88 research outputs found

    Direction finding and likelihood ratio detection for oceanographic HF radars

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2022. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 39(2), (2022): 223–235, https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-21-0110.1.Previous work with simulations of oceanographic high-frequency (HF) radars has identified possible improvements when using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for direction of arrival; however, methods for determining the number of emitters (here defined as spatially distinct patches of the ocean surface) have not realized these improvements. Here we describe and evaluate the use of the likelihood ratio (LR) for emitter detection, demonstrating its application to oceanographic HF radar data. The combined detection–estimation methods MLE-LR are compared with multiple signal classification method (MUSIC) and MUSIC parameters for SeaSonde HF radars, along with a method developed for 8-channel systems known as MUSIC-Highest. Results show that the use of MLE-LR produces similar accuracy, in terms of the RMS difference and correlation coefficients squared, as previous methods. We demonstrate that improved accuracy can be obtained for both methods, at the cost of fewer velocity observations and decreased spatial coverage. For SeaSondes, accuracy improvements are obtained with less commonly used parameter sets. The MLE-LR is shown to be able to resolve simultaneous closely spaced emitters, which has the potential to improve observations obtained by HF radars operating in complex current environments.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant OCE-1658475. Computing resources were provided by the UCSB Center for Scientific Computing through an NSF MRSEC (DMR-1720256) and NSF CNS-1725797

    High Frequency Radar Wind Turbine Interference Community Working Group Report

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    Land-based High Frequency (HF) Radars provide critically important observations of the coastal ocean that will be adversely affected by the spinning blades of utility-scale wind turbines. Pathways to mitigate the interference of turbines on HF radar observations exist for small number of turbines; however, a greatly increased pace of research is required to understand how to minimize the complex interference patterns that will be caused by the large arrays of turbines planned for the U.S. outer continental shelf. To support the U.S.’s operational and scientific needs, HF radars must be able to collect high-quality measurements of the ocean’s surface inand around areas with significant numbers of wind turbines. This is a solvable problem, but given the rapid pace of wind energy development, immediate action is needed to ensure that HF radar wind turbine interference mitigation efforts keep pace with the planned build out of turbines

    Improving surface current resolution using direction finding algorithms for multiantenna high-frequency radars

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 36(10), (2019): 1997-2014, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0029.1.While land-based high-frequency (HF) radars are the only instruments capable of resolving both the temporal and spatial variability of surface currents in the coastal ocean, recent high-resolution views suggest that the coastal ocean is more complex than presently deployed radar systems are able to reveal. This work uses a hybrid system, having elements of both phased arrays and direction finding radars, to improve the azimuthal resolution of HF radars. Data from two radars deployed along the U.S. East Coast and configured as 8-antenna grid arrays were used to evaluate potential direction finding and signal, or emitter, detection methods. Direction finding methods such as maximum likelihood estimation generally performed better than the well-known multiple signal classification (MUSIC) method given identical emitter detection methods. However, accurately estimating the number of emitters present in HF radar observations is a challenge. As MUSIC’s direction-of-arrival (DOA) function permits simple empirical tests that dramatically aid the detection process, MUSIC was found to be the superior method in this study. The 8-antenna arrays were able to provide more accurate estimates of MUSIC’s noise subspace than typical 3-antenna systems, eliminating the need for a series of empirical parameters to control MUSIC’s performance. Code developed for this research has been made available in an online repository.This analysis was supported by NSF Grants OCE-1657896 and OCE-1736930 to Kirincich, OCE-1658475 to Emery and Washburn and OCE-1736709 to Flament. Flament is also supported by NOAA’s Integrated Ocean Observing System through Award NA11NOS0120039. The authors thank Lindsey Benjamin, Alma Castillo, Ken Constantine, Benedicte Dousset, Ian Fernandez, Mael Flament, Dave Harris, Garrett Hebert, Ben Hodges, Victoria Futch, Matt Guanci, and Philip Moravcik for assistance in building, deploying, and operating the radars.2020-04-1

