387 research outputs found

    Effective source approach to self-force calculations

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    Numerical evaluation of the self-force on a point particle is made difficult by the use of delta functions as sources. Recent methods for self-force calculations avoid delta functions altogether, using instead a finite and extended "effective source" for a point particle. We provide a review of the general principles underlying this strategy, using the specific example of a scalar point charge moving in a black hole spacetime. We also report on two new developments: (i) the construction and evaluation of an effective source for a scalar charge moving along a generic orbit of an arbitrary spacetime, and (ii) the successful implementation of hyperboloidal slicing that significantly improves on previous treatments of boundary conditions used for effective-source-based self-force calculations. Finally, we identify some of the key issues related to the effective source approach that will need to be addressed by future work.Comment: Invited review for NRDA/Capra 2010 (Theory Meets Data Analysis at Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratios), Perimeter Institute, June 2010, CQG special issue - 22 pages, 8 figure

    A Method for Revealing and Addressing Security Vulnerabilities in Cyber-physical Systems by Modeling Malicious Agent Interactions with Formal Verification

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    Several cyber-attacks on the cyber-physical systems (CPS) that monitor and control critical infrastructure were publically announced over the last few years. Almost without exception, the proposed security solutions focus on preventing unauthorized access to the industrial control systems (ICS) at various levels – the defense in depth approach. While useful, it does not address the problem of making the systems more capable of responding to the malicious actions of an attacker once they have gained access to the system. The first step in making an ICS more resilient to an attacker is identifying the cyber security vulnerabilities the attacker can use during system design. This paper presents a method that reveals cyber security vulnerabilities in ICS through the formal modeling of the system and malicious agents. The inclusion of the malicious agent in the analysis of an existing systems identifies security vulnerabilities that are missed in traditional functional model checking

    Quasi-local contribution to the scalar self-force: Non-geodesic Motion

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    We extend our previous calculation of the quasi-local contribution to the self-force on a scalar particle to general (not necessarily geodesic) motion in a general spacetime. In addition to the general case and the case of a particle at rest in a stationary spacetime, we consider as examples a particle held at rest in Reissner-Nordstrom and Kerr-Newman space-times. This allows us to most easily analyse the effect of non-geodesic motion on our previous results and also allows for comparison to existing results for Schwarzschild spacetime.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, corrected typo in Eq. 2.

    Generic effective source for scalar self-force calculations

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    A leading approach to the modelling of extreme mass ratio inspirals involves the treatment of the smaller mass as a point particle and the computation of a regularized self-force acting on that particle. In turn, this computation requires knowledge of the regularized retarded field generated by the particle. A direct calculation of this regularized field may be achieved by replacing the point particle with an effective source and solving directly a wave equation for the regularized field. This has the advantage that all quantities are finite and require no further regularization. In this work, we present a method for computing an effective source which is finite and continuous everywhere, and which is valid for a scalar point particle in arbitrary geodesic motion in an arbitrary background spacetime. We explain in detail various technical and practical considerations that underlie its use in several numerical self-force calculations. We consider as examples the cases of a particle in a circular orbit about Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes, and also the case of a particle following a generic time-like geodesic about a highly spinning Kerr black hole. We provide numerical C code for computing an effective source for various orbital configurations about Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, final published versio

    Improving the triple bottom line returns from smallholder tree farms in the Philippines: A systems approach

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    This paper outlines the application of systems thinking in investigating ways to improve the returns to smallholder tree farmers in the Philippines. The paper illustrates how a systems approach was used in the conceptualisation of the project and how systems thinking facilitated a shared understanding of the how each individual’s research contributed to the broader project activities. Systems thinking has also been used in the design and implementation of various project activities. Three examples are provided. The first example illustrates how a systems diagram was developed which outlined the direct and indirect linkages between biophysical data on tree farms and various activities designed to increase returns. The second example illustrates how the suggested approach for improving the flow of information concerning tree registration, harvest and transportation regulations and approval mechanisms link with various project activities and have been informed by a series of action research workshops. The third example illustrates how systems thinking has been applied to understand the factors affecting the production of high quality tree seedlings and to investigate the effect of policy interventions on improving the quality of seedlings available to smallholders

