63 research outputs found

    Chromaticity dependence of the transverse effective impedance in the CERN Proton Synchrotron

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    The current knowledge of the transverse beam coupling impedance of the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) has been established with beam-based measurements at different energies. The transverse coherent tune shift as a function of the beam intensity has been measured in order to evaluate the total effective imaginary part of the transverse impedance in the accelerator at the energies of 7, 13 and 25 GeV. Measurements have been performed changing the vertical chromaticity for each vertical tune scan with intensity. The data analysis revealed an increase of impedance with chromaticity for all the considered energies. The transverse impedance can be compared with the previously evaluated theoretical impedance budget taking into account the individual contribution of several machine devices

    Studi Atas Disparitas Putusan Pemidanaan Perkara Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    (12/7 14:51) Hukuman berat atau ringan bagi koruptor selalu menjadi salah satu pembahasan menarik dalam gerakan pemberantasan korupsi. Dalam perdebatannya, masyarakat memiliki kecenderungan untuk mempermasalahkan penjatuhan hukuman yang mereka anggap terlalu ringan. Apalagi jika mereka menemukan perbedaan hukuman yang cukup signifikan (disparitas), terhadap perkara korupsi yang kurang lebih sama dan layak untuk diperbandingkan. Masyakarakat anti-korupsi masih menilai bahwa hukuman yang diberikan kepada pelaku korupsi belum proporsional antara perbuatan korupsi yang dilakukan, dengan rentang hukuman pidana penjara yang diterimanya. Dalam kondisi yang demikian, putusan terhadap perkara-perkara korupsi yang terjadi di Indonesia bisa dianggap inkonsisten. Tidak hanya oleh masyakarat Indonesia, tapi juga oleh masyarakat internasioal. Mengapa? Karena ratifikasi terhadap Konfensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Anti Korupsi (UNCAC) menandakan masuknya Indonesia dalam peta dunia pemberantasan korupsi. Bagi gerakan pemberantasan korupsi, pemberian hukuman berat dan proporsional masih diyakini bias memberikan efek jera bagi pelaku korupsi. Pada titik ini, kinerja lembaga peradilan sangat menentukan pemberian efek jera bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi. ICW (Indonesia Corruption Watch) berusaha untuk meneliti permasalahan ini lebih jauh. Harapannya, bisa teridentifkasi sejumlah peyebabnya dan kemudian memberikan rekomendasi terhadap lembaga-lembaga terkait untuk sama-sama mengatasinya

    Insights Into Aboriginal Australian Mortuary Practices: Perspectives From Ancient DNA

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    Paleogenetics is a relatively new and promising field that has the potential to provide new information about past Indigenous social systems, including insights into the complexity of burial practices. We present results of the first ancient DNA (aDNA) investigation into traditional mortuary practices among Australian Aboriginal people with a focus on North-East Australia. We recovered mitochondrial and Y chromosome sequences from five ancestral Aboriginal Australian remains that were excavated from the Flinders Island group in Cape York, Queensland. Two of these individuals were sampled from disturbed beach burials, while the other three were from bundle burials located in rock shelters. Genomic analyses showed that individuals from all three rock shelter burials and one of the two beach burials had a close genealogical relationship to contemporary individuals from communities from Cape York. In contrast the remaining male individual, found buried on the beach, had a mitochondrial DNA sequence that suggested that he was not from this location but that he was closely related to people from central Queensland or New South Wales. In addition, this individual was associated with a distinctive burial practice to the other four people. It has been suggested that traditionally non-locals or lower status individuals were buried on beaches. Our findings suggest that theories put forward about beach burials being non-local, or less esteemed members of the community, can potentially be resolved through analyses of uniparental genomic data. Generally, these results support the suggestion often derived from ethnohistoric accounts that inequality in Indigenous Australian mortuary practices might be based on the status, sex, and/or age of individuals and may instead relate to place of geographic origin. There is, however, some departure from the traditional ethnohistoric account in that complex mortuary internments were also offered to female individuals of the community, with genomic analyses helping to confirm that the gender of one of the rockshelter internments was that of a young female

    Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of Haloxylon salicarnicum, Ochradenus arabicus and Tamarix nilotica

