1,070 research outputs found

    A comparison of vertical velocities measured from specular and nonspecular echoes by a VHF radar

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    For a number of years, there have been doubts about the accuracy of vertical wind velocities measured with quasi-specular reflections from mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere (MST) radar. The concern has been that the layers producing the quasi-specular reflection process this hypothetical tilt. Because of the quasi-specular reflection process, this hypothetical tilt would control the effective zenith angle of the radar antenna beam so that a small component of the horizontal velocity would be included in what was assumed to be a truly vertical beam. The purpose here is to test the hypothesis that there is an effect on the wind velocities measured on a vertical antenna beam due to a long-term tilting of the stable atmospheric layers that cause quasi-specular reflection. Gravity waves have been observed to cause short-term tilting of turbulent layers and specularly reflecting layers. In both cases, the effect was a wave-like deformation atmospheric layers with a period of a few minutes. This geometry is shown. Because of this influence of gravity waves, it was expected that there would be short-term variations in the vertical velocity

    Measurement of vertical velocity using clear-air Doppler radars

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    A new clear air Doppler radar was constructed, called the Flatland radar, in very flat terrain near Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. The radar wavelength is 6.02 m. The radar has been measuring vertical velocity every 153 s with a range resolution of 750 m almost continuously since March 2, 1987. The variance of vertical velocity at Flatland is usually quite small, comparable to the variance at radars located near rough terrain during periods of small background wind. The absence of orographic effects over very flat terrain suggests that clear air Doppler radars can be used to study vertical velocities due to other processes, including synoptic scale motions and propagating gravity waves. For example, near rough terrain the shape of frequency spectra changes drastically as the background wind increases. But at Flatland the shape at periods shorter than a few hours changes only slowly, consistent with the changes predicted by Doppler shifting of gravity wave spectra. Thus it appears that the short period fluctuations of vertical velocity at Flatland are alsmost entirely due to the propagating gravity waves

    К вопросу о значимости дозировки препаратов в ферментозаместительной терапии при болезни Фабри

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    Болезнь Фабри (БФ) – X-сцепленное заболевание, обусловленное мутациями в гене, кодирующем лизосомальную гидролазу α-галактозидазу А, при котором происходит прогрессирующее накопление в лизосомах глоботриаозилцерамида и связанных гликосфинголипидов. У пациентов мужского пола с классическим фенотипом болезни заболевание клинически манифестирует в детском или подростковом возрасте и характеризуется несколькими симптомами, в том числе нарушением почечной функции, цереброваскулярными осложнениями, сердечной недостаточностью и в конечном счете преждевременной смертью

    Sodium Transport in Capillaries Isolated from Rat Brain

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    Brain capillary endothelial cells form a bloodbrain barrier (BBB) that appears to play a role in fluid and ion homeostasis in brain. One important transport system that may be involved in this regulatory function is the Na + ,K + -ATPase that was previously demonstrated to be present in isolated brain capillaries. The goal of the present study was to identify additional Na + transport systems in brain capillaries that might contribute to BBB function. Microvessels were isolated from rat brains and 22 Na + uptake by and efflux from the cells were studied. Total 22 Na + uptake was increased and the rate of 22 Na + efflux was decreased by ouabain, confirming the presence of Na + ,K + -ATPase in capillary cells. After inhibition of Na + ,K + -ATPase activity, another saturable Na + transport mechanism became apparent. Capillary uptake of 22 Na + was stimulated by an elevated concentration of Na + or H + inside the cells and inhibited by extracellular Na + , H + , Li + , and NH 4 + . Amiloride inhibited 22 Na + uptake with a K i between 10 −5 and 10 −6 M but there was no effect of 1 mM furosemide on 22 Na + uptake by the isolated microvessels. These results indicate the presence in brain capillaries of a transport system capable of mediating Na + / Na + and Na + /H + exchange. As a similar transport system does not appear to be present on the luminal membrane of the brain capillary endothelial cell, it is proposed that Na + /H + exchange occurs primarily across the antiluminal membrane.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66187/1/j.1471-4159.1983.tb09065.x.pd

    Creating the ‘ethics industry': Mary Warnock, in vitro fertilization and the history of bioethics in Britain

