39 research outputs found

    Use RDT Kit to Check for Malaria Parasites-Experts

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    High Level Bio-Safety Laboratory Boosts Epidemic Reaction Capacity

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    Relationships between soil albedos and soil and air temperatures.

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    Relationships are derived between near-interface soil and air temperatures and the albedos and temperatures of the interface under low evaporation conditions. Simple theoretical approximations of these relationships are established for nearly identical soil conditions with different albedos. A demonstration experiment is discussed which proves that this theory is valid at the surface of plastic-covered dry soil. Field temperatures for bare and black plastic-covered relatively dry soil in Kenya at 7.5 cm depth are also in good agreement with the theory. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission

    Challenges of Using Credit Facilities to Support the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tanzania.

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    In Tanzania, most small and medium enterprises SMEs use credit from financial institution to support their operations. This study sought to understand the challenges of using credit facilities to support the growth of (SMEs) in Tanzania. Specifically, on effect of high interest rate, strict loan repayment terms and small loan amount offered by financial institutions. To achieve this objective, the study employed descriptive research design. Convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample size. Data was collected using structured questionnaire from SMEs in Dar es Salaam. A total of 200 questionnaires were administered to various SMEs but the researcher managed to obtain 121 completed questionnaires representing a response rate of 60.5%. The collected data was edited, coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel computer package. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The research findings revealed that there was a strong positive relationship (R = 0.685) between interest rates, loan amount, loan terms and growth of SMEs. Also from the study it was evident that at 95% confidence level, the variables produced statistically significant values and can be relied to explain their effects towards the growth of SMEs. The findings further revealed that strict loan repayment terms, high interest rates as well as small loan amounts are still major challenges in accessing credit facilities despite their contribution towards SMEs growth. Lastly, the study recommends the need for the government to regulate the financial market through the credit bureau to enable SMEs operators to access credit with a fair charge of interest, and financial institutions to review their loan requirements to improve access to credit by SMEs. Keywords: Loan size, Loan terms, Loan interest rate & Loan

    Hvordan kan sykepleier i hjemmesykepleien imøtekomme pasientens behov for åndelig og eksistensiell omsorg i livets sluttfase?

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    Problemstilling Hvordan kan sykepleier i hjemmesykepleien imøtekomme pasientens behov for åndelig og eksistensiell omsorg i livets sluttfase? Metode Metoden anvendt i oppgaven er litteraturstudie. Jeg har brukt relevant faglitteratur og forsknings og fagartikler. Jeg har også brukt noen av mine egne erfaringer fra hjemmesykepleie. Teoretisk perspektiv De sykepleiefaglige kunnskapsområdene i oppgaven er valgt ut for å belyse problemstillingen. For å beskrive målgruppen har jeg tatt med pasienten i livets sluttfase, kreft, åndelige og eksistensielle behov, palliasjon i hjemmesykepleien og håp. Den sykepleiefaglige referanserammen inkluderer etikk i sykepleien, sykepleierrolle og faglig forsvarlighet og Martinsens omsorgstenkning Drøfting Jeg har drøftet problemstillingen i lys av ulike sykepleietilnærminger. Dette er å forstå pasienten, sykepleier- pasient relasjon, å være nær og sanse, den gode samtalen og håp. Martinsens fokus på tillit, nærhet, å stå i det usikre, sårbarhet og makt og faglig skjønn kommer tydelig frem. Konklusjon Palliasjon vektlegger helhetlig sykepleie. Sykepleier må ha gode kommunikasjonsferdigheter, og evne til å se og sette seg inn i pasients situasjon. Det er også viktig å bruke sansene og det faglige skjønnet for å få en forforståelse av pasientens livsverden. Sykepleier må være trygg i egen praksis, og være bevisst på egne følelser og reaksjoner rundt åndelige og eksistensielle temaer. Gjennom profesjonell nærhet og tilstedeværelse vil en tillitsfull relasjon kunne skapes, og åndelige og eksistensielle behov ivaretas. Nøkkelord: Åndelige og eksistensielle behov, omsorg, palliativ fase, sykepleier-pasient relasjon, hjemmesykeplei

    <em>Solanum tuberosum</em> Yield for Selected Countries

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    This chapter, aimed at analyzing potato yield among selected countries, has seven sections. The panel analysis of potato production and productivity has shown significant differences among countries. The main panel analysis of the random and fixed effect model indicates a negative influence of land size on yield and a positive influence on production. However, using multilevel mixed effect model, some country specific estimates deviate from main model results. In yield and output equations, the influence of land is positive for some countries and negative for others. Improvement of potato productivity is vital for hunger relief and starvation reduction. Even though, area specific analysis can bring in many determinants of potato production and productivity. A detailed analysis can give the right direction for policy makers in their effort to reduce hunger and starvation as well as improve the living standards of people