24,339 research outputs found

    Reanalysis of the spectrum of the z=10 galaxy

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    In a recent paper Pello et al. reported observations of a faint galaxy, gravitationally lensed by the galaxy cluster Abell 1835. Deep J-band spectroscopy revealed a weak emission line near 1.34 microns, detected in two spectra with different central wavelengths. The line was interpreted as Lyman-alpha at redshift z=10.0. This interpretation is supported by the broad-band photometric spectral energy distribution, and by the location of the galaxy close to the lens critical line for this redshift. We have reanalysed the two spectra, just released from the data archive. Our analysis includes allowance for wavelength shifts due to transverse drift of the object in the slit. We do not detect a significant emission line at the reported location, or nearby, at either grating setting, nor in the combined spectrum. We provide a possible explanation for the reported detection as due to spurious positive flux introduced in the sky-subtraction stage as a result of variable hot pixels. We provide our final reduced 2D frame, and corresponding error array.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. To appear in A&A Letters. Added possible explanation for reported emission line as due to variable hot pixel

    Factors Affecting Trade in Mexican Imports of Poultry Meat from the United States

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    U.S. exports of poultry to Mexico have increased steadily since NAFTA came into force in January 1994. The Mexican poultry industry has become increasingly concerned about these exports, arguing that it cannot compete with U.S. products. The Mexicans argue that U.S. poultry exports to Mexico are duty free under NAFTA (as of January 1, 2003). The Mexican industry also argues that U.S. poultry benefits from low-priced feed resulting from U.S. Government farm programs. We analyzed the impact of tariffs and U.S. feed grain programs on U.S. exports of poultry, and find that other factors appear to be more important in explaining trade. Specifically, Mexican preferences for dark meat provide large price incentives for U.S. exporters, while Mexican Government policies in support of its grain sector penalize poultry producers in Mexico.International Relations/Trade,

    Experimental study of equilibrium air total radiation

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    Experimental study of equilibrium air total radiatio

    Postnatal debriefing: Have we thrown the baby out with the bathwater?

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    Postnatal debriefing is offered by 78% of maternity services in the UK despite little evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that it is effective. RCTs in this area have applied debriefing as a prophylactic to all or high risk women, rather than as a treatment for women who request it. This pragmatic trial therefore evaluated existing postnatal debriefing services that provide debriefing as a treatment for women who request it. Forty-six women who met criterion A for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and requested debriefing 1.3 to 72.2 months (median 16 weeks) postpartum completed measures of depression, PTSD, support and negative appraisals of the birth before and one month after debriefing. Women were compared with others who gave birth in the same hospitals during the same time period (n=34), who met criterion A for PTSD but had not requested debriefing. Results showed PTSD symptoms reduced over time in both groups but greater decreases were observed in women who attended debriefing. Debriefing also led to reduction in negative appraisals but did not affect symptoms of depression. Therefore, results suggest providing debriefing as a treatment to women who request or are referred to it may help to reduce symptoms of PTSD

    The cognitive organization of music knowledge: a clinical analysis

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    Despite much recent interest in the clinical neuroscience of music processing, the cognitive organization of music as a domain of non-verbal knowledge has been little studied. Here we addressed this issue systematically in two expert musicians with clinical diagnoses of semantic dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, in comparison with a control group of healthy expert musicians. In a series of neuropsychological experiments, we investigated associative knowledge of musical compositions (musical objects), musical emotions, musical instruments (musical sources) and music notation (musical symbols). These aspects of music knowledge were assessed in relation to musical perceptual abilities and extra-musical neuropsychological functions. The patient with semantic dementia showed relatively preserved recognition of musical compositions and musical symbols despite severely impaired recognition of musical emotions and musical instruments from sound. In contrast, the patient with Alzheimer’s disease showed impaired recognition of compositions, with somewhat better recognition of composer and musical era, and impaired comprehension of musical symbols, but normal recognition of musical emotions and musical instruments from sound. The findings suggest that music knowledge is fractionated, and superordinate musical knowledge is relatively more robust than knowledge of particular music. We propose that music constitutes a distinct domain of non-verbal knowledge but shares certain cognitive organizational features with other brain knowledge systems. Within the domain of music knowledge, dissociable cognitive mechanisms process knowledge derived from physical sources and the knowledge of abstract musical entities

    Hypervelocity heat transfer studies in simulated planetary atmospheres final report

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    Hypervelocity heat transfer studies in simulated planetary atmosphere

    Linear electric field frequency shift (important for next generation electric dipole moment searches) induced in confined gases by a magnetic field gradient

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    The search for particle electric dipole moments (edm) represents a most promising way to search for physics beyond the standard model. A number of groups are planning a new generation of experiments using stored gases of various kinds. In order to achieve the target sensitivities it will be necessary to deal with the systematic error resulting from the interaction of the well-known v×E\overrightarrow{v}\times \overrightarrow{E} field with magnetic field gradients (often referred to as the geometric phase effect (Commins, ED; Am. J. Phys. \QTR{bf}{59}, 1077 (1991), Pendlebury, JM \QTR{em}{et al;} Phys. Rev. \QTR{bf}{A70}, 032102 (2004)). This interaction produces a frequency shift linear in the electric field, mimicking an edm. In this work we introduce an analytic form for the velocity auto-correlation function which determines the velocity-position correlation function which in turn determines the behavior of the frequency shift (Lamoreaux, SK and Golub, R; Phys. Rev \QTR{bf}{A71}, 032104 (2005)) and show how it depends on the operating conditions of the experiment. We also discuss some additional issues.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Precision Determination of the Mass Function of Dark Matter Halos

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    The predicted mass function of dark matter halos is essential in connecting observed galaxy cluster counts and models of galaxy clustering to the properties of the primordial density field. We determine the mass function in the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology, as well as its uncertainty, using sixteen 102431024^3-particle nested-volume dark-matter simulations, spanning a mass range of over five orders of magnitude. Using the nested volumes and single-halo tests, we find and correct for a systematic error in the friends-of-friends halo-finding algorithm. We find a fitting form and full error covariance for the mass function that successfully describes the simulations' mass function and is well-behaved outside the simulations' resolutions. Estimated forecasts of uncertainty in cosmological parameters from future cluster count surveys have negligible contribution from remaining statistical uncertainties in the central cosmology multiplicity function. There exists a potentially non-negligible cosmological dependence (non-universality) of the halo multiplicity function.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