82 research outputs found

    Wiedza i kapitał intelektualny w bibliotece

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    The article constitutes an attempt to focus on the issues connected with knowledge management and intellelectual capital in a library, that is meant as a knowledge-based organisation, supporting the process of creating knowledge. It was characterised as the process of knowledge management in the library environment and different approaches to intelelectual capital management that depends on accepted philosophical conception. The main purpose of the article is to pay attention to the value of the intellelectual capital of library as a source value helping it to develop.Artykuł jest próbą przyjrzenia się zagadnieniom związanym z zarządzaniem wiedzą i kapitałem intelektualnym w bibliotece rozumianej jako organizacja oparta na wiedzy, wspierająca proces tworzenia wiedzy. Przegląd literatury przedmiotu ukazał proces zarządzania wiedzą z uwzględnieniem biblioteki oraz różne podejścia do zarządzania kapitałem intelektualnym w zależności od przyjętej koncepcji filozoficznej. Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na wartość kapitału intelektualnego biblioteki, jako cennego zasobu przyczyniającego się do jej rozwoju

    Serum anti-glycan antibodies in paediatric-onset Crohn's disease : association with disease phenotype and diagnostic accuracy

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    Introduction: Antibodies reacting with various microbial epitopes have been described in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and are associated with a specific diagnosis and clinical presentation. Aim: To evaluate the profile of new anti-glycan antibodies, their potential association with disease phenotype and diagnostic accuracy in paediatric Crohn’s disease (CD). Material and methods: Blood samples from 134 paediatric IBD patients (109 CD, 25 ulcerative colitis (UC)) and 67 controls were blindly analysed for anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ASCA), anti-chitobioside carbohydrate (ACCA), anti-laminaribioside carbohydrate (ALCA), and anti-mannobioside carbohydrate (AMCA) antibodies using commercially available assays. The serological response to glycans was correlated with clinical disease characteristics. Results: At least one of the tested anti-glycan antibodies was present in 75% of CD patients. Despite the high frequency of reactivity to glycan epitopes, a limited overlap of serological markers was observed. In total, 49% of ASCA-negative patients presented with one of the following: ACCA, ALCA, or AMCA. The occurrence of one antibody from the anti-glycan panel was independently associated with complicated disease phenotype and ileocolonic disease location. A higher level of immune response as assessed by the quartile sum scores for ACCA, ALCA, and AMCA was linked with older age at diagnosis (10-17 years) and ileocolonic disease location. The ASCA had the greatest accuracy for diagnosis and differentiation of CD. Conclusions: Qualitative and quantitative serologicalal response to glycan epitopes was associated with distinct clinical presentation in paediatric CD patients. This raises the possibility for the use of these markers to differentiate subgroups of CD patients with more sever clinical presentation. The ASCA was the most accurate serological marker for CD; however, testing for the new anti-glycan antibodies may constitute an adjunctive tool in a specific group of patients to aid in the differentiation of CD with absent ASCA from ulcerative colitis

    Wyzwania codziennej pracy dyrektora szkoły

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    Challenges faced by school principal in their daily work The article presents the challenges faced by school principals as a result of the processes specific to the modern world, analyzed in the literature. In this context, the most problematic issues in the daily work of school principals in Poland were presented. The research conducted by the Educational Research Institute indicates that from the perspective of the school principal the most problematic are administrative and legal issues, increasing bureaucratic requirements. Other problems identifi ed relate to the school staff and management of the school employees, school relations with the external environment, to a lesser extent, educational processes. Many of the described problems result from the demographic decline

    Wybrane zmienne socjodemograficzne a jakość życia pacjentów ze zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi kręgosłupa odcinka szyjnego

