23 research outputs found


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    The importance of patient safety when carrying out dental and oral care processes is essential. However, the high levels of contamination that have been reported in dental units are of particular concern, so it is necessary to identify and study the patterns of bacterial contaminants and the transduction mechanisms of bacterial responses to their environment. This study investigates the diversity of bacterial contamination in dental units, chemotaxtic signals, and pathways from chemoreceptors through in silico approched. In silico research was carried out using several online and offline software tools utilizing a genomic sequence database from bacteria-contaminated with dental units. Phylogenetic analysis of the tree based on the 16s rRNA gene using MEGA 6 software, protein signaling interactions were analyzed using MiST 3.0 (https://mistdb.com/), signal transduction and protein structure (https://pfam.xfam.org/), the role of chemotaxis using interPro Ebi (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/structure/), dan biological process using Ebi QuickGo (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/). The analysis showed that 58 species of bacterial contamination showed a similarity test > 95%. Chemosensory pathway analysis of P. aeruginosa with a genome length of 6.538 Mbp through 8 signaling mechanism pathways for a total of 48 MCP. Signaling pathways.MCP signaling analysis classes are 24H, 36H, 40H, and 44H, while the identification of MCP classes is grouped based on chemosensory classes, namely CheW, CheA, CheR, CheB, Chev, CheD, and CheZ. The conclusion of this study, the complexity of the chemoreceptor interaction pathway in adapting quickly to the environment.&nbsp

    Pemodelan Kanal Wimax IEEE 802.16e Dengan Menggunakan Model Kanal SUI

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    ABSTRAKSI: Standar IEEE 802.16e atau dikenal dengan Mobile WiMAX adalah adalah bentuk pengembangan dari standar WiMAX sebelumnya untuk mendukung mobilitas pengguna. Mobile WiMAX memenuhi kapabilitas untuk aplikasi portable dan mobile yang merupakan optimalisasi kinerja dari standar sebelumnya sehingga dapat mengatasi dinamika kanal mobile. Untuk mengatasi dinamika kanal mobile wireless yang rumit diperlukan suatu model kanal yang akurat sehingga jaringan mobile WiMAX dapat terencana dengan baik. Pada Tugas Akhir ini penulis mempelajari algoritma pemodelan kanal sistem Mobile WiMAX dengan menggunakan salah satu model kanal empirik, yaitu model kanal SUI (Stanford Uniersity Interim). Model kanal SUI dianggap akurat untuk menggambarkan kanal mobile wireless karena memperhitungkan karakteristik dispersif kanal dan mencakup semua tipe terrain. Karakteristik kanal tersebut kemungkinan besar akan kita temui pada penerapan komunikasi mobile wireless. Pengaruh parameter-pameter model SUI seperti delay spread dan Doppler spread diinvestigasi menggunakan simulasi komputer dengan bantuan software Matlab R2007a. Penulis menemukan bahwa kinerja kanal yang baik tidak dapat dicapai tanpa menggunakan proses ekualisasi pada domain frekuensi. Oleh karena itu, penulis menggunakan teknik ekualisasi adaptif linier dengan menggunakan sinyal training untuk memperbaiki kinerja kanal. Dengan menggunakan teknik ekualisasi tersebut, kinerja kanal meningkat secara signifikan. Kinerja kanal tersebut juga tidak mengalami perubahan berarti pada pengguna dengan kecepatan rendah. Pada kecepatan tinggi, kinerja kanal menurun drastis. Penurunan kinerja pada kecepatan tinggi dapat diperbaiki dengan proses ekualisasi pada domain waktu.Kata Kunci : Mobile WiMAX, SUI, kanal, ekualisasi, delay spread, Doppler spread.ABSTRACT: The IEEE 802.16e standard, known as Mobile WiMAX, is an improvement of previous WiMAX standard to support user mobility. Mobile WiMAX conform the capability of portable and mobile application which optimize the previous standard performance to resolve dynamic mobile wireless channel. To resolve dynamic mobile wireless channel, an accurate channel model is required, so that the mobile wireless network could be well planned. In this Final Project, the writer learns about channel modeling algorithm for mobile WiMAX system using one of empiric channel models, SUI (Stanford University Interim) channel model. This model is believed to be accurate to describe mobile wireless channel because it calculate the dispersive characteristic of channel and cover all terrain types. That channel characteristic will possibly be found at mobile wireless communication. The effects of system parameters, such as Doppler spread and delay spread, are investigated using computer simulations by help of Matlab R2007a. Simulation results show that good channel performance cannot be reached without using frequency domain equalization. Therefore, writer uses adaptive linear equalizer using training signal to improve the channel performance. With that type of frequency domain equalization, channel performance significantly improved, especially to channel with large delay spread. The channel performance is not decrease significantly in low speed mobility user. In high speed mobility user, the channel performance is decrease drastically. Channel performance in high speed mobility can be improved by time domain equalization. Keyword: Mobile WiMAX, SUI, channel, equalization, delay spread, Dopple


