,7±5,3gConclusion et application: à partir de l’âge de six mois, il est nécessaire de compléter les apports du lait maternel. L’aliment de complément doit avoir une composition nutritionnelle adéquate afin de répondre aux besoins des enfants et éviter la malnutrition. La valorisation du voandzou riche en protéine et éléments minéraux comme apport protéique de l’aliment de complément est à vulgariser. La formulation avec la farine de cette légumineuse a permis une prise de poids sur les rats supérieure à celle de l’arachide localement plus utilisé par les mères. La prise de poids chez ces rats est plus importante quand le voandzou n’est pas attaqué par les insectes. D’où l’intérêt d’une bonne conservation de cette denrée pour relever plus efficacement la dénutrition.Mots clés: nourrissons, poids, taille, Z-score, malnutrition, formulation, voandzouEnglish Title: Formulation of a complementary food based on the Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Vercourt (1980) to improve undernutrition in the Far North of CameroonEnglish AbstractObjectives: to contribute to an improvement of the growth of the children and their nutritional state by characterizing their state in reference to the international standards and to propose for children a complementary food based on the flour of voandzou.Methodology and Results: observations were made on 38 infants identified from birth and followed up to six months of age. Weight and height were measured for six months and compared to 2006 WHO standards. Analysis of anthropometric indices shows at one month of age. Then, moderate growth retardation and underweight were observed. Three formulations are tested on young rats: a formulation with legume peanut; a second one with the healthy Bambara groundnut and a third one with the bambara groundnut attacked to 50%  by bruchids. The largest weight gain of rats is observed in batches fed on healthy Bambara groundnut with 20.3 ± 4.7g followed by the peanut-fed lot 16.7 ± 5.3gConclusion and application of results: From the age of six months, it is necessary to supplement the intake of breast milk. The complementary food must have an adequate nutritional composition to meet the needs of children and to avoid malnutrition. The valorization of bambara groundnut rich in protein and mineral elements as protein intake of the complementary food is to popularize. The flour formulation with this legume resulted in higher weight gain in rats than peanut, which is more commonly used by mothers. Weight gain in these rats is greater when the bambara groundnut is not attacked by insects. Hence the interests of a good conservation of this legume to more effectively fight undernutrition.Keywords: infants, weight, height, Z-score, malnutrition, formulation, bambara groundnu

    Variation of some chemical and functional properties of Bambara groundnut (Voandzeia Subterranean L. Thouars) during sort time storage

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    Abstract The storage susceptibility of Bambara groundnut (B. G.) (Voandzeia Subterranean (L.) Thouars) to Callosobruchus maculatus and chemical and functional properties of 11 varieties form Far-North of Cameroon were investigate using standard analytical methods. Storage susceptibility shown that, after five months within treatment, C. maculatus destroy 10 to 50% of grains. The chemical characteristics of none attack grains of 11 varieties were range to 18.64 at 21.08%, 6.85 at 7.44%, 49.75 at 52.68% and to 6.05 at 7.55% respectively for protein, fat, starch and free carbohydrate. These chemical characteristics significantly (p < 0.05) decreases form attacks varieties. For the functional parameters, the none attacks grains was range of 130 at 135%, 19.15 at 20.91%, 18.20 at 21.13%, 2.76 at 3.21% and of 8.54 at 10.14% respectively for water capacity absorption, solubility index, gel length, ash and humidity. The results of this study indicated that storage susceptibility, chemical and functional properties of B. G. be dependant to the varieties