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    Introduction. Degenerative diseases of the spine are a problem that threatens the modern population around the world.Aim. Thus the main aim of the study was to assess the impact of socio-demographic variables such as: gender, age,education, place of residence, type of work, marital status on the assessment of the quality of life by patients withdegenerative lesions of the cervical spine.Material and Methods. The study was conducted at the non-public nursing care facility in Lipno on a group of 103patients diagnosed with degenerative disease of the cervical spine. The study was conducted using the method ofdiagnostic survey. It consisted in the assessment of patients within a period of at least 6 months from the diagnosis,using an own-made questionnaire and a standardized tool, the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire.Results. It was found that the quality of life of men is better in the psychological field than that of women.Furthermore younger people function better in the somatic and psychological fields compared to older people.Mentally working people assess their quality of life better than physical workers. The higher and better the education,the better the quality of life in the somatic, social and environmental field. Moreover people in relationships showa better quality of life in the social field compared to single people. The place of residence of the respondents doesnot affect their quality of life.Conclusions. Back pain is a significant clinical, social and economic problem. What’s more, they significantly reducethe quality of life of patients. (JNNN 2021;10(1):18–25)Wstęp. Choroby zwyrodnieniowe kręgosłupa stanowią problem, który zagraża współczesnej populacji na całym świecie.Cel. Głównym celem pracy była ocena wpływu zmiennych socjodemograficznych takich jak: płeć, wiek, wykształcenie,miejsce zamieszkania, rodzaj wykonywanej pracy, stan cywilny na ocenę jakości życia przez pacjentów ze zmianązwyrodnieniową odcinka szyjnego kręgosłupa.Materiał i metody. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w Niepublicznym Zakładzie Pielęgnacyjno-Opiekuńczymw Lipnie na grupie 103 pacjentów z rozpoznaną chorobą zwyrodnieniową kręgosłupa odcinka szyjnego. Badanieprzeprowadzono za pomocą metody sondażu diagnostycznego. Polegało ono na ocenie pacjentów w okresie minimum6 miesięcy od postawienia diagnozy, za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety własnego autorstwa oraz wystandaryzowanegonarzędzia — Kwestionariusza WHOQOL-BREF.Wyniki. Stwierdzono, że jakość życia mężczyzn jest lepsza w dziedzinie psychologicznej w porównaniu z kobietami.Ponadto osoby młodsze lepiej funkcjonują w dziedzinach somatycznej i psychologicznej w porównaniu z osobamistarszymi. Osoby wykonujące pracę umysłową lepiej oceniają swoją jakość życia w porównaniu z osobamiwykonującymi pracę fizyczną. Im wyższe i lepsze wykształcenia tym lepsza jakość życia w dziedzinie somatycznej, socjalnej i środowiskowej. Co więcej osoby będące w związkach wykazują lepszą jakość życia w dziedzinie socjalnejw porównaniu z osobami samotnymi. Miejsce zamieszkania badanych nie ma wpływu na ich jakość życia.Wnioski. Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa stanowią istotny problem kliniczny, społeczny a także ekonomiczny.Co więcej w sposób znaczący obniżają jakość życia pacjentów. (PNN 2021;10(1):18–2

    Urine fibroblast growth factor 23 levels in hypertensive children and adolescents

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    Aim To determine the correlation of urinary fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) excretion with blood pressure and calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Methods The study included 42 hypertensive (17 girls) and 46 healthy children and adolescents (17 girls) aged 6-18 years admitted to the Department of Pediatrics and Nephrology, Medical University of Białystok between January 2013 and December 2013. FGF23 in urine was measured using Human Intact FGF-23 ELISA Kit. Results Hypertensive participants had significantly higher urine FGF23/creatinine values than the reference group (8.65 vs 5.59 RU/mg creatinine, P = 0.007). Urine FGF23/creatinine positively correlated with systolic blood pressure in all participants. In hypertensive patients, urine FGF23/creatinine positively correlated with serum calcium and negatively with serum 25(OH)D, urinary calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Conclusion This study found that FGF23 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of hypertension in children and adolescents, but our results should be confirmed by further studies