    Optical Frequency Comb Generation based on Erbium Fiber Lasers

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    Citation: Droste, S., Ycas, G., Washburn, B. R., Coddington, I., & Newbury, N. R. (2016). Optical Frequency Comb Generation based on Erbium Fiber Lasers. Nanophotonics, 5(2), 196-213. doi:10.1515/nanoph-2016-0019Optical frequency combs have revolutionized optical frequency metrology and are being actively investigated in a number of applications outside of pure optical frequency metrology. For reasons of cost, robustness, performance, and flexibility, the erbium fiber laser frequency comb has emerged as the most commonly used frequency comb system and many different designs of erbium fiber frequency combs have been demonstrated. We review the different approaches taken in the design of erbium fiber frequency combs, including the major building blocks of the underlying mode-locked laser, amplifier, supercontinuum generation and actuators for stabilization of the frequency comb

    Direct fiber comb stabilization to a gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

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    We have isolated a single tooth from a fiber laser-based optical frequency comb for nonlinear spectroscopy and thereby directly referenced the comb. An 89 MHz erbium fiber laser frequency comb is directly stabilized to the P(23) (1539.43 nm) overtone transition of [superscript]12C[subscript]2H[subscript]2 inside a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber. To do this, a single comb tooth is isolated and amplified from 20 nW to 40 mW with sufficient fidelity to perform saturated absorption spectroscopy. The fractional stability of the comb, ~7 nm away from the stabilized tooth, is shown to be 6 × 10[superscript]−12 at 100 ms gate time, which is over an order of magnitude better than that of a comb referenced to a GPS-disciplined Rb oscillator


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    Recent research in childhood education has demonstrated that experiences in nature are important in shaping early environmental consciousness (Hinds and Sparks 2008, Hussar and Horvath 2011, Cheng and Monroe 2012) and ultimately the expression of pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors during adulthood (Wells and Lekies 2006, Chawla and Cushing 2007, Collado et al. 2013). Increasingly, those experiences happen via written and electronic media (e.g., textbooks, computer screens) or in very anthropogenic environments (e.g., in parks and zoos) and less through direct contact with nature, a concept Louv (2005) referred to as ‘‘nature deficit disorder.’’ Even in schools where environmental education is prioritized, the extent of access to outdoor classroom activities or experiential learning opportunities can limit the degree to which children can observe, explore, and directly experience the natural world (Hudson 2001, Louv 2005, Ernst 2009). Interestingly, the same information technologies that might serve to limit contact with nature also have the potential to enhance and encourage interest and concern for the natural world (Blewitt 2011, Pearson et al. 2011). We believe this is an important paradox that warrants much further exploration and evaluation within educational and scientific communities

    Evaluating Connectivity between Marine Protected Areas Using CODAR High-Frequency Radar

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    To investigate the connectivity between central California marine protected areas (MPAs), back-projections were calculated using the network of high-frequency (HF) radar ocean surface current mapping stations operated along the California coast by the member institutions of the Coastal Ocean Currents Monitoring Program with funding provided by California voters through Propositions 40 & 50 and administered by the State Coastal Conservancy. Trajectories of 1 km resolution grids of water particles were back-projected from ten MPAs each hour, out through 40 days in the past, from each day in 2008, producing a map of where surface waters travel over a 40-day period to reach the MPAs - and visualizations of the length of time the waters travel along these paths. By comparing the travel times of those back-projected track-points that crossed between MPA regions, the connection time between MPAs along the State\u27s central coast was assessed. Repeating these calculations resulted in a connectivity matrix between the MPAs in the region, and may be useful for assessing connectivity for the important invertebrate and fish larvae that are restricted to the surface ocean during a fraction of their lifecycle

    A comparative genomics screen identifies a Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 sodM-like gene strongly expressed within host plant nodules

