67 research outputs found

    Peran Kepuasan Pelanggan dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Kualitas Produk terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan pada Produk Pewangi Pakaian Molto di Kota Denpasar

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran kepuasan pelanggan dalam memediasi pengaruh kualitas produk terhadap loyalitas pelanggan produk pewangi pakaian Molto di Kota Denpasar. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode asosiatif yang berbentuk kausal (sebab akibat). Sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 100 responden.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah menyebarkan kuesioner kepada para pelanggan produk pewangi pakaian Molto di Kota Denpasar. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis) yang disertai Uji Sobel untuk menguji hubungan mediasi antar variabel. Hasil penelitian menyatakan peran kepuasan pelanggan mampu memediasi secara positif dan signifikan pengaruh kualitas produk terhadap loyalitas pelanggan produk pewangi pakaian Molto di Kota Denpasar

    The role of fatty acid structure in various pure vegetable oils on flame characteristics and stability behavior for industrial furnace

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    This study investigates the effects of the fatty acid composition of various vegetable oils on the behavior of flames in the combustion process. The research is important for the substitution of fossil fuel using environmentally friendly vegetable oil. Five oils were tested including coconut oil, palm kernel oil, cotton seed oil, ceiba petandra oil and jatropha curcas oil. The oils were burned on an open tray at various air speeds performing three combustion regions, i. e., premixed combustion at the upstream region followed by transition region and diffusion combustion region at the downstream. Flame stability was tested at an air speed of 49 cm/s, 55 cm/s, and 64 cm/s. The image of the flame was recorded using a high-speed video camera at the rate of 200 frames per second. The flame temperature was measured by the K-type thermocouple. The results show that the higher saturated fatty acid content makes the flame brighter and more wavelet numbers present at the flame front maintaining the flame stability at a wide range of air speeds. The saturated fatty acid has a high flash point which is difficult to be burned at the flame front and escaping to burn as diffusion flame at the downstream region. The fatty acid content also affects the flame color which is evident in jatropha curcas oil with mostly a premixed/blue flame color and producing the highest thermal energy, while coconut oil is mostly a diffusion flame/yellow color. The longer ignition delay is shown in coconut oil because of the high saturated fatty acid content. The higher the unsaturated fatty acid content makes the flame more unstable. This shows that the bright yellow diffusion flame color is a good source of radiation thermal energy for flame stability. The flame color and the flame stability data are very valuable for designing efficient and stable industrial furnace with vegetable oil. This study gives insight into the influence of fatty acid chemical structure and physical properties on the combustion characteristics for thermal energy production. When high-temperature gas is needed in the industrial furnace, vegetable oil with unsaturated fatty acids is the choice by keeping the lower air speed. But when the industrial furnace with stable combustion process is the goal, the oil with saturated fatty acids is the best for a wide range of air speeds

    The role of fatty acid structure in various pure vegetable oils on flame characteristics and stability behavior for industrial furnace

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    This study investigates the effects of the fatty acid composition of various vegetable oils on the behavior of flames in the combustion process. The research is important for the substitution of fossil fuel using environmentally friendly vegetable oil. Five oils were tested including coconut oil, palm kernel oil, cotton seed oil, ceiba petandra oil and jatropha curcas oil. The oils were burned on an open tray at various air speeds performing three combustion regions, i. e., premixed combustion at the upstream region followed by transition region and diffusion combustion region at the downstream. Flame stability was tested at an air speed of 49 cm/s, 55 cm/s, and 64 cm/s. The image of the flame was recorded using a high-speed video camera at the rate of 200 frames per second. The flame temperature was measured by the K-type thermocouple. The results show that the higher saturated fatty acid content makes the flame brighter and more wavelet numbers present at the flame front maintaining the flame stability at a wide range of air speeds. The saturated fatty acid has a high flash point which is difficult to be burned at the flame front and escaping to burn as diffusion flame at the downstream region. The fatty acid content also affects the flame color which is evident in jatropha curcas oil with mostly a premixed/blue flame color and producing the highest thermal energy, while coconut oil is mostly a diffusion flame/yellow color. The longer ignition delay is shown in coconut oil because of the high saturated fatty acid content. The higher the unsaturated fatty acid content makes the flame more unstable. This shows that the bright yellow diffusion flame color is a good source of radiation thermal energy for flame stability. The flame color and the flame stability data are very valuable for designing efficient and stable industrial furnace with vegetable oil. This study gives insight into the influence of fatty acid chemical structure and physical properties on the combustion characteristics for thermal energy production. When high-temperature gas is needed in the industrial furnace, vegetable oil with unsaturated fatty acids is the choice by keeping the lower air speed. But when the industrial furnace with stable combustion process is the goal, the oil with saturated fatty acids is the best for a wide range of air speeds


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    Permintaan komoditi kedelai semakin meningkat sesuai pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk, sementara suplai sangat sedikit karena masih banyak lahan yang belum digunakan untuk menanam kedelai. Diduga hasil produksi dipengaruhi oleh jenis benih dan kondisi tanah sehingga petani enggan investasi tanam kedelai. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara eksperimen menggunakan 5 jenis benih unggul yaitu: Raja Basa, Mutiara1, Dena1, Dega1 dan Grobogan, yang ditanam di 3 Kecamatan di Kabupaten Malang, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan desain eksperimen yaitu desain 2 faktor dengan model acak dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa interaksi antara jenis benih dan lokasi tanam sangat berpengaruh pada hasil kedelai

    Analisa Variasi Jenis Benih kedelai indonesia dan lokasi tanam terhadap hasil produksi untuk memenuhi permintaan