    Feasibility of home-based cardiac telerehabilitation: Results of TeleInterMed study

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    Background: Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is recommended as an important component of a comprehensive approach to cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients. Data have shown that a small percentage of eligible patients participate in CR despite their well established benefits. Applying telerehabilitation provides an opportunity to improve the implementation of and adherence to CR. The purpose of the study was to evaluate a wide implementation and feasibility of home-based cardiac telerehabilitation (HTCR) in patients suffering from CVD and to assessits safety, patients’ acceptance of and adherence to HTCR.Methods: The study included 365 patients (left ventricular ejection fraction 56 ± 8%; aged 58 ± 10 years). They participated in 4-week HTCR based on walking, nordic walking or cycloergometer training. HTCR was telemonitored with a device adjusted to register electrocardiogram (ECG) recording and to transmit data via mobile phone to the monitoring center. The moments of automatic ECG registration were pre-set and coordinated with CR. The influence on physical capacity was assessed by comparing changes — in time of exercise test, functional capacity, 6-min walking test distance from the beginning and the end of HTCR. At the end of the study, patients filled in a questionnaire in order to assess their acceptance of HTCR.Results: HTCR resulted in a significant improvement in all parameters. There were neither deaths nor adverse events during HTCR. Patients accepted HTCR, including the need for interactive everyday collaboration with the monitoring center. There were only 0.8% non-adherent patients.Conclusions: HTCR is a feasible, safe form of rehabilitation, well accepted by patients. The adherence to HTCR was high and promising.

    Disease-related social situation in family of children with chronic kidney disease - parents' assessment : a multicentre study

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    Introduction and Objective. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children burdens life of patients and their families. Little is known about parents` assessment of families’ social situation. However, the knowledge of the details of a patient’s and his family’s life standards might influence modification and optimization of applied therapy. Therefore, the main goal of the present study was to explore the selected elements of life situation of patients suffering with CKD as well as their parents, depending on the CKD stage and appropriate treatment. Materials and Methods. Cross-sectional national study was conducted. A total of 203 children with CKD and 388 their parent-proxies (196 women and 192 men) were enrolled into this study. Patient data and questionnaires filled by both parents, concerning social-demographic parameters and assessment of changes in families after CKD diagnosis in the child, were analysed. Results. CKD children are being brought up in proper families whose financial situation is not good. Children need help in process of education. Perception of current situation differed between both parents in the change of the income source, taking care of CKD child, change in social relations and evaluating relations with medical staff. Parents do not obtain proper support from social workers. Conclusion. Families of CKD children require support in area of financial and educational help for school children. The discrepancies in evaluation of family situation between mothers and fathers of ill children might be the source of conflicts possibly resulting in worsening the outcome for CKD children

    Mutational analysis in podocin-associated hereditary nephrotic syndrome in Polish patients: founder effect in the Kashubian population

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    Hereditary nephrotic syndrome is caused by mutations in a number of different genes, the most common being NPHS2. The aim of the study was to identify the spectrum of NPHS2 mutations in Polish patients with the disease. A total of 141 children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) were enrolled in the study. Mutational analysis included the entire coding sequence and intron boundaries of the NPHS2 gene. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and TaqMan genotyping assay were applied to detect selected NPHS2 sequence variants in 575 population-matched controls. Twenty patients (14 %) had homozygous or compound heterozygous NPHS2 mutations, the most frequent being c.1032delT found in 11 children and p.R138Q found in four patients. Carriers of the c.1032delT allele were exclusively found in the Pomeranian (Kashubian) region, suggesting a founder effect origin. The 14 % NPHS2 gene mutation detection rate is similar to that observed in other populations. The heterogeneity of mutations detected in the studied group confirms the requirement of genetic testing the entire NPHS2 coding sequence in Polish patients, with the exception of Kashubs, who should be initially screened for the c.1032delT deletion