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    In the present investigation, the preliminary phytochemical analysis and antioxidant potential of hexane, chloroform, acetone and methanol extracts of Haloxylon salicarnicum, Ochradenus arabicus and Tamarix nilotica were reported. The presence of flavonoid, alkaloid, phenols, terpenoids, carbohydrate, tannin, protein, steroids, saponin, phlobatannin, cardiacglycoside, anthraquinines and volatile oils were determined and for antioxidant activity, DPPH, ABTS, superoxide anion radical and hydroxyl radical scavenging potential were studied. Strong presence of alkaloid, tannin, steroids in H. salicarnicum, flavonoid and phenols in O. arabicus and saponin T. nilotica were observed. In the present investigation, all the extracts inhibited the free radicals the methanol extract of O. arabicus was identified as potential crude extract compared to all other extracts with the IC50 values of 91.65 (DPPH), 94.62 (ABTS), 95.82 (O2) and 96.02 (OH) µg/mL. Whereas, the IC50 value of the standard, Gallic acid were 125.25 (DPPH), 142.32 (ABTS), 130.78 (O2) and 139.93 µg/mL (OH). Whereas, the IC50 value of the standard, Gallic acid were 125.25 (DPPH), 142.32 (ABTS), 130.78 (O2) and 139.93 µg/mL (OH)The present study suggests that methanol extract of O. arabicus can be used for the isolation potential natural antioxidant

    Temuan Survei Pandangan Masyarakat terhadap Keberadaan KPK dalam Pemberantasan Korupsi

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    Divisi riset ICW memaparkan hasil temuan survei pandangan masyarakat terhadap keberadaan KPK dalam pemberantasan korupsi. Survei dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui bagaimana pandangan masyarakat terhadap kelembagaan, kinerja, dan proses seleksi calon pimpinan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi yang sampai saat ini masih berjalan. Selain itu, masyarakat juga memang harus berpartisipasi dalam menentukan pimpinan dan masa depan KPK esok. Hasil survei ini tidak hanya ditujukan kepada DPR, tetapi juga untuk memberi masukan kepada KPK

    REP: Location Privacy for VANETs Using Random Encryption Periods

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    Giving it a burl: towards the integration of genetics, isotope chemistry, and osteoarchaeology in Cape York, Tropical North Queensland, Australia

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    In this paper we outline a worked example of the combined use of genetic data and archaeological evidence. The project focuses on Queensland's Cape York Peninsula and has two goals. One is to shed new light on the population history of the region. The other is to develop a methodology to facilitate repatriation of the remains of Aboriginal Australians. After providing some background to the project and outlining its main activities, we summarize our key findings to date. Subsequently, we discuss what the project has taught us about the prehistory of Cape York, the potential for DNA research and isotope chemistry to assist research institutions and Aboriginal communities with the repatriation of unaffiliated remains, and the process of conducting combined genetic and archaeological research.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council; British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund [862-804231,962-805808]; Canada Foundation for Innovation [203808,36801]; Canada Research Chairs Program [228117,231256]; Simon Fraser University

    Tissue cell stress response to obesity and its interaction with late gestational diet

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    Intra-uterine growth restriction in late pregnancy can contribute to adverse long term metabolic health in the offspring. We utilised an animal (sheep) model of maternal dietary manipulation in late pregnancy, combined with exposure of the offspring to a low activity, obesogenic environment after weaning, to characterise the effects on glucose homeostasis. Dizygotic twin-pregnant sheep were either fed to 60% of requirements (nutrient restriction (R)) or fed ad libitum (~ 140% of requirements (A)) from 110 days gestation until term (~147d). After weaning (~3 months of age), their offspring were kept in either a standard (in order to remain lean) or low activity, obesogenic environment. R mothers gained less weight and produced smaller offspring. As adults, obese offspring were heavier and fatter with reduced glucose tolerance, irrespective of maternal diet. Molecular markers of stress and autophagy in liver and adipose tissue were increased with obesity, with gene expression of hepatic Grp78 and of omental Atf6, Grp78 and Edem1 only being increased in R offspring. In conclusion, the adverse effect of juvenile onset obesity on insulin responsive tissues can be amplified by previous exposure to a suboptimal nutritional environment in utero, thereby contributing to earlier onset of insulin resistance

    LHC Impedance Model: Experience with High Intensity Operation in the LHC

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    The CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is now in luminosity production mode and has been pushing its performance in the past months by increasing the proton beam brightness, the collision energy and the machine availability. As a consequence, collective effects have started to become more and more visible and have effectively slowed down the performance increase of the machine. Among these collective effects, the interaction of brighter LHC bunches with the longitudinal and transverse impedance of the machine has been observed to generate beam induced heating, as well as longitudinal and transverse instabilities since 2010. This contribution reviews the current LHC impedance model obtained from theory, simulations and bench measurements as well as a selection of measured effects with the LHC beam
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