793 research outputs found
Pelatihan Penyusunan Business Model Canvas (BMC) pada UMK Anggota PEPI Tangerang Selatan
Dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat kali ini, dosen-dosen Manajemen SI melakukan kerjasama dengan Pengembangan Ekonomi Perempuan Indonesia disingkat PEPI Tangerang Selatan. Dimana tugas dan fungsi dari PEPI adalah meningkatkan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam mengawal proses pengembangan ekonomi perempuan. Â PEPI dengan anggota sebanyak 200 UMK (Usaha Mikro dan Kecil) tidak hanya meningkatkan ekonomi tapi juga SDM para anggotanya harus ditingkatkan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi anggota PEPI bahwa Usaha mikro yang merupakan sector unggulan demi peningkatan dan pemerataan kesejahteraan masyarakat masih dihadapkan pada permasalahan perencanaan, pemasaran, dan memerlukan upaya dari beberapa pihak untuk mengatasinya, khususnya ditinjau dari aspek perencanaan strategis. Berdasarkan pengamatan awal anggota PEPI tidak memiliki perencanaan bisnis. Mereka hanya membuat pencatatan tentang apa yang akan dilakukan. Â Berdasarkan uraian di atas maka team PKM bermaksud ingin membantu para anggota PEPI agar dapat dengan mudah mengetahui tentang perencanaan bisnis. Â Kegiatan PKM ini akan memberikan Pelatihan Penyusunan Business Model Canvas (BMC) kepada anggota PEPI sabagai Mitra
Radiation environment for rendezvous and docking with nuclear rockets
Radiation environment data for the NERVA engine are provided which may be utilized in estimating radiation exposures associated with various space maneuvers. Spatial distributions of neutron and gamma tissue kerma rates produced during full thrust operation of the engine are presented. Final rendezvous with an orbiting space station would be achieved subsequent to full thrust operation during a period of 10 or more hours duration in which impulse is delivered by the propellant used for removal of decay heat. Consequently, post operation radiation levels are of prime importance in estimating space station exposures. Maps of gamma kerma rates around the engine are provided for decay times of 4 and 24 hours after a representative firing. Typical decay curves illustrating the dependence of post operation kerma rates on decay time and operating history are included. Examples of the kerma distributions around the engine which result from integration over specific exposure periods are shown
A Basin Analysis of the Wabigoon Area of Lake Agassiz, a Quaternary Clay Basin in Northwerstern Ontario
Information from a wide range of sources is integrated in a basin analysis of the Wabigoon Basin, a Quaternary clay basin located on the Canadian Shield in northwestern Ontario. The basin sediments were deposited between 10.9 ka and 9.5 ka, along the margin of the Rainy Lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which formed the northern boundary of proglacial Lake Agassiz. The basin architecture is dominated by four major elements: end moraines, eskers, kames and a clay plain, all of which overlie irregular bedrock topography. End moraines, eskers and kames are composed mainly of a fining upward sequence of gravels and sands. The geometry of these sedimentary units, and their sedimentary structures indicates they were deposited mainly by high and low-density turbidity currents, on ice-marginal subaqueous outwash fans. Eskers contain a core of coarse gravel and sand deposited within subglacial meltwater conduits, overlain by subaqueous fan sediments deposited at the conduit mouth. Esker ridges were formed during conduit filling events and flanking deposits were formed when a conduit remained in use during ice-marginal retreat. Where conduits were shortlived, isolated subaqueous fans (kames) were formed. A depositional model is proposed which relates moraine formation to catastrophic releases of subglacial meltwater and sediment simultaneously along the entire margin of the Rainy Lobe. The clay plain forms a broad blanket of fine-grained, rhythmically-bedded sediment which obscures bedrock topography, and often buries esker and kame deposits. Seismic profiles and overburden