453 research outputs found

    Cost-effectiveness of virtual power plants (VPPs) based on residential aggregators

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    The domestic sector accounts for a third of the UK's energy consumption and with increasing pressure from net-zero targets, the potential of residential flexibility is more widely recognised by consumers, aggregators and governments. The development of near real-time metering systems and home energy management technologies provide new possibilities for residential demand-side control. Due to the increase in energy prices and government schemes for improving residential energy efficiency and flexibility, domestic consumers are more aware and willing to participate in balancing services. The aggregator business model is previously proven to be successful for commercial-scale markets, due to the adequate amount of flexibility during peak hours and the corresponding financial incentives. Similarly, the domestic aggregation market is expected to grow and there has been a few feasibility studies that demonstrate the benefits to the grid and economy. However, there is a need for a further in-depth study of the cost-effectiveness of residential aggregation to provide virtual power plant (VPP) actions to encourage the development of residential demand response (DR). Here, we model and compare profitable cost-effective VPP methods using residential aggregation through the integration of a novel market entity called the residential aggregator

    Lokalna primjena hemina unapređuje liječenje rana u štakora s dijabetesom izazvanim streptozotocinom

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    Hemin may be of potential therapeutic value in wound healing management in diabetics. It is an inducer of heme oxygenase-1, an enzyme which degrades heme and participates in cellular protection against oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis. Thus, in the present study, hemin (0.5%) was applied topically over excision wounds, and its therapeutic effect in wound healing evaluated in diabetic rats. Topical hemin application significantly increased the percentage of wound contraction on day 2 in diabetic rats, however, povidone-iodine did the same on day 7 compared to the diabetic control. A significant increase in hydroxyproline and glucosamine content was found on day 14 in the hemin treated wounds of diabetic rats vs. the diabetic control. The histology of the hemin treated rats was in agreement with the cellular proliferation and collagen synthesis in granulation tissue. Hemin significantly increases cytokine IL-10 and decreases TNF-α in the granulation tissue of the healed wounds of diabetic rats. The finding showing the pro-healing effects of hemin was endorsed by inhibition of mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α and adhesion molecule ICAM-1, and up-regulation of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 mRNA. Hence, topical hemin application (i) helps in early and fast wound contraction (ii) enhances the hydroxyproline and glucosamine content of wounds and (iii) modulates pro-healing mRNA expression of cytokines.Hemin ima potencijalnu terapijsku vrijednost u liječenju rana u dijabetičara. On potiče hem-oksigenazu-1, enzim koji razgrađuje hem i sudjeluje u staničnoj zaštiti od oksidacijskog stresa, upale i apoptoze. U ovom je istraživanju hemin (0,5 %) primijenjen lokalno na ekscizijske rane te je procijenjen njegov terapijski učinak na cijeljenje rana u dijabetičnih štakora. Lokalna aplikacija hemina znakovito je povećala postotak zatvaranja rana 2. dan u dijabetičnih štakora, što je učinio i povidon-jod 7. dan u kontrolnoj skupini. Znakovit porast sadržaja hidroksiprolina i glukozamina pronađen je 14. dan u dijabetičnih štakora čije su rane tretirane heminom, za razliku od kontrolne skupine. Histologija je u štakora tretiranih heminom bila u skladu sa staničnom proliferacijom i sintezom kolagena u granulacijskom tkivu. Hemin je znakovito povisio citokin IL-10 i smanjio TNF-α u granulacijskom tkivu dijabetičnih štakora sa zacijeljenim ranama. Taj nalaz odgovara ljekovitom učinku hemina što je podržano inhibicijom ekspresije mRNA proupalnog citokina TNF-α i adhezijom molekule ICAM-1 te regulacijom protuupalnog cittokina IL-10 mRNA. Dakle, lokalna primjena hemina pomaže (i) u ranoj i brzoj kontrakciji rana (ii), poboljšava sadržaj hidroksiprolina i glukozamina u ranama i (iii) prilagođuje mRNA ekspresiju citokina u smjeru cijeljenja rane

    Management of diabetes and arthritis –A systematic review

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    Purpose: Diabetes is a metabolic syndrome with reported musculoskeletal  effects. This systemic review aimed to identify a relationship between  diabetes and arthritis; disease-related risk factors, the effect of diet in disease management and the effect of anti-arthritic drugs on diabetes  treatment.Methods: This study analysed 20 articles identified and selected according to the study criteria. PRISMA guidelines were used for identification and screening of literature. Data search covered several primary databases, including Pubmed, Wiley library, Scopus, Clinical Trial Registry, etc.Results: The study findings suggest a significant correlation between  diabetes and arthritis. Obesity, impaired glucose tolerance (MS  components), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) hypertension and dyslipidemia are the most common risk factors leading to disease progression. Omega -3-fatty acid showed no protective effect on disease condition.Conclusion: The findings indicate that anti-tumor necrosis factor (Tnf)-α, disease modifying antirheumatic drugs, and Interleukin receptors  antagonist improved the efficacy of diabetic medication and maintained blood sugar levels. However, Tnf-α reduced glucose intolerance, and therefore, its therapeutic use in conjunction with diabetic medications should be limited.Keywords: Diabetes, Arthritis, Risk factors, Diet, Pathogenesis, Disease progression, Medicatio

    Assessment of hospital pharmacists' clinical knowledge and practical skill levels for pharmaceutical care in Madinah, Saudi Arabia