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    Access to clean water is fundamental for the population health, but for many rural and remote areas in Indonesia include Cilacap Regency those accesses are still limited. Furthermore, studies that assess the water quality in remote and rural areas in Indonesia are still lacking. Most of the people in Cilacap regency use dug wells and ponds as sources of clean water. Preliminary observations indicate that well and pond water smells fishy, reddish-yellow, or brownish. This condition indicates high iron levels. The test results showed that the iron content exceeded the standard in the pond in Sumbereja Hamlet, RT 03 RW 02, which was 9.8 mg/l (standard quality of 1 mg/l). This study aims to determine the spatial distribution of the water quality and the health-related problems in the rural areas of Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. This was a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional approach. We purposely sampled 40 wells and ponds located in Bringkeng Village, Cilacap Regency, Indonesia and assess the water quality by measuring the level. The results showed the lowest and the highest level of TDS (125.90-5090 mg/l), color (40 -2047 TCU), iron (0.16-6.45 mg/l), manganese (<0.1- 3.61 mg/l). Health problems experienced by respondents and or their families during the last three months, namely 3 people with diarrhea, 7 people with diabetes, 12 people with gout arthritis, 10 people with hypertension, 1 person with nervous system disorders, and 7 people with dry skin disorders/scaly. All dug wells and ponds did not meet the quality standards based on TDS, color, iron, and manganese levels. Water from dug wells and ponds needs special treatment to obtain water that is suitable for hygiene and sanitation purposes.Akses terhadap air bersih sangat penting bagi kesehatan penduduk, namun bagi banyak daerah pedesaan dan terpencil di Indonesia termasuk Kabupaten Cilacap akses tersebut masih terbatas. Selain itu, penelitian yang menilai kualitas air di daerah terpencil dan pedesaan di Indonesia masih kurang. Sebagian besar masyarakat di Kabupaten Cilacap menggunakan sumur gali dan kolam sebagai sumber air bersih. Studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa air sumur dan kolam berbau amis, kuning kemerahan, atau kecoklatan. Kondisi ini menunjukkan kadar zat besi yang tinggi. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan kadar besi melebihi baku mutu pada kolam di Dusun Sumbereja RT 03 RW 02 yaitu 9,8 mg/l (baku mutu 1 mg/l). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran spasial kualitas air dan masalah kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan air di pedesaan Kabupaten Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Kami memilih 40 sumur dan kolam yang terletak di Desa Bringkeng, Kabupaten Cilacap dan menilai kualitas air dengan mengukur kadarnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar TDS terendah dan tertinggi (125,90-5090 mg/l), warna (40 -2047 TCU), besi (0,16-6,45 mg/l), mangan (<0,1- 3,61 mg/l). Gangguan kesehatan yang dialami responden dan atau keluarganya selama tiga bulan terakhir yaitu diare 3 orang, diabetes 7 orang, artritis gout 12 orang, hipertensi 10 orang, gangguan sistem saraf 1 orang, dan kulit kering 7 orang kelainan/bersisik. Semua sumur gali dan kolam tidak memenuhi baku mutu berdasarkan kadar TDS, warna, besi, dan mangan. Air dari sumur gali dan kolam memerlukan perlakuan khusus untuk mendapatkan air yang layak untuk keperluan higiene dan sanitasi

    Laporan Kasus: Kandidiasis Akut Eritematous pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus

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    Oral Candidiasis is infectious that caused by fungi Candida albican. Candida infection can happen on Diabetes mellitus patients (DM) because of glucose high level on oral cavity fluid and decreasing immunity patient. The purpose was to discuss and management acute erythematous candidiasis on DM patient. A 63-year-old male patient arrives at the Dental Hospital with dorsal pain, heat and pain when eating and drinking. Pain has been felt since about 2 months ago after the patient experienced heart disease. The patient has a history of controlled diabetes mellitus, controlled hypertension, asthma and gastritis. The patient feels pain in his tongue getting worse accompanied by a burning sensation and pain when the body was unhealthy. The patient was diagnosed with acute erythematous candidiasis and treated with systemic antifungal, mouthwash and topical antiseptic for oral cavity cases and was referred to an internal medicine specialist for blood sugar control. The patient was declared cured after 36 days of treatment. Knowing the predisposing factors in this case (DM) is very important in the management of erythematous acute candidiasis therapy. Patients with diabetes mellitus must routinely control blood glucose levels, maintain oral hygiene and not worsen by adding other predisposing factors

    Kitosan Teradiasi Gamma 5 kGy Mempengaruhi Muatan Permukaan Nanopartikel MikroRNA

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    Abstract Nanoparticles are non-viral vectors with biodegradability and controlled release abilities that are widely used in gene transfer. Nanoparticles are said to be able to effectively combine and concentrate DNA and RNA in products to be delivered to various cells. Based on changes in microRNA expression in cancer, delivery using microRNA nanoparticles from outside the body is expected to be one of the therapeutic solutions. Irradiated chitosan is assumed to undergo cutting off the main polysaccharide group to produce a smaller molecular weight compared to nonirradiated chitosan. The desired irradiation process to reduce chitosan particle size so that it has better absorption efficiency into the cell needs to be further evaluated including looking at its effect on the final potential zeta. Zeta potential is important to ensure that the nanoparticles are positive enough to be able to enter the negatively charged cell membrane. Chitosan used was irradiated at a dose of 5kGy mixed with 1: 1 nucleic acid ratio. The results of zeta potential measurements showed the highest zeta potential values ​​of 15.27 mV and 13.63 mV obtained in the formula with chitosan-microRNA composition only. The measurement result of zeta potential of irradiated chitosan nanoparticles decreases the surface charge of the particles, this can reduce the potential of nanoparticles for the process of delivery into the cell.   Keyword : Irradiated chitosan; nanoparticle; zeta potential &nbsp

    Peningkatan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Siswa/Siswi SD Negeri 2 Linggasari dengan Pembuatan Kader Dokter Gigi Kecil di Desa Linggasari, Kembaran, Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Peningkatan derajat kesehatan gigi dan mulut utamanya dalam mencegah terjadinya karies pada gigi dapat dilakukan melalui tindakan promotif, preventif, kuratif, dan rehabilitative dengan pemberdayaan kader. Salah satu bentuk kader yang dapat dibangun adalah pembentukan Dokter Gigi Kecil (DOKGICIL) pada tingkat sekolah dasar yang merupakan bagian dari Usaha Kehatan Gigi Sekolah (UKGS). DOKGICIL merupakan individu yang terorganisir dalam waktu tertentu dan kualitasnya terus ditingkatkan secara bertahap guna mencapai suatu tujuan yaitu kualitas kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang baik. Metode pelaksanaan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu membentuk kader DOKGICIL. Kemudian dilakukan pelatihan DOKGICIL. Setelah itu melakukan penilaian tingkat pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada siswa-siswi kelas III-VI SDN 2 Linggasari dengan kuisioner (pre-test). Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dilakukan penyuluhan oleh kader DOKGICIL, penilaian pengetahuan setelah penyuluhan dilakukan dengan kuisioner (post-test). Kemudian membandingkan hasil pretest dan posttest pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut siswa kelas III-VI SDN 2 Linggasari. Analisis data pretest dan posttest dilakukan melalui aplikasi IBM SPSS menggunakan uji pair t-test. Hasil analisa data didapatkan bahwa p<0,05, sehingga terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara tingkat pengetahuan siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan oleh DOKGICIL. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembentukan kader DOKGICIL terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan tingkat pengetahuan pada siswa/i kelas III-VI SDN 2 Linggasari

    Wound healing induces VEGF expression stimulated by forest honey in palatoplasty Sprague Dawley