    1,3-Bis(4-bromo­phen­yl)imidazolium chloride dihydrate

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    In the title hydrated salt, C15H11Br2N2 +·Cl−·2H2O, the complete imidazolium cation is generated by a crystallographic twofold axis, with one C atom lying on the axis. The chloride ion and both water mol­ecules of crystallization also lie on a crystallographic twofold axis of symmetry. The cation is non-planar, the dihedral angle formed between the central imidazolium and benzene rings being 12.9 (3)°; the dihedral angle between the symmetry-related benzene rings is 25.60 (13)°. In the crystal, O—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds result in supra­molecular chains along c mediated by eight-membered {⋯HOH⋯Cl}2 synthons. These are consolidated by C—H⋯O and π–π [centroid–centroid distance = 3.687 (3) Å] inter­actions


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    This paper describes the field techniques used to measure timber volume and log quality from smallholder tree farms on Leyte Island conducted as part of ACIAR project ASEM/2003/052, Improving Financial Returns from Smallholder Tree Farms in the Philippines . Tree farms were included in the sample if they were 0.1 ha or greater in area and contained 100 or more trees. Paired circular blocks were chosen for measurement, one in the centre and one on the edge of the tree block. Where tree farms included multiple blocks of trees, two circular plots were established within each block. For each tree over 10 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) in the plot, measurements were made of dbh, diameter at the base (db), tree height, location, crown depth, crown radius, bearing and distance of each tree with reference to the plot centre. Estimates of log lengths and grade that each tree was expected to yield were also recorded, along with a sketch of each tree. In addition, data were collected on tree farm, block and plot characteristics, and were entered into an ACCESS database for subsequent analysis

    Spin–orbit precession for eccentric black hole binaries at first order in the mass ratio

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    We consider spin–orbit ('geodetic') precession for a compact binary in strong-field gravity. Specifically, we compute ψ, the ratio of the accumulated spin-precession and orbital angles over one radial period, for a spinning compact body of mass m 1 and spin s 1, with s1Gm12/c{{s}_{1}}\ll Gm_{1}^{2}/c , orbiting a non-rotating black hole. We show that ψ can be computed for eccentric orbits in both the gravitational self-force and post-Newtonian frameworks, and that the results appear to be consistent. We present a post-Newtonian expansion for ψ at next-to-next-to-leading order, and a Lorenz-gauge gravitational self-force calculation for ψ at first order in the mass ratio. The latter provides new numerical data in the strong-field regime to inform the effective one-body model of the gravitational two-body problem. We conclude that ψ complements the Detweiler redshift z as a key invariant quantity characterizing eccentric orbits in the gravitational two-body problem

    The capacity of refugia for conservation planning under climate change

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    Refugia – areas that may facilitate the persistence of species during large-scale, long-term climatic change – are increasingly important for conservation planning. There are many methods for identifying refugia, but the ability to quantify their potential for facilitating species persistence (ie their “capacity”) remains elusive. We propose a flexible framework for prioritizing future refugia, based on their capacity. This framework can be applied through various modeling approaches and consists of three steps: (1) definition of scope, scale, and resolution; (2) identification and quantification; and (3) prioritization for conservation. Capacity is quantified by multiple indicators, including environmental stability, microclimatic heterogeneity, size, and accessibility of the refugium. Using an integrated, semi-mechanistic modeling technique, we illustrate how this approach can be implemented to identify refugia for the plant diversity of Tasmania, Australia. The highest- capacity climate-change refugia were found primarily in cool, wet, and topographically complex environments, several of which we identify as high priorities for biodiversity conservation and management

    First results from the CROP-11 deep seismic profile, central Apennines, Italy: evidence of mid-crustal folding

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    The CROP-11 deep seismic profile across the central Apennines, Italy, reveals a previously unknown, mid-crustal antiform here interpreted as a fault-bend fold-like structure. The seismic facies and gravity signature suggest that this structure consists of low-grade metamorphic rocks. Geomorphological, stratigraphic and tectonic evidence in the overlying shallow thrusts suggests that this structure developed in early to mid-Messinian time and grew out of sequence in late Messinian– Pliocene time. The out-of-sequence growth may reflect a taper subcriticality stage of the Apenninic thrust wedge, which induced renewed contraction in the rear.Published583–586ope