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    Purpose: To evaluate hospital pharmacists’ clinical knowledge and practical skill levels for pharmaceutical care.Methods: A quasi-experimental prospective longitudinal study design was used to evaluate the level of clinical skills with problem-based learning (PBL) sessions. Pharmacists’ in three different government hospitals in Madinah, Saudi Arabia recorded their responses or assessments in their work manuals for preparing reports. Instructors encouraged interactive learning by presenting case studies, in which pharmacists had to interpret medical history and clinical assessments of various body systems. Course learning design also focused on drug use evaluation, monitoring plans, and reaching clinical evidencebased decision-making.Results: A total of two hundred and fifty-five (255) hospital pharmacists participated in the study. The study sample was comprised of 128 (50.9 %) males and 127 (49.1 %) females. A significant (p < 0.01) difference was noticed between genders (male: 47.91 ± 7.15, female: 50.31 ± 4.88) for total mean scores of clinical skills. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient for case data recitation was 0.91, while clinical assessment skills coefficient was 0.89. Overall, pharmacists reported that they “agree” (4.01 ± 0.67) that they acquired the ability to use case data recitation taught in the PBL; they also reported a positive evaluation (4.48 ± 0.58) of their ability to perform clinical data assessment.Conclusion: The findings indicate that pharmacist’s self-confidence to perform clinical assessment activities is low. Lack of confidence remains a critical education issue among pharmacists in the study setting.Keywords: Clinical pharmacy, Problem-based learning, Clinical skills, Pharmacist focus group, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutical car

    Disparities in risks of malaria associated with climatic variability among women, children and elderly in the Chittagong hill tracts of Bangladesh

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    Malaria occurrence in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh varies by season and year, but this pattern is not well characterized. The role of environmental conditions on the occurrence of this vector-borne parasitic disease in the region is not fully understood. We extracted information on malaria patients recorded in the Upazila (sub-district) Health Complex patient registers of Rajasthali in Rangamati district of Bangladesh from February 2000 to November 2009. Weather data for the study area and period were obtained from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department. Non-linear and delayed effects of meteorological drivers, including temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall on the incidence of malaria, were investigated. We observed significant positive association between temperature and rainfall and malaria occurrence, revealing two peaks at 19 °C (logarithms of relative risks (logRR) = 4.3, 95% CI: 1.1–7.5) and 24.5 °C (logRR = 4.7, 95% CI: 1.8–7.6) for temperature and at 86 mm (logRR = 19.5, 95% CI: 11.7–27.3) and 284 mm (logRR = 17.6, 95% CI: 9.9–25.2) for rainfall. In sub-group analysis, women were at a much higher risk of developing malaria at increased temperatures. People over 50 years and children under 15 years were more susceptible to malaria at increased rainfall. The observed associations have policy implications. Further research is needed to expand these findings and direct resources to the vulnerable populations for malaria prevention and control in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh and the region with similar setting

    Evaluation of self-reported knowledge and understanding towards a blended research course among pharmacy students: Objective Search Literature Evaluation (OSLE) method validation

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    Background: The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of classroom versus online Modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (MOODLE)-based teaching on objective search literature evaluation (OSLE) score, as well as to validate the OSLE method for the assessment of research skills in pharmacy students. Methods: The four-station OSLE method was used to assess the performance and self-reflection at the end of each delivery mode. The students were asked to voluntarily vote for the preference of delivery mode in research courses. A hierarchical regression analysis was performed for variables predicting the “preference” for class-based teaching and/or MOODLE-based learning. Internal face and content validation were performed with students and faculty members not involved in the course teaching. External validation was performed with three professors working in different colleges in United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Results: Thirty-five students completed the courses and showed significant improvement in self-reported reflection of pre-post knowledge and understanding. Findings suggested that 87.3% (110/126, 95%CI: 75.9 – 89.4, p < 0.001) achieved performance indicators and reported the OSLE method as an effective tool for the assessment of knowledge and understanding of research skills in pharmacy education. The predictive model suggested a strong positive effect associated with article appraisal, article application, self-reporting of knowledge and self-reporting of understating (R2 0.47, F-1.26, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The findings suggested the OSLE method as an effective tool of assessment in pharmacy education. A negative impact of MOODLE-based learning was found with self-reflection on knowledge

    Experimental determination of heat capacities and their correlation with quantum predictions

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    This article demonstrates an undergraduate experiment for the determination of specific heat capacities of various solids based on a calorimetric approach, where the solid vaporizes a measurable mass of liquid nitrogen. We demonstrate our technique for the metals copper and aluminum, the semi-metal graphite and also present the data in relation with Einstein's model of independent harmonic oscillators and the more accurate Debye model based on vibrational modes of a continuous crystal. Furthermore, we elucidate an interesting material property, the Verwey transition in magnetite occurring around 120-140 K. We also demonstrate that the use of computer based data acquisition and subsequent statistical averaging helps reduce measurement uncertainties.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures. Partially accepted in American Journal of Physics (2011

    Receiver Diversity Combining Using Evolutionary Algorithms in Rayleigh Fading Channel

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    In diversity combining at the receiver, the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is often maximized by using the maximal ratio combining (MRC) provided that the channel is perfectly estimated at the receiver. However, channel estimation is rarely perfect in practice, which results in deteriorating the system performance. In this paper, an imperialistic competitive algorithm (ICA) is proposed and compared with two other evolutionary based algorithms, namely, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithm (GA), for diversity combining of signals travelling across the imperfect channels. The proposed algorithm adjusts the combiner weights of the received signal components in such a way that maximizes the SNR and minimizes the bit error rate (BER). The results indicate that the proposed method eliminates the need of channel estimation and can outperform the conventional diversity combining methods