drilling reveal deep (50-70 m) bedrock lows beneath the clay plain. These lows, oriented sub-parallel to the ice margin, acted as sediment traps, and were infilled by the deposits of underflows generated at the ice margin.Les renseignements tirés d'un grand nombre de sources sont intégrés en vue de l'analyse du bassin de Wabigoon, situé sur le Bouclier canadien. Les sédiments qui le composent ont été déposés entre 10,9 et 9,5 ka, le long de la marge du lobe Rainy de l'Inlandsis laurentidien, qui formait la limite nord du Lac Agassiz. Les quatre formes principales qu'on y trouve sont les moraines frontales, les eskers, les kames et une plaine argileuse; ces formes recouvrent le relief irrégulier du substratum. Les moraines frontales, les eskers et les kames sont surtout composés d'une séquence de graviers et de sables s'affinant vers le haut. La géométrie de ces unités sédimentaires et leur structure montrent qu'elles ont en grande partie été déposées sur des épandages fluvioglaciaires sous-aquatiques de marge glaciaire par des courants de turbidité de haute et de basse densité. Les eskers renferment un noyau de gravier et de sable grossier déposés à l'intérieur des chenaux de fonte sous-glaciaires, recouverts par les sédiments de cône sous-aquatique déposés à l'embouchure des chenaux. Les crêtes d'eskers ont été édifiées en même temps que s'effectuait le remplissage des chenaux et les dépôts latéraux ont été formés alors qu'un chenal demeurait actif pendant le retrait glaciaire. Là où l'activité a été de courte durée, des cônes sous-aquatiques isolés (kames) se sont formés. On propose ici un modèle de mise en place des sédiments qui lie la formation des moraines à des écoulements sous-glaciaires catastrophiques et simultanés d'eau de fonte et de sédiments tout le long de la marge du lobe Rainy. La plaine argileuse forme une couverture étendue de sédiments à grains fins, à stratification rythmique, qui cache le relief du substratum et enfouit souvent les eskers et les kames. Les profils sismiques et les forages dans les dépôts meubles révèlent des dépressions profondes (50-70 m) dans le substratum sous Ia plaine argileuse.Informationen aus einer Vielfalt von Quellen sind fur die Analyse des Wabigoon-Beckens vereinigt, ein Quaternà r-Lehm-Becken, das sich auf dem kanadischen Schild befindet. Die Beckensedimente wurden zwischen 10.9 ka und 9.5 ka abgela-gert, entlang dem Rand der Rainy-Lobe der laurentidischen Eisdecke, welche die nôrdli-che Grenzlinie des proglazialen Agassiz-Sees bildete. Die Becken-Architektur wird von vier Hauptelementen beherrscht: Endmorà ne, Eskers, Kames und eine Lehmebene. Die drei ersteren bestehen vor allem aus einer nach oben hin feiner werdenden Sequenz von Kies und Sand. Die Géométrie dieser Sediment-Einheiten und ihre Sediment-Strukturen zeigen, daB sie haupt-à chlich durch Dichtigkeitsstrômungen mit hoher und niedriger Dichte abgelagert wurden auf Unterwasser-Eisrand-Schwemmfà chern. Die Eskers enthalten einen Kern von grobem Kies und Sand, der innerhalb subgla-zialer Schmelzwasserkanà le abgelagert wurde, ùberlagert von Unterwasser-Fà cher-sedimenten, die an der Mùndung der Kanà le abgelagert wurden. Die Esker-Rùcken wurden wà hrend der Fùllung der Kanà le gebildet und seitliche Ablagerungen wurden gebildet, wenn ein Kanal wà hrend des Rùckzugs des Eisrands aktiv blieb. Wo Kanà le kurzlebig waren, bildeten sich isolierte Unterwasser-Fà cher (Kames). Ein Ablagerungsmodell wird vorgeschlagen, das die Bildung der Morâne mit katastrophenartigem gleichzeiti-gem Freiwerden von subglazialem Schmelz-wasser und Sedimenten entlang des ganzen RandsderRainy-Lobeverbindet. DieLehmebene bildet eine breite Decke von feinkôrnigem, rhythmisch gelagertem Sediment, welches die Topographie des anstehenden Gesteins verdeckt und hâufig Esker- und Kame-Ablagerungen ùberlagert. Die seismischen Profile und Bohrungen in den lockeren Ablagerungen lassen tiefe Niederungen (50-70 m) unter der Lehmebene im anstehenden Gestein erkennen
Developing complex information systems: The use of a geometric data structure to aid the specification of a multi-media information environment.
