477 research outputs found

    La capacidad y el bienestar subjetivo como dimensiones de estudio de la calidad de vida

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    La Calidad de vida es trabajada científicamente como un constructo muy amplio que abarca diversos significados pero en lo general apunta a la búsqueda de la explicación de la buena vida, aquella que se disfruta, que satisface al que la vive y que le produce estados de felicidad. De allí que sea la persona, desde su percepción, la que evalúe su propia vida, sus capacidades y, en el propio contexto, desarrolle mecanismos de búsqueda del bienestar personal. El Plan de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), al hablar de desarrollo humano utiliza un índice combinado que considera niveles de ingreso y educación así como la esperanza de vida de la población. Son medidas objetivas de capacidad centradas en la búsqueda de mejoría de las condiciones de vida de las personas. En México, sus planteamientos son retomados por la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (Sedesol) en su programa “Oportunidadesâ€� haciendo referencia a la capacidad de las personas. Este programa no alcanza a definir indicadores que permitan trabajar el estudio de la apreciación de la vida, respecto a las capacidades percibidas y la evaluación del resultado de vida. El objetivo de la presente investigación va dirigido a integrar el estudio de los indicadores objetivos y subjetivos de la capacidad junto con los indicadores del bienestar subjetivo (satisfacción por la vida y felicidad sentida), para considerar a la capacidad y al bienestar subjetivo como dimensiones de explicación de la calidad de vida. La medición de los niveles de ingreso y educación junto con escalas de capacidad para enfrentar la vida y de bienestar subjetivo es utilizada para correr un análisis factorial exploratorio en una muestra representativa de la población adulta de la Zona Urbana de Culiacán, México. Palabras clave: Calida

    Secular changes in bone mineral density of adult Japanese women from 1995 to 2013

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    Introduction: Secular changes in hip fracture incidence have been reported in the last few decades in Japan, but whether long-term bone mineral density (BMD) is also changing is unclear. This study aimed to determine whether BMD of Japanese women has changed over time. Methods: Subjects were 10,649 adult women who underwent BMD measurement in a health check-up population in Niigata, Japan, between 1995 and 2013. BMD of the distal, non-dominant forearm was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Demographic information and BMI were also obtained. Secular trends were determined by linear regression analysis. Results: BMD of subjects in their 40's decreased significantly in the age-adjusted model (P for trend=0.0162), but not in the age- and BMI-adjusted model (P for trend=0.2171). BMD of subjects in their 50's decreased marginally in the age-adjusted model (P for trend=0.0535), but not in the age- and BMI-adjusted model (P for trend=0.6601). BMDs of subjects in their 30's and 60's did not significantly change, while BMIs of subjects in their 40's-60's decreased significantly. Conclusions: A secular decrease in BMD, partly attributed to decreases in BMI, was observed in middle-aged Japanese women from 1995 to 2013. Measures to help maintain suitable BMI will be necessary to prevent a decrease in BMD among women

    Developmental changes and organelle biogenesis in the reproductive organs of thermogenic skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus renifolius)

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    Sex-dependent thermogenesis during reproductive organ development in the inflorescence is a characteristic feature of some of the protogynous arum species. One such plant, skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus renifolius), can produce massive heat during the female stage but not during the subsequent male stage in which the stamen completes development, the anthers dehisce, and pollen is released. Unlike other thermogenic species, skunk cabbage belongs to the bisexual flower group. Although recent studies have identified the spadix as the thermogenic organ, it remains unclear how individual tissues or intracellular structures are involved in thermogenesis. In this study, reproductive organ development and organelle biogenesis were examined during the transition from the female to the male stage. During the female stage, the stamens exhibit extensive structural changes including changes in organelle structure and density. They accumulate high levels of mitochondrial proteins, including possible thermogenic factors, alternative oxidase, and uncoupling protein. By contrast, the petals and pistils do not undergo extensive changes during the female stage. However, they contain a larger number of mitochondria than during the male stage in which they develop large cytoplasmic vacuoles. Comparison between female and male spadices suggests that mitochondrial number rather than their level of activity correlates with thermogenesis. Their spadices, even in the male, contain a larger amount of mitochondria that had greater oxygen consumption, compared with non-thermogenic plants. Taken together, our data suggest that the extensive maturation process in stamens produces massive heat through increased metabolic activities. The possible mechanisms by which petal and pistil metabolism may affect thermogenesis are also discussed

    Results and Issues in Student Teaching Program for Freshman at Okayama University on 2011

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    本研究の目的は,岡山大学教育学部における1年次の教育実習プログラムの成果と課題の検討であった。そのため,平成23年度の教育実習Ⅰ受講生294名を対象に実習後に調査を行った。その結果,(1)教育実践力を構成する4つの力や附属学校園における実習目的の多くが達成されている,(2)4つの力のうち「コーディネート力」「生徒指導力」の達成度が特に高く,「学習指導力」の学校種ごとの学習指導の特徴や違いを説明することは達成度が低い,(3)附属学校園が掲げる目的のうち,観察して学ぶことの達成度が高いが,実際に児童生徒 と関わって学ぶことの達成度は低い傾向である,(4)実習中の実習生の取り組みに関しては,授業観察において事実を観察,記録することは取り組めているが,解釈的な授業観察や,協議会での発言は十分取り組めていない,の4点が主に示唆され,実習Ⅰの課題や不安に対する学生の自由記述と併せて結果が考察された

    Transcriptome Analyses of a Salt-Tolerant Cytokinin-Deficient Mutant Reveal Differential Regulation of Salt Stress Response by Cytokinin Deficiency