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    Recent decades have seen a shift in the management and discussion of biomedicine. Issues once considered by doctors and scientists are now handled by a diverse array of participants, including philosophers, lawyers, theologians and lay representatives. This new approach, known as ‘bioethics', has become the norm in regulatory committees and public debate. In this article, I argue that bioethics emerged as a valued enterprise in Britain during the 1980s because it fulfilled, and linked, the concerns of several groups. My analysis centres on the moral philosopher Mary Warnock, who chaired a government inquiry into human fertilization and embryology between 1982 and 1984, and became a strong advocate of bioethics. I detail how Warnock's promotion of bioethics tallied with the Conservative government's desire for increased surveillance of hitherto autonomous professions – while fulfilling her own belief that philosophers should engage in public affairs. And I also show that Warnock simultaneously promoted bioethics to doctors and scientists as an essential safeguard against declining political and public trust. This stance, I argue, framed bioethics as a vital intermediary between politics, the public, and biomedicine, and explains the growth and endurance of what the Guardian identified as an ethics industry

    Autism and the U.K. secondary school experience

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    This research investigated the self-reported mainstream school experiences of those diagnosed on the autistic spectrum compared with the typically developing school population. Existing literature identifies four key areas that affect the quality of the school experience for students with autism: social skills, perceived relationships with teaching staff, general school functioning, and interpersonal strengths of the young person. These areas were explored in a mainstream U.K. secondary school with 14 students with autism and 14 age and gender matched students without autism, using self-report questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Quantitative analyses showed consistent school experiences for both groups, although content analysis of interview data highlighted some differences in the ways in which the groups perceive group work, peers, and teaching staff within school. Implications for school inclusion are discussed, drawing attention to how staff awareness of autism could improve school experience and success for students with autism attending mainstream schools

    Calculation of the Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Impedance from a Wiggler

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    Most studies of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR) have only considered the radiation from independent dipole magnets. However, in the damping rings of future linear colliders, a large fraction of the radiation power will be emitted in damping wigglers. In this paper, the longitudinal wakefield and impedance due to CSR in a wiggler are derived in the limit of a large wiggler parameter KK. After an appropriate scaling, the results can be expressed in terms of universal functions, which are independent of KK. Analytical asymptotic results are obtained for the wakefield in the limit of large and small distances, and for the impedance in the limit of small and high frequencies.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Academic freedom in Europe: time for a Magna Charta?

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    This paper is a preliminary attempt to establish a working definition of academic freedom for the European Union states. The paper details why such a definition is required for the European Union and then examines some of the difficulties of defining academic freedom. By drawing upon experience of the legal difficulties beset by the concept in the USA and building on previous analyses of constitutional and legislative protection for academic freedom, and of legal regulations concerning institutional governance and academic tenure, a working definition of academic freedom is then derived. The resultant definition which, it is suggested, could form the basis for a European Magna Charta Libertatis Academicae, goes beyond traditional discussions of academic freedom by specifying not only the rights inherent in the concept but also its accompanying duties, necessary limitations and safeguards. The paper concludes with proposals for how the definition might be tested and carried forward

    Squirrelpox virus: assessing prevalence, transmission and environmental degradation

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    Red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) declined in Great Britain and Ireland during the last century, due to habitat loss and the introduction of grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), which competitively exclude the red squirrel and act as a reservoir for squirrelpox virus (SQPV). The disease is generally fatal to red squirrels and their ecological replacement by grey squirrels is up to 25 times faster where the virus is present. We aimed to determine: (1) the seropositivity and prevalence of SQPV DNA in the invasive and native species at a regional scale; (2) possible SQPV transmission routes; and, (3) virus degradation rates under differing environmental conditions. Grey (n = 208) and red (n = 40) squirrel blood and tissues were sampled. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) techniques established seropositivity and viral DNA presence, respectively. Overall 8% of squirrels sampled (both species combined) had evidence of SQPV DNA in their tissues and 22% were in possession of antibodies. SQPV prevalence in sampled red squirrels was 2.5%. Viral loads were typically low in grey squirrels by comparison to red squirrels. There was a trend for a greater number of positive samples in spring and summer than in winter. Possible transmission routes were identified through the presence of viral DNA in faeces (red squirrels only), urine and ectoparasites (both species). Virus degradation analyses suggested that, after 30 days of exposure to six combinations of environments, there were more intact virus particles in scabs kept in warm (25°C) and dry conditions than in cooler (5 and 15°C) or wet conditions. We conclude that SQPV is present at low prevalence in invasive grey squirrel populations with a lower prevalence in native red squirrels. Virus transmission could occur through urine especially during warm dry summer conditions but, more notably, via ectoparasites, which are shared by both species