The enormous computing power available today has resulted in the acceptance of information technology into a wide range of applications, the identification or creation of numerous problem areas, and the considerable tasks of finding problem solutions. Using computers for handling the current data manipulation tasks which characterise modern information processing requires considerably more sophisticated hardware and software technologies. Yet the development of more 'enhanced' packages frequently requires hundreds of man-years. Similarly, computer hardware design has become so complicated that only by using existing computers is it possible to develop newer machines. The common characteristic of such data manipulation tasks is that much larger amounts of information in evermore complex arrangements are being handled at greater speeds. Instead of being 'concrete' or 'black and white', issues at the higher levels of information processing can appear blurred - there may be much less precision because situations, perspectives and circumstances can vary. Most current packages focus on specific task areas, but the modern information processing environment actually requires a broader range of functions that cooperate in integrating and relating information handling activities in a manner far beyond that normally offered. It would seem that a fresh approach is required to examine all of the constituent problems. This report describes the research work carried out during such a consideration, and details the specification and development of a suggested method for enhancing information systems by specifying a multimedia information environment. This thesis develops a statement of the perceived problems, using extensive references to the current state of information system technologies. Examples are given of how some current systems approach the multiple tasks of processing and sharing data and applications. The discussion then moves to consider further what the underlying objectives of information handling - and a suitable integration architecture - should perhaps be, and shows how some current systems do not really meet these aims, although they incorporate certain of the essential fundamentals that contribute towards more enhanced information handling. The discussion provides the basis for the specification and construction of complete, integrated Information Environment applications. The environments are used to describe not only the jobs which the user wishes to carry out, but also the circumstances under which the job is being performed. The architecture uses a new geometric data structure to facilitate manipulation of the working data, relationships, and the environment description. The manipulation is carried out spatially, and this allows the user to work using a geometric representation of the data components, thus supporting the abstract nature of some information handling tasks
Padi beras hitam merupakan padi lokal yang memiliki karakter yang sama dengan padi lokal yang lainnya seperti memiliki umur panen yang masih panjang (> 145 hari) dan memiliki postur yang tinggi (> 150 cm). Tentu, apabila sifat-sifat kurang efektif ini dapat diperbaiki jelas akan lebih menguntungkan khususnya dapat lebih mendukung peningkataan produktivitas dan kesejahteraan petani. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki genetik tanaman adalah melalui pemuliaan mutasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis iradiasi yang efektif dalam menghasilkan keragaman genetik yang tinggi pada padi beras hitam lokal Sumatera Barat sehingga dapat mendukung program seleksi dalam menghasilkan galur mutan harapan yang berumur genjah dan batang semi pendek (semi-dwarf) yang memiliki produktifitas dan mutu yang lebih baik dari tanaman aslinya. Benih padi beras hitam lokal Sumatera Barat yang diiradiasi dengan sinar gamma 60Co dosis 0, 100, 200, 300,400 dan 500 Gy di Pusat Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi-Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (PAIR – BATAN), pada tanaman M1 diperoleh dosis iradiasi 200 - 300 Gy merupakan dosis yang efektif dalam menghasilkan keragaman genetic yang luas.