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    Soil destruction by abiotic environmental conditions, such as high salinity, has resulted in dramatic losses of arable land, giving rise to the need of studying mechanisms of plant adaptation to salt stress aimed at creating salt-tolerant plants. Recently, it has been reported that cytokinins (CKs) regulate plant environmental stress responses through two-component systems. A decrease in endogenous CK levels could enhance salt and drought stress tolerance. Here, we have investigated the global transcriptional change caused by a reduction in endogenous CK content under both normal and salt stress conditions. Ten-day-old Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type (WT) and CK-deficient ipt1,3,5,7 plants were transferred to agar plates containing either 0 mM (control) or 200 mM NaCl and maintained at normal growth conditions for 24 h. Our experimental design allowed us to compare transcriptome changes under four conditions: WT-200 mM vs. WT-0 mM, ipt1,3,5,7-0 mM vs. WT-0 mM, ipt1,3,5,7-200 mM vs. ipt1,3,5,7-0 mM and ipt1,3,5,7-200 mM vs. WT-200 mM NaCl. Our results indicated that the expression of more than 10% of all of the annotated Arabidopsis genes was altered by CK deficiency under either normal or salt stress conditions when compared to WT. We found that upregulated expression of many genes encoding either regulatory proteins, such as NAC, DREB and ZFHD transcription factors and the calcium sensor SOS3, or functional proteins, such as late embryogenesis-abundant proteins, xyloglucan endo-transglycosylases, glycosyltransferases, glycoside hydrolases, defensins and glyoxalase I family proteins, may contribute to improved salt tolerance of CK-deficient plants. We also demonstrated that the downregulation of photosynthesis-related genes and the upregulation of several NAC genes may cause the altered morphological phenotype of CK-deficient plants. This study highlights the impact of CK regulation on the well-known stress-responsive signaling pathways, which regulate plant adaptation to high salinity as well as other environmental stresses

    Relation between walking fluctuation and physical fitness in the middle-aged and elderly

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    This study examined the relationship between walking fluctuation and physical fitness in 21 middle-aged and elderly healthy women (65.95 ± 6.6 years). Walking data was gained during a typical six-minute walk by using sensors in the participantsʼ shoes. Stride time (ST), the coefficient of variation of stride time (STCV), and the fractal-scaling index (α) were calculated. Also measured were the ten-meter usual walking time, functional reach, one-leg standing time with eyes open, vertical jump height, and grip strength, and a fitness age score (FAS) was then calculated by using these results. In addition, twenty-second stepping frequency, thirty-second chair standing frequency, and isometric knee extension strength were measured. There was a significant negative correlation between age and FAS (r=-0.590, p=0.005). When participants were divided into two groups by a median of ST, STCV and α, significantly superior physical fitness were observed in higher ST and higher STCV groups, whereas significantly longer step length were observed in higher α groups.This study therefore suggests that STCV is more affected by musculoskeletal function than α.論

    Growth of H5N1 Influenza A Viruses in the Upper Respiratory Tracts of Mice

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    Highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza A viruses have spread throughout Asia, Europe, and Africa, raising serious worldwide concern about their pandemic potential. Although more than 250 people have been infected with these viruses, with a consequent high rate of mortality, the molecular mechanisms responsible for the efficient transmission of H5N1 viruses among humans remain elusive. We used a mouse model to examine the role of the amino acid at position 627 of the PB2 viral protein in efficient replication of H5N1 viruses in the mammalian respiratory tract. Viruses possessing Lys at position 627 of PB2 replicated efficiently in lungs and nasal turbinates, as well as in cells, even at the lower temperature of 33 °C. Those viruses possessing Glu at this position replicated less well in nasal turbinates than in lungs, and less well in cells at the lower temperature. These results suggest that Lys at PB2–627 confers to avian H5N1 viruses the advantage of efficient growth in the upper and lower respiratory tracts of mammals. Therefore, efficient viral growth in the upper respiratory tract may provide a platform for the adaptation of avian H5N1 influenza viruses to humans and for efficient person-to-person virus transmission, in the context of changes in other viral properties including specificity for human (sialic acid α-2,6-galactose containing) receptors

    Comparative analysis of root transcriptomes from two contrasting drought-responsive Williams 82 and DT2008 soybean cultivars under normal and dehydration conditions

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    The economically important DT2008 and the model Williams 82 (W82) soybean cultivars were reported to have differential drought-tolerant degree to dehydration and drought, which was associated with root trait. Here, we used 66K Affymetrix Soybean Array GeneChip to compare the root transcriptomes of DT2008 and W82 seedlings under normal, as well as mild (2h treatment) and severe (10h treatment) dehydration conditions. Out of the 38172 soybean genes annotated with high confidence, 822 (2.15%) and 632 (1.66%) genes showed altered expression by dehydration in W82 and DT2008 roots, respectively, suggesting that a larger machinery is required to be activated in the drought-sensitive W82 cultivar to cope with the stress. We also observed that long-term dehydration period induced expression change of more genes in soybean roots than the short-term one, independently of the genotypes. Furthermore, our data suggest that the higher drought tolerability of DT2008 might be attributed to the higher number of genes induced in DT2008 roots than in W82 roots by early dehydration, and to the expression changes of more genes triggered by short-term dehydration than those by prolonged dehydration in DT2008 roots vs. W82 roots. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) that could be predicted to have a known function were further analyzed to gain a basic understanding on how soybean plants respond to dehydration for their survival. The higher drought tolerability of DT2008 vs. W82 might be attributed to differential expression in genes encoding osmoprotectant biosynthesis-, detoxification- or cell wall-related proteins, kinases, transcription factors and phosphatase 2C proteins. This research allowed us to identify genetic components that contribute to the improved drought tolerance of DT2008, as well as provide a useful genetic resource for in-depth functional analyses that ultimately leads to development of soybean cultivars with improved tolerance to drought