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    Background: Cleft palate is a craniofacial disorder with definitive therapy using the V–Y pushback technique palatoplasty, which has the impact of leaving the bone exposed on the palate with long wound healing and a high risk of infection. Forest honey has high antioxidants and the ability to accelerate wound healing. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of forest honey on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression to accelerate the wound healing process after palatoplasty biopsy. Methods: Posttest only control group design using Sprague Dawley palatoplasty was performed on 15 rats which were divided into three groups, namely the honey treatment (KP), Aloclair as a positive control (KPP), and aquadest as a negative control (KKN). As much as 25 mg of honey was given therapeutically, and VEGF expression analysis post-biopsy palatoplasty was measured using the ELISA test. ANOVA analysis was carried out to determine the significant differences between each treatment, and in silico analysis was conducted to determine the compounds’ role in honey on the mechanism of VEGF expression. Results: Statistical analysis of VEGF expression in the KP group was 41.10 ng/ml ± 0.26, the KKP was 39.57 ± 0.27, while the KKN was 33.26 ± 0.62 (p≤ 0.01). In silico study, genistein (C15H10O5) targets several signaling pathways such as PI3K-Akt, AMPK, and mTOR, affecting accelerated proliferation and angiogenesis. Conclusion: In wound healing acceleration, forest honey induced VEGF expression through the genistein mechanism of angiogenesis and cell proliferation

    Over- and down-expression mir-29c and mir-21 after chemotherapy and radio-therapy in nasopharyngeal carcinomas and the down-regulating proteins encoding eipstein barr virus and c-Myc.

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    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is the type of cancer related to multiple risk factors, including infection by Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). Standard treatment of NPC involves radiotherapy and chemotherapy in local and advanced tumors, while metastatic cases are treated with systemic chemotherapy. However, there is limited data on the causes of tumor recurrence, resistance, and progression. Moreover, the initial symptoms of NPC were often neglected until later enlarged, thus making it difficult to manage. MicroRNA (miRNA) is short molecule with 18-24 nucleotides and functions as protein-expression regulator protein in post-transcription. This study was aimed to determine miRNA expression and its relationship with the incidence of NPC. miR-21 and miR-29c were known to be involved in the development of NPC and resistance. A total of 51 plasma samples and 17 tissue samples were collected from Dharmais Hospital. The samples were taken from 17 untreated patients, 17 treated patients, and 17 healthy participants as control. We examined miRNA, protein of protein EBV (EBNA), and c-Myc expression using immunohistochemistry and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Our study revealed an increased expression of miR-21 and decreased expression of miR-29c in patients with NPC. There was also a correlation between the regulation of expression of miR-21 and c-Myc in the treated group of patients, and decreased expression in patients with complete response (CR) (4.13 ± 3.65: 2.74 ± 3.23; p <0.1). The parameters tend to increase in patients with partial response (PR) (3.00 ± 5, 86 compared to 8.77 ± 8.43; p <0.5), while no significant difference in expression of miR-29c in patients with CR and PR was detected. We concluded that miRNA might be detected in the plasma of NPC patients, and miR-21 might become a useful biomarker to determine therapeutic outcome in NPC patients.Keywords: nasopharyngeal cancer; miRNA; biomarke

    Prediktor Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) Melalui Pemeriksaan Profil Lipid (HDL, LDL, Trigliserid) Menggunakan Rumus Castelli Dan Indeks Aterogenik Plasma (AIP) di Desa Srowot Kecamatan Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Kolesterol berkaitan erat dengan kejadian penyakit jantung koroner atau PJK. Kolesterol yang terlalu banyak di dalam pembuluh darah akan menyebabkan akumulasi plak kolesterol atau sering disebut aterosklerosis. Pemeriksaan kolesterol lengkap yang meliputi low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), trigliserida, dan kolesterol total dapat memberikan gambaran atau prediktor resiko PJK dengan menggunakan rumus indeks Castelli dan Indeks aterogenik plasma (IAP). Pemeriksaan kolesterol lengkap dilaksanakan bekerja sama dengan Kader Posyandu, Bidan Desa, dan Perangkat Desa dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 48 orang yang terdiri dari 40 perempuan dan laki-laki sebanyak 8 orang. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa resiko PJK dengan menggunakan indeks Castelli sebagian besar warga memiliki resiko rendah sebanyak 69% dibanding resiko sedang 27% dan resiko tinggi sebanyak 4 %. Sedangkan dengan menggunakan IAP, menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mengalami resiko tinggi PJK sebanyak 38%, resiko sedang 52%, dan resiko rendah hanya mencapai 10%. Kegiatan ini diharapkan menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi warga agar lebih memperhatikan pola makan yang dapat meningkatkan resiko terjadinya PJK, dengan mengurangi makanan-makanan yang mengandung kolesterol yang tingg