Dari hasil seleksi individu terhadap tinggi tanaman dan umur panen yang dilakukan pada populasi M2 diperoleh kandidat mutan genjah sebanyak 81 kandidat dengan frekuensi mutasi sebesar 0,08 %, dan kandidat mutan lebih pendek dari tanaman kontrol diperoleh sebanyak 32 kandidat mutan dengan frekuensi 0,03 %. Hasil seleksi dan pemurnian galur mutan M3 terhadap batang semi pendek (semi-dwarf) dan umur genjah diperoleh sebanyak 18 galur mutan harapan sudah homogen, yang termasuk kategori kelompok tanaman semi pendek (semi dwarf) 7 galur mutan dan kelompok tanaman genjah 11 galur mutan. Dari pertanaman M4 dapat diketahui bahwa 18 galur mutan harapan telah memiliki tingkat kehomogenan (kemurnian) lebih baik, dan memiliki potensi hasil yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanaman kontrolnya, dengan potensi hasil terbaik dari mutan semi pendek (semi-dwarf) adalah 7,82 ton.ha-1 dan potensi hasil terbaik dari mutan umur genjah adalah 7,79 ton.ha-1. Sedangkan tanaman kontrol potensi hasil adalah 5,69 ton.ha-1dan dari tanaman pembanding dengan hasil 6,29 ton.ha-1. Kedua galur mutan harapan tersebut mempunyai mutu dan kualitas beras baik dengan rasa nasi pera, sehingga disarankan untuk uji multilokasi agar didapat galur mutan yang stabil dan selanjutnya diusulkan sebagai varietas baru.
Kata kunci : padi beras hitam, teknik mutasi, radiasi sinar gamma
Karakterisasi Material Kemasan Pulp Cetak tanpa Perekat dari Pulp Batang Jagung
Molded pulp is an alternative packaging which has renewable and biodegradable properties. The use of molded pulp as packaging material still constrained due to the specific data that describes the characteristics of molded pulp has not widely publicized yet. This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of molded pulp as an alternative packaging material. Cornstalk was selected as raw materials which has abundant availabilty. Molded pulp packaging was manufactured by thermoformed methods. The thermoset nature of lignin in cornstalks would give possibilties in manufacture of molded pulp without using adhesive. The results showed the mechanical characteristics of binderless molded pulp from cornstalk pulp which have tensile index from 17.78 to 35.78 Nm/g, tear index from 9,25 to 26,09 mN.m2/g, and burst index from 0.901 to 1.5 kPa.m2/g. The effects of dependent variables on the mechanical properties of molded pulp were studied by statistical modelling using a polynomial second order. The empirical models were deduced to satisfactorily fit experimental data with the values of independent variables and allow to quantifiying the effects of each variables. The most influential factor on tensile and burst index of molded pulp was temperature of processing. Whereas, the processing pressure has greater influence on tear index of molded pulp
Perilaku Kekuatan Baja Tulangan Beton Akibat Kebakaran
In general, when a reinforced concrete suffered a fire, a lot of people tend to replace it with anew reinforced concrete, because they assume that the strength of the element structure isalready changing. Though it is possible to keep re-creating the building by recountingstrength structural elements. The purpose of this studywass to know a changing of yield andtensile strength toward concrete-steel reinforced bar after burning at various temperature.Steel reinforced bar used was 13 mm (S13) and 16 mm (S16) in diameter which is the gradewas (BjTS 40) and (BjTS 35), respectively. The yield and tensile strength as receivedcondition of S13 were 432,02 MPa and 583,62 MPa, respectively, and S16 were 369,38 MPaand 514,58 MPa, respectively. The average yield strength of S13 after burning at 600 °C,800 °C, and 1000°C, were 411,78 MPa, 417,80 MPa, and 428,14 MPa, respectively. And thetensile strength of S13 were 563,64 MPa, 568,83 MPa, and 577,83 MPa, respectively. Theaverage of yield strength of S16 were 346,15 MPa, 358,13 MPa, and 362,28 MPa,respectively. And the tensile strength of S16 were 504,94 MPa, 507,05 MPa, and 518,49MPa, respectively. Based on this result, S13 and S16 concrete-steel reinforced bar beforeand after burning were still in the same grade compare to as rechieved. It can be concludedthat the building after fire at a temperature 600 ° C, 800 ° C and 1000 ° C for 1 hour with 2.5cm concrete cover thickness still meet the strength requirements of the building
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