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    Permintaan komoditi kedelai semakin meningkat sesuai pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk, sementara suplai sangat sedikit karena masih banyak lahan yang belum digunakan untuk menanam kedelai. Diduga hasil produksi dipengaruhi oleh jenis benih dan kondisi tanah sehingga petani enggan investasi tanam kedelai. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara eksperimen menggunakan 5 jenis benih unggul yaitu: Raja Basa, Mutiara1, Dena1, Dega1 dan Grobogan, yang ditanam di 3 Kecamatan di Kabupaten Malang, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan desain eksperimen yaitu desain 2 faktor dengan model acak dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa interaksi antara jenis benih dan lokasi tanam sangat berpengaruh pada hasil kedelai

    Analysis of Indonesian Soybean Production Result by Intercropping Plants

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    Domestic soybean production in Indonesia is still lack in fulfilling the country’s demand. The soybean import rate is still high, for about 253% from the domestic need. Strategies were studied and developed to increase the domestic soybean production that could reduce the import rate. The objective of this study was planting domestic soybean together with vegetable crops, named intercropping method, in order to increase the production to meet the soybean demand. The principle of this research is testing some variables that affect the fulfillment of soybean needs to reduce imports. The research was conducted by experimentally using five superior varieties of Raja Basa, Mutiara 1, Dega 1, Dena 1, and Grobogan, to be grown next to small red chilli, long green eggplant and sweet corn plants. The experiments and data collection were carried out in carried out in Pulungdowo Village. The data processing and analysis were using an experimental design that is a random block design with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that there was no difference in the use of varieties with vegetable crops on soybean production, but each Indonesian soybean variety has production potential according to the profile of the variety. Keyword: Soybean Varieties, Intercropping Plants, Production Result

    Utilization of plantation land for increasing Indonesian soybean production

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    o meet the increasing demand for soybeans in Indonesia, it is necessary to increase the production rate. One way to do that is by utilizing the plantation land. The study was conducted by planting five Indonesian soybean varieties under the Sengon (Chinese albizia) tree, under a pine tree and next to the soursop tree. The data analysis used 2-factor experimental design with a confidence level of 95% and used a random model. From the results of the study it was found that there was no effect on the use of various types of Indonesian soybean varieties and the planting location toward the crop production. On the other hand, for the interaction of the use of various types of Indonesian soybeans and planting locations there was a slight influence on the crop production. Indonesian soybean production planted under Sengon trees is in an average of 2.4 kg/10mx 10m. The soybean planted under pine trees produced average of 2.5 kg/10mx 10m, while soybean planted next to soursop trees is in average of 2.3 kg/10mx 10m. Therefore, it can be concluded that plantation land does not affect the production of Indonesian Soybean. Each Indonesian soybean variety has its own production profile, as stated by its discoverer

    Effect of Sugar Palm Fiber Surface on Interfacial Bonding with Natural Sago Matrix

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    Palm fibers were immersed in sea water for 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks prior to application as reinforcement of green biocomposite. Instead of common resin matrix, natural sago starch was applied as the matrix compound. The immersion treatments had significantly affected fibers surface morphology and interfacial bonds of fiber and the matrix as observed through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The quality of interfacial bonds became higher by additional duration of the sea water immersion. The best interlocking surfaces of fibers and matrix appeared in the composite with 4-week immersed fibers, indicated by disappearance of gaps between fiber and matrix. The morphology of fibers surface interlocking process was clearly seen during the duration of immersion

    The Effect of Ladder-Bar Shape Variation for A Ladder-Secondary Double-Sided Linear Induction Motor (LSDSLIM) Design to Cogging Force and Useful Thrust Performances

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    This paper describes an investigation on the variation of the magnetic circuit of LSDSLIM (Ladder Secondary Double-Sided Linear Induction Motors) for the ladder-bar shape effects of cogging action and useful thrust. The comparisons are based on the Maxwell Stress method and FE method. The background of this investigation is related to that there are conflicts between the air gap length and cogging force and useful thrust for the Linear induction motor design with ladder secondary. Therefore, as the first stage of the design, the objectives are to investigate the minimum cogging forces and maximum useful thrust for the ladder shape effect. The methodology of investigation is based on the variation of the tooth width and the slot width of stationary part for the variation of the shape of ladder-bars. The tooth width and the slot width of moving part remain constant. The two laddershaped which are investigated include trapezoidal ladder bar and rectangular ladder bar. In each shape, the variation of the ratio between the tooth width and the slot width of ladder bar is conducted, and the maximum magnitude of the cogging action and magnitude maximum of useful thrust are investigated. The goodness of this procedure is the ratio between cogging action to useful thrust. This investigation shows that the trapezoidLadder Bars can decrease the magnitude of the Cogging Action in linear induction motor until 2.5% compared to the rectangular ladder-bars, and the thrust does not decrease in significant value

    The Equation of State and the Hugoniot of Laser Shock-Compressed Deuterium

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    The equation of state and the shock Hugoniot of deuterium are calculated using a first-principles approach, for the conditions of the recent shock experiments. We use density functional theory within a classical mapping of the quantum fluids [ Phys. Rev. Letters, {\bf 84}, 959 (2000) ]. The calculated Hugoniot is close to the Path-Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) result. We also consider the {\it quasi-equilibrium} two-temperature case where the Deuterons are hotter than the electrons; the resulting quasi-equilibrium Hugoniot mimics the laser-shock data. The increased compressibility arises from hot D+eD^+-e pairs occuring close to the zero of the electron chemical potential.Comment: Four pages; One Revtex manuscript, two postscipt figures; submitted to PR