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    Background We have used the genomic data in the Integrated Microbial Genomes system of the Department of Energy’s Joint Genome Institute to make predictions about rhizobial open reading frames that play a role in nodulation of host plants. The genomic data was screened by searching for ORFs conserved in α-proteobacterial rhizobia, but not conserved in closely-related non-nitrogen-fixing α-proteobacteria. Results Using this approach, we identified many genes known to be involved in nodulation or nitrogen fixation, as well as several new candidate genes. We knocked out selected new genes and assayed for the presence of nodulation phenotypes and/or nodule-specific expression. One of these genes, SMc00911, is strongly expressed by bacterial cells within host plant nodules, but is expressed minimally by free-living bacterial cells. A strain carrying an insertion mutation in SMc00911 is not defective in the symbiosis with host plants, but in contrast to expectations, this mutant strain is able to out-compete the S. meliloti 1021 wild type strain for nodule occupancy in co-inoculation experiments. The SMc00911 ORF is predicted to encode a “SodM-like” (superoxide dismutase-like) protein containing a rhodanese sulfurtransferase domain at the N-terminus and a chromate-resistance superfamily domain at the C-terminus. Several other ORFs (SMb20360, SMc01562, SMc01266, SMc03964, and the SMc01424-22 operon) identified in the screen are expressed at a moderate level by bacteria within nodules, but not by free-living bacteria. Conclusions Based on the analysis of ORFs identified in this study, we conclude that this comparative genomics approach can identify rhizobial genes involved in the nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with host plants, although none of the newly identified genes were found to be essential for this process

    Mercury Cycling in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre as Revealed by Mercury Stable Isotope Ratios

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    The oceans are an important global reservoir for mercury (Hg), and marine fish consumption is the dominant human exposure pathway for its toxic methylated form. A more thorough understanding of the global biogeochemical cycle of Hg requires additional information on the mechanisms that control Hg cycling in pelagic marine waters. In this study, Hg isotope ratios and total Hg concentrations are used to explore Hg biogeochemistry in oligotrophic marine environments north of Hawaii. We present the first measurements of the vertical water column distribution of Hg concentrations and the Hg isotopic composition in precipitation, marine particles, and zooplankton near Station ALOHA (22°45â ²N, 158°W). Our results reveal production and demethylation of methylmercury in both the euphotic (0â 175 m) and mesopelagic zones (200â 1,000 m). We document a strong relationship between Hg isotopic composition and depth in particles, zooplankton, and fish in the water column and diurnal variations in Î 199Hg values in zooplankton sampled near the surface (25 m). Based on these observations and stable Hg isotope relationships in the marine food web, we suggest that the Hg found in large pelagic fish at Station ALOHA was originally deposited largely by precipitation, transformed into methylâ Hg, and bioaccumulated in situ in the water column. Our results highlight how Hg isotopic compositions reflect abiotic and biotic production and degradation of methylâ Hg throughout the water column and the importance of particles and zooplankton in the vertical transport of Hg.Key PointsMMHg bioaccumulated in fish is derived primarily from Hg (II) deposited in atmospheric precipitationMarine particles host the majority of Hg available for production of MMHg in the open oceanMethylation and demethylation of Hg occurs throughout the euphotic and mesopelagic zones in the North Pacific Subtropical GyrePeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150543/1/gbc20883.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150543/2/gbc20883_am.pd

    Mercury Cycling in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre as Revealed by Mercury Stable Isotope Ratios

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    The oceans are an important global reservoir for mercury (Hg), and marine fish consumption is the dominant human exposure pathway for its toxic methylated form. A more thorough understanding of the global biogeochemical cycle of Hg requires additional information on the mechanisms that control Hg cycling in pelagic marine waters. In this study, Hg isotope ratios and total Hg concentrations are used to explore Hg biogeochemistry in oligotrophic marine environments north of Hawaii. We present the first measurements of the vertical water column distribution of Hg concentrations and the Hg isotopic composition in precipitation, marine particles, and zooplankton near Station ALOHA (22°45′N, 158°W). Our results reveal production and demethylation of methylmercury in both the euphotic (0–175 m) and mesopelagic zones (200–1,000 m). We document a strong relationship between Hg isotopic composition and depth in particles, zooplankton, and fish in the water column and diurnal variations in Δ199Hg values in zooplankton sampled near the surface (25 m). Based on these observations and stable Hg isotope relationships in the marine food web, we suggest that the Hg found in large pelagic fish at Station ALOHA was originally deposited largely by precipitation, transformed into methyl‐Hg, and bioaccumulated in situ in the water column. Our results highlight how Hg isotopic compositions reflect abiotic and biotic production and degradation of methyl‐Hg throughout the water column and the importance of particles and zooplankton in the vertical transport of Hg